Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 13: The Ancestor Actually Brought Us Rice!

Lu Xingyao reasoned that the officers provided them with two coarse cakes every day, so there was no need to trade valuable items at a high price for more food. The water pouches could be shared among the family, reducing the need for so many people to use a single one. With more water stored, they would be better prepared for areas where water might be scarce. As for the bamboo basket, it could be used to discreetly hold the supplies the ancestor would send them.

He handed the remaining earrings and a silver bracelet to Lu Qing. “Grandfather, I thought it best to save these for later. We might encounter situations where we need to use them for other purposes.”

Lu Qing looked at his eldest grandson with approval. “Xingyao is right.”He had three sons—one too rigid to see beyond the immediate situation, another ineffective, and the third perpetually ill. But at least he had a reliable grandson, which was a comforting thought for the future of the Lu family.

Lu Zhou disagreed, worried that if they needed something later, it might be impossible to buy. But seeing the old master so firm in his decision, he chose not to argue further.

Song Shi nodded. “It’s good to save them. If we pass by any villages later, we could hire a doctor to check your injuries.”

Especially concerning was Lu Qing’s episodes of hysteria, which needed proper treatment.

Leaning on the walking stick his grandson had acquired for him, Lu Qing straightened his back and said with confidence, “No need. With the ancestor’s protection, my wounds are almost healed.”

The miraculous medicine the ancestor provided had indeed worked wonders. Yesterday, the pain had subsided, and today he felt his wounds were already starting to scab over.

He considered asking the ancestor for help with his youngest son’s health as well but hesitated, feeling it would be too much to ask after all the ancestor had already done for them.

Lu Zhou frowned at his father’s continued mention of the ancestor. In the past, his father hadn’t been so superstitious.

He wanted to say something but was stopped by a tug on his sleeve from Song Shi, who looked serious. It seemed his father’s hysteria was getting worse; they needed to find a doctor soon….

Gu Xingzhao appeared after the group had found a place to rest, noticing the old man holding a walking stick.

“You already have a walking stick?”

She had ordered one online, but it was still on its way, so it seemed unnecessary now.Hearing her voice, Lu Qing immediately stood up with reverence. Previously, he had remained seated in the ancestor’s presence due to his injuries and limited mobility. But now that he was feeling better, he couldn’t continue to sit while addressing the ancestor—it would be disrespectful.

“Ancestor, we encountered some villagers selling goods along the way. Xingyao traded his mother’s jewelry for the walking stick and a bamboo basket.”

Seeing his grandfather stand, Lu Xingyao also stood respectfully.

Knowing that the ancestor would visit in the evening, the grandfather and grandson had chosen a spot away from the crowd, near a tree for some privacy.Gu Xingzhao smiled, “Having a bamboo basket will make things much easier. From now on, I’ll just put the supplies directly in it.”

As she placed the bag of rice balls into the basket, she thought to herself that the old coat they had been using as a makeshift bag was no longer needed.

She squinted slightly, calculating how to bring it up without damaging her ancestor’s dignified image.With a plan in mind, Gu Xingzhao’s voice became even softer, almost gentle. “I’ve brought some rice balls and other food. They’re all in the basket. Go ahead and distribute them to the children so they don’t go hungry.”

“Thank you, Ancestor,” Lu Qing said respectfully. Though he couldn’t see her, he felt the ancestor seemed particularly cheerful today, perhaps because of some good news.

He turned to his grandson. “Xingyao, check the basket and start distributing the food.”

Although Lu Xingyao couldn’t hear Gu Xingzhao’s voice, he immediately knelt by the basket at his grandfather’s command. When he looked inside, he was astonished to find it filled with food, the aroma of warm rice wafting out.

Carefully, he took out a rice ball, his eyes lighting up as he presented it to Lu Qing like a precious treasure.

“Grandfather, it’s rice! And it’s still warm!”

“The ancestor actually brought us rice!”

It had been a long time since Lu Qing had eaten rice, and his feelings mirrored his grandson’s excitement. But as the head of the family, nearly seventy years old, he needed to remain composed and not act like a child, lest the ancestor be amused at their expense.

“It’s been quite some time since we’ve had rice,” Lu Qing said, trying to suppress his excitement.

“Please forgive my grandson for getting a bit carried away.”

Lu Xingyao’s hands were shaking with excitement, and his ears turned red. The once renowned young scholar of the capital now looked more like a simpleton from the countryside.

Although his mouth was watering, Lu Xingyao saved his portion, set one aside for his grandfather, and then carried the basket to distribute the rest to the hungry family members.In the darkness, distributing the food was quick and easy. After the last two instances, the Lu family members had learned to recognize when food was being distributed. With just a glance, they understood, no words needed.

Some thought he was too slow distributing the food alone, so they stepped in to help. With just a few knowing looks, three or four people quickly divided the rice balls, ensuring all twenty-six members got their share.

At first, they thought it was just rice, but when they bit into the center, they discovered a large piece of meat!The rich aroma of the meat was irresistible. They stuffed the food into their mouths, trying to eat quickly to prevent the scent from attracting others. They ate hastily and discreetly, so much so that any outsider might have thought they were just gnawing on coarse cakes.

Not far away, an officer passed by, holding a large knife in one hand and biting into a coarse cake with the other. By the light of the fire, he could vaguely see the scene and sneered, “Why do these Lu family people look like they’ve never eaten before? They’re devouring those cakes like it’s their last meal.”

“These fallen nobles don’t seem much better off than us common folk,” another officer added.The Lu family had heard such mocking remarks countless times over the past few days. They had always said that in times of prosperity, everyone around you seems kind, but in times of hardship, you see their true faces. It was true in every sense.

At that moment, however, the Lu family was content, their mouths filled with the delicious taste of rice and meat. Their hearts warmed, they didn’t pay any attention to the mocking words. They thought to themselves that following the old master was truly a blessing. For years, they had shared in his wealth, and now, even in hardship, they were still eating meat!Look around—they were the only ones who could eat even a single grain of rice or a piece of meat among the exiles and guards!

As Lu Qing finished his rice ball, Gu Xingzhao cheerfully asked, “Xiao Lu, are you full?”

Lu Qing’s heart skipped a beat: The ancestor just called me Xiao Lu!


In Chinese, “xiao” (小) means “small” or “little” and is often used affectionately in nicknames or terms of endearment to show closeness or warmth.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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