Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 39: Only the Divine Can Save

After waiting nearly two hours, the two attendants were anxious and restless. Seeing Lu Qing emerge from the room, they wanted to rush inside to check on their lord’s condition. However, recalling Lu Xingyao’s earlier warning, they hesitated. “If there really is a divine being involved, and we offend them, our lives wouldn’t be enough to pay for it.”

Leaning on his cane, Lu Qing relayed the instructions given to him by the ancestor, “Your lord is out of danger. He should wake up in about an hour.”

The two attendants were overjoyed, but Doctor Liang Han abruptly stood up in disbelief. “How is that possible!”

“Lord Yu was on the brink of death. This old man was only in there for less than two hours. Unless he’s some kind of immortal, how could he possibly be better?!”

Hearing Liang Han’s skepticism, Lu Xingyao scoffed, “With my grandfather there, what’s impossible?”

“When a divine being intervenes, even the gravest illnesses can be cured, and those at death’s door can be saved with ease.”

Lu Qing cleared his throat, signaling his grandson not to boast too much, lest they anger the ancestor.

Sitting in a chair inside the room, Gu Xingzhao yawned. “To be fair, the doctor wasn’t entirely wrong. Your student’s condition was indeed terminal, and without my intervention today, he wouldn’t have survived another two days.”

Lu Qing understood—only a divine being could have saved Yu Heng.

“An assassin!”

Suddenly, a shout of alarm rang out, startling everyone. The two attendants immediately drew their swords and rushed toward the source of the commotion, only to find that the officer Du Hangwu had collapsed near the main building.

“What’s happened to Officer Du?”

The attendants examined him but found no injuries.

Someone pointed out, “Why is there a hole in the window?”

Stroking his beard, Lu Qing chuckled, “Perhaps he did something to provoke divine retribution and was struck down by lightning.”

Lu Xingyao suddenly understood. “So that’s why I hadn’t seen Du Hangwu earlier—he must have circled around to spy from a secluded spot.”

“How could a mere mortal dare to spy on a divine being? Being struck by lightning serves him right.”

The two attendants exchanged glances, realizing that the rumors of the Lu family being aided by a divine being were true. Their lord must have been saved by that very deity!

Overjoyed, they also felt a sense of relief. “Thank goodness we resisted the urge to barge in earlier—otherwise, we might have been struck by lightning ourselves.”

Barely able to contain his excitement, one of the attendants asked, “Elder Lu, may we now enter to check on our lord?”

Lu Qing nodded, “Let’s all go in. I also have some instructions for you two.”

Lu Xingyao, ever attentive, hurried to support his grandfather.

The room still carried the faint scent of blood. Yu Heng’s upper body was unclothed, his abdomen bandaged with white gauze, slightly stained with blood. His hands were wrapped in something unfamiliar, connected by a thin tube to a transparent object hanging beside the bed. The liquid in the bottle seemed to be slowly dripping into Yu Heng’s body.

Everyone was stunned by the scene before them, including the two attendants who stood frozen in place, unsure of what to make of it.

Liang Han, who had followed them in, was equally astonished. “What kind of medical practice is this?” He had never seen anything like it before!

“Might I examine Lord Yu?” Liang Han asked hesitantly.

The attendants, snapping out of their shock, nodded in agreement. Though they trusted Elder Lu, they were still unnerved by the strange scene and wanted the doctor to assess the situation.

Lu Qing frowned, unsure if letting the doctor examine Yu Heng would reveal anything they shouldn’t.

Gu Xingzhao, resting her chin on her hands, casually replied, “It’s fine. Let him take a look.”

After all, he won’t be able to figure anything out.

Relieved by her assurance, Lu Qing allowed Liang Han to proceed.

The doctor carefully checked Yu Heng’s pulse and conducted a thorough examination, his brows furrowing deeper with each passing moment. He murmured to himself, “How can this be…?”

“This is impossible…”

The two attendants, growing more anxious with each silent moment, pressed him for answers. “What’s wrong?”

Even Lu Xingyao began to worry, unsure of how the ancestor had treated Yu Heng. Seeing the doctor’s expression only heightened his concern.

Finally, Liang Han stood up, ignoring the attendants as he turned to Lu Qing and knelt down, “Earlier, I was too arrogant and spoke out of turn. Please forgive my rudeness, Elder.”

His sudden change in attitude, from doubting Lu Qing to kneeling in apology, spoke volumes.

The attendants, overwhelmed with relief, dropped to their knees with loud thuds and bowed deeply to Lu Qing. “Thank you, Elder Lu, for saving our lord!”

The loud noise startled Gu Xingzhao. “Good thing they aren’t bowing to me—how many years would that take off my life?”

Lu Qing, equally startled by the loud bow, quickly gestured for Lu Xingyao to help the men to their feet. “There’s no need to thank me.”

“After all, I’m not the one who saved him. If anyone deserves your gratitude, it’s the ancestor of the Lu family.”

Liang Han’s curiosity was now at its peak. “May I ask how you managed to treat Lord Yu’s illness?”

Lu Qing hesitated. Although he had witnessed the procedure, he had no idea what had actually happened. All he knew was that the ancestor had opened Yu Heng’s abdomen, did something inside, and then stitched it back up.

But discussing the act of cutting open someone’s abdomen was not something to take lightly. The ancestor dared to perform such a procedure because she was a divine being with celestial powers. For a mortal to do so would be akin to murder.

“To be honest, I didn’t do much. It’s all thanks to Lord Yu’s strong will to live, which moved the heavens, granting him this miraculous recovery. I certainly can’t take credit for it.”

Gu Xingzhao nearly burst out laughing. Moved the heavens with his will to live? This old man sure knows how to spin a tale.

Lu Qing believed he was telling the truth, but to Liang Han, it sounded like he was being secretive and unwilling to share his medical knowledge.

The two attendants, realizing that their lord needed rest, ushered everyone out of the room.

As they waited for Yu Heng to regain consciousness, they couldn’t stop glancing at Lu Qing, filled with curiosity and puzzlement.
“So, it wasn’t Elder Lu who saved our lord, but a divine being.”

But if the Lu family had divine assistance, how had they ended up in such a dire situation?

Regardless, knowing that the Lu family was indeed under divine protection, their lord’s request would surely be easier to fulfill.

Time passed slowly. Just as Gu Xingzhao was thinking that the patient should be waking up soon, Yu Heng’s eyelids fluttered, his fingers twitching before he slowly opened his eyes.

The two attendants immediately shouted, “He’s awake! Our lord is awake!”

Everyone rushed to the bedside.

Supported by his grandson, Lu Qing made his way over and saw that Yu Heng was indeed awake. He couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. “The ancestor truly is merciful. Our family owes her more than we can ever repay.”

Though he looked much older than in Lu Qing’s memories, Yu Heng recognized him instantly. Despite his pale complexion, his eyes welled with tears. “Master…”

He struggled to sit up and pay his respects, which alarmed Gu Xingzhao. She swiftly pressed him back down onto the bed with surprising force.

Yu Heng, unable to control his body as it was forcefully pushed back down, felt as though an invisible hand was holding him in place.

He stared in bewilderment. “What just happened?”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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