I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel
I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel | Chapter 6 

Xu Xiaoyun had been immersed in the joy of rebirth these days and had ignored many things around her. 

It’s not right to say that she ignored them. She subconsciously thought that everything now would be the same as in her previous life, so she never considered the possibility of any changes. Seeing Tang Momo now, she was quite surprised.  

In her previous life, Tang Momo had died in a rainstorm. She had fallen into a trap, and when the rescuers on the mountain found her, she was already dead. 

It was said that water had entered the trap, and she had drowned alive because she was unconscious. 

Xu Xiaoyun glanced at Tang Momo from the corner of her eye, then soon lowered them, which made it difficult for others to see her true thoughts. 

Her emotions towards Tang Momo were complicated. They were half a year apart in age, and they often played together when they were young. 

However, it wasn’t because Xu Xiaoyun wanted to—it was because her mother suggested it. Tang Momo’s father was a worker, and every time he came back, he would bring them many things that were only available in the city. 

Naturally, being friends with Tang Momo meant she got to share in those treats. Back then, Xu Xiaoyun was more envious of Tang Momo than jealous. 

She was envious that Tang Momo had a father who was a worker, and even more envious of how her parents treated her. Even though they were both girls, at Xu Xiaoyun’s house, she not only had to help with household chores but also had to give in to her brother in everything. 

On the other hand, Tang Momo, also a girl, had a completely different situation at home. Her brother would help with the housework, and she had what her brother had. Her parents didn’t ask her to give in to her brother in everything; instead, they reminded her brother and told him that Tang Momo was a girl, and he was a boy, so he should be more considerate of his sister. 

It was common things for families to be more bias with boys, and Tang Momo’s treatment could be said to be special. Some boys in other families might not even get such special treatment. 

But although she was envious of Tang Momo, Xu Xiaoyun still made friends with her because she needed Tang Momo as a ‘friend.’ 

Tang Momo was very good to her friends. She would share every time her father brought something back from the city. 

Although her grandparents and uncle’s family would take a lot, Tang Momo always had something new in her hands that she had never seen before. 

So, when the news of Tang Dajun’s death came, Xu Xiaoyun even darkly thought that now she no longer had to envy Tang Momo. 

After all, her family had never been liked by her grandparents. If it weren’t for her father’s job, they probably would have been separated long ago. 

Sure enough, the Tang family soon separated, and Tang Momo’s father’s job went to her aunt. Her mother also asked her to have less contact with Tang Momo. Xu Xiaoyun naturally nodded in agreement. 

Although she agreed with her mother, she didn’t take the initiative to cut off contact with Tang Momo. When she came to her house to find her, she saw that her family deliberately ignored her. Xu Xiaoyun felt an indescribable pleasure in her heart, as if all the bitterness she had felt over the years had been released. 

What disappointed her, though, was that after apologizing, Tang Momo never visited again, and because of her family’s instructions, Xu Xiaoyun didn’t go looking for her, either. 

The relationship between the two of them faded. Seeing Tang Momo, whom she once envied, often going up the mountain for a living, Xu Xiaoyun felt a kind of joy in her heart that only she knew. It was probably because she had been overshadowed by Tang Momo for more than ten years, and she finally saw hope of surpassing her. 

Later, when she heard the news of Tang Momo’s death, she was just stunned for a moment, and then she thought of that rainstorm, which seemed to be nothing unexpected. 

Her sadness only lasted for one day. After all, everyone in the team knew she had a good relationship with Tang Momo. If she wasn’t sad, wouldn’t people think she was cold-hearted? 

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoyun’s eyes fell on Tang Momo. How did she survive this time? 

Meanwhile, Tang Momo was handing her water bottle to Gu Chengze, “Comrade Gu, have some water.” 

This water bottle was one of the most valuable items in the Tang family now, and it was something Tang Dajun had brought back before his death. 

Gu Chengze glanced at the water bottle she handed over and asked in a low voice: “If I drink from it, how will you drink?” 

“I’ll just drink what Xiaoyun brought.” Tang Momo smiled and directly ruined Xu Xiaoyun’s intention. 

Tang Momo realized that Gu Chengze probably didn’t mean it that way. 

Nowadays, except for family members and couples, outsiders certainly cannot share water bottles. 

