I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel
I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel | Chapter 13 

Tang Momo originally planned to find a chance to go to the shoe factory to inquire about it after she was done with her work, but she didn’t expect Tang Xiaoxue to come back at this time. 

Tang Momo didn’t intend to give up this opportunity. She waited until her brother and the twins fell asleep before she went to Zhang Xiaoli’s room.  

She thought Zhang Xiaoli had already fallen asleep, but she didn’t expect that she was sitting by the bed. 

“Mother, you haven’t slept yet?” Tang Momo was a little surprised. 

“Ever since you heard that your aunt came back, you’ve been staring at me as if your eyes are about to fall out.” Zhang Xiaoli said and gives her a disapproving look. She knew this girl would come to her eventually. 

“It’s not as exaggerated as you say. Seeing her just reminded me of Father. Mother, can you tell me how Father’s work ended up with my aunt?” Tang Momo genuinely didn’t understand how this happened. 

“You want to get it back?” Zhang Xiaoli saw through Tang Momo’s intention at a glance. 

“Of course I have to get my Father’s things back.” Tang Momo nodded and said seriously. 

“It’s my fault for not being able to keep the things your father left behind.” Zhang Xiaoli’s tone was somewhat self-blaming. 

The Tang family could bully them so recklessly, wasn’t it because she had no maternal family to rely on? 

Looking at Tang Momo’s serious expression, Zhang Xiaoli thought that since she was now an adult, she had the right to know the truth. 

Tang Momo originally thought that she would have to persuade Zhang Xiaoli for a long time, but she didn’t expect her to give in so quickly. 

“Sleep here tonight, we haven’t had a good talk for a long time.” Not only was she hit hard by Tang Dajun’s death, but Momo seemed to have become a different person. Zhang Xiaoli thought with some heartache. 

“Okay.” Tang Momo didn’t refuse. Zhang Xiaoli’s presence brought her a sense of comfort. 

Speaking of the past two years, Zhang Xiaoli’s tone was much calmer, and the anger and unwillingness at the time were gradually eased by time. 

Her greatest wish now was for her children to grow up safely and healthily. 

“So they used Yangyang and Jianping to threaten you?” Tang Momo clenched her fists involuntarily as she spoke. 

She had thought of many possibilities, but she had never thought that the Tang family would be so disgusting. 

Their son had just died, and for the sake of work, they actually threatened their daughter-in-law with their grandchildren who were just over one year old. 

“They’re just the children’s grandparents. What right do they have?” Parents are the children’s guardians, and they don’t have that authority. 

“Because they are your grandparents, even if other people on the team knew, they might still praise them for being kind and say that they care about me.” Zhang Xiaoli smiled bitterly. That’s how the world works now. 

Zhang Xiaoli’s resigned tone at the end made Tang Momo feel a little distressed, and the anger just now disappeared. 

“They are too disgusting. Normal people would not act like this.” Although she comforted Zhang Xiaoli in this way, Tang Momo also understood that at this era, widows were not treated well by their in-laws. 

“Your sister-in-law has been in working at the factory for two years now. It’s not that easy for you to get the job back.” What Zhang Xiaoli didn’t tell Tang Momo that Tang Zhaosheng and Chen Lanying had tried to take Dajun’s job more than once. 

Tang Xiaoxue was pretty and was a beauty in Qingshui Brigade at that time. This was why she, a country girl, could marry into a family with a job in the city. 

When her in-laws learned about this, they were afraid that their daughter would be bullied if she married into her husband’s family without a job, so they tried to persuade Tang Dajun to give his job to Tang Xiaoxue. 

Of course, Tang Dajun didn’t want to. If he gave his job to Tang Xiaoxue, what would their family do? 

Marrying off a daughter is like water spilled out. Can they expect Tang Xiaoxue to bring her salary back after marriage? 

The plan didn’t work out, and Tang Xiaoxue even came to visit them specifically, saying she didn’t care about the job. Qiu Ming said she didn’t need to work and after marrying she can just enjoy her life. 

Although she said this, Tang Xiaoxue still held a grudge against them and would bring things for the second and third families every time she came back and treat them as if they didn’t exist. 

These material concerns aside, Tang Xiaoxue always made sure to take every opportunity to criticize them and subtly stir up trouble when she came back. Over the years, this had only worsened relations between them and her in-laws. 

Then less than a year after Dajun’s death that they were directly divided. 

“It will definitely not be easy, but I won’t give up.” Tang Momo knew that forcing someone to give up what they’ve taken is very difficult, but she wouldn’t give up no matter how tough it was. 

“I won’t stop you from doing this, but you must tell me your plans before you do it.” Zhang Xiaoli knew that she couldn’t stop her, so she had to discuss it with her in advance. 

“Okay, I promise,” Tang Momo had initially planned to keep it from her. 

