My Exes Are Everywhere
MEAE Chapter 3: The Sword Sovereign

Qiao Xuan’s third emotional tribulation occurred 700 years ago.

In that life, he was known as Feng Xuan, the only son of the Guiyuan Sword Sect’s leader, born in the mortal realm’s Dongchong Province. Dongchong Province was rich in spiritual energy and home to countless cultivation sects, with Guiyuan Sword Sect being one of the five great sects in the region. Feng Hong, the leader of Guiyuan Sword Sect and one of the top experts in the cultivation world at the time, had long desired a child, but the higher one’s cultivation, the harder it is to have offspring.

It wasn’t until Feng Hong was nearing sixty that he finally had a son.

As the only son of the Guiyuan Sword Sect leader, Feng Xuan was born into great affection. His parents doted on him, and his senior brothers were highly protective. By all rights, he should have had a smooth and happy life.

And indeed, for the first twenty-seven years of his life, that was exactly the case.

Feng Xuan grew up within the Guiyuan Sword Sect, pampered and carefree, developing a simple and carefree personality. Although his aptitude was mediocre and he was somewhat lazy in his cultivation, the sect adored him, allowing him to live a worry-free life.

When he was sixteen, his father, Feng Hong, took in a final disciple.

Curious about this, Feng Xuan secretly went to take a look. That day, he hid behind a large tree, peeking through the gaps in the leaves to catch a glimpse of a refined young man in white.

The young man appeared a bit older than him, scholarly and composed, more like a scholar than a cultivator.

Feng Xuan was quite surprised and couldn’t understand why his father would take in such a disciple.

The older one is when starting cultivation, the more one is affected by worldly impurities. Without beginning cultivation from a young age, it becomes nearly impossible to enter the path of immortality later in life. Cultivation sects often started training their disciples at a very young age; it wasn’t uncommon for children as young as five to be initiated. In fact, Guiyuan Sword Sect had a rule that anyone over the age of twelve couldn’t be admitted to the inner sect… But his father, the dignified leader of the Guiyuan Sword Sect, had made an exception by taking in a twenty-year-old final disciple!

What was so special about this young man named Jiang Weiqing that had prompted his father to place such high hopes on him?

Feng Xuan felt a bit disappointed. He had thought he was finally getting a junior brother, only to find out the newcomer was older than him…

Later, Feng Xuan learned that Jiang Weiqing was from Nanyue Kingdom.

Dongchong Province was a sacred land for cultivation, filled with countless sects, without the distinction between emperor and commoner… But far to the south, there was a mortal kingdom known as Nanyue. The people there did not pursue cultivation; instead, they studied, took exams, and engaged in commerce, with royalty and commoners, merchants and peasants, living side by side, a world completely different from here…

During his travels in Nanyue Kingdom, Feng Hong had encountered Jiang Weiqing by chance. Although Jiang Weiqing was merely a mortal, his swordplay was infused with an unparalleled sword intent. Despite not being a sword cultivator, this scholar had inadvertently touched upon a realm that countless sword cultivators could never reach in their lifetimes.

Feng Hong, who had seen many so-called geniuses, was shocked by the brilliance of a single sword strike from Jiang Weiqing, a strike that made even the most talented cultivators pale in comparison.

Feng Hong, feeling as if he had found a rare treasure, asked Jiang Weiqing if he would like to cultivate with him.

Jiang Weiqing agreed.

Overjoyed, Feng Hong brought Jiang Weiqing to Dongchong Province and personally took him in as his final disciple, dedicating himself to teaching him.

Jiang Weiqing did not disappoint. Within just a few months of being introduced to the world of cultivation, he used the sword to enter the Dao, astonishing everyone.

Feng Xuan, who loved to read, had gone through almost all the sect’s books and records. According to his senior brothers, a genius like Jiang Weiqing could only be compared to the founder of Guiyuan Sword Sect, the revered Guiyuan Immortal, whose name was praised with flowery language in all the sect’s texts…

Wasn’t that a bit too exaggerated?

But a genius was a genius.

The entire cultivation world had not seen someone as powerful as Jiang Weiqing in many years. His mere presence dimmed the brilliance of all other so-called geniuses.

Jiang Weiqing seemed to be born for the Dao.

He was the sword, and the sword was him.

