Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 8: Mocking the Lu Family

Regardless of the fate of Princess Shunyu, Gu Xingzhao didn’t care; after all, she only needed to be concerned with the Lu family’s survival, and Princess Shunyu wasn’t from the lu family.

“I wonder if the ancestors are present. I, Lu Qing, have a request.”Lu Qing hesitated for a long time before solemnly calling out to Gu Xingzhao.

Gu Xingzhao responded, “I am here. What is the matter?”

Lu Qing: “Princess Shunyu has been suffering from abdominal pain since the evening and cannot keep any food down. May I distribute some of the food and hot water you granted us to her?”As he spoke, he felt anxious.

After all, it was already kind enough that the ancestors were protecting the Lu family, and he shouldn’t have any other requests.

However, Princess Shunyu was indeed affected because of him…It would have been easier for him to simply deliver the food himself, but he came to ask for permission.

Although Gu Xingzhao didn’t care about the food, she was quite pleased with Lu Qing’s respectful approach.

The old man truly valued her as his ancestor.”Wait a moment.”

Soon, Gu Xingzhao brought some pain relief medicine, wrapped it in paper, and handed it to Lu Qing. “This is pain relief medicine that can alleviate abdominal pain during a woman’s special time. Take it to her.”

She glanced at the Snickers bar in Lu Qing’s left hand. “Do not give her that. It might worsen her symptoms.”

Earlier, when the little maid beside Princess Shunyu spoke to Lu Qing with a shy expression, Gu Xingzhao guessed that the princess was likely suffering from menstrual pain. Lu Qing must have guessed the same and intended to send hot water.

Gu Xingzhao had experienced menstrual pain herself and knew it could be extremely severe, sometimes causing vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating, with even pain relief medicine being ineffective.She didn’t mind helping out since it was just a small effort, and there was no need to refuse.

“Thank you, ancestor.”Lu Qing was grateful and amazed that the ancestor seemed to know everything even without him saying a word.

He didn’t trust anyone else to deliver the items, so he called his eldest grandson to do it.

Madam Song was puzzled as to why the old man was asking for his grandson so often today when he usually had Zhou lu handle things.

Lu Xingyao took the items, hiding them, and walked towards the cart.

Standing by the cart, he spoke to the coachman, “I am Lu Xingyao. My grandfather asked me to deliver some food to Her Highness. Please pass it on.”

A weak female voice came from inside the cart, “Is your grandfather Lord Lu?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”S

oon, the maid Cai He stepped out of the cart to receive the food. Upon hearing that there was also medicine and hot water, she immediately thanked him.

Princess Shunyu leaned against the cart, pale and sweating, “Did you find Lord Lu?”

Cai He bit her lip and nodded under her mistress’s gaze, “I had no choice. The officials refused to help us…” The words they said were very harsh.

The princess had just cried, and Cai He was both heartbroken and anxious.Princess Shunyu lowered her gaze, lost in thought.Cai He hurriedly prepared the medicine and hot water. “Your Highness, the person said this medicine can relieve pain.”

Seeing the small pill in Cai He’s hand, Princess Shunyu picked it up with two fingers, examining it carefully. Her brows furrowed, “Medicine?”She had never seen such a small pill before, and it didn’t smell like medicine. Could it really be effective?

Cai He: “Your Highness, just try it.”

In the palace, when the princess had abdominal pain, the imperial physician would provide a decoction. Now, without a physician, they had to make do with what they had.

Princess Shunyu had doubts, but since it was something sent by Lu Qing, she took the medicine.The unbearable cramping continued for a while but gradually eased, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing her finally asleep, Cai He breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t expect that such a small pill from the Lu family would have such an effect.In the past, even after taking the imperial physician’s medicine, the princess’s pain would last for a while. This tiny pill worked remarkably well.Cai He thought about the Lu family and wondered where they got this miraculous medicine.


In her dream, Princess Shunyu murmured, tears streaming down her face.

Cai He watched with a mix of pity and anger. She had served the princess since childhood and understood the situation well.

The current emperor was born to a palace maid and was not favored, while the princess was the beloved daughter of the late emperor, receiving his affection.

The princess thought the emperor treated her well because of there past closeness. However, it was actually for his own gain and ambition, as confirmed by rumors about his ruthless actions against his siblings.

After the late emperor’s death, the current emperor neglected the princess, failing to honor his predecessor’s promises, almost leading to the princess’s death. It was only thanks to Lord Lu that the imperial physician was summoned to save her.

As a maid, Cai He saw through the emperor’s hypocrisy and the princess’s misplaced trust.

After delivering the items, Lu Xingyao returned and noticed many people along the way staring at him with hostility.

Lu Qing had made many enemies during his time in office, and now that the Lu family had fallen, some people took the opportunity to mock them.

“A princess who has been demoted to a commoner, and the Lu family is still trying to curry favor?”

“If it weren’t for the Lu Qing’s arrogance, thinking they could dictate to the emperor, they wouldn’t have ended up like this.”

The mocking voices were loud and clear, and the Lu family heard every word.

Lu Qing closed his eyes, pretending not to hear. After visiting the prison, he realized that surviving was more important than preserving face.

Lu Yang, with his straightforward personality, couldn’t tolerate any criticism of his father and was about to confront the troublemakers, but Lu Zhou held him back, saying, “Don’t cause trouble.”

In their current situation, avoiding conflicts could ensure their safety.Lu Yang was unwilling but had to suppress his anger.Seeing this, the mockers became even more scornful.

“I used to think the Lu family had some skill, but now they are just like us, eating rough bread and drinking dew.”

“Men are even worse than women, hahaha!”

“Falling from grace, probably crying together like a family!”



The men who had been mocking the Lu family were suddenly pelted with mud. They cursed angrily, “Who did this? Who threw mud at me?!”

“Is it you!”

“I saw you laughing earlier! It must be you!”

They grabbed nearby people and started a fight, quickly becoming entangled in a brawl.

The Lu family members were puzzled as to why the mockers were now fighting among themselves.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

1 comment
  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 2 weeks ago

    Hahaha- she must have done that


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