Madam, She Has A Tender Heart
Madam, She Has A Tender Heart Chapter 2: Can’t Sit Still And Wait For Death

After lying in bed for a few more days, Su Qingyu was finally able to go to the ground.

Early that morning, everyone in the Su family went to the fields, and Su Qingyu sat on the threshold and thought about something.

She had never been one to sit still and wait for death.

Her step-grandmother sold her for a good price, fifty taels of silver. It was enough for a large family to live in the countryside for many years, and it was enough for her shū shu[1]father’s younger brother to marry several wives.

But none of the money went to their big house.

Her parents were honest, they argued a few times, but they didn’t get anything back, and they almost couldn’t even get to eat. They would go to the ground on an empty stomach before dawn, and would not go home until dark. These days, Su Qingyu was sleeping in the room, and sometimes it was rare to see them once a day.

Her grandfather, Old Su, was a man of few words, and her grandmother spent years nagging and complaining. Old Su didn’t even say a word in support of his eldest son who was from his deceased first wife.

Early that morning, her parents sent her away. They originally wanted her and Su Dahu to hide outside for a while and then come back. Unexpectedly, their step-grandmother discovered them and brought them back with her nephews and grandnephews.

Su Dahu took more than a dozen blows and lay on the ground for two days. She lay in bed for many days, feeling dizzy. She touched the back of my head, and it still hurt a little.

Su Qingyu sat on the threshold leaning against the doorframe and thought about it.

It has never been her character to just go with the flow and do nothing.

After thinking about it, she was about to stand up when she saw the twins next to her staring at her intensely, which startled her. She almost lost her footing.

“When did you sit next to sister?”

Qingyang and Qingxing might as well have frightened their jie. They were a little at a loss. They carefully supported Su Qingying on the left and right. Xiao Qingxing pouted and raised her head and said, “We all sat down. We’ve been there for a while, but my jie didn’t pay attention to us.”

Su Qingyu laughed and rubbed her head: “Your jie was so lost in thought that she didn’t even see you.”

Their hair was the same as hers, and it was dry. It was brittle and yellow, and it looked like it was malnourished. Su Qingyu sighed, feeling a little powerless.

“Jie, don’t think too much, and don’t be sad. You have a father and a mother. Don’t have another headache.” Su Qingyang looked at her with a worried look.

Su Qingyu smiled at her and patted her head: “Jie is not sad. My head doesn’t hurt now.”

Xiao Qingxing’s eyes were bright: “Jie, gege, and I will help you. Go back to the room and lie down.”

Su Qingyu smiled and held them back: “Jie won’t lie down anymore. I have to go to the town.”

“No, no, Mom and Dad said that you can’t go out, Jie,” Little Qingyang acted as if facing a formidable enemy, holding onto her hand tightly.

Xiao Qingxing also nodded her head repeatedly: “You can’t go out! Jie, let’s go back to the house and lie down.”

Su Qingyu didn’t move her feet. “It’s okay, Jie went out a couple of days ago, didn’t she? See, Jie is fine now,” she said.

Xiao Qingyang didn’t agree with anything. He bent his legs slightly, squatted on the ground, and pulled her tightly: “That’s different, Jie is just walking in the village, the town is far away! And at this time The village chief’s ox cart has left long ago.”

“It’s okay, I won’t take the ox cart, I’ll walk.”

“That’s even worse! The town is too far away, Jie, your head isn’t healed yet!” Xiao Qingxing simply hugged her waist.

Su Qingyu was both amused and moved by the antics of her younger siblings. She gently rubbed Xiao Qingxing’s head and said, “It’s alright, I’ll take my time. If I get tired, I’ll sit by the roadside to rest. I’ll be fine.”

“No, no, Mom and Dad won’t allow it!”

Both the little brother and the sister were almost sweating, and in the end, they couldn’t get Su Qingyu to understand.

Seeing that Su Qingnao was on the road out of the village, Su Qingyang became anxious, turned around, and ran into the fields. Little Qingxing turned to look at her gege, and then at her Jie who was determined to go to town. Her two thin legs flew very fast, following Su Qingyu closely.

She pulled Su Qingyu’s clothes and insisted on following her.

Su Qingyu told her to stay at home, so she held back tears and pursed her lips without saying anything, just looking at Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu had no choice but to take her with her as soon as her heart softened.

As soon as the two sisters walked out of the village, they saw Little Qingyang and their father Su Dahai running after them.


