I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel
I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel | Chapter 14

Tang Momo didn’t expect the captain to let her go to the food factory as soon as he agreed. This was a pleasant surprise. It was much smoother than she had expected. 

Seeing that she didn’t say anything, Jia Daguo couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. “Why, don’t you want to go?” 

Tang Momo shook her head quickly. “Of course not. Thank you, Captain, for giving me this opportunity.” 

With Jia Daguo’s words, Tang Momo was more confident about what she would do next. 

“Alright, keep picking the fruit. Aren’t we supposed to go to a banquet at noon?” Jia Daguo hadn’t forgotten how this girl had half ‘threatened’ him yesterday. 

“Then I’ll be waiting for you to clear up the rumors about Comrade Gu,” Tang Momo reminded him once more. 

“This girl, what do you take me for? Am I the kind of person who goes back on my word?” Jia Daguo frowned and seemed unhappy. 

“I know you’re not that kind of person, Captain. It’s just that considering how busy you are, it’s normal to forget, so I took the liberty to remind you,” Tang Momo said with a serious expression. 

Jia Daguo was amused by her words. “I didn’t realize before that you are good at talking.” 

“I’m telling the truth. Flattery never wears out; who in this world doesn’t like to hear nice things?” 

Seeing that Jia Jinyan was still waiting, she didn’t delay any further and went with Jia Jinyan to the orchard. 

On the way, Jia Jinyan looked at her with envy. “Sister Momo, are you really going to the food factory tomorrow?” 

“Yes, I will go, to sell these small fruits.” Tang Momo smiled mysteriously after she finished speaking. 

If the food factory is interested in what she made, she might be able to get a job at the food factory. 

Tang Momo had also inquired before. At this time, in addition to filling in for family members, the factory also wants to recruit people. However, the number of positions was limited each year, and it depended on one’s own abilities to get in. 

If she could successfully sell these fruits, getting a position should be possible. 

“But didn’t they say they don’t want this fruit?” Jia Jinyan was a little curious. The food factory had already refused, so how could Tang Momo sell it? 

“They don’t want this kind of fruit when they make canned food but we can make other products from them.” Tang Momo explained patiently. 

“Right, canned fruits from very small fruits often taste a bit sour.” Jia Jinyan was even more curious. 

Canned fruit is soaked in sugar water and it still tastes sour. What solution did Tang Momo have? 

Although she was curious, Jia Jinyan didn’t ask in the end. Maybe it was a secret recipe. 

Back in the orchard again, Tang Momo tried to pick a fruit from under the branch. Sure enough, it tasted sour. 

Aside from the reason that they did not do a fruit count, the branches of these trees were too dense, so the fruits did not get enough sunlight, which resulted in insufficient sweetness. 

While picking the fruit, Tang Momo did not forget to observe the various conditions of the orchard, remembering them one by one in her mind and planning to find time to have a good chat with Jia Daguo. 

This orchard must be well cared for. She also realized that she wanted to build a full production chain in the future. 


Today, Xu Xiaoyun was supposed to be harvesting wheat, but since Xu Zhengfu was getting married, she had to stay home to help. 

Thinking that Gu Chengze and his grandmother would surely come, she might be able to use this opportunity to ask the aunt next door to clarify things for him. 

Grandma Zhao would definitely be very grateful to her. 

Xu Xiaoyun originally didn’t want to do this so quickly, but she really had no choice now. Her mother had already started to ask her to do this and that before her new sister-in-law came in. 

Thinking about how her mother, even after she got married in her previous life, never forgot to push her to help her sister-in-law, Xu Xiaoyun really didn’t want to stay home for even a moment. 

Xu Zhengfu was even more excessive. Just because he’s getting married today, he started to order her around early in the morning. She hadn’t had a moment’s rest. 

She reached out and rubbed her calves and waist. It was really tiring. 

She thought that once the incident with Gu Chengze in the wheat field was cleared up, Grandma Zhao would come to her house to propose marriage. By then, no one in the family would dare to look down on her. 

“Xiaoyun, what are you standing there for? Hurry up and start the stove!” The urging voice of her mother came from the other side again. 

Because of the wedding, a large pot was needed, so they had set up a temporary stove outside the yard specifically for preparing the banquet. 

In such hot weather, Xu Xiaoyun was reluctant to go to the stove. 

She changed into her new clothes today. She bought new cloth from the supply and marketing cooperative that day and made a new skirt herself. 

The cloth was light in color, and it was so hot that she would definitely get dirty if she went to the stove, so Xu Xiaoyun was very reluctant. 

Before she could find someone to replace her, Mother Xu appeared again while holding a long broom in her hand and said with a cold tone, “Do I need to ask you more than once?” 

Xu Xiaoyun bit her lip in frustration and reluctantly headed toward the stove. 


Gu Chengze hadn’t originally planned to come, but Zhao Xiuli said that today the captain would clarify the wheat field issue from yesterday, and he couldn’t miss it. 

Gu Chengze knew Zhao Xiuli’s persistence in this matter, so he nodded and followed her. 

“If we run into the girl from the Tang family later, we must say our thanks to her.” Zhao Xiuli’s said with heartfelt emotion. 

Gu Chengze recalled the captain’s words from last night and realized that Tang Momo was a person who knew how to repay kindness, which explained her previous actions. 

She didn’t have any thoughts or purposes; she just came to repay her gratitude. 

“I heard the sound of suona. I guess the bride should be arriving soon.” Zhao Xiuli couldn’t help but speed up her pace after saying that. 

