I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel
I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel | Chapter 7 

After working all morning, Tang Momo originally thought that she could handle such labor easily. However, after taking a break at noon, her arms were burning with pain. It seemed that she had exerted too much force in the morning. 

Faced with Zhang Xiaoli and Tang Jianan’s concern, Tang Momo of course didn’t show her discomfort. 

Even if it wasn’t for the work points, she needed to continue to get close to Gu Chengze. The idea of working together was quickly dismissed by her, since it was extremely difficult. 

In a large setting, the couple wouldn’t work in the same place, let alone her and Gu Chengze, who were like distant strangers. 

“Sister, did Xu Xiaoyun come to bring you water today?” When Tang Jianan came back, he heard a lot of people talking about this, most of them praising Xu Xiaoyun for being kind. 

Although Tang Jianan was young, he had long felt that Xu Xiaoyun had bad intentions. Today’s incident really confirmed his previous thoughts. 

“Yes, why, did she also send it to the place where you work?” Tang Momo’s tone was a little surprised. Did Xu Xiaoyun really send it to the entire production? 

“How could it be? She just chose the place where you work on purpose, just to annoy you.” Tang Jianan’s tone was a little cold. Xu Xiaoyun had benefited a lot from his sister in the past few years, but as soon as her father passed away, she acted as if she was not familiar with his sister. 

This ungrateful behavior was really disgusting. 

“You really guessed wrong, she didn’t come for me, your sister’s charm is not that great, she came for Gu Chengze.” After Tang Momo finished speaking, she patted Tang Jianan’s head, reminding him that he should not forget the most popular son-in-law candidate in the production team. 

“Is Xiao Gu also harvesting wheat today? We have already thanked him for the incident last time. Momo, you should keep a distance from him at ordinary times,” Zhang Xiaoli reminded. 

It’s not that Zhang Xiaoli turned her back on him, but she was afraid that if Momo and Xiao Gu got close, the loudspeakers on the team would say that Momo had bad intentions, after all, they were both at the age of getting married. 

Zhang Xiaoli was aware of her family’s situation, so she wouldn’t try to marry her daughter into the Gu family. She and Dajun’s also cherished her, and she didn’t want her to suffer the pain of marrying someone with a different status from her family. 

Tang Momo understood Zhang Xiaoli’s concerns, and she nodded. “Don’t worry, Mother, I understand everything.” 

She was getting close to Gu Chengze now because she wanted to repay him for saving her life, and she had no thoughts about Gu Chengze. 

And she was only sixteen years old now, which would still be a high school student in her previous life, not to mention that she had more ambitious goals. 

“Brother Chengze is so good, why does my sister have to keep a distance from him?” The two little ones were unhappy. 

Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoli to answer, Tang Momo pinched their cheeks and said seriously, “Of course it’s because this is an adult matter.” 

The two little ones puffed up their cheeks and looked at them unconvinced. This time Tang Momo softened her tone. “You’ll know when you grow up. We’re going to work, so stay at home.” 


Xu Xiaoyun’s status in the Xu family has risen sharply in the past two days, it’s even the same with Xu Zhengfu. Xu Xiaoyun looked at her mother, who was busy running around, and she couldn’t help but sneer. If it were in the past, she would definitely be moved to tears, but now she wouldn’t be so foolish again. 

These days, the Xu family is preparing for Xu Zhengfu’s wedding. In two days, it will be his wedding day. The bride is from the neighboring team, and her family is very satisfied with this marriage. 

Only Xu Xiaoyun knows that her sister-in-law is not an easy person to get along with. Not only does she dominate her brother, but even her mother doesn’t dare to speak to her loudly, otherwise, if she disagrees, she will take her child back to her parent’s home. 

Thinking about children, Xu Xiaoyun suddenly paused. She regretted countless times in her previous life. She regretted that she was angry with Gu Chengze and didn’t let him touch her. If she hadn’t been so stubborn, they would have had lovely children. 

