Luoyang Brocade
Luoyang Brocade Chapter 90: Unraveling (2)

Ling Jingshu and Ling JIngyan talking with each other

Looking at Ling Jingyan’s pitiful look, how could Ling Jingshu still say no?

“Okay, just keep the name card!”

She estimated that even if she disagreed, Ling Jingyan would not return the name card anymore. Anyway, she didn’t plan to use this famous post, just give it to Ling Jingyan as a tribute!

Seeing Ling Jingshu agreeing so happily, Ling Jingyan was relieved at first, but then she felt something was wrong: “Ah Shu, you met His Highness Prince Yan today, don’t you have the slightest fondness for him?”

Ling Jingshu seemed to find it funny and asked, “Why should I have a crush on him?”

Ling Jingyan seemed to have forgotten that she had just burst into tears for King Yan, and said without thinking, “He is so handsome and good-looking, especially those eyes. The smile also seems to have a bit of a smile. When those eyes look at you, it is like being trapped in a whirlpool, making your face warm and heart-pounding and unable to extricate yourself…”

In short, to put it in one sentence, King Yan was born with a handsome appearance.

How could a teenage girl in her tender years, resist such a handsome young man with a hint of evil charm?

Ling Jingshu’s mind quickly flashed through King Yan’s extremely handsome face. Her heart was as indifferent as ice and snow, and her voice was also cold: “There are many handsome young men in the world, and King Yan may not be the most outstanding one.”

In terms of appearance, the gentle and handsome Lu Hong was no weaker than King Yan, only lacking in a little bit of innate nobility.

There was also the cold and handsome Imperial Grandson, who had a completely different demeanor from King Yan but was equally dazzling and outstanding.

Ling Jingyan had a rare flash of inspiration and guessed what Ling Jingshu was thinking: “Ah Shu, do you want to say that cousin Hong and the Imperial Grandson are both handsome?”

“Speaking of which, you are quite cold-hearted and hard-hearted. Cousin Hong is passionate about you, but you are not moved at all. His Highness the Imperial Grandson clearly has a special regard for you, but you don’t take it to heart. You didn’t even look at the famous invitation given to you by King Yan. Isn’t your heart made of stone?”

When she said the last sentence, Ling Jingyan lowered her voice subconsciously and muttered something in her mouth.

Ling Jingshu had keen ears. Every word was heard clearly, and she half-jokingly said, “You’re right, I am indeed unfeeling. Whether others like me or not is none of my concern. It’s not like I must reciprocate if someone happens to have some affection for me, right!”

Ling Jingyan let out a soft snort, a hint of sarcasm in her tone, “Indeed, people who like you keep coming one after another. You don’t need to be in a hurry; just take your time and pick the one that suits your heart the most.”

Something she couldn’t obtain despite her own efforts. When it came to Ling Jingshu, however, she was completely indifferent, even treating it as if it were worthless and casting it aside without a second thought…

It was truly bittersweet and envious, wasn’t it?

Ling Jingshu was silent for a moment, then raised her head and looked over: “Cousin Yan, actually, you don’t have to envy my extraordinary beauty. If possible, I would rather be mediocre, born in an ordinary family, and live an ordinary and comfortable life.”

Ling Jingyan: “…”

How could a woman not wish to be beautiful, but instead look forward to being mediocre and unattractive?

This was simply showing off in disguise!

“I’m not showing off. Everything I tell you is true.” Ling Jingshu’s voice remained calm. Her eyes were extremely complicated. It seemed to be full of darkness and pain, but soon disappeared in her eyes: “I don’t plan to get married in this life.”

It was not difficult to tell whether a person was joking or serious.

Ling Jingyan was completely shocked.

Because she could hear that Ling Jingshu meant what she said; there was not a slightest bit of joking tone just now.

“How can there be a woman who is not married?”

Ling Jingyan almost bit her tongue and said hurriedly: “Ah Shu, don’t take the bastard words I just said to heart. Although I like King Yan, he doesn’t like me at all, and it’s no one’s fault. If you and King Yan are destined in the future… I will never be jealous at all, I will only be sincerely happy for you!”

In order to prove that she was sincere, Ling Jingyan eagerly took out the name card of King Yan from the secret pocket in her sleeve. Putting it into Ling Jingshu’s hand: “This is given to you by King Yan. I shouldn’t force you to keep it and not return it to you. You should take it quickly. Maybe it will be useful one day in the future!”

That famous post, after being taken over by Ling Jingyan, she put it into a secret bag. It had never been taken out since then.

Now it still carried Ling Jingyan’s body temperature.

Ling Jingshu held the warm name card and was quite surprised: “Cousin Yan, didn’t you say you wanted to keep the name card as a memento? Are you really willing to just give it back to me like this?”

Ling Jingyan looked at the name card with pain and ambivalence. With one glance, she quickly turned her head to the side as if she was afraid of regretting it: “This was originally yours. It’s not mine!”

She said it sadly, and she wanted to cry again.

Ling Jingshu looked at Ling Jingyan who was as childish as a child. But there was a deep warmth in her heart.

Although Ling Jingyan was sometimes naughty and sometimes willful, she was kind and cute at heart.

In her previous life, Ling Jingyan was madly in love with King Yan, but in the end, she didn’t get a good marriage and died early in her twenties. In this life, she was reborn not only to change Ling Xiao’s fate of early death but also to change Ling Jingyan’s fate.

Completely ending Ling Jingyan’s thoughts about King Yan was the first and most important step.

Temporary pain was better than endless torture in the future.

Ling Jingshu made up her mind, said nothing, took the name card, and left.

Ling Jingyan heard the sound of the door opening and closing and heard Ling Jingshu’s footsteps gradually receding. Thinking that King Yan’s famous post was also taken away…

She felt reluctant, heartbroken, and sad for a while, and started to cry softly again.

Ling Jingyan did not attend the family dinner in the evening because she had a headache.

Uncle Ling didn’t come back from socializing outside, Ling Ji didn’t come back from the Imperial Academy, and Ling Jingyan, who had a “headache”, couldn’t come. There were only Madam Sun, Jiang Shi, and the Ling siblings at the dinner table.

“She was fine when she came back, but why did she suddenly have a headache? I asked the doctor to come, but she refused, saying that it would be fine after just one night’s rest.”

Madam Sun said a few words, feeling distressed and dissatisfied. Then she complained: “If I had known, I shouldn’t have let her go out today.”

Jiang Shi vaguely guessed and smiled to cover up for Ling Jingyan: “Ah Yan is lively by nature, and she will inevitably feel bored if she stays in the inner house all day. It’s better to go out to relax. It’s a good thing. It’s probably because she was exposed to too much wind and so had a headache. For this little problem, there is really no need to call a doctor.”

If a doctor was really called, Ling Jingyan’s pretense of illness would be revealed.

Ling Jingshu also opened her mouth to agree: “That’s what my tangjie said. It’s nothing to worry about. She will be fine after a day or two of rest. If we invite a doctor and let outsiders know, there may be random suspicions.”

Madam Sun also felt sorry for her daughter. After muttering a few words and being persuaded by Jiang Shi and Ling Jingshu, She finally no longer insisted on calling a doctor.

......(To be continued.)

Author’s Note: PS: I like A Yan more and more, let her get out of the shadow of lovelorn as soon as possible~~

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

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