My Exes Are Everywhere
MEAE Chapter 5: Dao Companion

Qiao Xuan woke up after a good meal and a deep sleep, feeling like life couldn’t get any better. It only strengthened his resolve to enjoy life freely.

There were so many wonderful things in the world to cherish besides that damned love that cost him so much. How could he have been so shortsighted to think about isolating himself for rigorous cultivation and distancing himself from the pleasures of the mundane world?

But he had to act quickly. He needed to find the Map of Mountains and Seas before the banquet ended, or he would be stuck going back to the Guiyuan Sword Sect with Jiang Weiqing.

But how could he find the Map of Mountains and Seas?

Yunhai Tiangong was the residence of Hualan Dijun, filled with various formations and restrictions. If he triggered a formation or got caught by the Dijun, it could cost him his life. So, rushing in blindly was not an option, but fortunately, he wasn’t entirely without a plan…

Yesterday, when he entered the palace, he noticed several celestial cranes flying around.

An idea sparked in Qiao Xuan’s mind. He found a secluded corner, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to wait.

Not even a quarter of an hour passed before he heard the clear cry of a crane. A celestial crane gracefully flew over… Qiao Xuan’s lips curled into a smile as a thin golden thread shot from his fingertip, spiraling upward. The thread caught onto the crane’s leg, and with a slight tug, Qiao Xuan yanked the crane down from the sky!

The crane, dazed and confused, crashed to the ground, its elegant feathers now dirtied. It looked up in a daze to see a handsome youth smiling at it, holding onto the golden thread…

The crane was both shocked and furious! How dare someone catch a bird in the Dijun’s Tiangong? Such audacity! It had lived in this palace for hundreds of years and had never seen such a brazen act! You impudent brat, just wait! I’ll report you to the Dijun, and you’ll regret this!

Qiao Xuan crossed his arms, leisurely watching the crane squawk at him. After it had tired itself out, he finally spoke slowly, “You haven’t seen much of the world, have you? Is this what you call audacity? You’ve lived for hundreds of years and this is all the insight you’ve gained? If you went out into the world, you’d really understand what danger is.”

The crane, panting and flailing its wings, scattered feathers everywhere: “Shameless! Shameless! I called you audacious, but you dare argue back—shameless! Shameless! Shameless!”

Qiao Xuan smiled, “Is ‘shameless’ the only insult you know?”

The crane was about to hurl another insult when it suddenly paused. Wait a minute… Could it be? This shameless, audacious person actually understands what I’m saying?

Qiao Xuan replied, “No need to doubt, I can indeed understand you.”

The crane: …

Qiao Xuan: “Go ahead, keep talking. I won’t eat you.”

The crane: …

Qiao Xuan: “Don’t just go quiet on me now. I wasn’t lying. At most, I’ll just kill you and scatter your ashes so no one will ever know.”

The crane: …You’re making it worse! Who could be so cruel as to treat an innocent, pitiful, and pure crane like this? QAQ

Seeing the crane huddled up, trembling with wide, tear-filled eyes, Qiao Xuan finally showed a satisfied smile. His tone softened as he said, “But if you help me with something, I won’t kill you. I’ll even give you a reward.”

The crane’s eyes were filled with suspicion, clearly not trusting the person before it.

Qiao Xuan, knowing that rewards work better than threats, didn’t hold back. He took out a spirit fruit from his sleeve.

The fruit was only the size of a fingernail, but it was pure white and emitted a sweet fragrance. The crane’s eyes immediately lit up.

Qiao Xuan smiled. Xuanhe Valley didn’t have much, but it was a natural reserve of sorts, full of flora and fauna, all brimming with spiritual energy. Qiao Xuan, with nothing better to do, had indulged his inner Shennong, tasting every edible fruit and bringing a bunch with him when he left. The birds in the valley loved these fruits, and he couldn’t believe this crane wouldn’t be tempted.

The crane stared at the fruit, swallowing involuntarily. It had never seen such a spirit fruit before. The palace had many spirit fruits, but none could compare to this one. The enticing fragrance made it almost impossible to resist… No, no, it had to stay strong! It couldn’t be easily tricked by this shameless, audacious person!

“This spirit fruit isn’t just delicious; it’s perfect for bird-type spiritual creatures. One of these can equal ten years of cultivation…” Qiao Xuan smiled as he waved his hand, revealing a pile of white spirit fruits in front of him!

“If you help me, all of these will be yours,” Qiao Xuan offered.

The crane’s eyes widened, dazed as if in a dream.

One fruit might have been manageable, but this many… Forgive it for not being able to refuse—there’s just too much!

“What do you want me to do?” the crane asked eagerly.

Qiao Xuan, seeing that the time was right, asked, “Do you know where the Map of Mountains and Seas is?”

On his way in, Qiao Xuan had subtly questioned Wu Zimo about it. Although Wu Zimo was well-versed in the ways of the Celestial Realm, he didn’t know where the Dijun kept his treasures. All he knew was that the Dijun had a legendary artifact capable of observing all three realms and traveling between them.