If they had had a child, even if she was influenced by Tie Yanming, she might have thought things through more carefully. 

Or perhaps, for the sake of the child, Gu Chengze might have come looking for her. 

“Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun?” Mother Xu called a few times and saw that Xu Xiaoyun didn’t respond. She couldn’t help but stretch out her hand and gently push her. 

“What’s the matter?” Xu Xiaoyun’s eyes were still cold. 

Ever since Xu Xiaoyun woke up from falling into the water, she always looked at them with cold eyes. Mother Xu wanted to say something, but thinking that they were originally in the wrong, she told everyone in the family to be patient these two days. 

But seeing Xu Xiaoyun’s cold eyes, she suddenly got angry. She realized that indulging people only made them take advantage. 

Mother Xu slammed the table hard, her tone full of undisguised anger. “Xu Xiaoyun, is this how you treat me, your mother?” 

Xu Xiaoyun frowned in confusion and did not understanding why her mother was suddenly acting up. But thinking of Grandma Zhao’s preferences, she looked at her mother patiently. “Mother, sorry, I was distracted just now. What do you want me for?” 

Seeing this, Mother Xu couldn’t help but snort. Sure enough, this person can’t be spoiled. She cleared her throat, “Your sister-in-law is about to enter the family, so I was thinking you could let her take your work for the first two months.” 

If she works more easily, maybe they can have a grandson sooner. 

In her previous life, Xu Xiaoyun’s work was not so easy, so this did not happen. She originally wanted to refuse directly and express her attitude, but thinking of Grandma Zhao, she lowered her head and told herself to be patient, trying to lower her voice. “Mother, I’m afraid that won’t work.” 

“Why won’t it work? I think your just unwilling?” Because of her falling into the water, Xu Zhengfu was scolded a lot. Now that he found an opportunity, he naturally didn’t want to let Xu Xiaoyun have an easy time. 

Besides, Xu Xiaoyun will get married sooner or later, so such a good job must stay in their Xu family. 

Xu Xiaoyun lowered her eyes to hide the hatred in her eyes, and her tone was still gentle. “It’s really not that I don’t want to. I can go to the drying yard to work because of the captain’s grandson. He said that he wanted me to play with him in the drying yard every day, so the captain arranged this job for me. I’m afraid that if I ask my sister-in-law to take over, the child will be unhappy and offend the captain.” 

At this time, the production team leader was still very powerful. He controlled the division of labor and other matters of the entire brigade. He was a person that no one wanted to offend. 

Thinking that she was the one who saved the captain’s grandson, no one doubted her words. The Xu family could only temporarily stop and think of another way. 

Xu Xiaoyun observed everyone’s expressions and couldn’t help but smirk. 


Seeing Gu Chengze coming back, Zhao Xiuli approached him, with a slightly annoyed tone. “I almost forgot to bring you water. I only remembered when I heard that girl from the Xu family brought water.” 

“It’s okay, Tang Momo gave me her water, saying that she was thanking me for saving her life.” Gu Chengze felt that he was getting insane, he was still thinking if he looked good or not.  

The mother and daughter of the Tang family did not use Gu Chengze’s rescue to get close to him, which made Zhao Xiuli have a good impression of their family. She nodded, “This girl is really honest. By the way, the girl from the Xu family came to bring you water today. Did you see her?” 

“I didn’t pay attention, what’s wrong?” Gu Chengze said casually. 

Zhao Xiuli glared at him. She didn’t believe that this kid didn’t know what she meant. He was pretending to be clueless with her. 

When she went to the Xu family on purpose. The girl was quick, kind, and sensible. More importantly, she had two brothers who could support Gu Chengze in the future. 

Zhao Xiuli actually likes Xu Xiaoyun, but she also knows that this matter depends on Gu Chengze’s opinion. Since he didn’t meet her today, she will wait until he meets her. 

