My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 27
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the four of them, without any prior arrangement, simultaneously stepped into Death Valley.

In an instant, the expressions of Murong Mengxi and her companions changed dramatically. Their cultivations were unexpectedly suppressed; there was a suppression formation in Death Valley!

“What’s happening to you?” Lin Feng curiously asked.

As he wasn’t a cultivator, he couldn’t sense any changes.

“Lin Feng, can you still use your ability?” Mu Rong Meng Xi asked in a low voice.

“I’ll try.” Lin Feng clenched his fist, and a white tiger rune appeared in his eyes, gradually fading away.

“My abilities are still working.” Lin Feng replied.

Murong Mengxi showed joy, then looked at Zhao Jing and the short-haired girl, Yi Yi. “Death Valley has sealed our cultivations. We can only restore them once we leave.”

“But there’s an enemy lurking outside. I’m not sure if their strength surpasses ours. So, I’ve decided to take a gamble, lure them in, and let Lin Feng use his ability to capture the opponent.”

Zhao Jing and Yi Yi nodded in agreement, and Lin Feng readily accepted.

If what Murong Mengxi said was true and someone was lurking in the shadows, then that person was undoubtedly after him.

The four of them walked toward Death Valley.

The surroundings of Death Valley were filled with overgrown grass, venomous insects, and occasionally the mournful cries of strange birds, sending shivers down their spines.

Lin Feng led the way, wielding the machete to cut through the poisonous vines. He also reminded the others, “Be careful, don’t touch these poisonous plants. If you do, you might experience allergies at best and faint from poisoning at worst.”

“We are cultivators; how could we be bothered by these poisonous vines?” Zhao Jing disdainfully remarked.

Lin Feng gave her a cold look. “Why don’t you give it a try?”

Zhao Jing snorted, although she believed that with her Spiritual Perception cultivation, dealing with poisonous vines would be a piece of cake. However, she didn’t dare to try it casually.

As Lin Feng and his group delved deeper into the Death Valley, the lurking assassin, Sin, followed suit. He entered the Death Valley along the path cleared by Lin Feng. The moment he stepped into the Death Valley, his expression changed as his cultivation was also suppressed.

“What kind of place is this? It’s so mysterious,” Kill Sin’s expression became grave. He had an Eastern appearance and was once a member of a major sect in Great Xia.

During the era when the Dragon Pavilion dominated the cultivation world in Daxia, his sect opposed the tyrannical actions of the Dragon Pavilion. In the end, the sect was annihilated, and the surviving members had to flee overseas.

To ensure the survival of what remained of his sect, Sin chose to join the assassin organization. This decision not only allowed him to hone his skills in assassination but also provided financial support for the remaining members of his sect.

After noticing that his cultivation was suppressed, Sin hesitated briefly but decided to follow the path Lin Feng had opened, thinking, “If my cultivation is suppressed, they won’t fare much better.”

Kill Sin walked about a hundred meters forward.


Suddenly, the sound of a sniper rifle echoed.

“How was it? Did you hit him?” Lin Feng asked Yiyi, who was up in the tree.

“I hit him. He’s lying on the ground without any reaction,” Yiyi replied.

“Yiyi, take a few more shots,” Murong Mengxi ordered.


Yi Yi nodded. After loading another round, she fired several shots at the distant corpse. Once she confirmed that Sin was completely dead, the sniper Yi Yi stopped shooting. Suddenly, she looked towards the distant mountains and forests with astonishment.

“Not good, the gunfire attracted something. Everyone, get up the trees!” Yi Yi’s face turned pale.

Lin Feng sighed, “I knew it. We shouldn’t have fired. It’s probably that prehistoric sabertooth tiger coming.”


As Lin Feng just finished speaking, a distant roar echoed through the mountains and forests. The entire ground trembled, and Lin Feng climbed up a tall tree instantly.

Murong Mengxi and Zhao Jing also climbed up another tree.

Lin Feng held onto a large tree, with the sniper Yi Yi beside him. She stepped on the branches, taking out a bullet from her pocket.

“What is this?”

“A tranquilizer dart,” Yi Yi replied calmly.

Murong Mengxi brought the sniper Yi Yi along when she heard about the prehistoric sabertooth tiger in Death Valley. She intended to capture it alive and bring it back to the Dragon Pavilion for further study.

Lin Feng remained uneasy; he doubted that a sniper rifle could penetrate the defense of a sabertooth tiger.

Meanwhile, in the distant forest, a gigantic sabertooth tiger, perfectly blending its patterns with the surrounding woods, walked out like a small mountain. When it stood still, it was almost impossible for others to not notice it.

“It’s not coming towards us.” Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised. He noticed that the sabertooth tiger seemed to be heading towards Sin’s corpse.

“Yi Yi, observe quietly. Lin Feng, don’t speak. The sabertooth tiger hasn’t noticed us yet.” Murong Mengxi transmitted her voice to everyone.

Lin Feng quickly covered his mouth.

On the other side, Sin, who had been shot several times by the sniper rifle, was still alive. His cultivation had surpassed the realm of Spiritual Perception Realm and reached the Core Formation Realm. His physical defense reached an unimaginable height, rendering Yiyi’s shots ineffective against him.

Although the Death Valley suppressed cultivation, Sin relied on his formidable physical defense to resist the bullets. When he was hit by the sniper rifle, he conceived a plan. He decided to play dead, intending to wait for Lin Feng and the others to approach him before launching a counterattack.


Suddenly, Sin heard a tiger’s roar. Lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, he couldn’t see the situation outside. He assumed it was an ordinary tiger approaching and never imagined that it was a prehistoric giant saber-toothed tiger.

“This beast better not come near. If it affects my plan, I will tear it apart.” Kill Sin thought to himself.


The distant saber-toothed tiger charged towards Sin.


Sin cursed loudly, abruptly standing up and slapping the ground. He intended to use his powerful physical body to crush the supposed ordinary tiger. However, when he turned around, he caught sight of the true appearance of the saber-toothed tiger, and he was completely stunned.

Staring at the terrifying fangs of the saber-toothed tiger, Sin felt a sense of impending doom.


The palm of Sin collided with the tiger’s paw, and without any surprise, he was sent flying several meters away, crashing into a large tree. The tree snapped, falling to the ground.

“Cough, cough, cough.” Sin climbed up from the ground, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. He sneered, “Beast, today, I will kill you!”

Saying this, Sin manifested a large knife in his hand.

Observing from a distance on the tree, Mengxi and the others’ expressions changed drastically. Mengxi whispered, “He actually has a Spirit Artifact. We may not be his match.”

“Should we take advantage of this moment to escape?” Lin Feng suggested.

“Agreed. Let’s first find the three bodies and then head in another direction.”

The group exchanged glances and descended from the trees.

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