My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 24
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 24

Lin Feng glanced at Murong Mengxi.

After a while, he began to speak slowly, “This matter goes back about six months ago…”

Three years ago, Lin Feng’s father mysteriously disappeared. Lin Feng and his two sisters were about to go to school, and the family burden fell on their grandfather, Lin Guochang. Grandpa Lin had to resort to collecting herbs and practicing medicine to make ends meet.

After Lin Feng graduated from high school three years later, he didn’t go to college. Instead, he stayed in the village with his grandfather to collect medicinal herbs.

Six months ago.

Lin Feng, along with his grandfather and the village hunter, Lin Laotou, ventured into the mountains to collect herbs. Together, they discovered a thousand-year-old Blood Ginseng at the cliff in Death Valley.

All three knew that Death Valley was forbidden, but faced with the temptation of the thousand-year-old Blood Ginseng, Lin Feng’s grandfather, Lin Guochang, couldn’t resist.

If they could pick the thousand-year-old Blood Ginseng, it would undoubtedly fetch a sky-high price, ensuring a worry-free future for their grandchildren’s education.

In the end, the three entered the forbidden Death Valley.

After entering Death Valley, everything inside changed. The mist seen from the outside turned out to be poisonous!

Fortunately, Lin Guochang was an experienced doctor and was not afraid of the poisonous mist. They continued to venture deeper into Death Valley. Along the way, they encountered the first mysterious event.

They came across three corpses.

Lin Laotou, being a seasoned hunter in the mountains, deduced from the traces on the corpses that they had been dead for over a year, and their bones had scratch marks.

Obviously, they had been attacked by wild beasts.

Feeling uneasy, the three immediately decided to turn back.

Not long after they retraced their steps, they heard the roar of a fierce beast. Lin Laotou face turned pale. Being an old hunter, he could recognize the type of animal from its roar.

It was the roar of a tiger!

Lin Laotou took out his hunting rifle, a weapon he had carried with him. Apart from seeing a tiger in his childhood, he hadn’t encountered one in decades. This time, hearing the tiger’s roar, the three felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Next, Lin Feng encountered the second mysterious event.

As expected, they were attacked. Shockingly, the assailant wasn’t a tiger but a creature similar to a tiger.

Luckily, Lin Feng had read about it. The creature attacking them turned out to be identical to the prehistoric giant tiger, the saber-toothed tiger.

Lin Feng and the others were dumbfounded.

To protect them, Lin Laotou immediately fired the gun to scare off the saber-toothed tiger. However, the saber-toothed tiger had tough skin and thick flesh, and the gun couldn’t penetrate its defense.

The saber-toothed tiger launched an attack on the three.

They fled immediately.

Fortunately, the saber-toothed tiger feared Lin Laotou rifle, so it kept a distance from them, searching for the best opportunity to strike.

The three were only on the outskirts of Death Valley, and just as they were about to escape, the saber-toothed tiger seemed agitated and suddenly attacked Lin Laotou.

In the end Lin Laotou’s legs were injured.

After the three escaped Death Valley, the saber-toothed tiger did not pursue them.

Lin Feng carried Lin Laotou back to the village that night. Grandpa Lin Guochang personally administered treatment, but the injuries from the saber-toothed tiger were mysterious, and despite all of Grandpa Lin’s efforts, he couldn’t heal them.

Lin Laotou’s family urged him to go to a big city hospital for treatment, but he refused. If they went to the city, the incident with the saber-toothed tiger would surely be discovered.

In the end, Lin Guochang couldn’t heal Old Lin.

Lin Laotou’s legs were crippled.

Out of anger, Lin Laotou’s family took Grandpa Lin Feng to court. Lin Laotou’s son had some influence, and eventually, Grandpa Lin Feng lost the case, compensating Lin Laotou’s family with over ten thousand.

This sum was Grandpa Lin Feng’s last savings.

“That’s what I know about Death Valley,” Lin Feng said earnestly.

On the other side, Murong Mengxi remained silent.

Lin Feng silently poured himself a cup of tea. After saying so much, he felt a bit parched.

In reality, Lin Feng hadn’t disclosed everything. After leaving Death Valley, he discovered that he unexpectedly gained a certain ability, the same ability he currently possessed.

He knew the ability was related to Death Valley but didn’t know the specifics of how he obtained it.

Across from him, Murong Mengxi, silent for a long time, slowly spoke, “Lin Feng, thank you for telling me all this. I want to make a deal with you.”

“No deal.”

Lin Feng refused without hesitation.

He could easily guess that Murong Mengxi’s offer wasn’t a good one.

Murong Mengxi seemed to have anticipated Lin Feng’s refusal and presented a reason he couldn’t reject, “Lin Feng, as part of the exchange, I can tell you about your father, including the last information before his disappearance.”

Lin Feng’s pupils contracted. He had already guessed that Murong Mengxi knew about his father’s whereabouts.

“As a gesture of goodwill, let me first tell you some news. Your father was a member of the Dragon Pavilion Special Warfare Bureau, and his disappearance is related to a mission.”

“What mission?” Lin Feng asked subconsciously.

“I cannot disclose that, but I can assure you. We have lost track of his whereabouts, and we do not know anything about your father,” Mu Rong Mengxi regretfully replied.

Lin Feng calmly looked at Mu Rong Mengxi.

He knew she wasn’t lying.

“Lin Feng, I’ll say it again. If you agree to take us to Death Valley, I can tell you the rest of the information,” Mu Rong Mengxi reiterated.

Lin Feng hesitated.

Seeing Lin Feng wavering, Mu Rong Mengxi continued, “Lin Feng, I assure you, I’m only going to retrieve those three corpses and give them a proper burial.”

“Okay, I promise you,” Lin Feng finally agreed.

The three corpses were on the outskirts of Death Valley, and Lin Feng thought that with the strength of the Special Warfare Bureau, retrieving the corpses from the outskirts should be completely manageable.

Mu Rong Mengxi slowly stood up, her bright red long dress outlining her perfect figure. Lin Feng unconsciously swallowed.

Indeed, she was a stunning beauty.

Mu Rong Mengxi’s actual age was over thirty, but she looked only about twenty-five. It seemed that cultivators could maintain their youthful appearance.

Suddenly, Lin Feng had a thought.

Many years later, if he turned into a decrepit old man, would Song Xueyan still maintain her youthful appearance?

If that were the case, would people say he, Lin Feng, was robbing the cradle? After all, Lin Feng was a year younger than Song Xueyan.

Thinking about it, Lin Feng’s face showed a slightly aggrieved expression. If people were to say he was robbing the cradle, then he would be the tender grass, considering he was younger than Song Xueyan.

Mu Rong Mengxi’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. Watching the changes in Lin Feng’s expression, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of confusion. What was this guy really thinking deep down?

“Lin Feng, it’s settled then. Tomorrow morning at eight o’clock, we’ll send someone to pick you up at the Song family villa. We’ll depart for Death Valley at that time.”

“Tomorrow?” Lin Feng was taken aback.

“Do you want to go tonight?”

“Let’s leave it for tomorrow.” Lin Feng sighed lightly. Since he arrived in Jiangzhou, it seemed like he hadn’t taken a proper rest.

“Sister Mengxi, please bring more people tomorrow…”

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