Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 2: Bound to the Lu Family Genealogy

Lu Qing stared intently at the cup of water. Having lived for nearly seventy years, his ancestor had finally opened his eyes at this moment.He hadn’t eaten or drunk anything for four days. If it were anyone else, they would have devoured the food and water greedily. But having been a Grand Secretary for decades, even though he was now imprisoned, Lu Qing’s dignity remained.

Knowing that he was worried about his family who might also be starving, Gu Xingzhao said softly, “Eat with peace of mind. Your family has not been mistreated.”After all, what these people wanted was the life of the former Grand Secretary, the old man.

Lu Qing was grateful, “Junior Lu Qing thanks his ancestor for his grace.”

[Collected gratitude from Lu family member Lu Qing, offering value +10!]

Gu Xingzhao blinked. What was offering value?

[Host, offering value can be used to exchange for items in the mall.]

Gu Xingzhao suddenly realized, she understood. She was just like the characters in the novels she had read, she was bound to a system!

With her hands on her hips, she thought, “Unexpectedly, I’m the legendary chosen one.”

Lu Qing held up the cup at this moment. Feeling the warmth of the hot water through the cup, he almost shed two tears.

When someone falls from power, many people will jump on the bandwagon. I’ve experienced a lot of cold treatment and punishment during this period.

Having lost his parents when he was young and wandering alone away from his hometown, he had never believed in ghosts or superstitions. Even after starting a family, he had never worshiped any ancestors. However, he never thought that he would receive the protection of his ancestors when he was in trouble.

Seeing him slowly finish his food, Gu Xingzhao sighed in her heart. Truly a grand secretary with a reputation, even in his time of misfortune, he still ate with such dignity.

After learning from Gu Xingzhao that the rest of his family was safe, the old man, who hadn’t closed his eyes for several days, finally had a good night’s sleep.

Just as Gu Xingzhao was about to ask the system if she could check on the situation of the other members of the Lu family, the surrounding environment changed drastically.The living room disappeared, and the surroundings were dark. She could faintly hear crying.She was shocked.

She had actually entered the TV!

The system timely provided an explanation, “[System function is still being upgraded. Currently, the host can be projected as an image through the medium into the ancient world. People in the ancient world cannot perceive the host.]”

Gu Xingzhao was amazed. She didn’t expect it could be like this.Knowing that no one could see her, she felt relieved and walked around to take a look.

The female members of the Lu family had been crying for several days and were quite distressed, but they were physically unharmed. However, the male members of the Lu family had all been tortured, with some having minor injuries and others having serious injuries. Some even had fevers due to infected wounds.

[All channel menus have been activated. Please check by the host.]A picture and text appeared out of thin air, and there was a separate page for the Lu family genealogy, which showed the health status of each person, as well as various system instructions. In the guardian column, her name, Gu Xingzhao, was clearly written.

Simply put, she had now bound to the Lu family genealogy and, as the guardian of the Lu family, she had to protect the entire family, especially the life of the head of the Lu family, Lu Qing, who was about to be exiled.

As long as she could gain the gratitude and offerings of the Lu family, she would be able to obtain offering points, which could be used to exchange for items in the offering mall.The mall would provide a variety of weapons, cheats, and even special-purpose pills. Some items could also be purchased with currency from the modern world, but the prices were not cheap, and there were no items below four figures.

Gu Xingzhao thought for a moment, “I don’t have to buy from the mall. I run a supermarket myself, and there are many drugstores in town. Why would I need to buy at a high price in the system mall?”

“It’s like a nurturing game. Who hasn’t played one before? Now it’s just a holographic version. It’s kind of interesting.”Just as she was thinking this, the system’s voice sounded again, “[Due to the difficulty of maintaining the channel, a 40% tax will be charged for all items that are transferred back and forth.]”

Gu Xingzhao: “Tax?””[A moment ago, the host transferred a bucket of potato chips, a bag of bread, and a cup of hot water to the ancient world, with a total value of 20 yuan. You are now charged a tax of 8 yuan.]”

As soon as the system finished speaking, Gu Xingzhao received a text message, notifying her that her bank account had been deducted 8 yuan.She didn’t care. Eight yuan was nothing.

As a graduate of a prestigious university who owned an entire supermarket, could she not afford a few yuan in taxes?The system continued to introduce various functions and precautions to her.”[Items from the mall that are transmitted to the ancient world are not subject to tax.]”

“[If the host encounters danger in the ancient world, the system will provide the host with a series of basic safety protection measures. The host can also exchange for corresponding levels of protection in the mall.]”

“[While the host is in the ancient world, it is forbidden to actively kill high-ranking figures in the ancient world who do not pose a threat to the safety of the protected.]”

Gu Xingzhao was born rebellious. Thinking of the dog emperor who was in a high position, she raised an eyebrow: What if she killed him?”[There will be different levels of punishment for the host. Please do not take risks.]”

She immediately lost interest and casually flipped through the important pages. After thinking for a while, she realized that she ran a supermarket, so she had food and daily necessities, but she didn’t have any medicine. Not to mention the journey of exile, but now in prison, the Lu family needed medicine to survive.

It seemed like she had to go out.Exiting the TV, Gu Xingzhao tidied up.A couple of years ago, after graduating from university, she used her savings to renovate this old house left by her grandfather into a two-story building. She lived on the second floor, and the first floor was a small supermarket she operated. So before going out, she had to close the supermarket door.

Wang, the dumpling seller next door, greeted her, “Xiao Gu, are you going out?”Gu Xingzhao smiled and replied, “Yes.”Watching her walk away with a large bag, Wang sighed, “Poor child.”

The owner of the newly opened fruit store nearby said, “This young girl is able to open a supermarket at such a young age, which shows that she has support. What is there to feel sorry for?”

Unlike himself, not only did he have no one to help him, but his whole family had to rely on him selling a few pieces of fruit to make a living.

Wang glanced at the boss, “Then you’re really wrong. I’ve watched this child grow up. Her parents didn’t raise her, and her old Gu, who depended on each other, passed away early. This child can now open this supermarket in town, all thanks to her own efforts. She’s very capable.”

The fruit store owner sneered, “Nonsense. A little girl can have this ability? I know that those college students have a lot of tricks. They specialize in spending men’s money. This Gu probably found a few older men outside, and she’s probably being kept as a mistress.”

Meanwhile, Gu Xingzhao was buying medicine at various pharmacies. Afraid of attracting too much attention at a single pharmacy, she ran to several. She bought all the external medicines and bandages, as well as internal medicines like cold medicine, painkillers, fever reducers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics.Just as she was hesitating whether to go to the town’s wholesale clothing factory to buy some cotton clothes in advance, a violent alarm suddenly sounded from the system!

[Warning! The protected person, Lu Qing, is being tortured!]

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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