Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 6: The Lu Family Ancestors Have Manifested!

Lu Qing’s curse was loud enough that Lu Zhou nervously glanced around. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Madam Song broke her half of the flatbread and handed it to Lu Qing. “Father, I have a small appetite and can’t eat much. Please help me finish this.”

The grandchildren also gathered around. Some had fetched water using large leaves, as the flatbread was too dry and needed water to go down.

Lu Qing refused, his face stern. “Eat it yourselves! Why give it to me?”

He understood the children’s filial piety, but the food rations were limited, and how could he take more than his share?

In the Lu family, Lu Qing was the eldest and had suffered greatly in the imperial prison. Seeing him like this made the younger generation feel miserable.

Gu Xingzhao, after a busy day, decided to check on the situation upstairs. When she entered the ancient world, she saw the scene of Lu Qing blowing his beard in irritation.

Whoa, what happened here?

She didn’t speak, just moved closer and saw the youngest granddaughter, Lu Youtang, leaning against Lu Qing, her eyes red, clearly from crying.

“Grandfather, please eat. We all know that they didn’t give you any food in the prison. You must be starving…”

The others chimed in, “Grandfather, please eat.”

“Yes, Father, the children are honoring you.”

Lu Qing stroked his white beard, comforting his granddaughter. “Though they didn’t give Grandfather any food, our Lu family ancestors, who ascended to the heavens a hundred years ago, manifested and kept bringing me food!”

Gu Xingzhao chuckled. Lu Qing said this, but did he really think anyone would believe it?

After the crowd dispersed and sat by the fire, Lu Yang sighed, “Father, why bring up such absurdities like the ancestors manifesting just to comfort Youtang?”

His daughter was already ten years old; how could she still believe such things?

The others didn’t believe it either, thinking the old man was just trying to cheer up his little granddaughter.

Looking at his son and daughter-in-law, Lu Qing grew serious. “I’m not making this up to comfort Youtang. Our Lu family ancestors really did manifest.”

He then recounted his experiences in the prison, repeatedly emphasizing how the ancestors had manifested to bring him food and medicine for his injuries.

They all exchanged puzzled glances, then responded with forced smiles, “Who would have thought, our Lu family ancestors truly manifested. We’re truly blessed by heaven.”

“Yes, yes…”

Seeing that they believed him, Lu Qing finally took a bite of the flatbread in his hand. Cold and hard, it immediately reminded him of the soft and fragrant food the ancestors had brought him. It melted in his mouth…

Back when he was trapped in that dark cell, he had no time to savor it, but now that he thought about it, the food provided by the ancestors was truly the best he had ever tasted.

However, since last night, the ancestors had not come to him again. Could it be that he had somehow offended them?

Lu Qing grew anxious, wondering if he had been too hasty in telling his children and grandchildren about the ancestors’ manifestation. Would the ancestors be upset with him?

Gu Xingzhao spoke up, “They won’t blame you. But telling them like this, they won’t believe it.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Qing relaxed, but he was confident about the matter of belief. “Ancestor, you must understand, my sons and daughters-in-law have always respected me deeply. They believe everything I say without question.”

Just then, behind him, Lu Zhou quietly told his wife, Madam Song, and his brother Lu Yang, “Father must be in shock and suffering from hysteria. We should keep an eye on him for the next few days.”

Lu Yang added, “Father is getting old, after all.”

Madam Song sighed, “Father has suffered greatly.”

If not for the torment in that imperial prison, how could he say such absurd things about the ancestors manifesting just to comfort himself?

Gu Xingzhao almost burst out laughing. The Lu family members were indeed endearing.

She looked at Lu Qing with amusement, noting his reaction. “But they’re saying you’re suffering from hysteria and need to be watched closely.”

Lu Qing’s face flushed with embarrassment and irritation. “…”

He turned to glare at his sons and daughters-in-law. In front of the ancestors, couldn’t they save a little face for their old father?

Gu Xingzhao found the old man endearing. She handed him some antiseptic and anti-inflammatory medicine she had prepared. “I see your back is covered in wounds. Find someone to help, and I’ll teach you how to use these.”

Lu Qing glanced at his sons and daughters-in-law, then called over his eldest grandson, Lu Xingyao.

Lu Xingyao, looking at the items in front of him and learning they were for treating wounds, was astonished. “Grandfather, where did these things come from?”

He couldn’t see how his grandfather could have hidden so many items on him. The bandages were pristine white, and one of the items was a strip that stuck to the skin better than any high-quality glue he had ever seen!

The Lu family had once been a prominent household in the capital, with the best of everything. But he had never seen anything like this before.

“Good stuff, isn’t it? Someone gave them to me.”

Seeing his grandson’s reaction, Lu Qing felt a sense of pride. At least as a grandfather, he could remain composed. Unlike the younger generation, who were so easily shaken by the ancestors’ gifts.

But he didn’t explain further, not wanting his grandson to also think he was suffering from hysteria.

Lu Xingyao didn’t ask more questions. He knew his grandfather had once held a high position in the court and had extensive connections. Perhaps a benefactor had entrusted these items to the officials escorting them.

Gu Xingzhao smiled, noting the old man’s strong sense of pride. But she couldn’t blame the children for not believing; after all, if the ancestors manifested for her, she wouldn’t believe it either.

After treating the sticky wounds, Lu Qing felt much better and pulled out the remaining half of the coarse flatbread to eat.

Gu Xingzhao glanced at the flatbread and looked around, seeing many others holding only a single piece. “You’ve been walking all day, and you’re only eating this?”

Lu Qing swallowed the bite in his mouth and replied, “Ancestor, we are in the wilderness. Having flatbread to fill our bellies is already a blessing.”

Besides, they were still criminals; they had no right to be picky.

Gu Xingzhao frowned. The journey was three thousand miles. Even at today’s pace, it would take at least four months to reach their destination. With only this little food, how could they possibly endure?

She had originally thought that preparing some medicine and warm clothing would suffice, but it was clear now that food would also be needed.

“Wait here for a moment.”

Lu Qing: “?”

Not long after, Gu Xingzhao returned with a bag of compressed biscuits, bread, energy bars, and a few portable thermos flasks filled with hot water.

She placed the items in front of Lu Qing. “A single piece of flatbread isn’t enough to sustain you. Make do with these for now, and I’ll bring more food tomorrow.”

She then demonstrated how to use the thermos flasks. “I’ve filled these with hot water, and it will stay warm until morning. It’s cold out, so share it among yourselves.”

This way, they wouldn’t have to drink the icy river water and risk getting sick.

Lu Qing was stunned, his eyes welling up with tears, but his heart felt warm. He hadn’t expected the ancestors to be so thoughtful, even considering such small details like hot water.

He immediately knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, and with deep gratitude, he said, “I, a humble descendant, thank the ancestors on behalf of all the Lu family’s descendants.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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