Comprehension was a mysterious thing—some sought it in vain, while others were born with it. People had different fates that couldn’t be compared… Take Feng Xuan, for example. Despite being the only son of the sect leader, he was known for his lack of comprehension, poor aptitude, and lazy attitude.

Fortunately, his father had never expected much from him. Feng Xuan still remembered his father’s words, spoken with relief: “Jiang Weiqing is the fortune of Guiyuan Sword Sect.”

Feng Hong had dedicated himself to the sect, worrying about its future. Since Feng Xuan couldn’t share that burden, he was simply happy for his father.

He didn’t envy Jiang Weiqing but couldn’t help being curious.

Among his generation of inner disciples, Feng Xuan was the youngest. He had a group of senior brothers who doted on him, and Jiang Weiqing was the only one who joined after him. Although Jiang Weiqing was a bit older, according to the rules, shouldn’t he still call Feng Xuan “Senior Brother”?

And this person was such an extraordinary genius… Feng Xuan, feeling mischievous, decided to put on airs and meet Jiang Weiqing, teasingly saying, “Since you joined after me, you should call me Senior Brother.”

That way, he could be the senior brother of a genius!

Feng Xuan had expected that someone as remarkable as Jiang Weiqing would be extremely proud, looking down on someone like him. After all, every storybook said that geniuses were always very proud! After saying this, Feng Xuan was actually a bit nervous, but to his surprise, Jiang Weiqing didn’t seem displeased at all.

The young man was graceful, refined, and elegant, smiling warmly as he bowed and said, “In the future, I’ll be counting on you to take care of me, Senior Brother.”

T-take care of him… Feng Xuan blushed instantly. How could anyone refuse that?

He immediately boasted, “From now on, with me watching your back, you can do whatever you want in the Guiyuan Sword Sect!”

Back then, Feng Xuan knew Jiang Weiqing was more talented than him, that he would inevitably surpass him. But at that moment, Jiang Weiqing had only just begun to show his brilliance, so Feng Xuan could still act a little like a senior brother. As a senior brother, it was only right to take care of his junior brother! Just like how his senior brothers took care of him.

Feng Xuan, who had always been the one taken care of, finally found a sense of accomplishment in being a senior brother when he was with Jiang Weiqing!

He showed Jiang Weiqing around the sect, prepared spirit stones for him, and shared stories and joys with him.

No matter what Feng Xuan did, Jiang Weiqing always accepted it with a smile. No matter what Feng Xuan said, Jiang Weiqing listened patiently.

What started as curiosity, then as youthful exuberance, eventually turned into affection.

He liked this person.

He liked the way Jiang Weiqing smiled and listened to him, the gentle, silent smile, the way he looked like a clear breeze and a bright moon…

When Feng Xuan accidentally got into trouble and angered his father, only Jiang Weiqing would come to intercede on his behalf, and only then would his father relent… And no matter whether Feng Xuan was right or wrong, Jiang Weiqing would always stand by him, only later gently advising him on what could and couldn’t be done, reminding him not to worry the sect leader.

Feng Xuan liked being with Jiang Weiqing.

He liked his other senior brothers too, but his feelings for Jiang Weiqing were different. When he was with Jiang Weiqing, he was happy and content, wishing time would slow down, wishing the world could belong to just the two of them…

A year later, Jiang Weiqing had already become the most outstanding young cultivator in the sect. With one dazzling strike during the sect competition, he gained widespread fame, attracting the admiration of many female cultivators.

But Jiang Weiqing was unmoved, always maintaining that same detached, serene demeanor. He was polite and kind to everyone, but in truth, he kept a certain distance.

Perhaps only with Feng Xuan did he show something different.

The coldness in his eyes would soften, replaced by a barely perceptible warmth.

Feng Xuan wasn’t the type to keep secrets, and his feelings for Jiang Weiqing were eventually noticed by his father.

Expecting to be scolded, he was surprised when his father seemed both happy and anxious. After some thought, his father personally asked Jiang Weiqing how he felt, and before Feng Xuan could process what was happening, Jiang Weiqing had requested to become his Dao companion.

A Dao companion.

Feng Xuan had never considered such a thing before.

Same-sex Dao companions were rare in the cultivation world. Feng Xuan liked Jiang Weiqing, but he hadn’t thought that far ahead…

Could it be that Jiang Weiqing liked him too?

