I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel
I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel | Chapter 10  

The development of the situation was completely different from what Xu Xiaoyun expected. Seeing the changed expressions on the faces around her, she looked at Tang Momo with some anger, and her tone was full of grievance, “I was just worried that you would be thirsty.”  

“Actually, the morning was fine; the most worrying time for thirst is in the afternoon,” Tang Momo said honestly. There weren’t many people carrying water in the morning, but most people would bring it in the afternoon. 

Tang Momo’s words reminded everyone of the situation yesterday afternoon when they had no water to drink. Before everyone could speak, Xu Xiaoyun stamped her feet, “Momo, I know you don’t want to see me. In this case, I won’t come here anymore.” 

After saying that, Xu Xiaoyun turned around and left with the empty basket. 

Tang Momo found this amusing and raised her voice, “Xu Xiaoyun, why are you so mean? If you don’t want to come, just don’t come. Why put the blame on me?” 

The crowd watching the excitement gradually came back to their senses and soon realized that Xu Xiaoyun was not really here to give them water. She came here for Gu Chengze. Seeing that he was not here today, she didn’t want to come tomorrow. 

It would be fine if she didn’t come, but she also put the blame on the girl from the Tang family. She was really wronged. 

They were almost used as a pawn by this little girl. Everyone wanted to go to the captain to ask for an explanation. 

Xu Xiaoyun didn’t look back and quickened her pace. Recently, everything else had been going smoothly, but when it came to anything related to Tang Momo, nothing seemed to go right. 

Tang Momo, this short-lived ghost, was really her nemesis. Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoyun couldn’t help but clench her palms. 

When Tang Momo clenched the sickle again, she found that her palms had blisters, probably because she had used too much force just now. At this time, she didn’t dare to use too much force, so she could only hold the sickle lightly, which slowed down her speed. 

Fortunately, the people around were still discussing Xu Xiaoyun’s affairs at this time, and no one noticed her. 

Tang Momo looked down at her palm and couldn’t help but sigh softly. She admired the people of this era more and more. 

At noon, when work was over, Gu Chengze returned with Zhao Xiuli and Tieniu. Tang Momo happened to run into them on the small path.

She took a step back, It seems that it is better to keep a distance during this period. These people are too insane. 

The person who was originally concentrating on the road heard the sound and looked up and saw Tang Momo on the other side. 

The girl was standing on the side of the road in a blue cotton shirt, with her head down, and it was unclear what she was thinking. 

Her earlier words suggested she had heard the rumors from the team today and wanted to avoid suspicion. 

He can’t guess her motives, but now that she has given up, he should be happy. Even though he felt uneasy, it was likely due to today’s rumors. 

Soon Gu Chengze’s bicycle passed by Tang Momo, bringing a short gust of wind, and Tang Momo paused slightly. 

Only when Gu Chengze and the others were farther away did Tang Momo continue walking home. 

As soon as she returned, she saw that Zhang Xiaoli and Tang Jianan both looked unhappy. She was a little puzzled. “What happened?” 

Tang Yangyang tugged at her clothes and whispered, “Grandma and Second Aunt just came.” 

“Why did they come?” Tang Momo frowned when she heard that. 

The two families had nearly severed their ties, so their visit certainly wasn’t for anything good. 

“They asked you, elder sister, to stay away from Brother Chengze and not to ruin the reputation of the Tang family.” Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoli to stop them, Tang Yangyang and Tang Jianping repeated what the two people had said just now in front of her. 

“Grandma and Second Aunt went too far, but we’ve already gotten revenge for Sister.” After that, the two little ones told her with a little pride how they had put bugs on the two people just now. 

Seeing their faces looking for praise, Tang Momo reached out and rubbed their heads and said in a gentle tone, “Thank you for that, but don’t do such things in the future!” 

“Why?” The two little ones were clearly unhappy. 

“Because when it comes to revenge, it should be decisive or not done at all. You’re still young; you’ll understand this later,” Tang Momo explained. This was also why she hadn’t demanded Tang Dajun’s job yet. 

Without fully understanding the situation and without complete confidence, she would not easily do some actions. 

“Your eldest sister is right.” Zhang Xiaoli also agreed with Tang Momo’s words, just like how she compromised in the past because she knew that even if she did not follow them, the Tang family would take away her job in a more disgusting way. 

“But what they said today was so ugly.” Tang Yangyang frowned her little brows. 

“Just think of it as them talking nonsense,” Tang Momo said with a slight laugh. Given the current relationship between the two families, she quickly understood their intentions. 

Zhang Xiaoli looked at Tang Momo in surprise, probably because she didn’t expect her to be so calm. If it were in the past, she would have made a fuss. 

“Mother, they’re just afraid that I might really end up with Gu Chengze and seek revenge on them in the future. That’s why they can’t wait to come and step on me at this time. Don’t pay attention to them.” 

Tang Momo’s reaction made Zhang Xiaoli feel relieved. Thinking of the rumors in the team today, she couldn’t help but look up and comfort Tang Momo, “This so-called story might have been deliberately fabricated to irritate us and the Gu family. Don’t take it to heart.” 

“I understand. It’s probably someone with ulterior motives against Gu Chengze who made it up.” Xu Xiaoyun had begun to view anyone close to Gu Chengze as an enemy. 

“Sister, you will find someone better than Brother Chengze in the future.” Tang Momo hid in her room and cried because of the matter of finding a partner before, so Tang Jianan had been trying hard to comfort her. 

“Then I’ll borrow your good word.” Tang Momo winked at Tang Jianan playfully. 

The original sad atmosphere instantly became joyful. 