Zhang Xiaoli thought of the jar hidden in the soil under her bed again. She hesitated and decided to wait more. 

Tang Momo slept all night and finally decided to start from the factory. 

The shoe factory is in the city, so it seems that she needs to find time to go to the shoe factory. 

Tang Xiaoxue came back this time because she had a quarrel with her husband’s family. After meeting Zhao Xiaoli and her grandchildren in the city that day, she had an idea. She told her family yesterday that she was going to bring Qiu Xiaowan back to see them. 

She originally thought that her eldest brother and sister-in-law would be grateful, but she didn’t expect that her eldest sister-in-law would scold her a lot and say that she had bad intentions. 

Introducing a countryman to Qiu Xiaowan, even if he is a soldier, so what? He would always be away from home for many years. Isn’t this making Xiaowan a widow? 

It seemed her sister-in-law and the whole family agreed with this view, and even Qiu Ming advised her not to interfere in Xiaowan’s marriage. 

Tang Xiaoxue felt very wronged. She obviously meant well, but why did they say that she was malicious? She was so angry that she took her child back to her parents home. 

As soon as she came back, she heard rumors from the team. She couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Fortunately, she didn’t bring Qiu Xiaowan back with her. If she heard these words and told her family, they would hate her even more. 

After complaining to her family, Tang Xiaoxue felt much better and casually asked, “What about them? How are they doing recently?” 

Tang Xiaoxue couldn’t help but point to the backyard while speaking, and everyone soon knew who she was asking about. 

Tang Erjun’s wife Wu Haiying laughed, “They’re doing well. That Tang Momo is quite lucky; if it weren’t for Gu Chengze, she would have almost drowned on the mountain.” 

“What happened?” Tang Xiaoxue became interested. 

Speaking of this girl, the one who looks most like her in the Tang family is Tang Momo, and she is even better than her in some ways, but she hates this girl the most. 

When Tang Momo was born, she was not married yet. She was the first grandchild in the family, so her parents were very much looking forward to it. But it turned out to be a girl, which made her parents very unhappy. 

But her elder brother and sister-in-law were so happy that they didn’t think of her sister who was about to get married, but instead focused on the newborn girl, so she hated her very much. 

Seeing her sister-in-law’s interest, Wu Haiying and Xie Xiuhua vividly described how Tang Momo was saved by Gu Chengze and did not forget to tell the ‘story’ that circulated in Qingshui Brigade. 

Finally, Wu Haiying smiled, “If you ask me, this story might have come from the Gu family. They are afraid that Tang Momo will force herself to them.” 

Since Tang Xiaoxue wanted to prevent Tang Momo and her family from turning things around, she was pleased with the current situation. 

“By the way, Tang Momo is of marriageable age now. Is anyone introducing her?” Tang Xiaoxue asked curiously. 

After all, she was able to successfully marry into the Qiu family in the city because of her looks. Tang Momo’s appearance was even more attractive. 

“Who would dare to marry her with her seductive look? Those who come are old bachelors or those who want a second marriage.” With such an alluring appearance and so many burdens at home, who would be willing to marry her? 

Xie Xiuhua’s tone was full of undisguised gloating. Before the eldest brother died, Tang Momo always overshadowed their family. How could she not be happy now? 

“Yes, even if she looks good, but there are so many burdens at home, no one would want her.” Tang Xiaoxue nodded in understanding. 

“Xiaoxue, you must be tired from the trip back. Rest early,” Chen Lanying changed the sheets and came to see her younger daughter and grandson off to bed. 

“I’m not sleepy yet.” The grievances that Tang Xiaoxue had suffered in her husband’s family disappeared strangely after she heard about the eldest wife’s family. 

It is true that if you hear more about things that are worse than your own, you will find that you are actually living a happy life. 

“By the way, the Xu family will have a wedding tomorrow. You can attend the banquet before going back.” Tang Xiaoxue came back with great difficulty, so Chen Lanying naturally wanted to keep her at home for a while. 

“Mother, I’m not in a hurry to go back this time. If Qiu Ming doesn’t come to pick me up, I won’t go back.” This time, they were just being ungrateful and didn’t appreciate her kindness. 

“What about work?” Chen Lanying asked with concern. 

“I asked for leave. This job is tiring and doesn’t make much money.” Tang Xiaoxue’s tone was filled with disdain. 

The two sisters-in-law who heard this couldn’t help but look at each other and then quickly lower their heads to hide their emotions. 

How many people are desperate for this job, but she still complained about it. Wasn’t she just being ungrateful for what she had? 


Tang Momo slept very soundly this time. When she woke up, Zhang Xiaoli next to her had already gotten up to cook breakfast. 

Tang Momo stretched lazily. Last night was probably the best sleep she had ever had since coming here. 

When she arrived in the yard, Tang Jianan was already leading the twins to wash their faces. Seeing that she was the last one, Tang Momo couldn’t help but speed up. 