Liked him enough to want to become Dao companions?

How could he refuse…

It was like that moment when Jiang Weiqing had smiled at him, his brows gentle, his voice clear, bowing and saying, “In the future, I’ll be counting on you to take care of me, Senior Brother.”

The thrill of that moment had finally blossomed and borne fruit.

Feng Xuan was overjoyed, his face flushing red.

His father was deeply relieved and, with great seriousness, entrusted Jiang Weiqing with the care of his son: “From now on, I’m leaving A-Xuan in your hands.”

His father had always worried about him, thinking he was too immature, unwilling to cultivate seriously, a bit reckless and clumsy, and that he wouldn’t be able to take care of himself in the future, often sighing with concern. Now, his father no longer had to worry.

It seemed that Jiang Weiqing was indeed the kind of dependable person one could trust.

His father was overjoyed, as if a great burden had been lifted, and he organized a grand ceremony, inviting hundreds of sects to attend.

This was, after all, the greatest genius of the current cultivation world, marrying the only son of the Guiyuan Sword Sect’s leader. Such a grand occasion was attended by all the notable sects in Dongchong Province, and even the smaller sects and rogue cultivators came to join the festivities.

The banquet lasted for three days and three nights, a true spectacle.

With Jiang Weiqing in the Guiyuan Sword Sect, their position as the leading sect in the righteous path would be unshakable for at least a century.

Many sects were envious, acknowledging Feng Hong’s foresight in securing Jiang Weiqing early.

As for the many female cultivators who admired Jiang Weiqing, their hearts were shattered that day.

For cultivators, the Dao heart was of utmost importance. Once they became Dao companions, they were bound together in life and death, inseparable. They had no chance left.

But Feng Xuan didn’t care about any of that. He didn’t think much, only knowing that being with the person he liked made him very happy and content.

This love blossomed naturally, eventually bearing fruit.

For the next several years, Jiang Weiqing remained the perfect Dao companion.

He patiently cultivated with Feng Xuan, never getting angry even when Feng Xuan was lazy and playful. Whenever he found something fun or delicious, he would remember to bring it back for Feng Xuan… When Feng Xuan hit a bottleneck in his cultivation, Jiang Weiqing traveled far and wide, risking his life to find the rare spiritual treasures that would help him break through.

Every little bit of kindness Feng Xuan had shown Jiang Weiqing was repaid a hundredfold. Feng Xuan felt this was probably the best investment he had ever made.

Though he was a useless good-for-nothing, he had a loving and cherished Dao companion, envied by the entire cultivation world.

Even those who thought Feng Xuan wasn’t worthy of Jiang Weiqing, who were waiting to see him abandoned, were eventually proven wrong.

Ten years passed.

Not only Feng Xuan, but the entire Guiyuan Sword Sect and the entire cultivation world believed in Jiang Weiqing’s love for him.

With such a Dao companion, Feng Xuan had nothing more to ask for. But life, after all, is never perfect.

Feng Xuan and Jiang Weiqing’s problem might have been destined from the start: Jiang Weiqing was a genius, while Feng Xuan was a wastrel.

Jiang Weiqing’s cultivation soared, his path smooth and unhindered. As the gap between them grew, Feng Xuan began to feel, for the first time, that perhaps being a wastrel wasn’t such a good thing after all.

Even though Jiang Weiqing never cared about his shortcomings, Feng Xuan quietly set aside his laziness and began to work hard at cultivating, delving into Daoist techniques.

People said they were a match made in heaven, but if one day Jiang Weiqing truly ascended to immortality, he feared they could no longer be Dao companions.

Unfortunately, talent and comprehension weren’t something you could just acquire through effort, and Feng Xuan had to admit this was one area where effort simply didn’t pay off. No matter how hard he tried, it made no difference. Feng Xuan had to accept the reality that he wasn’t cut out for cultivation.

He had tried, but the path was not for him. It was better to give up early and lie flat. If necessary, Jiang Weiqing could ascend alone! Perhaps, someday, he might descend to visit Feng Xuan, and that would be enough.

Feng Xuan was a pragmatist.

