Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 12: So Wasteful, What Man Would Dare Marry Her?

Before Gu Xingzhao could even scan the QR code, the driver, who had just learned that she was a forensic doctor, quickly retracted his phone. For the rest of the trip, he didn’t say a single word.

As soon as they reached the city, Gu Xingzhao barely had time to close the car door before the driver sped off, leaving her in the dust.

Shaking her head, Gu Xingzhao mused to herself, “People these days really can’t take a joke.”

Once at the factory, she met with an acquaintance and stocked up on essentials like instant noodles and frozen goods like chicken wings and drumsticks. Then, using her connection and a bag of gifts, she visited a wholesale clothing factory. After much negotiation, she managed to get a discount on thermal wear and down jackets.

Even though she tried to be thrifty, she ended the day with only 18,000 yuan left in her bank account. But with so many supplies stocked up, even if her supermarket were to close down, she wouldn’t go hungry for years. After all, without a mortgage or car loan, being self-employed had its perks.

When three trucks loaded with goods pulled into town, Aunt Wang was stunned.”Xiao Gu, why did you buy so much? Can you really sell all of this?”

She remembered that Gu Xingzhao’s supermarket didn’t have that many customers. Wasn’t there a risk that the factory had tricked her into buying too much?

Gu Xingzhao smiled, “No worries, Auntie. I just love eating, so I bought a bit extra. I’ll have them deliver a box of instant hotpot to you and Uncle later. You two should give it a try.”

Aunt Wang frowned slightly, “You can’t just eat this kind of stuff all the time. It’s unhealthy, child!”

Meanwhile, the owner of the fruit shop next door watched disdainfully as boxes and boxes of goods were moved into the supermarket. He thought to himself, “So many goods, this must have cost tens of thousands. Who believes she earned all that herself? Even if it is her money, who would want to marry such a wasteful woman?”

Unaware of the fruit shop owner’s thoughts, Gu Xingzhao supervised the workers as they organized the goods. The sheer quantity filled the warehouse to the brim, with even a spare room on the second floor now packed to capacity.

Lying on the floor of the storage room, surrounded by supplies, she felt an inexplicable sense of security.

Just then, she heard Aunt Wang calling from downstairs, “Xiao Gu?”

“Xiao Gu, are you upstairs?”

Gu Xingzhao quickly got up and went down to meet her. “Auntie, what brings you here?”

Aunt Wang handed her two bags of dumplings. “Here, your favorite—corn and pork dumplings. Cook them up when you’re hungry, and stop eating that unhealthy stuff.”

The bags were heavy, easily six pounds combined.”Thank you, Auntie,” Gu Xingzhao felt a wave of warmth. “You’re the best!”

Aunt Wang blushed a little, feeling slightly embarrassed. “This child, why are you being so polite? If you run out, just come to my shop and get more. I’ve watched you grow up; we’re family, so don’t be so formal.”

Listening to Aunt Wang’s kind words, Gu Xingzhao felt even more touched. She grabbed Aunt Wang’s hand. “I understand, Auntie. I really appreciate it.”

Aunt Wang patted her hand affectionately, smiling. “Alright, you cook those up. I need to go home and make dinner. Xiao Ting should be out of school soon.”

“Okay, Auntie. Take care.”

As she watched Aunt Wang leave, memories of the past came flooding back.

When her grandfather was still alive, Aunt Wang and her husband often helped with grocery shopping since it wasn’t easy for him to get around in a wheelchair. They even brought food over sometimes. Although many neighbors helped out, Aunt Wang’s kindness stood out the most.

When she first returned a few years ago, Aunt Wang often invited her over for meals, but she was too embarrassed to accept. After all, she was an adult now; it didn’t feel right to keep freeloading at someone else’s house.

But in truth, she really didn’t like eating alone in a cold, empty house.

That evening, Gu Xingzhao took out a few bags of chicken to marinate, planning to make chicken rice balls to treat the Lu family. She wasn’t very good at cooking, usually just tossing everything into a pot and boiling it. This time, she had to follow an online recipe, learning as she went.

Restaurant-bought rice balls were too expensive, often costing over ten yuan for just a couple of pieces of meat. It was much cheaper to make them herself, and it gave her something to do.After two hours of effort, she finally managed to make thirty rice balls. She quickly packed them up, eager to deliver them to her “disciples.”…

Meanwhile, Lu Qing and his group had been walking all day, encountering several villagers with baskets along the way.

This area was a key route for those exiled from the capital to the northern lands, so it was common for groups to rest here overnight. As a result, villagers would occasionally bring things to sell.Exiles often still had some personal items, especially the women, who had jewelry and bracelets they could trade for food or clothing. Some accompanying family members also had some silver to buy necessities like food or water pouches.

The officers only allowed a few people to interact with the villagers at a time, keeping a close watch.

The Lu family’s women handed over their jewelry—some earrings and a couple of bracelets—for the old master to handle.

Lu Qing passed them to Lu Xingyao, entrusting his eldest grandson to trade for supplies.Song Shi, watching her husband anxiously, whispered, “Why isn’t Father letting you go? Xingyao has never been far from home. What if he doesn’t know what’s important and ends up trading for useless things? Wouldn’t that be a waste?”

She knew the old master doted on his grandson, but this wasn’t the time to let a child handle such a big responsibility.Those few pieces of jewelry were the last valuable things the Lu family had. The entire family’s well-being depended on them. If things went wrong, what would they do?

Lu Zhou felt the same frustration but replied, “Don’t you trust your own son?”

Song Shi was momentarily at a loss for words. “It’s not that… but he’s never been far from home.”

Lu Qing, observing his grandson, knew that if he sent his son, they would likely return with just some food—something the ancestor had promised to provide. But his grandson was different. He knew the Lu family had the ancestor’s protection, so he understood what items were truly necessary.

Soon, Lu Xingyao returned with a sturdy-looking walking stick and a large bamboo basket slung over his shoulder.

Lu Zhou and the others inspected the contents, finding only a few portable water pouches inside. Lu Zhou frowned. “Why did you only get these?”

Song Shi was equally puzzled. Why had her son only traded for these items? At a time like this, wasn’t food the most important thing?

“Was all the food already taken?” she asked.

Lu Xingyao explained, “They only had coarse bread left, and they were asking too much for it. I decided it wasn’t worth it, so I only got the water pouches, a walking stick, and the bamboo basket.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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