For breakfast, they had brown rice porridge with sweet potatoes. Tang Momo glanced at her thin siblings—they were all growing children, and eating this every day wouldn’t be enough for them. 

It seems that she has to find an opportunity to improve the situation at home. 

Today, the captain reassigned the work, and Tang Momo was assigned to pick fruit. Tomorrow, the food factory would come to collect it. 

Picking fruits is easier than harvesting wheat, so Tang Momo is naturally happy. 

There are many varieties of fruit trees in Qingshui Brigade, and the area is even larger. Tang Momo looked around and couldn’t see the end. 

Tang Momo found that most of the people who were assigned to pick fruits were half-grown children, and she seemed to be the oldest among them. 

She couldn’t help but wonder if this was the captain’s way of taking care of her. 

This year’s yield was good, and the branches were all weighed down by the fruit. The fruits on the trees were in bunches, big and small, but because they were too dense, most of them were relatively small. 

Tang Momo was sure that the taste of these fruits could not be very good because they were too dense, resulting in insufficient nutrition, so most of the fruits did not grow big and tasted bad. 

“Don’t they check the fruit count beforehand?” Tang Momo was genuinely surprised. 

Although counting the fruits would reduce their number, but the quality would be greatly improved. 

Tang Momo glanced at the other people who were picking fruits around and saw that they all had a look of distaste as they ate the fruit they had picked. 

In these times, food was precious, and it is already considered good for everyone to eat 70% to 80% full at home, so when they came here, they couldn’t wait to quietly pick some fruits to eat, but they didn’t expect that the taste was not even as good as the wild fruits on the mountain. 

The one picking fruits from the tree next to Tang Momo was Jia Jinyan, the niece of the team captain Jia Daguo. When she heard what Tang Momo said, she was a little curious. “Sister Momo, what do you mean by counting the fruit?” 

“It means leaving one or two fruits on each branch when the fruit is just starting to grow and removing the rest,” Tang Momo explained. 

Jia Jinyan remembered that last night her uncle was worried about the fruits. Half of their Qingshui team’s income throughout the year depends on this orchard. 

Originally, he was secretly pleased seeing that the trees were weighed down with fruit this year and thought that he could get a good price this year. 

But unexpectedly, while the yield was high, the quality was hard to describe, and the food factory said they only wanted fruits that looked good. 

This troubled the captain greatly. If the good-looking ones went to the food factory, what about the rest? 

Jia Jinyan knew that their family had a good life in the team because of her uncle, so she naturally wanted to help solve the problem. 

Tang Momo glanced at the person who was talking next to her and recognized her as the team leader’s niece. She looked at the small fruits left on the tree again, and she thought her chance had come. 

Although Jia Jinyan was only twelve years old, she was smarter than her peers. Seeing Tang Momo’s look, she couldn’t help but get excited and whispered, “Sister Momo, do you have a way to solve this problem?” 

Tang Momo shook her head with some regret. “It’s too late now; it’ll have to wait until next year.” 

Jia Jinyan knew it was too late now, but it would be good to solve this problem next year. After saying that, she directly pulled Tang Momo’s wrist, “Sister Momo, let’s go find uncle.” 

Jia Daguo was worried about the small fruits on the tree. The food factory didn’t want them, so what would he use to exchange for the rations of so many people in the team this year? 

He couldn’t possibly distribute these fruits to every household. Not only are they sour, but they don’t fill the stomach at all. 

Just as he was worrying, he heard Jia Jinyan’s voice outside, “Uncle, we have a solution.” 

Jia Daguo frowned, “What’s all the commotion about?” 

Jia Jinyan was excited. “Uncle, Sister Momo said she has a way to deal with the orchard.” 

Jia Daguo looked at Tang Momo with some doubt. You have a way? This isn’t something to joke about.” 

Tang Momo nodded, with a serious face. “Captain, of course, I know that our team relies on the orchard for food, but the current situation can only be improved by next year.” 

Then, Tang Momo explained the need to count the fruit due to its abundance, but Jia Daguo’s frown remained. 

Whether counting the fruit would work would only be known next year, but the immediate concern was the small fruit left on the trees. 

Tang Momo’s eyes lit up when she heard it, and her tone became much more cheerful. “Captain, if I make those small fruits into delicious snacks, won’t the food factory accept them?” 

Jia Daguo was clearly skeptical. “Those small fruits are too sour; what good snacks can be made from them?” 

“How can you know it won’t work if you don’t try?” Tang Momo was not one to give up easily. 

Jia Daguo looked at her and thought, they say that those who survive great difficulties will have future blessings. Perhaps this girl has some luck. 

So he nodded in agreement, “Alright then. Tomorrow, when the food factory comes to collect the goods, you can come with me to the factory.” 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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