The two little ones were the most discerning. They both walked up to Tang Momo, hugged her thighs, and said sweetly, “Sister, can we have something delicious today?” 

With the same ingredients, Tang Momo could always make them look and taste like they had never eaten before. 

“If you want something tasty, come help me cook,” Tang Momo said, leading the two little ones to the stove. 

Zhang Xiaoli looked at the backs of the three siblings with a look of relief in her eyes. Then she patted Tang Jianan’s shoulder, “You should go over and take a look and help your sister.” 

After Tang Jianan also went over, Zhang Xiaoli returned to her room and quietly pulled out an old jar from under the bed. 

Inside were all the things that Tang Dajun left for them. There were a couple of things that Tang Dajun saved in the city a few years ago. 

Before Dajun died, the things in it had never been taken out. As a widow with several children, she had to be more cautious, especially since Momo has an impulsive nature. 

She tightened her grip on the jar, contemplating when to tell the children about it, though the two little ones were excluded for now. 

Soon, a fragrant aroma came from the yard. Zhang Xiaoli’s eyes flashed with a smile, and then she put the jar back in its original position. 

Tang Momo was initially upset about the day’s events. It was like she had already written all the homework, but someone interrupted and denied it. This feeling was really unpleasant. 

However, seeing the two little ones showering her with praise quickly lifted her spirits. 

When the two little one happily went to the yard to wash their hands, Tang Jianan, who had been standing aside, suddenly came over and whispered, “Sister, are you feeling upset?” 

He regretted not noticing her discomfort before and the careless words he had said. 

Back when their father was alive, the stories he told them often involve heroes saving beauties and giving themselves to each other. 

He tried to put himself in Tang Momo’s shoes. It was raining so hard that day, and in such a dangerous place, just when she thought she was dead, someone suddenly came down from the sky to save her. It was normal for her to like him. 

In the end, it was still his fault. If he had been useful and found her in the first place, then his sister would not like Gu Chengze. 

Tang Momo had just put the food in the pot into the bowl. When she heard Tang Jianan’s words, she was a little confused. “What am I upset about?” 

“Sister, I understand your thoughts. I will work hard. Don’t give up,” Tang Jianan said as he took the bowl from her hand and walked out. 

Tang Momo was left standing there in a daze. No, what did this boy know? How could she not know her own feelings? 

When they were eating, they found the blisters on Tang Momo’s palms. Zhang Xiaoli looked at Tang Momo with some heartache. “How about I switch jobs with you tomorrow?” 

“No need, if I really change, they will think I am guilty.” Tang Momo shook her head and refused. 

“But your hand?” Although what Tang Momo said made sense, how could the opinions of those people outside be as important as her hand? 

“It’s okay, I just held the sickle too hard today. It will be fine tomorrow.” Tang Momo waved her hand carelessly. 

When she was in the experimental field before, these things happened a lot. 

“How about I switch with my sister?” Tang Jianan was making a plan in his mind. It just so happened that he could get close to Brother Chengze. 

“Just pick your fruit with peace of mind.” Tang Momo tapped his bowl lightly with chopsticks, signaling him not to worry. 

Speaking of which, the Qingshui Brigade is actually a big fruit producer. Every year, all kinds of fruits from the Qingshui Brigade are sent to the food factory for processing. 

This is similar to wholesale in later generations. Tang Momo had an idea before. When the Qingshui Brigade builds its own factory in the future, it can produce canned fruit, juice, fruit tea, and dried fruit in a one-stop manner. 

Of course, this was a beautiful vision. However, she know it would be a big project, so this was one of the goals Tang Momo had set for herself. 

“Then do it for another day and switch with us the day after tomorrow.” Zhang Xiaoli felt sorry for her hands but was worried that the rumors would affect her. 

“Okay, let’s talk about it the day after tomorrow.” With Xu Xiaoyun around, she estimated that if she didn’t go to harvest the wheat, the whole team would say that she was guilty. 


When Gu Chengze and the others returned, it was just in time for lunch at home. Due to Zhao Xiuli’s favoritism towards him, Zhou Hairong and Xu Xiaohui didn’t actually like her. 

Their attitude towards him only softened after he joined the army because he would send money back every month. 

But the old lady would only give them a small portion of the money Gu Chengze sent back, and the rest was saved for him. 

At first, the two sisters-in-law were also dissatisfied until the old lady got angry and told them, “If you think it’s too little, then just don’t take it.” 

Over the years, they have become accustomed to the old lady’s favoritism towards Gu Chengze, so they knew that if they continued to make trouble, they would probably not get a penny, so they stopped. 

This time, when Gu Chengze came back to look for a partner, the two sisters-in-law considered it. Both of them had nieces of the right age in their families, but before they had time to speak, 

The old lady saw through their intentions and denied it outright. 

Because she knew that no matter how good the girls from the two families were, Chengze would not be willing. The child knew from a young age that they didn’t like him. 

The reason he sends money back now is to repay the kindness of raising him before. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with them. 

If it weren’t for this old woman, he probably wouldn’t want to come back. 

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiuli couldn’t help but sigh. If she left, he would really be alone, so she wanted him to get married earlier, and when he had someone who understands him and had children in the future, he would be happier. 

Although Zhao Xiuli denied it outright, the two sisters-in-law obviously didn’t give up. 

After all, it’s better to keep the money within their family. After dinner, the two sisters-in-law exchange glances. They both planned to let their niece come and stay for a while. 

Just when the two were thinking about how to tell Zhao Xiuli, the voice of the matchmaker in the team came from the gate of the courtyard. The voice was full of excitement. “Elder sister, the things you asked me to do are all done!” 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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