Moonlight Madness
Moonlight Madness Chapter 1 Part 6

Once the announcement about Ail’s engagement was made, everything fell into place swiftly, almost like being swept up in a storm. Despite holding the title of “Commander,” Ruth was still new to the work and was utterly exhausted trying to keep up with the preparations for the engagement. Just as he thought he had survived one hurdle, Ail was called to attend a hunting competition in line with the upcoming festival.

At the age of fourteen, members of the imperial family were granted the right to participate in the imperial hunting competition held every year. The festival, which celebrated the arrival of summer and the harvest season, began with the hunting competition. Smaller hunting events were held across the country, but the one hosted by the imperial family was the largest event, involving not only nobles but also extended family members.

The hunting grounds were located on a mountain near Kandium, chosen for its terrain and proximity to the palace. For three days, during the competition, the imperial family would naturally be seen by the public, which was considered a rare and generous act of service. Though the princes would be surrounded by knights for protection during the hunt, they would stay at nearby castles or villas, mingling with the commoners. There was also a strange tradition where any romantic incidents during this period were ignored, as though they were mere dreams.

This tradition applied to the common people as well. During the festival period, any romance or relationship issues were dismissed as fanciful dreams, leading to occasional scandals later on. For the enemy knight orders, this period was particularly troublesome. With the royal family staying at ordinary estates rather than the palace, there was no way of predicting what could happen. While the palace or the capital was familiar to them, the hunting grounds presented a different set of challenges, especially for Ruth, who was tasked with guarding the crown prince.

Ruth, who had no time off, had checked the knights’ roster, reviewed the terrain of the hunting grounds, and ensured that everything was in order. He was utterly drained. The only small consolation was that he had visited the hunting grounds of Endia Mountain before, when he had first arrived in the capital. Although it had been a long time, the mountain hadn’t changed much, making his preliminary check easier.

However, there was still the final placement of the knights to finish, and Ruth was reviewing the knight roster once again when he heard a knock on the door.

It was late, and Ruth didn’t expect anyone to visit his office. When he called out to enter, the door opened, and Kamiel stepped inside.

“Why are you here at this hour?” Ruth asked, standing up and greeting him with a bright smile.

“I heard you were still in your office, so I stopped by. How’s the work going?” Kamiel replied.

Ruth gestured to a chair in the office, and Kamiel walked over to sit down. Ruth, too, moved closer to the chair across from him. As Ruth sat, Kamiel smiled and looked at him.

“You look good.”


“I was worried you were too focused on Elsen’s affairs, but you look better than I expected. You must be too busy to think about anything else.”

“Ah… that’s part of it. It’s nice not having any distractions.”

Ruth smiled awkwardly. It was true that his hectic schedule had left him little time to think about anything else. Days seemed to blur together, and he sometimes forgot to eat. He rarely slept more than three hours, and when he had any spare time, he usually fell asleep from exhaustion. He hadn’t had time to see or talk to his close friends. It had been almost a week since he last saw Elsen, and though he wanted to be there for him, his own duties had kept him occupied.

“Elsen is also very busy right now. Well, it’s not just you… but it seems like he’s too exhausted to think about anything else.”

“That’s a relief.”

It was true that being busy helped with mental well-being. When there was time to think, he often overthought, but when everything was overwhelming, it was easier to let things pass by. Ruth nodded, agreeing that this might actually help Elsen.

“It really is a relief. If he can forget like that, it would be for the best.”

“Yeah. Anyway… there’s something I need help with.”

“What is it?”

“After the festival ends, there will be another personnel shift. It’s not a big deal, just filling a few vacant positions.”

“Why? How long has it been since the last shift?”

“Ah, there’s going to be a gap.”


“Because I’m moving to an administrative position.”

Ruth’s eyes widened in surprise at Kamiel’s sudden statement.

“Why so suddenly?”

“Ah, it’s because I have to hurry the marriage.”

