Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 29: Seven Hundred Isn’t Enough

Lu Suo wanted to say that he considered Gu Xingzhao as his own daughter, and that as long as she was willing, his home would always be hers. However, he held back, knowing that she was his master’s only granddaughter. His master’s legs… if it weren’t for him, the old man wouldn’t have left Gu Xingzhao so early.

Even in the years after his master passed away, he was too busy with work at the provincial bureau to take proper care of her.

He had thought about adopting Gu Xingzhao and bringing her along with him, but since her parents were still alive, it was legally impossible.

Reflecting on the past filled Lu Suo with guilt. He felt he owed Gu Xingzhao a great deal. At his age, he no longer aspired for anything more; he just wanted to return to his old home and live peacefully with his family.

The car stopped at the entrance of the supermarket. Gu Xingzhao got out with Lin Ting but didn’t invite Lu Suo inside. “Uncle Lu, you know me well enough. If something was wrong, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell you. If I haven’t mentioned anything, it’s because everything is fine.”

“If something happens, don’t try to handle it alone.”

“I know.”

As the car drove away, Gu Xingzhao suddenly felt a bit dazed. Does Uncle Lu look a bit like Lu Qing?

She shook her head. They just share the same surname. She was definitely overthinking it.


Lin Ting winced in pain.

Gu Xingzhao pulled the cotton swab away, frowning as she stared at his swollen face and the wound near his mouth.

Lin Ting was about to say something comforting when Gu Xingzhao, in a serious tone, muttered, “Seven hundred yuan isn’t enough.”

Lin Ting: “…” So it’s about the money.

Gu Xingzhao handed him a mirror. If his face got ruined, it wouldn’t just be a matter of seven hundred yuan.

Looking at his reflection, Lin Ting thought it wasn’t that bad—just a superficial injury. “I didn’t realize he was the guy from the fruit shop next door.”

The implication was clear. If he caused too much trouble, it could lead to more problems later on. Besides, since he wasn’t always home, if that couple came looking for trouble with his parents or Gu Xingzhao…

Lin Ting considered a lot of things. Given that couple’s income and stingy nature, seven hundred yuan wasn’t a small amount.

Gu Xingzhao understood his concerns. He was worried that Li Yong might cause trouble in the future, especially since all their shops were on the same street, and they couldn’t avoid seeing each other.

She sighed, “Your kind nature is good, but once you step into society, you can’t always be like this. Otherwise, people will think you’re an easy target, and you’ll suffer for it.”

“When you’re in the right, stand your ground. There’s nothing to be afraid of. You’re not alone.”

Looking at her, Lin Ting thought, precisely because I’m not alone, I can’t just do whatever I want.

After packing up the first aid kit, Gu Xingzhao noticed Lin Ting’s gaze on her. “Why do you have so much medicine stocked up, sister?”

Earlier, he thought it was just supermarket inventory. But upon closer inspection, he realized it was box after box of medicine, even syringes.

She lives alone. Does she really need so much medicine?

Gu Xingzhao smiled, “Just in case.”

“It’s getting late. You should go home. Aunt Wang and Uncle Lin are coming back tomorrow, and you don’t want them to worry.”

Lin Ting’s eyes flickered, “I’m afraid they’ll come again if I’m alone…”

“Sister, can I stay here tonight?”

Gu Xingzhao was momentarily stunned, “?”

This… doesn’t seem appropriate.

Before she could politely decline, Lin Ting added, “I’ll just sleep on the sofa like I did when we were kids.”

His eyes were bright, almost shimmering with unshed tears, like a stray kitten or puppy on the roadside, pitiful and helpless.

Gu Xingzhao suddenly recalled the times she stayed at Aunt Wang’s house as a child, with Lin Ting giving up his room for her and sleeping on the living room sofa instead…

The memories flooded back. Now, he only wanted to sleep on the living room sofa again. How could she bear to refuse?

Looking at Lin Ting, who was now much taller than her, she thought: It’s just letting the kid stay over for one night, nothing more…

Five minutes later, Gu Xingzhao sent Lin Ting downstairs with two bottles of Wahaha milk. “Xiao Ting, I only have one bed at home. You’re so tall now; it wouldn’t be comfortable for you to sleep on the sofa.”

Lin Ting was about to suggest sleeping on the floor when Gu Xingzhao continued, “It’s so cold right now; I can’t let you sleep on the floor. If you get sick, how will I explain it to your parents?”

Lin Ting: “…”

Gu Xingzhao smiled, “When I get another bed, you can stay over again.”

Lin Ting’s emotions were hard to describe. After a long pause, he finally said, “Okay.”

He took out his key to unlock the door, then turned back to ask, “When are you buying it?”

Gu Xingzhao: “…” Kids these days are hard to fool.

The supermarket promotion had ended, and Gu Xingzhao’s bank account was a bit fuller. With New Year’s Eve approaching, she cleaned the entire house and planned to close up shop until the third day of the new year.

“These dumplings need to be wrapped like this…” Aunt Wang slowly demonstrated once more for Gu Xingzhao.

After a while, Aunt Wang sighed, “Xiao Gu, maybe it’s best if you don’t learn this after all?”

Looking at the dumplings, she really couldn’t bear it anymore, but Xiao Gu was determined to learn and was quite stubborn about it.

Gu Xingzhao was quick to learn most things, but when it came to cooking, she had no talent. The dumplings were limp and misshapen. She thought it was simple, but she just couldn’t wrap one properly. She had hoped to make some dumplings herself to add to the Lu family’s New Year feast.

Aunt Wang had lost the patience to teach. Lin Ting noticed Gu Xingzhao’s disappointed expression and, after some hesitation, stood up and sat beside her, guiding her hands with his. “Sister, let me teach you.”

Lin Ting had been helping his family make dumplings since he was a child and was quite skilled. He taught with great patience, especially because it was Gu Xingzhao.

Aunt Wang was stunned for a moment, “?”

Do you need to be this close to teach someone how to make dumplings?

Soon, a plump, round dumpling sat on the table, its skin almost bursting, but at least it resembled a dumpling.

Lin Ting smiled, “You’re amazing, sister. You learned it in one go, and it’s better than mine.”

Feeling a bit proud, Gu Xingzhao carefully held the dumpling and showed it off to Aunt Wang, liking it more and more the longer she looked at it.

Aunt Wang: “…”

That dumpling will probably fall apart when it’s cooked. Her son could really flatter someone.

As she carried the dumplings to cook, Aunt Wang grew increasingly uneasy. Glancing back, she noticed her son staring at Gu Xingzhao, his face almost beaming with joy.


Aunt Wang suddenly realized—her son was turning eighteen after the New Year, and he had developed a crush! No wonder he could say such insincere things!

She wasn’t entirely surprised. Gu Xingzhao was beautiful, smart, and kind—what boy wouldn’t like her?

If Gu Xingzhao were to show interest in Lin Ting, she’d be thrilled, knowing the family background. But how could that happen? There was a six-year age gap, and Gu clearly treated him like a child.

Seeing no hope, she already felt sorry for her son. She nudged her husband, “Look at your son, his eyes are practically glued to Xiao Gu. Aren’t you worried she’ll notice?”

Uncle Lin glanced over, “She won’t notice.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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