Wu Zimo didn’t know, but perhaps someone in the Dijun’s palace did. The palace servants couldn’t be asked, but these cranes, who had been around for centuries, might know something, right?

The crane thought for a moment and shook its head, “I don’t know anything about a Map of Mountains and Seas…”

It never paid attention to such matters—wasn’t eating, drinking, and falling in love enough?

Qiao Xuan raised an eyebrow, “The Map of Mountains and Seas is an artifact that allows the Dijun to observe and traverse the three realms. It’s one of his most famous treasures. You’ve lived here for hundreds of years; surely you’ve seen him use it?”

The crane shrank its neck, “Let me think…”

Qiao Xuan’s expression darkened. It seemed he had caught a useless crane. He hadn’t expected much, but this was just disappointing…

Seeing Qiao Xuan’s displeasure, the crane panicked, fearing for its life. It quickly said, “Although I don’t know, I have many friends! I can ask around for you!”

Qiao Xuan gave the crane a steady look.

The crane nearly teared up, looking anxiously at Qiao Xuan.

After a moment, Qiao Xuan said, “Go ask around then. Besides the traits I mentioned, also keep an eye out for any treasure vaults or restricted areas in the palace. Hualan Dijun has many treasures; he can’t possibly carry them all on him, right? Map of Mountains and Seas doesn’t seem like something he’d keep with him at all times…”

With that, he picked up one of the spirit fruits and tossed it to the crane.

The crane caught it in its beak and quickly swallowed it, then stared longingly at the remaining fruits.

Qiao Xuan smiled coldly, “That was your advance payment. You can have the rest after you bring me the information I need.”

Reluctantly, the crane flew away, stealing backward glances at the pile of fruit.

Qiao Xuan sighed. Even though he had sent the crane to gather information, he couldn’t rely entirely on it. He needed a backup plan. He should familiarize himself with the area and see if he could find any clues on his own.

As soon as he stepped out, he ran into Wu Zimo.

“Did you sleep well last night, Shidi? Are you comfortable in your room?” Wu Zimo asked with concern.

Qiao Xuan smiled, “Yes, thank you, Shixiong.”

Wu Zimo smiled back, “That’s good to hear. By the way, the Dijun is hosting a banquet for the immortals in three days. You can stay here until then and explore the area, but be careful not to offend any other immortals. You’ve just ascended, and your immortal body hasn’t fully stabilized yet. After the banquet, we’ll return to the Guiyuan Sword Sect, where you can focus on cultivating and rapidly improving your skills.”

Oh? It seemed his time was running out. He needed to find the Map of Mountains and Seas within three days, or he would have to figure out a way to slip away.

There was no way he was going back to the Guiyuan Sword Sect.

What he wanted was freedom!

Why else would he go through so much trouble to escape? He could have stayed in the Xuanhe Valley and cultivated there… And with only one master who doted on him, wasn’t that much better than returning to the sect?

After chatting with Wu Zimo for a bit, Qiao Xuan watched as he got called away by other disciples.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Qiao Xuan turned and continued his explorations.

Three days flew by.

Qiao Xuan wandered around the palace, but aside from the open gardens and scenic areas for guests, other places were shrouded in white fog, clearly off-limits. Qiao Xuan wasn’t about to risk breaking through the restrictions, so he didn’t find anything useful.

He was starting to get discouraged, realizing he might have to rely on those cranes and hope for the best.

That evening, Qiao Xuan walked back leisurely. It was already late, and the other disciples had retired for the night. Qiao Xuan tiptoed back to his room, only to stop short at the door.

A white figure stood there.

The man in white turned his head and glanced at him calmly.

Qiao Xuan: …

Oh no, it felt like getting caught skipping class by the teacher. What was Jiang Weiqing doing here?

In that instant, he was transported back to the past, remembering how he often sneaked out to play, only to be blocked by Jiang Weiqing…

He hadn’t seen Jiang Weiqing for days, assuming he was busy courting the goddess. As a newly ascended god, Jiang Weiqing was probably occupied with socializing—so why did he have time to corner him now?

Besides, with Jiang Weiqing’s aloof personality, and without knowing his true identity, he shouldn’t care about him at all…

Qiao Xuan took a deep breath, bowed respectfully, and said, “Greetings, Sword Sovereign.”

Jiang Weiqing’s dark eyes held a complicated, unreadable expression. Though he hadn’t approached Qiao Xuan these past three days, he had been keeping an eye on him. Even he couldn’t explain why.

This boy seemed endlessly curious about everything around him.

Not a single day passed where he didn’t wander off, exploring every corner with boundless energy and enthusiasm… Even his personality was reminiscent of his Ah Xuan.

Ah Xuan had been the same way. He never liked cultivating, and Jiang Weiqing had no doubt that even with unmatched talent, Ah Xuan wouldn’t have enjoyed it.

He loved going out, seeking new experiences, savoring food and drink, enjoying everything the world had to offer…

Nothing could change his nature, and all Jiang Weiqing could do was watch, helpless, as they grew farther apart… until that rift became an insurmountable chasm.

