Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 26: Lu Xingyao’s Powerful Act of Filial Piety

That evening, the fruit shop owner returned home and noticed a table full of items, along with two raffle tickets lying on the table. The bag containing the items was emblazoned with the words “Good Luck Supermarket.”

He flew into a rage. “Great! That wretched woman actually dared to bring this nonsense into my house!”

The fruit shop owner, seething with anger, slapped his wife across the face. “I work hard outside to earn money for this family, and you squander it on this junk, don’t you?”

The woman, stunned by the slap, covered her face and tried to explain, “Li Yong… these things are for when we go back home for the New Year…”

“You dared to spend money on those scammy raffles? Don’t you think I work hard enough to earn money?”

“I saw that others could win prizes with similar amounts of money… I even won a rice cooker, so it wasn’t a loss.”

The woman felt wronged. Their hometown was poor, so every year, they would bring lots of things to honor her parents. Winning the rice cooker meant she could take it back for them to use.

But Li Yong wouldn’t hear of any excuses. “You ungrateful woman! How dare you argue with me! All you do is waste my money—you’re nothing but a burden!”

“I paid 28,000 yuan in bride price back then, and your family swallowed it all! Now you’re still thinking of using my money to support that bunch of bloodsuckers?”

The woman’s face turned pale. What bloodsuckers? When had she ever sent money back to her family?

“Watch your mouth! Part of the money you used to open the fruit shop came from my parents. If you do the math, that 28,000 yuan was gone a long time ago!”

That money had been considered a loan back then, and after all these years, no one had mentioned paying it back.

Li Yong sneered. “It doesn’t cost money to support you two freeloaders?”

He grabbed the items, and dragging his wife, headed to the supermarket to demand a refund.

Just as they arrived to make a scene about the refund, Gu Xingzhao was heading upstairs. Since the evening wasn’t busy, she had entrusted the cashier, Lin Ting, to watch the store while she packed the chicken drumsticks she’d prepared earlier in the afternoon, ready to send them to the past.

If she was going to deliver chicken drumsticks, she needed to make sure they arrived in time for dinner!

In the second-floor kitchen, she packed the drumsticks into separate bags—two in a small bag, more than twenty in a large bag. Holding the two large bags in her hands, she could already imagine how thrilled the group would be when they saw the drumsticks.

Just the thought of it gave Gu Xingzhao a strange sense of accomplishment.

She teleported to the past, carrying the drumsticks, and as she approached the bamboo basket, she saw Lu Xingyao guarding it as he had on the previous days. Unlike the day before, however, he wasn’t holding it, likely out of respect for the ancestors of the Lu family.

The other members of the Lu family occasionally glanced over at Lu Xingyao.

Feeling mischievous, Gu Xingzhao carefully placed one large bag of drumsticks into the bamboo basket, opened the bag, took out two drumsticks, and fanned their aroma towards Lu Xingyao’s nose.

In less than thirty seconds, Lu Xingyao caught the scent of meat. He thought he was hallucinating from hunger—after all, he had only eaten a pancake that evening, and the food the ancestor had sent had already been consumed.

He began to miss the meat the ancestor had sent them initially… He could still remember the taste, a mouthful of juicy, tender meat that was both smooth and chewy.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t help but sniff the air… Wait, this isn’t a hallucination!

He suddenly turned his head to look at the bamboo basket. By the light of the moon, he could just make out a large bag that hadn’t been there before. He reached out to touch it—soft, warm… it’s meat!

Lu Xingyao immediately looked around, his heart pounding and hands trembling. Oh my God, his kind and generous ancestor had returned!

And they’d brought a large bag of warm meat!

Gu Xingzhao stifled a laugh and put the drumsticks back.

Seeing his grandson winking at him, Lu Qing didn’t even want to respond. He was so hungry his stomach was growling, and at his age, he really didn’t have the energy to deal with his grandson.

Seeing that his grandfather wasn’t moving, Lu Xingyao pointed to the bamboo basket and mimicked an eating motion, drooling in anticipation. He was so eager that he almost wanted to take a bite for them.

The other members of the Lu family had been watching Lu Xingyao’s every move, trying to judge from his reactions whether the deity had appeared again.

Now, seeing his reactions, they knew something was up!

Gu Xingzhao noticed that everyone was looking longingly at Lu Qing, as if they all wanted to rush over and see what was happening.

Since Gu Xingzhao usually greeted Lu Qingsong first whenever she arrived, he didn’t think it was the ancestor this time.

But his grandson’s unusual behavior left him with no choice. Reluctantly, he grabbed the walking stick he’d lost once and retrieved, and slowly made his way towards his grandson. Finally, he stopped beside the bamboo basket to see what his grandson was up to.

In the next moment, the overwhelming aroma of meat almost made the nearly seventy-year-old man collapse.

With his stomach growling, Lu Qingsong’s reaction was even more intense than Lu Xingyao’s, causing the other members of the Lu family to grow even more anxious. What on earth was going on?

Lu Family Members: We’re dying to know, but we can’t just go over. So frustrating!

The grandfather and grandson eagerly opened the bag and took out a small bag containing two hot drumsticks. Tears of joy welled up in Lu Xingyao’s eyes.

To be able to eat chicken drumsticks on this desolate road to exile—he must have accumulated several lifetimes’ worth of good karma.

The large bag appeared to contain about twenty drumsticks, enough for everyone to have one. He couldn’t wait to start eating.

[Received gratitude from Lu Family member Lu Xingyao, Offering Value +15!]

Gu Xingzhao was momentarily stunned. Are the drumsticks really that amazing? She felt as if she could see the words on his face: “Who understands the joy of sharing a chicken drumstick with family?”

She chuckled softly. “There’s another bag. You’ve suffered a lot, so tonight, everyone gets two chicken drumsticks—enough to fill you up.”

The ancestor’s voice rang out, and Lu Qingsong had to swallow hard… Two drumsticks? He wasn’t imagining it, right?

Gu Xingzhao placed the other bag of drumsticks in front of them, releasing an even stronger aroma.

When Lu Xingyao saw another bag of drumsticks, his heart raced. No one could understand how much he wanted to trade his grandfather or father for this moment.

Two large bags of drumsticks—each person would get at least two!

Lu Xingyao’s gratitude toward the ancestor reached its peak.

Gu Xingzhao thought, Fortunately, Lu Qing and Lu Zhou didn’t know what Lu Xingyao was thinking in his excitement; otherwise, they might have coughed up blood. Truly, filial piety comes with great power.

“Don’t just stand there—go and call everyone over to eat. Don’t starve yourselves. The drumsticks smell strong, so eat them from a distance.”

Lu Qing beamed, even his beard seemed to dance with joy: “As you wish, ancestor!”

He immediately grabbed a bag of drumsticks and turned to his grandson, “Hurry and take some to your father, mother, and siblings!”


Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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