Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 14: Selling Ancient Clothes

The members of the Lu family were curious about where the food was coming from, but since the old man hadn’t said anything, they didn’t ask. After all, as long as they had something to eat, that was enough. Lu Zhou and the others, however, kept a close eye on their father from a distance. They saw Lu Qing occasionally opening his mouth as if he were talking to someone.

Song Shi sighed, “It seems Father’s hysteria has indeed worsened.”

Talking to oneself like that—it really did look like he was possessed. It was quite frightening.

Some of the passing officers noticed this and shook their heads in pity, murmuring, “Look at that, a former Grand Chancellor of two dynasties, driven mad by the shock.”

In the Lu family, aside from Lu Xingyao, only Lu Xingyan knew that Lu Qing wasn’t suffering from hysteria. The Lu family’s ancestors had indeed manifested, and the food over the past couple of days had all been granted by the ancestors. However, without Lu Qing’s approval, they didn’t dare reveal this to the others, fearing they might offend the ancestors.

As a result, what appeared to everyone else as Lu Qing’s hysteria was actually him communicating with Gu Xingzhao.

Hearing the ancestors’ question, Lu Qing didn’t dare be negligent. “In response to the ancestors, this junior is full now. Thank you for the food.”

Gu Xingzhao smiled, her eyes curved, “No need to keep thanking me.”

“Earlier, I noticed that you all have bamboo baskets now, so that cloth bundle made from your youngest son’s outer garment is probably no longer needed. Why not hand it over to me, and I can help bring him some good fortune.”

She had considered that directly asking for the garment might damage her image as a serene and otherworldly ancestor. But she wasn’t a saint—she had twenty-six people to feed, and her supermarket wasn’t making much money. If she didn’t seize this opportunity to make some money, she’d be a fool, right?

Besides, if she earned some money, she could better assist the Lu family!

Lu Qing was taken aback. Give his youngest son’s outer garment to the ancestor? How could that be appropriate?

The ancestor was a deity—a benefactor of the Lu family! How could they give a worn garment to the ancestor? Wouldn’t that be disrespectful?

The ancestor wanted to protect the Lu family and didn’t mind such things, but the Lu family couldn’t use a piece of clothing to insult the ancestor.

Hearing his thoughts, Gu Xingzhao mentally screamed: It’s not an insult, not an insult at all.

“Actually, I noticed your youngest son’s frail condition and thought that by doing this, I could perhaps bring him some good fortune. But if you feel uncomfortable, then…”

“It’s not uncomfortable at all!” Lu Qing felt ashamed, but thinking of his youngest son, he still thickened his face and bowed low. “It would be a great favor from the ancestor.”

“Please wait a moment while I send someone to fetch the garment.”

“Go ahead.” Gu Xingzhao felt a bit guilty, thinking: Once I make some money, I’ll buy more supplements for Lu Qing’s youngest son.

It wasn’t that she wanted to take advantage of the garment, but it was practically the only thing “not valuable yet valuable” that she could make money from.

Lu Qing found Lu Xingyao and asked him to fetch Lu Xingyan’s garment.

Lu Xingyao hesitated, a bit puzzled. They already had a bamboo basket, so what did they need his third uncle’s garment for?

“Grandfather, third uncle can’t handle the cold…”

Lu Xingyao’s concern for his third uncle was evident: It was so cold at night; what if his third uncle got sick from the cold?

Lu Qing sternly whispered, “The ancestor requested the garment to bring blessings to your third uncle.”

In just a few words, Lu Xingyao immediately understood. “I’ll go right away!”

If a deity was blessing a mortal, that mortal would surely live a long life! It wasn’t just an outer garment—he’d give away his third uncle’s pants if needed!

Gu Xingzhao watched Lu Xingyao’s determined expression and thought he looked less like he was going to fetch an outer garment and more like he was going to strip someone’s underpants.

Lu Xingyao hurried away, afraid of keeping the ancestor waiting too long. He didn’t want to make the ancestor impatient.

“Third Uncle, your outer garment is still needed. Grandfather sent me to fetch it.”

Lu Yang squeezed in between them, his large body forcing its way through the gap. “What’s it needed for?”

He couldn’t help but think that this nephew had become as mysterious as the old man. Could he be showing signs of hysteria too?

Lu Xingyao’s face was serious, “Grandfather said only Third Uncle needs to know.”

Lu Yang: “…” Fine, no fun. I’ll go find my wife.

Without waiting for an explanation, Lu Xingyan had already started removing his outer garment and handed it to him.

Lu Xingyao asked, “Third Uncle, aren’t you curious why it’s needed?”

He was eager to let his third uncle know that a deity was going to save him!

But he didn’t know how to say it, and now his second uncle was coming over.

“Why ask?” Lu Xingyan wasn’t overly curious.

Lu Xingyao had been running errands for his father these past two days, probably following the ancestor’s instructions. If it was the ancestor’s will, it must be for the good of the Lu family.

Compared to the Lu family, this was just an insignificant piece of clothing.

Lu Xingyao’s excitement was dampened by Lu Xingyan’s calmness. He grabbed the outer garment and hurried back, not wanting to delay any longer.

With the garment in hand, Gu Xingzhao’s eyes almost gleamed with gold as she asked the system, “System, can I take the offerings from the Lu family directly?”

She had seen in the rules that offerings from the Lu family could be exchanged for equivalent offering points. But wouldn’t taking the garment itself be more valuable than the points?

She wanted the physical item.

[Yes, you can.]

Gu Xingzhao: “Do I need to pay taxes to bring something from the ancient world back to the modern world?”

She looked at the fabric and thought it must be expensive, which is why she had her eye on it.

[Yes, taxes will be based on the item’s value in the ancient world. To bring this item back, you’ll need to pay 200 yuan in taxes.]

Gu Xingzhao prided herself on being a person with a certain degree of magnanimity. Two hundred yuan? No problem. She could sell this garment for tens of thousands.

Lu Qing, holding the garment in his hand, felt a bit awkward. “Ancestor, how should I deliver this to you?”

Did they need an offering table, candles, or incense?

Gu Xingzhao hadn’t yet tried taking something from the ancient world, so she was about to ask the system if she could just take it. The next moment, she saw the garment in Lu Qing’s hand vanish into thin air!

Lu Xingyao’s eyes widened, his mouth agape: “???”


Gu Xingzhao looked down and saw the garment in her hand, her eyes wide in shock: Whoa! I can teleport objects?!

The garment that had just been in Lu Qing’s hand was now in hers. At the same time, she received a notification that the tax had been successfully deducted.

She had been worried that physically taking the garment might make her seem less refined as an ancestor.

Lu Qing felt around with his hand, confirming that the garment had indeed disappeared instantly. His heart was racing as he tried to suppress his shock, not wanting to appear as unworldly as his grandson.

As a former Grand Chancellor of two dynasties, he had to maintain his dignity.

But inside, his emotions surged like a tidal wave: A living deity… It really is a living deity! Tears welled up in his eyes. How could the current Lu family deserve such favor…

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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