Speaking of which, the girl from the Xu family is quite pretty. However, looking at the whole team, Tang Momo is probably the prettiest girl. But Tang Momo’s appearance is bright and beautiful, which is not pleasing to everyone because they felt it was unsettling. 

On the contrary, most of them like Xu Xiaoyun’s modest appearance. 

Although the reason why Zhao Xiuli didn’t consider Tang Momo was not because of her appearance. People have selfish motives. She wouldn’t want Gu Chengze to be involved with the Tang family’s situation. 

“Grandma, uncle, it’s time to eat.” Gu Dahai’s eldest grandson shouted to the them outside the door. 

In the Gu family, the terms of address were all mixed up. Originally, Gu Chengze was supposed to call Zhao Xiuli “Grandma,” but back then Zhao Xiuli feared that Gu Chengze might feel singled out, so she had him call her “Nai” (a term for paternal grandmother) like the others. 

Gu Chengze glanced at the dog lying at the door then responded to Tieniu, “I’ll be right there.” 

Every time Gu Chengze returned, he brought quite a few ration tickets, so the Gu family’s meals had been much more lavish these past few days. 

Boys have a natural liking for soldiers, so the younger generation in the family liked Gu Chengze very much, but he usually looked serious, so they didn’t dare to get close to him. 

After dinner, Gu Chengze returned to his room and realized that he had forgotten to give the hawthorn candy he’d bought to the kids. He grabbed the bag and headed to the yard. 

After the children saw him, the yard, which was originally filled with playful sounds, instantly became quiet. 

Gu Chengze didn’t think there was anything wrong. He stretched out his hand and waved to the oldest Tieniu, motioning him to come over. 

“Uncle.” Tieniu called obediently. 

“Take this and share it.” Gu Chengze handed the things in his hand to Tieniu. 

Seeing the hawthorn candy, Tieniu’s eyes lit up. He thought that his uncle had forgotten to buy them snacks when he came back this time. 

“Thank you, Uncle. You’re the best.” Tieniu said sincerely. 

Gu Chengze, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped. “Wait.” 

Tieniu’s look at him curiously. Gu Chengze, almost as if driven by some sudden impulse, asked, “Do you think your uncle is good-looking?” 

As soon as the words left his mouth, Gu Chengze regretted it. But Tieniu answered very seriously. He nodded heavily. “Yes! Uncle is the best good looking person in our team.” 

Gu Chengze didn’t take the child’s words to heart. Of course, family members would always think their own family looked good. 

He couldn’t help pinching his eyebrows. He must have been idle recently. 

He decided he’d go out for some exercise tonight to keep himself from thinking about such trivial thoughts. 

When it was time to head to the wheat fields in the afternoon, Gu Chengze took his water bottle along without needing anyone to remind him. When he arrived, there weren’t many people around yet. 

As soon as he put down the bottle, another person came over. Tang Momo looked at him with a smile on her face. “Comrade Gu, you came early.” 

After Tang Momo finished speaking, her eyes fell on the bottle he had put down, and her tone was a little regretful. Well, it seems that the plan to deliver water in the afternoon will not be useful. 

Gu Chengze usually kept his distance from other people. He thought that the reason why he was different to Tang Momo was probably because of this. He could hear her thoughts. 

Gu Chengze couldn’t help but frown. Could it be because of the lightning? She seemed to know nothing about this. He just didn’t know if she would have other changes. 

Seeing Gu Chengze’s sudden cold expression, Tang Momo didn’t care. The novel said that Gu Chengze’s expression had always been very cold because of his background and family. 

Tang Momo thought that today was the first day they officially met, and she decided not to act overly friendly. What if she scared him away? So, she decided not to cut wheat next to Gu Chengze later. 

When Gu Chengze looked up again, Tang Momo had already moved far away. His gaze landed on the familiar water bottle sitting on the ridge. 

Recalling what she had just said, he couldn’t help but wonder—could she possibly have some interest in him as well? 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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