Jiang Weiqing’s lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes dark and deep. His normally clear and cool voice seemed to take on a slightly hazy quality as he asked, “Where did you go?”

Qiao Xuan, looking slightly embarrassed, lowered his head and answered softly, “This is my first time seeing such a grand palace after ascending to the Celestial Realm. I was curious and went out to explore…”

Was that all?

Jiang Weiqing’s expression remained unreadable. After a moment, he said slowly, “Your immortal body has not yet fully formed. The spiritual energy here is abundant, making it an excellent place to cultivate. You must remember that you cannot neglect your cultivation. Only by building a solid foundation can you progress further on the path of cultivation.”

Qiao Xuan’s first instinct was to frown, feeling a twinge of impatience. Back when Jiang Weiqing was his Dao companion, he would coax him into cultivating with gentle words, and Qiao Xuan had tried to make an effort… But now, with their relationship long behind them, why should Jiang Weiqing care if he cultivated or not? Did he think everyone was as obsessed with cultivation as he was?

We’re on different paths, heading in opposite directions!

Though his mind was full of complaints, Qiao Xuan knew he couldn’t reveal them. Smiling politely, he replied, “Sword Sovereign is right. I will certainly work hard in my cultivation.”

Jiang Weiqing gazed at the youth before him.

For a moment, the boy’s brow had furrowed in irritation, but it quickly smoothed out. His eyes were clear and lively, with a hint of mischief. Even though he hadn’t taken Jiang Weiqing’s words to heart, he still responded with polite agreement…

Every small expression and gesture reminded Jiang Weiqing of his Ah Xuan…

At first, he had only been mildly curious, but the closer he got, the more drawn he became, as if some unspoken force was pulling him toward this person…

This child was so much like Ah Xuan.

But Ah Xuan hadn’t been so fortunate. He didn’t have this kind of talent. Even if he didn’t like cultivation and preferred to play, at least this boy had managed to ascend to the Celestial Realm. His Ah Xuan… couldn’t even form a Nascent Soul without Jiang Weiqing nearly sacrificing everything. In the end, he couldn’t take that last step.

Some people have everything handed to them so easily that they don’t know how to cherish it.

Jiang Weiqing wasn’t someone who liked to meddle in others’ affairs. Despite his gentle and refined demeanor, he was, at his core, a cold and distant person. Aside from Ah Xuan, he never cared about anyone’s life or death, let alone a mere disciple of the sect…

Yet in that moment, a long-buried frustration surfaced within him.

Jiang Weiqing suddenly took a step forward.

Qiao Xuan, startled, met Jiang Weiqing’s gaze, feeling a prickle of fear. Was Jiang Weiqing angry?

In his memories, no matter what challenges or setbacks he faced, Jiang Weiqing always remained composed. Even when Qiao Xuan acted up or made mistakes, Jiang Weiqing never got angry… except for that one time when Qiao Xuan tried to give him the sect’s treasured artifact to help him through his tribulation…

Later, Qiao Xuan understood that Jiang Weiqing had been angry because he thought Qiao Xuan didn’t care and only wanted to send him away. It was something Qiao Xuan could grudgingly understand…

But now, they weren’t even Dao companions anymore, and he hadn’t done anything wrong. Yet somehow, he had still managed to anger Jiang Weiqing.

What’s your problem?

Why are you upset over something so trivial? Surely it couldn’t be out of genuine concern for a sect junior?

Despite his experience with relationships, Qiao Xuan felt completely at a loss when dealing with someone as unpredictable as Jiang Weiqing.

Jiang Weiqing took another step forward.

Qiao Xuan instinctively stepped back.

He took a deep breath, reminding himself not to panic. He had to turn the situation around and not give Jiang Weiqing a chance to act!

Maintaining a calm demeanor, Qiao Xuan pretended to be confused and asked, “Sword Sovereign, is there something else you need from me?”

His response had been flawless. While Jiang Weiqing might be a bit eccentric, he wasn’t a mindless killer. Aside from that final sword strike in his past life, Jiang Weiqing had always been rational and composed.

And now, as a senior in the sect, he had no reason to harm him!

As the seconds ticked by, Jiang Weiqing continued to stare at him in silence. Qiao Xuan kept up his innocent and obedient facade, but his heart sank further and further.

Damn, had Jiang Weiqing figured something out…?

If that were the case, he was in real danger.

In a contest of wits, even the slightest hesitation could be deadly.

Jiang Weiqing’s unwavering silence was making Qiao Xuan doubt himself…

Tension built in Qiao Xuan’s body.

Just as the atmosphere grew increasingly tense, Wu Zimo suddenly ran in, excitedly calling out, “Sword Sovereign, the Goddess Ruo Hua is here to see you!”

Author’s Note:

Qiao Xuan: As someone who understands bird language, there isn’t a bird I can’t talk to. Feeling proud.jpg.

Innocent Crane: ???

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