Su Qingxing turned around and saw their father panting and striding after them, so she stopped and called back: “Dad.”

Little Qingxing saw their father chasing after them, and let out a fierce sigh. When Su Qingyu saw it, she was amused and slapped her on the head.

Su Dahai strode up to the two sisters and scanned Su Qingyu from beginning to end with his eyes: “You haven’t recovered from your head injury yet. What are you going to do in town? There are no bullock carts right now, and it’s a long way to go on foot. “

Su Dahai looked worried.

Su Qingyu looked at him with a smile and said: “It’s okay, Dad, I’ll walk slower. I’ll definitely be back before dark.”

Despite being only in his forties, Su Dahai had a weathered face. The recent troubles related to Su Qingyu had taken a toll on his sleep and he bore a few more lines of worry on his face.

At this moment, he saw Su Qingyu insisting on going to the town, but he struggled to express his concerns persuasively. He was quite worried.

Then they heard their mother’s voice coming from far away: “Qingyu…”

“Here, Mother.” Su Qingyu looked at the direction the voice was coming from.

She saw their mother, Zhang Shi, also panting heavily and trotting towards her. When she got closer, she also looked at Su Qingyu and then touched her head.

Su Qingyu also stood obediently and let her touch her.

“The injury hasn’t healed yet, so you can’t walk a long way.” Mother Su looked at her worriedly.

Su Qingyu took her hand and said, “It’s okay, mother, it doesn’t hurt much anymore. I’ll walk more slowly, it’ll be okay.”

Su’s mother, with a furrowed brow, said, “Do you really have to go to town today? The day after tomorrow is the grand fair. Your father and I set aside some silver for your dowry. We’ll take you there the day after tomorrow.”

Mother Su tried to talk her through.

Su Qingyu thought for a while and shook her head: “Mom, I’ll just go for a walk in the town.”

Mother Su had no choice but to say, “Mom will go with you.”

Su Qingyu pulled her and said, “No, Mother, If Nai knows about it, she will scold you. I know the way, and it’ll be fine if I go by myself.”

Mother Su was about to say more, but Father Su pulled her back: “The child has been lying in bed for seven or eight days, and she wants to take a walk in the town, it’s okay.”

After saying that, he lowered his head and looked at the twins who were holding onto their sister’s clothes. After thinking about it, he warned: “You two should follow your Jie carefully. If anything happens, send someone back to call your parents. Remember?”

When the two of them heard this, the light in their eyes immediately lit up and they nodded repeatedly: “We must take good care of Jie and follow her well. Don’t worry, dad.” After saying that, they raised their head to look at Su Qingyu, for fear that she wouldn’t take them.

Su Qingyu was amused by their look and agreed to take them with her.

Seeing this, their mother sighed, took out a dusty purse from her arms, and handed it to Su Qingyu’s arms: “Just buy whatever you want. If you can’t buy it, your mother and father will buy it for you. Also, take the money and go to the medical clinic to see if the congestion inside has dispersed.”

Under her earnest eyes, Su Qingyu collected her purse and stuffed it into her arms.

After saying a few more words, she left with the twins.

Fengting Town was not far away if you take an ox cart. It only takes an hour. The village chief’s ox cart pulled people and goods in the morning and could make two or three trips a day. But Su Qingyu was taking the twins, and the three of them walked slowly on two legs.

Her head was not fully healed yet, and when she walked fast, she still felt faint pain. Not to mention twins, two pairs of small thin legs. The three of them walked all the way and stopped all the way, slowly and leisurely, resting and walking, until they reached the town after three poles.

It was already past noon. Although the three of them shared the two eggs that Su Dahu had given Su Qingyu early in the morning on the road, they were still very hungry when they reached the town.

Su Qingyu took the twins with their wilted heads to a small food stall and ordered three bowls of plain noodles. After drinking all the soup, the three of them seemed to be alive.

Su Qingyu watched as the twins finished every drop of the soup, their bowls looking as clean as if they had been washed. Their satisfied expressions made her feel a tinge of sadness.

Seeing that the twins were eating a bowl of plain noodles as if they were eating Yaochi Fairy Fruit, Su Qingying decided to try her golden finger again that night.

“Jie, this noodle is so delicious.” Little Qingxing licked her lips with her tongue and clicked her tongue to taste it.

Su Qingyu smiled and wiped their lips clean. Seeing how contented they were, she made up her mind to thoroughly explore the treasure-like cheat system she had when she got back home in the evening.

(End of chapter)


1 father’s younger brother

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

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