My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 19
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 19

Chapter 19

“Your plan is really good.”

Lin Feng’s voice interrupted the conversation, causing the three small-time thugs’ faces to turn pale instantly, as if they had seen a ghost.

Li Ergou ‘s body trembled, not daring to turn around. The other two were in the same predicament. They had been severely beaten by Lin Feng with a belt during the day, leaving their bodies still red.

Lin Feng calmly walked up to the trio.

“It seems you three haven’t learned your lesson yet,” Lin Feng said coldly, his eyes fixed on them like deep abysses.

“The Seven Wolves didn’t have enough, so I’ll feed you some more,” Lin Feng said while undoing his belt. Li Ergou, seeing this, sprinted away.


Lin Feng lashed out with the Seven Wolves, striking Li Ergou ‘s legs. The latter lost his balance and fell to the ground, resembling a dog eating dirt.

“Boss, please don’t hit me, I was wrong…”

Li Ergou crawled towards Lin Feng, pleading bitterly.

This time, he was genuinely frightened. Lin Feng seemed like a devil they couldn’t afford to provoke.

Lin Feng continued to whip them with the belt, watching as Li Ergou and the others begged for mercy. The atmosphere was tense, and they dared not resist.

“Boss, spare us, we were wrong…”

Li Ergou, crawling on the ground, pleaded for mercy.

Lin Feng stopped the beating, holding the belt and looking at the three of them sternly. “I can let you go, but you have to answer a question truthfully.”

“Boss, you can ask anything, we’ll tell you the truth!” Li Ergou said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He really didn’t want to be beaten by Lin Feng again.

“I’m asking you, how did you find this place? Did you follow Miss Xia?” Lin Feng asked in a cold tone.

Jiangzhou was vast, and Lin Feng found it hard to believe that these three small-time thugs could locate Xia Shiyu’s residence on their own.

“It was the Baishitong in the northern part of the city who told us,” Li Ergou truthfully replied.

“Baishitong?” Lin Feng was puzzled, looking at Li Ergou. “What’s this Baishitong you’re talking about?”

” Baishitong is a person. In Jiangzhou, there’s no information he doesn’t know. We bought information from him and found out Miss Xia’s address.”

These three people don’t look like good guys, and Lin Feng doesn’t dare to guarantee whether what they’re saying is true or not.

“Come here.” Lin Feng beckoned to Li Ergou with his finger, and the latter nodded and walked over, bowing, “Big brother, whatever you command.”

“Extend your hand.”

“What?” Li Ergou was puzzled, but realizing later, he quickly extended his hand.

“Lift up your sleeve.”

“Alright… alright.” Li Ergou pulled up his sleeve, revealing a tattoo on his arm of a Pixiu, symbolizing the ability to turn calamities into blessings and devouring everything without leaking.

Lin Feng looked at the large tattooed arm, couldn’t help but give Li Ergou a disdainful look, then took out a box of silver needles from his pocket and stuck a few into the eyes, belly, and buttocks of the Pixiu tattoo on Li Ergou.

“Both of you, come over here,” Lin Feng called out to Li Ergou’s two henchmen, and the two scurried over.

Lin Feng administered acupuncture to the two as well.

After finishing the acupuncture, Lin Feng looked at the three and said calmly, “I don’t know if you will still cause trouble for me, so I’ve given you a few needles.”

“In seven days, come to me. If you don’t come, you will suffer the pain of a thousand ants biting your hearts.”

A thousand ants biting the heart!

The faces of the three turned pale, and their lips trembled.

Lin Feng handed a piece of paper to Li Ergou, saying, “My phone number is on it. Find me in seven days. If you dare to bully anyone during this period, I think you should know the consequences…”

With that, Lin Feng turned around and disappeared into the alley.

Li Ergou stood there holding the note, staring blankly. His henchmen approached, fearfully asking, “Ergou, is what he said true…”


Lin Feng returned to Xia Shiyu’s apartment.

He stood outside the door without going in.

“Lin Feng, is that you back?” Xia Shiyu heard movement outside the door and asked nervously.

She was really afraid that Li Ergou and his two thugs would come to trouble her. As a helpless woman without any means of defense during the day, she couldn’t imagine what would happen without Lin Feng’s help.

“It’s me,” Lin Feng said softly.

“Lin Feng… I’ve bathed my mom, but I can’t lift her…” Xia Shiyu said in distress.

Lin Feng had already considered this, so he calmly said, “Miss Xia, empty the basin of water, cover your mom with a blanket, and I’ll help you put her on the bed later.”


Xia Shiyu followed Lin Feng’s instructions.

Ten minutes later.

“Lin Feng, you can come in now.”

Lin Feng opened the door, and Xia Shiyu had already covered her mother with a blanket, waiting for Lin Feng’s assistance.

Lin Feng carefully lifted Xia Shiyu’s mother onto the bed.

“The medicinal bath just now has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. Auntie’s meridians are in the best condition now. I’ll prepare to administer acupuncture in a moment, and you can assist me on the side.”

Xia Shiyu bit her lip, nodding repeatedly.

Lin Feng took out a box of silver needles and began to administer acupuncture to Xia Shiyu’s mother. Instead of using the Dragon Dance Nine Heavens Divine Needle, Lin Feng worked on clearing the meridians for Xia Shiyu’s mother.

“Miss Xia, Auntie’s condition is different from Grandma Kong’s. Auntie needs to nourish her body first before we can proceed with acupuncture.”

Lin Feng was able to administer acupuncture to Grandma Kong because she received nutritional fluids every day, keeping her body functions in peak condition. This was something Xia Shiyu’s mother couldn’t compare to.

The daily cost of Grandma Kong’s nutritional fluids was equivalent to two months of Xia Shiyu’s salary.

“Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes nourishment. Auntie’s nourishment process will take about a week, and after a week, I can wake her up,” Lin Feng smiled at Xia Shiyu.


Xia Shiyu’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Really.” Lin Feng nodded again. As he spoke, he had already finished tonight’s acupuncture and was now removing each silver needle.

“Miss Xia, go and feed the prepared medicine to Auntie.”


Xia Shiyu hurried over.

With the acupuncture finished, all that remained was the process of giving the medicine. Lin Feng guided Xia Shiyu throughout.

After finishing the bowl of medicine, Xia Shiyu could clearly see that her mother’s complexion had become much rosier. She looked at Lin Feng excitedly, “Lin Feng, I feel my mom’s breathing has improved a lot!”

Lin Feng nodded, smiling. “Miss Xia, it won’t be long before you can reunite with your mom.”

With that, Lin Feng glanced at the time.

It was almost 10 o’clock at night.

“Miss Xia, it’s getting late. I’ll head home first.”

Lin Feng said, feeling a bit embarrassed. Since he started living in the Song family, it seemed like he always stayed past eleven at night.

“Sure, then I’ll walk you out.” Xia Shiyu stood up. Being a single woman, she felt awkward letting Lin Feng stay overnight.

“Just walk me to the door.”


Xia Shiyu stood up, and after she came back, she took off her high heels and wore a pair of cartoon rabbit fur slippers. Lin Feng couldn’t help but glance at Xia Shiyu’s snow-white beautiful legs again.

Xia Shiyu’s cheeks blushed slightly.

They walked to the door.

“Miss Xia, just see me off here.”

“Okay… Lin Feng…”

“What’s wrong?” Lin Feng subconsciously turned his head, and a pair of luscious red lips pressed against his.

Lin Feng’s mind went blank.

When he snapped out of it, Xia Shiyu had shyly closed the door…

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