It’s over, he wouldn’t think I’m also targeting him, right? Tang Momo felt so wronged. In all honesty, she just wanted to ruin Xu Xiaoyun’s plan. 

Hearing this, Gu Chengze was also stunned. He really hadn’t thought about it like that. After all, he often drank from others’ bottles during training, but usually, everyone poured some into their own bottles, so he spoke subconsciously. 

Tang Momo held the bottle, unsure whether to give it or not. Just as she was hesitating, Gu Chengze reached out and took the bottle from her hand. “Then I’d like to thank Comrade Tang first.” 

The movement of the two attracted the attention of the people around them. Tang Momo quickly let go of the strap of the bottle and smiled generously. “You’re my lifesaver. Not to mention this bottle of water, even if you asked me to help you with work, it would be no trouble.” 

“The girl from the Tang family is really grateful.” 

“What the girl from the Tang family said is right.” 

Everyone around praised Tang Momo. Xu Xiaoyun next to her almost broke the bowl in her hand. Was it Gu Chengze who saved Tang Momo? 

These days, she had been busy using her previous knowledge to build a good reputation for herself and forgot to ask about recent events. 

Tang Momo felt too hypocritical after she finished speaking. When she heard the praise from the people around her, she felt even more guilty. She quickly lowered her head to prevent them from seeing her emotions. 

Speaking of life-saving grace, Tang Momo suddenly remembered a joke she had seen online before. 

Thinking of this, Tang Momo couldn’t help but turn her head to look at Gu Chengze. They say if the person who saves you is good-looking, it becomes a romantic tale of repaying kindness with marriage. But if the person is ugly, it’s more about repaying them by becoming their servant in the next life. 

Gu Chengze had just taken a few sips of water, but he couldn’t help but choke when he heard this and started coughing violently. 

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoyun would naturally not miss such an opportunity. She took out the handkerchief she had carefully prepared two days ago, but before she could step forward, she heard Tang Momo’s annoying voice. “Xiaoyun, can you give me a bowl of water too, I’m thirsty.” 

After Tang Momo finished speaking, Xu Xiaoyun clenched her palms tightly, gritted her teeth, and said to Tang Momo, “Fine, wait here.” 

Tang Momo’s expression did not change. “Then I’ll trouble you.” 

Tang Momo felt she understood Xu Xiaoyun’s current mindset. After struggling through a life of poverty in her past life, now that she had been reborn, she would naturally make choices that benefited her. 

Although she understood, she still felt uncomfortable. She remembered something Xu Xiaoyun said before she died in her previous life: when she looked back on her short life, the person who treated her best was Gu Chengze. 

Even if you want to repay someone’s kindness, there are many ways to do it. Why choose this one? To put it bluntly, wasn’t it because she wanted to benefit from his future success? 

Tang Momo didn’t believe Xu Xiaoyun would still be interested if Gu Chengze had no bright future ahead of him. 

“Here’s your water, Momo. Don’t choke on it,” Xu Xiaoyun said bitterly, seeing that Gu Chengze had finally recovered from his coughing. She was annoyed that she had wasted an opportunity, all because of Tang Momo. 

Wait, could Tang Momo have done it on purpose? She was only a few months younger than her. Maybe she was also planning to get Gu Chengze. Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoyun suddenly became vigilant. 

Because Tang Momo had died early in the previous life, there had been no conflict between her and Gu Chengze. So, Xu Xiaoyun hadn’t considered this possibility before. 

Recalling Tang Momo’s earlier words about gratitude, she thought that if she were in Tang Momo’s position, she would certainly take advantage of this opportunity to match herself with Gu Chengze. 

She didn’t believe Tang Momo would give up such a good opportunity. 

The situation had already deviated from how things had played out in her previous life, which made Xu Xiaoyun a little anxious, but then she thought of Grandma Zhao, and her heart was at ease. 

In the previous life, Gu Chengze came to the house to propose marriage, which was all his grandmother’s idea. Gu Chengze was a filial person, so he wouldn’t go against his grandmother’s wishes. 

If Tang Momo really wanted to use this to get involved with Gu Chengze, then she had plenty of ways to ruin her reputation. 

With that thought, Xu Xiaoyun’s resolve strengthened. 