Ruth nodded as though he understood. Although Kamiel was still unmarried, it wasn’t because, like Ruth or Elsen, he didn’t have a partner. Kamiel had been engaged to Princess Viela, but she had yet to go through her coming-of-age ceremony, so they were waiting for the right time. However, she would soon turn sixteen, and it was expected that their marriage would take place then.

“Congratulations. So, does that mean the position of the Second Knights Commander will be vacant?”

“That’s one part of it. I’m planning to bring a few people with me when I move to the administrative side.”

If someone like Kamiel, who would become a prince consort, was making a move, at least ten to twenty people would likely be affected by the shift. Since Kamiel would need to bring people he trusted to the unfamiliar administrative role, it was obvious that some knights, though not at high positions, but still well-established, would leave their posts. This would result in quite a few vacancies in the knights’ order.

“I see. Who are you planning to take?”

“You and Elsen.”

Ruth, surprised by Kamiel’s brief reply, couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief.

“What are you talking about? Elsen, I can understand, but you want to bring me to the administrative side? I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather pass. It’s not suited for me.”

“That’s why I’m asking you.”

“I’d love to help you, but I really must turn down the administrative position. I can’t stand sitting all day looking at documents. My body would probably start to twist.”

Upon hearing Ruth’s strong refusal, Kamiel muttered, “I thought so.” In fact, Kamiel hadn’t expected Ruth to accept. Ruth was the type who hated being stuck at a desk, and it was obvious he’d rather quit the knights than move to an administrative role.

“Then, at least convince Elsen.”

“Why Elsen?”

“I spoke to him, but he doesn’t seem very keen. If, by chance, Erita enters the palace, he’ll have to see her often as long as he’s in the knights. Especially if they get married. I thought it might be better for him to be in an administrative position instead.”

Ruth nodded in agreement with Kamiel’s thoughtful reasoning.

“That makes sense.”

“I also think it would be better for him, so I brought it up. But he keeps saying he’d rather refuse, just like you.”

“Ah, he’s too stubborn. I guess he feels uncomfortable with your reasoning.”

“That’s why I need you to persuade him. Honestly, I need Elsen’s help too.”

“I’ll talk to him. But I don’t think it’ll be easy to change his mind.”

“Just talk to him, at least.”


Understanding Kamiel’s careful consideration, Ruth nodded and agreed. A brief silence followed their conversation, a quiet but not uncomfortable pause, before Kamiel spoke again.

“How’s the work going? Is everything ready?”

“Kind of. But it’s still difficult because I’m not used to it.”

“Yeah. Plus, the hunting tournament exposes you to all kinds of dangers, so it’s not an easy task. You have to stay sharp and alert, especially at a time like this.”

“At a time like this? Oh, because of the marriage issue?”


“Then what?”

“Tasha is pregnant.”

Ruth blinked, not fully understanding. It was the first time he’d heard that his aunt, Tasha Kaizel, one of the emperor’s concubines, was pregnant.

“Your aunt is pregnant?”

“Yeah. It’s not officially announced yet since it’s only been five months, but it’s true. I heard it’s already been four months. If it’s a boy, things could get complicated.”

In the imperial family, it was customary to wait until five months into a pregnancy to make an official announcement, as a precaution. The Kaizel family was known for having difficulty conceiving, and even when they did, the pregnancies often ended in miscarriages before three or four months. The current emperor, Pedro Linus, had only recently gotten his eldest son, Ail Linus, after turning forty. Prior to Ail’s birth, he had lost about ten sons, all of whom didn’t make it past three months. It was later revealed that, following this, the emperor had kept the current empress, Lusena Jenin, confined in her room until her pregnancy with Ail reached five months, which was a well-known story. Therefore, it made sense that Tasha’s pregnancy hadn’t caused any rumors yet.

Thinking about this, Ruth couldn’t help but sigh. If it was true, and if she was carrying a son, things would get very complicated. His father and his aunt, Tasha, were not the kind of people to let such an opportunity slip away.

“Still, the legitimate heir is Ail, right?”

“That’s something that could change. Because of that, everyone is on edge. I hate to say it, but I don’t know what Tasha might do.”


