Luoyang Brocade
Luoyang Brocade Chapter 91: Illness

Ling Jingyan didn’t eat any rice at night. She tossed and turned all night and didn’t sleep well. She caught cold air in the middle of the night and woke up in the morning with vomiting and diarrhea. She was pretending to be sick, but she didn’t expect to actually get sick.

Bitao didn’t dare to hide it and hurriedly reported the matter to Madam Sun. Madam Sun immediately sent for the doctor.

Ling Jingyan was lying on the bed with a gloomy look, her complexion was dark yellow and she was weak.

Fortunately, after one night, the red and swollen eye sockets had recovered, and nothing abnormal could be seen.

Madam Sun sat on the edge of the bed, holding Ling Jingyan’s cold hand, not to mention how distressed she was: “You girl, you are such an old person and you don’t know how to take good care of yourself. You even kicked off the quilt when you slept in the middle of the night. Look at you. It looks like this now…”

Ling Jingyan was in a gloomy mood. Listening to Madam Sun’s complaints, she felt an even headache, so she simply buried her head in the quilt like a big silkworm cocoon.

Madam Sun was angry and funny at the same time: “I only scolded you a few words, but you are acting like this, which is really embarrassing. The doctor has already prescribed the medicine, and I have sent people to get the medicine and make it. If you refuse to take medicine like before…”

Ling Jingyan refused to move, and a muffled voice came from the quilt: “Mom, my headache is about to explode, so please stop being so stop the nagging. Let me be alone for a while.”

Madam Sun frowned: “You’re not feeling well, how can you be alone…”

“Then let Ah Shu stay with me and you all go out. “

Sun Shi was speechless.

Ling Jingshu, who was standing aside, took over the conversation softly: “Bómǔ, Yān tángjiě is sick and unwell, and her mood is not going well. Just follow her. You go back and rest first, and let me stay with her. “

“How can this girl be so embarrassing!” Madam Sun said, and she had already stood up.

Ling Jingshu secretly laughed, feeling a little envious in her heart.

Her mother died early, and her voice, appearance, and smile have long been blurred. She had always been the pillar of support for her younger brother Ling Xiao. She was older than Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao was blind. She usually took care of Ling Xiao as the eldest sister and a mother.

Her father was indifferent to her, and her stepmother Li Shi was sinister and mean. Old Lady Ling just looked at her as being submissive and well-behaved, so she took a little more care.

She had rarely felt this kind of feeling of being pampered and cared for by someone.

As soon as Madam Sun and others left, the room suddenly became quiet.

Ling Jingyan stretched out her head and took a deep breath: “I am finally alone.”

Ling Jingshu smiled slightly: “Auntie cares about you, so she couldn’t help naggingly say a few words. If someone is willing to nag in my ear like this, I will be very happy.”

Ling Jingyan then remembered that Ling Jingshu had lost her mother when she was a child and smiled apologetically: “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that in front of you.”

Ling Jingshu was very calm: “It has been almost ten years since my mother died. Not to mention you, even Ah Xiao and I can hardly remember what she looked like.”

Ling Jingyan thought for a while. Then she asked tentatively: “Ah Shu, is the current fifth aunt treating you siblings badly?”

It was not just bad!

Li Shi’s heart was vicious, first causing Ah Xiao to be blind, and then harming Aunt Xia’s life. She even refused to let go of Bai Yu by her side, and finally poisoned Ah Xiao’s life……

This sworn hatred must be paid with blood!

Ling Jingshu’s eyes flashed with a bone-chilling chill, but she responded calmly: “It’s not bad. We don’t have much contact with each other normally, and we just say a few words when we meet.”

Ling Jingyan looked sympathetically: “After all, you two were not born in her own belly, so it is inevitable to be distant.”

Comparing herself with Ling Jingshu, she suddenly felt that she was very happy.

Her parents doted on her. Her brother was very kind to her, and her dàsǎo was also tolerant of her in every possible way.

“Ah Shu, am I too willful?” Ling Jingyan had a rare deep reflection: “I don’t do anything normally. I don’t have to worry about food and clothing. I want the best in everything. I also get angry and sick, which makes my mother and the others worry about me. My mother was nagging me just now, but I didn’t want to hear it, so I kicked her away…”

The more she spoke, the more guilty she became.

Ling Jingshu took the opportunity to explain: “It’s best if you can think about these things clearly. In this world, the only people who think about you wholeheartedly and are good to you are family members. You met King Yan just once, so he is nothing. Don’t torture your own body for someone who has nothing to do with you.”

Ling Jingyan felt sad at the mention of King Yan. She forced out a smile: “Ah Shu, you’re right. I was too stupid! I should have forgotten about him earlier and taken good care of myself.”

Could it be that the girl’s unforgettable love was just forgotten?

However, as long as Ling Jingyan could come to terms with it and was willing to take that step, it was always a good thing.

For the next two days, Ling Jingyan stayed in the house to recuperate.

Ling Jingyan used to hate bitter soups and medicines, and would not drink them every time she got sick. The people around her had to stare at her before she would take a few sips with a grimace.

This time she became much more well-behaved. Every time Bitao brought the medicine, she drank it all honestly.

Seeing this, Madam Sun was very happy and praised her highly in front of Jiang Shi and Ling Jingshu: “Ah Yan has really grown up. She didn’t want to take medicine when she was sick in the past. Every time she asked me for a bottle of plum. She had to be coaxed with similar snacks before she was willing to take one or two sips. Now she was willing to drink the medicine obediently.”

When she said this, she had a very proud expression.

It was hard for Jiang Shi to hold back from laughing out loud, and echoed seriously: “What my mother-in-law said, is very true. Ah Yan has indeed grown up and become sensible.”

Ling Jingshu couldn’t help but curl her lips.

Ling Jingyan felt embarrassed and covered her face with her hands: “Mom, please stop talking. I’m too embarrassed to see people.”

Madam Sun smiled disapprovingly and said: “Why are you too embarrassed to see people? I’m sincerely praising you, and it’s not false. You’re just pretending. If you don’t make a fuss and just drink the medicine, you’ve saved me a lot of worry. I’m very happy.”

Ling Jingshu and Jiang Shi looked at each other, turned their heads, and snickered.

Ling Jingyan’s face was burning, and her heart was filled with guilt.

Ah Shu was right.

In this world, the only people who really cared about her were her family. How could she wantonly torment her body for a boy she had only met once?

Moreover, she was really too immature and ignorant before. Even for the trivial matter of taking medicine, she made her mother worry about it…

Thinking of this, Ling Jingyan raised her head and said softly: “Mom, I used to be ignorant and always made you worry. I will definitely take good care of myself in the future. I won’t let you worry about me anymore.”

Hearing such thoughtful and well-behaved words, Madam Sun felt extremely relieved.

Ling Jingyan turned her head again and smiled at Ling Jingshu: “Ah Shu, it will be the 15th day of the sixth lunar month in two days. I will take good care of myself and accompany you to the Huichun Hall. Speaking of which, I have never seen the rumored Imperial Physician Wei!”

Yes, it will be fifteen in two days. Waiting like this day by day, she was getting anxious waiting.

Ling Jingshu smiled and nodded.

(To be continued.)

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

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