But Jiang Weiqing didn’t seem to be as pragmatic. In the past, when Feng Xuan slacked off, Jiang Weiqing would just let it slide, but later, Jiang Weiqing became increasingly strict, seriously pushing him to cultivate… Jiang Weiqing exhausted every method, risking his life to find rare treasures to help Feng Xuan improve his cultivation. Once, he even nearly lost his life…

But all this was in vain.

Feng Xuan understood that Jiang Weiqing wanted them to be together, but ascension was not something you could force. If it were that easy, then why hadn’t anyone succeeded in hundreds of years?

You’re a once-in-a-thousand-years genius, but I’m not. I need the entire sect’s resources just to form a Golden Core.

You have your unparalleled path to immortality, but I can only go this far.

This path, I’m destined not to walk with you.

So, he lied to Jiang Weiqing, saying he didn’t want to ascend.

If they were fated to be apart, Feng Xuan just wanted to focus on the present. He completely gave up on cultivation, immersing himself in the art of cooking, discussing where to travel, what to eat, and drink with Jiang Weiqing… He thought that even if Jiang Weiqing left someday, he would have these memories, and that would be enough.

It was the only thing he could do. He had never thought of asking Jiang Weiqing to give up and stay with him… because he knew that pursuing immortality was Jiang Weiqing’s lifelong dream.

Jiang Weiqing had given so much, and Feng Xuan couldn’t be selfish enough to ask him to give up his pursuit.

Besides, if Jiang Weiqing succeeded in ascending, he would live for thousands of years…

Despite the reluctance in his heart, Feng Xuan hoped Jiang Weiqing could ascend. Even if they were separated, it didn’t matter. He didn’t want to be a burden to Jiang Weiqing.

He tried hard to pretend he didn’t care, to act indifferent… But day by day, Jiang Weiqing became more and more silent until finally, one day, Jiang Weiqing told him that he sensed his tribulation was near.

Feng Xuan thought, “So the day has finally come.”

He quickly hid his disappointment, using a cheerful tone to say, “You’ll definitely succeed! Then, in the future, I can brag that my Dao companion is an immortal. How impressive would that be?”

Then, pretending to be casual, he took out a spiritual treasure and said, “Take this for protection. I’ve heard tribulations are dangerous, and even if you fail, this should help you survive…”

Jiang Weiqing had never refused a gift from him before. Every time Feng Xuan gave him something, he would accept it with a smile, gently saying, “Thank you, A-Xuan.” But this time, Jiang Weiqing said nothing and left with a flick of his sleeve.

Feng Xuan stood there, stunned. He didn’t know what he had done wrong.

The spiritual treasure wasn’t just something he picked up casually; it was a sect-protecting treasure that he had specifically prepared for Jiang Weiqing because he had heard how terrifying the tribulation was. Although Jiang Weiqing was very powerful and should succeed, what if he failed? Feng Xuan was terrified that Jiang Weiqing would be in danger, so he had carefully prepared this, waiting to give it to him when the time came…

But Jiang Weiqing didn’t accept it.

He was even angry.

This was the first time Jiang Weiqing had been angry with him, and Feng Xuan was deeply saddened.

Jiang Weiqing left.

The spiritual treasure remained undelivered.

Feng Xuan anxiously asked all his senior brothers, but no one knew where Jiang Weiqing had gone.

Feng Xuan couldn’t find Jiang Weiqing, and, afraid that the tribulation could come at any moment, he was on edge day and night. He would rather Jiang Weiqing ascend and leave than have him die under the tribulation.

Three days later.

Just as Feng Xuan was becoming increasingly distraught, Jiang Weiqing suddenly returned.

Feng Xuan anxiously asked, “Are you angry with me?”

Jiang Weiqing shook his head and said, “If I leave, will you hate me?”

Feng Xuan quickly shook his head.

Jiang Weiqing murmured softly, “Yes, you wouldn’t.”

At that moment, even though Jiang Weiqing’s tone was calm, Feng Xuan’s heart clenched as if he could feel Jiang Weiqing’s sorrow and helplessness.

Feng Xuan was at a loss for words, unable to speak.

Words of farewell swirled on his tongue, but he swallowed them back down. Jiang Weiqing was about to leave; why should he disrupt his peace of mind?

Some things were better left unsaid.