“Grandma, don’t worry. The sound is still far away from us. If they walk normally, they will take at least half an hour to get here.” Gu Chengze pulled Zhao Xiuli, who was speeding up. 


Because Tang Momo hasn’t started a family yet, her family only needs Zhang Xiaoli to send a gift. 

After finishing work at noon, she was too lazy to go back, so she went directly with Jia Jinyan. 

Jia Jinyan has been picking fruits here for the past few days and is very familiar with this place. She took her to a small puddle not far away to wash her hands. 

Seeing that Tang Momo hadn’t moved, Jia Jinyan kindly explained, “This is all water from the mountain, it’s very clean.” 

It rained heavily a few days ago, and the pond in the mountain couldn’t hold so much water, so it just flowed down. 

Tang Momo squatted down and washed her hands with her, smiling as she explained. “I don’t mind that the water is not clean. I was just thinking about something.” 

“What were you thinking about?” Jia Jinyan asked with curiosity in her eyes. 

“I was thinking about where to sit at the banquet later.” Tang Momo made up an excuse casually, but in fact, she was just thinking about making dried fruits and jams when she went back in the evening. 

That’s right, Tang Momo planned to pick the small fruits on the tree and make jams and dried fruits. These two snacks were popular in later generations and should be well received. 

“We can sit together.” Jia Jinyan thought she was really thinking about this problem. 

“My mother probably saved a seat for me.” Tang Momo still liked to sit with her family. 

“Right, my mother probably saved a seat for me, too.” 

When it was time to get off work, the other fruit pickers ran away happily. Now only the two of them was left and were slowly walking towards Xu’s house. 

Xu Xiaoyun was adding fire to the stove. The weather was already hot, and being near the stove made her sweat profusely. 

Her hair was sticking to her forehead, and worse, she was sweating all over. Xu Xiaoyun thought she must be drenched in sweat by now. She could even hear the sound of the suona. Gu Chengze and the others should be heading out soon. 

She had to go back to take a shower and change her clothes. She had been very careful just now, but she was still stained with the smell of oil and smoke. 

After all, the cook was right at the stove, and avoiding the smell entirely was impossible. 

Xu Xiaoyun ended up making a deal with her sister: she would give her sister ten cents to take her place at the stove. 

Today is an important day. She will have to clarify the matter of the wheat field for Gu Chengze in front of so many people. 

She wants Gu Chengze to see her best side, so she could not appear in her current state. 

Hearing the sound of the suona getting closer and closer, Xu Xiaoyun’s footsteps became faster and faster. 

Because she didn’t want to be seen in her unkempt appearance, she kept walking forward with her head down. 

Accidentally she bumped into the person opposite her, she was knocked to the ground. She raised her head with a face full of anger, and her eyes fell on the faces of Gu Chengze and Grandma Zhao whose standing opposite her. She quickly lowered her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention to the road.” 

Xu Xiaoyun bit her lip as she spoke. How unlucky could she be? She had hoped to impress them, but instead, they saw her in such state. 

Xu Xiaoyun quickly got up and ran away and comforted herself that it was okay. They must not have seen who she was clearly. 

Looking at the figure running away, Zhao Xiuli glanced at her grandson. “Is everything okay? Why is the girl from Xu family running so fast? We’re not going to eat her.” 

Gu Chengze shook his head. His face looked a little bad. It was probably because he was beaten by his cousins when he was a child. Later, he didn’t like to have such physical contact with others. 

Gu Chengze never told Zhao Xiuli about this. He was afraid that this would cause disharmony in the family. He didn’t want her to be troubled because of him. 

“I saw the girl from the Tang family. There are just two empty seats at their table. Let’s sit there.” Because she was thinking about thanking Tang Momo, Zhao Xiuli decided to sit with them. 

Gu Chengze did not refuse Zhao Xiuli’s proposal. He followed her and walked toward the table where Tang Momo and her family were. 

In the countryside, the banquet must be full before it can be opened. At this time, almost every table was half full. In order to start the banquet earlier, everyone was pulling people to their own tables. 

Children usually don’t have seats. At this time, Tang Momo and Zhang Xiaoli were holding the two little ones to prevent them from taking the adults seats. 

Unexpectedly, when she looked up, she saw that the empty seats just now were taken by Gu Chengze and his grandmother. 

Tang Momo was still holding Tang Yangyang in her arms. The little girl was active, and her little head directly covered Tang Momo’s face. 

Tang Momo didn’t expect that they would sit at the same table. Tang Momo was full of doubts. The ‘story’ was spread all over the team. Is he really not avoiding suspicion? It’s okay if he doesn’t understand it, but doesn’t Grandma Zhao understand either? 

Tang Momo’s tone was a little helpless. I just wanted to repay his kindness, not to affect his search for a wife. 

Thinking of her plan to go to the food factory and the rumors in the team now, Tang Momo couldn’t help thinking, Maybe I should directly remind him later. 

At this moment, the suona and firecrackers from the wedding procession outside made it hard for Gu Chengze to hear the last words clearly. 

Xu Xiaoyun hurriedly changed her clothes and combed her hair again, making sure she was presentable this time before coming out. 

As soon as she came out, she saw her brother carrying her sister-in-law inside. This reminded her of when she married Gu Chengze in her previous life, and in her last days, it was Gu Chengze who found someone to take care of her. 

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoyun clenched her fists, and her heart strengthen her decision. In this life, I will never be stupid enough to elope with the educated youth again. I will be a good wife to Aze and wait to become an official’s wife. 

Gu Chengze, who was originally talking to Tang Jianan, turned around suddenly.  

Who is this? 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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