Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 35: “Is the Lu Family Planning a Rebellion?”

After completing the transaction, Gu Xingzhao, despite not knowing much about the antique trade, understood that once a price was set, there was no going back. Seeing the pained expression on her face, Xu Shisan chuckled and said, “Sister, that’s a fair price. Your items are good, but you clearly don’t know much about them.”

“I didn’t haggle with you because you’re pretty. If you went to another shop, they’d have skinned you alive.”

Xu Shisan could tell right away that she wasn’t an expert, even though she had tried to act knowledgeable. But his simple probing had easily revealed her lack of understanding. This industry was notoriously tricky, with prices varying widely depending on who you dealt with. The price he offered was generous; others wouldn’t be as kind.

Gu Xingzhao felt a bit better. He was right—jewelry and antiques were tricky to value, and 280,000 yuan was quite a sum. Before coming, she would have been happy with 200,000 yuan.

After receiving her payment, Gu Xingzhao was about to leave when Xu Shisan suddenly said, “Sister, I can offer you a good price for the pendant you’re wearing.”

His eyes were fixed on the jade pendant around her neck. He had seen many valuable items, but this collectible-level jade pendant was something special—if he could get it, his life would be complete.

Gu Xingzhao paused and instinctively touched the pendant around her neck. Noticing the intense interest in Xu Shisan’s eyes, she smiled, “You want it?”

Xu Shisan nodded, the young man’s previous maturity replaced by the eager gaze of someone who had found something they loved.

But Gu Xingzhao, right in front of him, tucked the pendant into her collar, her expression regretful. “Too bad it’s a family heirloom, not for sale.”

It wasn’t just the system that had shown a keen interest in her pendant—even this antique shop owner was drawn to it, which confirmed its value. Now that she was certain of this, there was no way she would sell it.

Xu Shisan didn’t seem discouraged. He was young and had plenty of time to wait. He pulled out his phone and extended an olive branch. “Sister, let’s stay in touch. If you ever have more items, you’re always welcome here. Even if it’s not business, I’d be happy to have you over for tea and a chat.”

Gu Xingzhao could see that he was mostly interested in her jade pendant, but she didn’t mind making another friend. Besides, this young man seemed knowledgeable, and she might need his expertise in the future.


After exchanging contact information, Gu Xingzhao left the antique shop.

As she exited, a man dressed in a black Zhongshan suit descended from the second floor. He had a scholarly air about him. “Did someone just visit?”

Xu Shisan nodded and handed the items he had just acquired to the man. “Uncle, I just received these—two pairs of jade earrings.”

The man glanced at the earrings, nodded slightly, and then retreated into the tea room.

Xu Shisan sighed softly, sympathizing with his uncle and lamenting over the exquisite jade pendant he had seen today.

From a young age, he had known that his uncle was waiting for a specific jade pendant. It was said that his uncle had been searching for it for many years, though Xu Shisan didn’t know what kind of pendant it was that could occupy his uncle’s thoughts for so long.

Xu Shisan always felt that his uncle had secrets, that there was a story behind him, but stories were rarely easy to share.

Oh well, he thought, I’ll just have to dream up a way to convince Gu Xingzhao to sell me that family heirloom.

With 280,000 yuan newly added to her bank account, Gu Xingzhao felt like she was floating on air.

On her way back to town, she stopped at a restaurant and ordered dozens of boxed meals. After all, when one person achieves success, those around them should also benefit. Now that she had some money, it was only right to improve the living conditions of her disciples and descendants.

What Gu Xingzhao didn’t know was that the Lu family was busy figuring out how to prepare the instant noodles she had left behind.

Lu Xingyao lifted the lid and stared at the hard, dry noodles inside, looking skeptically at the old man. “Just add hot water?”

No fire, and the noodles would still cook?

He was seriously doubting whether the old man had misunderstood something last night. How could pouring water over these noodles without a fire produce something as delicious as what they had eaten?

He didn’t want to waste the food left by the ancestor.

When it came to good food, Lu Yang couldn’t stand the hesitation, especially with someone like Lu Xingyao, who liked to overthink everything. He just couldn’t wait.

There was only one way to find out if it would work—try it.

He grabbed the cup of noodles from Lu Xingyao, tore open the small seasoning packets, poured all the dry powders into the cup, and then added the hot water. Finally, he closed the lid, all in one smooth motion.

As the aroma began to waft out, Lu Yang couldn’t wait any longer and lifted the lid. The once hard and dry noodles had softened and unraveled, filling the air with the same delicious smell as the night before.

Lu Xingyao was astonished. How could such a miraculous food exist? Just adding hot water could create such a delicacy?

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, Lu Yang eagerly picked up the cup of noodles, used the spoon-like object inside to scoop up a mouthful of noodles, and then drank a big gulp of the broth, looking completely satisfied.

“Tastes just as good as last night!”

The food blessed by the ancestor was truly extraordinary. Just a bit of hot water was enough to give them such a delicious meal.

If only they could eat something this delicious every day.

The other family members could no longer wait and began tearing open the remaining cups of noodles. They followed Lu Yang’s example, pouring in hot water, and as soon as they smelled the aroma, they started eating the noodles and drinking the broth.

At this point, the Lu family no longer treated the Liu family as outsiders. They even shared a bit with them, especially since they had all celebrated the New Year together the night before.

With good food and the warm packs left by the ancestor, the atmosphere in the room was lively, filled with laughter and conversation.

Lu Qing watched this scene, feeling deeply moved. Since leaving the capital, they had been traveling non-stop, suffering injuries, hunger, and cold. People had died along the way, and each of them carried a heavy burden, barely able to breathe.

He couldn’t even remember the last time they had experienced a day like this.

Just then, footsteps approached from outside, and Du Hangwu’s voice called out, “Open the door.”

The sound of a key turning in the lock followed, and the people inside the room scrambled to hide the noodle cups.

When the door opened, Du Hangwu walked in. The people inside had already separated and sat down, looking cold, hungry, and filled with sorrow.

Du Hangwu frowned, catching a whiff of a faint, unfamiliar aroma. His gaze sharpened as he scanned the room, but he found nothing.

At that moment, the Lu and Liu family members were all tense, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Du Hangwu had other matters to attend to and didn’t have time to investigate the source of the smell. He waved his hand, and two men behind him walked over to Lu Qing, making it clear they intended to take him away.

The Lu family members panicked. Several of them quickly stepped forward to block the old man, ready to fight if necessary.

Du Hangwu’s face darkened, and he asked coldly, “Is the Lu family planning a rebellion?”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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