Jiang Weiqing gazed at Feng Xuan, his eyes as warm as ever. After a long silence, he suddenly sighed softly, “But I can’t leave you behind.”

Feng Xuan panicked and tried to persuade Jiang Weiqing, saying that he didn’t need to worry about him, that he could take care of himself, that Jiang Weiqing should go. But all those words… never had a chance to be spoken.

He looked down and saw a sword piercing his chest.

He knew this sword all too well; it was Jiang Weiqing’s life-bound sword, paired with his own, called Jiguang.

He looked up, meeting Jiang Weiqing’s gaze. The man’s eyes were still clear, but there was a trace of obsession and darkness within them that felt unfamiliar.

Feng Xuan smiled faintly.

He had misunderstood. It turned out Jiang Weiqing’s idea of “not leaving” meant this…

Luckily, those words hadn’t been spoken.

If he had known this, he wouldn’t have wasted time worrying. Jiang Weiqing had already chosen a path for them where they would never be apart.

Life and death, bound together, never to be separated.

He would no longer trouble anyone with his worries.

In a sense, Jiang Weiqing had kept his promise to take care of him for life. The only cost was Feng Xuan’s life.

As Qiao Xuan recalled these memories, he thought that Jiang Weiqing probably did love him. If he didn’t, he could have left without a second thought, ascending alone… But it was because of his love that Jiang Weiqing couldn’t bear to part with him and chose the path of “proving the Dao through the death of his beloved.”

He loved him so much that he had to kill him.

To that, Qiao Xuan could only say two words: “What the hell!”

Who would want that kind of love?

This kind of love, where someone says they love you but can take your life without hesitation, was even worse than those who were openly indifferent and heartless. Jiang Weiqing seemed to love him deeply, but in reality, he loved himself more… If you really cared, why not give up ascension and stay with me?

If Jiang Weiqing had truly been willing to stay for him, Qiao Xuan would have saluted him as a true man.

But the solution Jiang Weiqing chose was to kill the person he loved, so he could have no attachments and continue on his path to immortality.

Seemingly gentle as jade, but cold-hearted and unfeeling.

Perhaps, compared to others, Jiang Weiqing did truly love him and fulfilled the duties of a lover. But all of this was contingent on one thing: it couldn’t hinder his path to immortality. If anyone blocked his path, be they human or deity, they would be eliminated, and his beloved was no exception.

Maybe he had hesitated, but in the face of his Dao heart, that love was insignificant.

He wouldn’t allow any attachment to disturb his mind.

When he loved, his love was pure and sincere, but once it became an obstacle, he could sever it with a sword, cold and resolute.

People are selfish by nature, and Qiao Xuan didn’t blame him for being self-centered, but killing him was crossing the line… At that time, Qiao Xuan had already resigned himself to letting go. Jiang Weiqing could have left, and Qiao Xuan wouldn’t have hated him. Why did he have to be so ruthless?

Was Qiao Xuan’s death really necessary for Jiang Weiqing to achieve his Dao?

What nonsense!

If he had retained even a shred of his memory at that time, he would never have made the same mistake!

But enough was enough; their worldviews were just too different.

Although his death was frustrating, Qiao Xuan didn’t harbor any thoughts of revenge. He had, after all, been on a tribulation journey, and this was part of it. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been called an emotional tribulation. Now that he had the chance to start over as a human, he was content… They both got what they wanted, so the past was past, and there was no need to bring it up again.

Moreover, Jiang Weiqing didn’t recognize him now, so Qiao Xuan had to keep his composure.

Qiao Xuan respectfully addressed Jiang Weiqing, “Disciple greets Qingheng Sword Sovereign.”

Jiang Weiqing glanced at him briefly, his demeanor as gentle as ever, but with a trace of detachment. He nodded and smiled, “You’re the new disciple who has recently ascended.”

Qiao Xuan obediently nodded, pretending to be a starstruck junior, using an excited and admiring tone, “I’ve heard of your great deeds, Sword Sovereign, even when I was in the mortal realm! You’re the only disciple of Guiyuan Sword Sect to ascend in the last thousand years!”

Jiang Weiqing’s gaze softened, his voice calm and pleasant, “Oh? I’m not the only one anymore.”

Qiao Xuan quickly waved his hands, “I was just lucky. I’m nothing compared to you, Sword Sovereign.”