Ruth nodded as if understanding. While he wasn’t sure about his aunt, his father would do anything to place his own nephew on the throne. This was definitely a complicated issue.

“This is a real headache.”

“That’s why you need to be careful. I’m more worried about you than anyone else.”

Kamiel’s unexpected words made Ruth pause, and he quietly looked into Kamiel’s eyes.

“Why me?”

“You’re not someone who listens to your family. That’s what’s worrying me. You’ve been put in charge of protecting Ail, and that’s one reason…”

Ruth had already been feeling uneasy about this. He had been wondering why his father had given him such a position and what he expected from him, and hearing Kamiel’s words, it seemed there was something he hadn’t fully understood yet.

“What is he trying to do…?”

“I don’t know. It could just be a worry, but I’m telling you in case. If you were the type to cling to your family, I wouldn’t be worried. But you’re a bit of a rebel, aren’t you?”

Kamiel, who had a clear understanding of Ruth’s character, made Ruth silently nod. It was true that he was a bit of a rebel. There were many types of rebels, but Ruth was the kind who hated the world, full of complaints and doubts, even though he never showed it. He resented and rejected people, but in the end, he always ended up swept along in the current. He tried to avoid it, but in the end, he couldn’t help but be caught between conflicting forces.

“I need to be more careful.”

Ruth muttered tiredly, and Kamiel cautiously spoke.

“I hope you’re not upset by this conversation.”

Ruth shook his head at Kamiel’s thoughtful words.

“I’m not upset. It’s true that my position is delicate. I’m grateful you said something. Otherwise, I might have gotten swept along without realizing it.”

If something happened during this chaotic time, Ruth would definitely have been caught up in it. He was slow to get news, and his political sense was dull. He wouldn’t have understood what was going on and would have been swept away by the events. In that sense, he was thankful to Kamiel for pointing out the issue at this moment. It was something he needed to consciously think about.

“I’m politically oblivious. I’m really glad you’re here. I thought once I joined the knights, I wouldn’t have to deal with this kind of thing… But here I am.”

“Don’t take it too seriously. It’s just that this is a complicated time.”


The prince’s marriage and the various political situations made for a rather unpleasant time. And if Tasha was indeed pregnant, things were reaching a critical point. Suddenly, an ominous thought crossed Ruth’s mind. His father might have already known about Tasha’s pregnancy. In fact, he was probably aware of it. Even though the pregnancy wouldn’t be officially announced until after five months, it seemed like something his father would have known about.

If that were the case, his sudden promotion to the position of chancellor and Ruth’s own unexpected promotion could be easily explained. The emperor, thrilled by the news of his beloved concubine’s pregnancy, would have made Ruth’s father the chancellor, and his father would have, without hesitation, pushed Ruth into a high-ranking position.

The problem was, it wasn’t the emperor who had elevated Ruth, but his father. Ruth wasn’t sure what his father was thinking, but it felt unsettling. The fact that he had entrusted Ruth with the task of protecting Ail, not Tasha, felt even more ominous.

What was his father really thinking?

The hot summer night suddenly felt more unsettling.

What was about to happen next?

After a hectic preparation, when Ruth finally gathered his thoughts, the day of the hunting competition had already arrived. After staying up for three consecutive nights, Ruth had only gotten a good night’s sleep the night before the competition. With his mind a bit clearer, he surveyed the knights who had been arranged into their positions. Since most of the knights had been in the 3rd Order for some time, there were no issues with their readiness. After confirming their uniforms and swords once again with his adjutant, and having them repeat their assigned positions, everything was set.

After receiving a report that everything was ready, Ruth nodded and entered the Golden Palace to personally accompany the Crown Prince, Ail. It was already summer. The hot sunlight and warm air surrounded them, but the atmosphere was still refreshing. Leading ten knights, Ruth headed toward Ail’s room, where Ail had already prepared. They both then left the Golden Palace together.


To all my lock translations, 1 chapter will be unlocked every sunday. Weekly update for all my ongoing translations. Support me in Ko-fi: If you have concerned in all my translations, DM me in Discord: Lhaozi(I'm a member in Shanghai Fantasy discord)

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