Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 3: Ancestral Medicine

Gu Xingzhao furrowed her brow. Another torture session?

Monitoring of Lu Qing has been activated. No immediate life threats detected. Please rest assured, host.

Though the system assured her that Lu Qing was out of immediate danger, Gu Xingzhao remained uneasy. She rushed home as fast as she could and entered the ancient world.

It was already morning there, but the prison cell was still dark. Lu Qing, who had just been tortured, was thrown back into the cell, his body covered in fresh wounds, both large and small, with flesh torn open.

When Gu Xingzhao appeared, she saw a gorgeously dressed young woman heading towards Lu Qing’s cell.

The prison guards followed behind her. “Your Highness, this cell is filled with a gloomy aura. Most of those imprisoned here are sentenced to death.”The guards spoke cautiously, afraid of offending the young lady, and tried to dissuade her from going any further.

The emperor had given strict orders that no one was allowed to see Lu Qing.

The woman snorted, “I’m just taking a look. It doesn’t concern you at all!”

“But His Majesty has ordered—”

Shunyue sneered, “I am Princess Shunyue. Who are you to use my imperial brother to pressure me?”

Gu Xingzhao was a little surprised.

That was the dog emperor’s sister—Princess Shunyue. What was she doing here?

The dog emperor had many brothers and sisters, but when he ascended the throne, most of them were either dead or crippled. Princess Shunyue was the only one who had survived well in the palace. Judging from her clothes and demeanor, she seemed to be quite favored.

However, she remembered that Princess Shunyue’s personality was supposed to be quite weak and that she didn’t have much of a presence, right?

In fact, Shunyue was really scared. This was the first time she had come to such a place. All the way here, it was dirty and smelly, and many of the prisoners were fierce and vicious, with blood everywhere.

She had come entirely against her will.

When she reached the place where Lu Qing was imprisoned, her palm under her sleeve was already covered in cold sweat. She looked at the guard and forced a cold, hard tone, “Alright, I’ll just take a look here. Go away; I find you annoying just looking at you.”

When everyone was gone, Shunyue called out in a low voice, “Minister.”Lu Qing leaned against the wall and forced himself to stand up straight. “This old minister greets Your Highness…”

He hadn’t expected that in his current situation, with his colleagues and disciples in the officialdom all eager to distance themselves from him, the little princess in front of him would actually come to the prison to visit him.

Shunyue looked at Lu Qing. His blood-stained clothes, wounds of varying depths, and head of messy white hair—where was the appearance of the former minister?

She felt uncomfortable. She took out a bottle of medicine and a paper-wrapped pastry from her sleeve. “Minister, you’ve suffered…”

Looking at the medicine and pastry she handed over, Lu Qing’s nose turned sour, and his voice was hoarse. “This old minister thanks Your Highness!”

When she saw his outstretched hand with its bony knuckles and old and new bloodstains, and that he couldn’t even straighten his fingers when he took the items, Shunyue couldn’t bear to look any longer. She quickly left after saying, “Take care.”

Minister Lu had been kind to her, and visiting him today was her way of repaying this favor.

Looking at the things in Lu Qing’s hand, Gu Xingzhao sighed. “This little girl actually cares about you.”

Hearing the voice, Lu Qing realized that everything from last night wasn’t a dream, and that his ancestor had indeed come. He quickly restrained his emotions, covered his tears with his sleeve, and wanted to ask the ancestor’s name but was afraid of offending them. After a long while, he respectfully said, “This junior greets the ancestor.”

Gu Xingzhao observed Lu Qing through the system and found that the old man was severely injured, had a slight fever, and was malnourished after being hungry for several days.”Why were you tortured again today?”

“As a criminal, do I need a reason?”

Gu Xingzhao was silent for a long time. “You can leave in two days. Although the journey of exile will be arduous, at least you won’t have to endure the torture in prison.”

As she spoke, she handed Lu Qing the iodine and cotton balls she had just bought and taught him how to use them. She had originally wanted to give him alcohol but feared it would be too painful for the old man to bear.

Although he was still in prison and couldn’t bandage his wounds, at least he could disinfect them. As for the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medicine, he would have to take it after eating.

When Lu Qing finished drinking the millet porridge that had been delivered, Gu Xingzhao gave him three pills. “Swallow these.”

Lu Qing was naturally suspicious. As a man who had risen to the position of cabinet minister, he certainly wasn’t simple-minded. If someone else had given him something, he would definitely have been wary and hesitant to consume it.But the person giving him these things was his ancestor, the benefactor who had been providing him with food and drink these past two days.He carefully held the pills in his palm, sniffed them curiously, and then quickly swallowed them, almost choking. Fortunately, there was warm water provided by his ancestor to soothe his throat.

Seeing that he had taken the pills, clearly trusting her, Gu Xingzhao then explained, “This medicine is to treat your fever and external wounds. Take it twice a day. I’ll bring more later.”

Lu Qing: “Thank you, ancestor, for the medicine.”Gu Xingzhao continued to advise, “You should still pretend to be weak to the outside world so that people think you are on the verge of death. This might exempt you from further torture over the next two days.”

Although Lu Qing was a criminal, he was still known as the number one cabinet minister. If he died from torture in prison, it would damage the emperor’s reputation. The dog emperor would prefer that he died on the road to exile.Those who held grudges against him wouldn’t dare to cause trouble if they had any sense.

Hearing the caring advice, the nearly seventy-year-old man’s eyes welled up with tears. His throat tightened, and he couldn’t speak.He felt that the ancestor’s medicine was truly miraculous.

As soon as he took it, he felt as if he could run and jump. Let alone a three-thousand-mile exile, even a six-thousand-mile journey would be nothing.

Gu Xingzhao: “…” There’s no such miraculous effect.But it’s good that he’s experiencing a placebo effect. It’ll make the next two days easier to bear.

Over the next two days, seeing that Lu Qing was on his last breath, the prison guards dared not torture him anymore. If he truly died in this prison, the blame would fall on them, not the emperor.

Gu Xingzhao had an idea. She moved the TV to the supermarket downstairs, thinking she could watch the ancient world while managing the shop during the day.

When the supermarket closed at night and it was quiet, she carried a bucket of boiling water and was about to go downstairs to eat instant noodles while checking on Lu Qing when the system prompt sounded.

Host, the system has been upgraded, and the projection function has been enabled. You can project characters from the ancient world into the modern world 24 hours a day. A monthly subscription service is now available, with a first-month trial price of 298 yuan/month. Would you like to subscribe?

Gu Xingzhao: So expensive?


She usually didn’t subscribe to expensive memberships, but for something this outrageously priced, she had to give it a try.The next second, right next to her sofa, Lu Qing, dressed in prison clothes, appeared, lying there. The autumn weather was already a bit cold, and he was curled up, relying on a tattered blanket for warmth.Gu Xingzhao was shocked.

This high-tech feature was indeed worth two hundred and ninety-eight yuan.


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That night, while doing the accounts, she occasionally glanced up at Lu Qing.

Finally, she couldn’t resist posting on her social media…

“Day three of painless motherhood. The child is injured, and the mother’s heart aches.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

1 comment
  1. ousssama Chuyue has spoken 2 weeks ago

    Thanks for the chapter


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