Jiang Weiqing smiled and shook his head, “If you’ve ascended, you must have your own merits. There’s no need to be so modest.”

Jiang Weiqing paused and then asked, “Which generation of disciple are you from? Do you still have your identity token?”

Qiao Xuan’s heart skipped a beat. Here it comes again!

Before he could respond, Wu Zimo, who had been assisting him, explained with a smile, “His token was shattered during his tribulation, but I’ve already checked his sword technique. It’s indeed Guiyuan Sword Sect’s sword technique, no doubt about it.”

Qiao Xuan lowered his head, trying to appear as innocent as possible. When Wu Zimo had first questioned him, Qiao Xuan had used this excuse, then casually demonstrated a move. Wu Zimo, who was both overjoyed and unsuspecting, accepted it without further doubt—truly a lovable, naive sweetheart… But Jiang Weiqing was not so easily fooled.

Having been in love with Jiang Weiqing for ten years and then killed by him, Qiao Xuan knew him all too well. Although Jiang Weiqing appeared to be a gentle and refined gentleman, a person of impeccable character… he was actually cold-hearted and distrustful, with a meticulous mind. The key thing was—he never trusted people easily.

An identity token was not a protective treasure, so the excuse that it was conveniently shattered by the tribulation would undoubtedly arouse Jiang Weiqing’s suspicion.

Qiao Xuan stood there, looking as innocent as possible, his mind racing to find a way to change the topic. He said, “I’ve admired you for a long time, Sword Sovereign. I’m inexperienced and would greatly appreciate your guidance in the future.”

Jiang Weiqing glanced at him and said, “Very well. No time like the present. Show me Guiyuan Sword Sect’s sword technique.”

Qiao Xuan was taken aback but quickly put on an expression of surprise and gratitude. He immediately took up his sword stance and solemnly bowed to Jiang Weiqing, “Thank you, Sword Sovereign!”

This was a clear offer to mentor Qiao Xuan, and the other disciples around him were envious. They hadn’t expected Jiang Weiqing to be so approachable. If they had known, they would have asked for guidance as well!

Qiao Xuan turned around, gripping his sword tightly, his palms sweaty. He knew Jiang Weiqing was aloof and not one to meddle in others’ affairs. His earlier words were likely just a polite remark, but who knew he would agree so readily… Guidance? More like he wanted to verify Qiao Xuan’s identity himself!

But Qiao Xuan didn’t panic. In that life, he had indeed been a disciple of Guiyuan Sword Sect. Though he was a lazy underachiever, he had practiced Guiyuan Sword Technique for decades. His fundamentals weren’t too bad. In fact, it was Jiang Weiqing himself who had supervised his training back then…

Qiao Xuan focused on recalling the sword technique…

It had been a long time since he last practiced, and he felt a bit rusty. The final move, “Tired Bird Returning to the Forest” had always given him trouble. Now, of all times, he couldn’t afford to mess it up…

Qiao Xuan concentrated fully, holding his breath, carefully executing each move. Midway through, Jiang Weiqing suddenly made his move!

He didn’t draw his sword but casually extended two fingers, tracing a path in the air. A sharp sword energy shot straight toward Qiao Xuan’s face!

Qiao Xuan’s expression tightened. He quickly retreated, spinning his sword in his hand and barely managing to deflect the sword energy!

Even his defensive movements were part of Guiyuan Sword Sect’s technique.

Internally, Qiao Xuan scoffed. Of course, he knew Jiang Weiqing wouldn’t make it easy, expecting an ambush to test him. But by reacting with “instinctive reflexes” and using Guiyuan Sword Sect’s techniques in the face of unexpected danger, he could convincingly prove his identity…

Unless you’re going to the mortal realm right now, who could say I’m not a Guiyuan Sword Sect disciple?

Qiao Xuan feigned shock and fear, staggering back. Just as he tried to regain his balance, his pupils contracted slightly… Jiang Weiqing had appeared before him in an instant, grabbing his wrist. The two were now only inches apart. Qiao Xuan found himself staring into those deep, ink-black eyes, momentarily dazed, before he felt a surge of true energy probing into him!

Qiao Xuan: “I think he’s got the protagonist script…”

Author: “Don’t worry, all your exes have protagonist scripts.”

Qiao Xuan: “???”

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