Soon everyone had drunk all the water Xu Xiaoyun brought. When returning the bowls, someone casually asked, “Xiaoyun, aren’t you going to work today?” Xu Xiaoyun answered while cleaning up the bowls, “I am, there’s nothing going on at the drying yard right now. I saw that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, so I thought I’d bring you all some water.” 

After Xu Xiaoyun finished speaking, her face became cheerful. “I’ll bring some again tomorrow if I’m free.” 

She believed that it wouldn’t be long before this matter spread throughout the Qingshui Brigade. Wasn’t this the kind of girl Gu Chengze’s grandmother liked the most? 

She turned around and glanced at Tang Momo again. Tang Momo, who was a burden at home, couldn’t compare to her. 

Tang Momo knew from the original owner’s memory that they were good friends. In her opinion, it was clear that Xu Xiaoyun treated the original owner as a cash cow, while the original owner had thought of her as a friend. 

If Xu Xiaoyun had really treated the original owner as a friend, it would have been mentioned at least once in the book. 

Because she was thinking about Xu Xiaoyun, Tang Momo didn’t notice the strange expression on Gu Chengze’s face when he came to return the bottle. 

Tang Momo looked down at the bottle in her hand and nodded with satisfaction at her progress today. 

① The goal of becoming familiar with Gu Chengze had already made a successful first step. 

② Preventing Xu Xiaoyun from taking the opportunity to approach Gu Chengze had been achieved. 

Because she had accomplished these two small goals, Tang Momo worked very hard afterward. After all, the only goal left today was to get the work points. 


Because Xu Xiaoyun had rescued the captain’s grandson who fell into the water in time, she successfully became the benefactor of the captain’s family, so the work she was assigned these days was very easy. 

She carried the empty bowl in the basket and walked toward the drying yard step by step. Today, she had been careless and thought that everything was the same as in her previous life. 

Hadn’t she already changed several things herself? Then, in this matter with Tang Momo, who had caused the change? 

Xu Xiaoyun had done many good deeds these days, and she became famous in the team for a while. More people were coming to her house to propose marriage than before. 

But fortunately, they were all rejected by her mother. Xu Xiaoyun looked down at her toes and thought of her last days in her previous life. 

The days after eloping with Tie Yanming were not at all what she had imagined. 

At that time, the only money they had was the allowance Gu Chengze sent back to her every month, but she foolishly gave it all to Tie Yanming. 

Tie Yanming never thought of ways to make a living and always asked various questions related to Gu Chengze. He even planned to send her to Gu Chengze, pretending to accompany the troops, saying that this way their affair wouldn’t be exposed. 

Xu Xiaoyun was naturally unwilling. At that time, her mind was full of Tie Yanming. She felt disgusted when she thought of Gu Chengze and felt that he had ruined her. 

If she hadn’t married him, she could have married Tie Yanming legitimately. 

For some reason, her refusal angered Tie Yanming, and later, Tie Yanming seemed to have become a different person. 

Thinking of Tie Yanming, the blue veins on Xu Xiaoyun’s hands popped out. 

At this time, Tie Yanming had not yet gone to the countryside. He went to the countryside after she got married. 

After meeting Tie Yanming, she often regretted not getting married later, so at least she would have had the opportunity to choose. 

Although it was regrettable, Xu Xiaoyun did not do anything out of line. If Tie Yanming had not bewitched her, how could she have made such a choice? 

Perhaps because of thinking about Tie Yanming, Xu Xiaoyun was very emotional. She found a relatively clean spot to sit down and gradually calmed herself.  


Because of Xu Xiaoyun’s water delivery, everyone’s work speed increased a lot. It seemed that there was no need to worry about work points today, and Tang Momo also relaxed. 

Soon it was time to get off work at noon, and everyone went to the warehouse to return the farm tools. 

Tang Momo followed the team slowly, thinking about Xu Xiaoyun’s tricks. She would definitely not let it go. 

Tang Momo touched her chin and couldn’t help thinking, Is there any way that she can work together with Gu Chengze? 

Gu Chengze, who was walking in front, paused and thought about Tang Momo’s words about saving his life. He couldn’t help but curiously reach out and touch his cheek. In her eyes, was he good-looking or ugly? 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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