My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 29
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Death Valley is a massive basin, and the luminous tree is situated right at the center of the basin.

As they moved forward, the group felt like they were walking on a steep slope. Soon, all four of them stopped and looked ahead.

They saw the luminous tree.

The tree was only one meter tall, crystal clear like obsidian. Strange symbols were carved on its root branches, ancient inscriptions exuding the aura of the Dao.

A gentle breeze brushed through, causing the small tree to sway.

At the moment they laid eyes on the small tree, Murong Mengxi and her companions were profoundly shocked. They could clearly sense that the small tree emitted the aura of the Dao.

However, Lin Feng furrowed his brows.

In comparison to the astonishment of the three women, Lin Feng was more concerned about the surroundings. In the glow of the tree, Lin Feng noticed that the small tree was actually standing in the middle of the emerald pool. If they had walked in carelessly just now, they would have surely fallen in.

“Be careful, there’s a deep pool ahead,” Lin Feng quickly warned the three women.

Murong Mengxi and Zhao Jing abruptly halted. They all looked down and indeed saw a deep emerald pool surrounding the glowing tree.

They silently felt relieved.

Although they could all swim, no one could guarantee that there weren’t any monsters in the deep pool. This place was truly mysterious, home to a prehistoric saber-toothed tiger with strength comparable to a Peak Core Formation Realm.

It wouldn’t be surprising if other monsters appeared in this deep pool.

“Quick, look! There seems to be ripples in the pool. Is there something moving inside?” The short-haired girl Yiyi exclaimed.

In this place, their cultivation and supernatural abilities were sealed, but as a sniper trained by the Dragon Pavilion Special Operations Bureau, Yiyi naturally had enhanced night vision.

Everyone followed Yiyi’s gaze.

Indeed, there were slight ripples on the calm surface of the lake, indicating that something was moving in the water.

Lin Feng rubbed his eyes, trying to get a clearer look.

“Oh, damn!”

Lin Feng jumped up suddenly, taking a step behind Murong Mengxi. His lips trembled as he said, “Snake… there’s a snake!”

Zhao Jing looked at Lin Feng with a hint of disdain.

“You grew up in the mountains and forests, yet you’re afraid of snakes?”

As she spoke, Zhao Jing also glanced in the direction Lin Feng was looking.

In an instant, silence fell around them.

In the deep emerald pool, a white python, as thick as a water tank, was swimming towards Lin Feng and the others. It had two protruding small horns on its head, a sign that it was about to transform into a dragon.

The white python raised its massive body, reaching a height equivalent to five floors. It spat out snake signals, overlooking Lin Feng’s group.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, silently praying that the white python wouldn’t notice them. Unfortunately, their prayers were in vain. The enormous white python lowered its head and approached Lin Feng and the others.

“It seems like it doesn’t have malicious intent,” Murong Mengxi said calmly.

Little did anyone know, Murong Mengxi had assumed a defensive posture. If the white python were to attack them, Mu Rong Mengxi would use her own spirit weapon to counteract.

Cultivator at the Core Formation Realm were equipped with their own spirit weapons, and as the leader of the Jiangzhou Special Warfare Bureau, Murong Mengxi also possessed her unique spirit weapon.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng silently pulled out a mysterious black dagger, preparing for battle.

Short-haired girl Yi Yi also raised her sniper rifle, aiming at the eyes of the white python, ready to shoot if the situation turned hostile.

Suddenly, the small tree at the center of the pool emitted a soft, divine light. Lin Feng’s heart tightened; he felt a familiar connection coming from the glowing tree, as if it was calling out to him.

“Lin Feng, what are you doing?” Zhao Jing exclaimed anxiously.

Lin Feng took a step out from behind Mu Rong Mengxi, walking slowly toward the white python. The three women watched nervously as he approached.

“I feel like it doesn’t mean harm.”

As he spoke, Lin Feng reached the side of the white python. The python lowered its head slowly, and Lin Feng seemed to understand its intentions. With a gentle leap, he landed on top of the white python’s head.

The white python submerged its massive body into the pool, carrying Lin Feng to the center. Lin Feng quickly reached the side of the glowing tree.

The three women, watching this, were both surprised and delighted. They were worried about Lin Feng’s safety but also hopeful that he might gain a great opportunity.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng approached the glowing tree, which swayed in the wind as if greeting him. Unable to resist, he extended his finger, reaching out to touch the glowing tree.

In an instant, Lin Feng felt an electric shock-like sensation and abruptly withdrew his hand. The glowing tree transformed into a stream of light, rushing into Lin Feng’s brow. A tremendous force hit his mind, and he blacked out instantly.

In the early morning, when Lin Feng opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a bed. Looking around at the familiar surroundings, he couldn’t help but feel puzzled, “Isn’t this my room?”

“This is indeed your room.”

Suddenly, Zhao Jing’s voice came from the side. Lin Feng looked at her with confusion and asked, “Captain Zhao, why am I here?”

“You fainted in Death Valley, so we carried you back,” Zhao Jing said coldly.

“Fainted?” Lin Feng seemed to recall the events leading to his unconsciousness. He remembered collapsing after touching the glowing tree.

“Captain Zhao, how did you all escape from Death Valley? What about the prehistoric saber-toothed tiger? Didn’t it attack you?” Lin Feng asked a series of questions.

Zhao Jing shook her head.

“After that tree stopped glowing, everything around us turned pitch black. Our suppressed abilities were released, and both the saber-toothed tiger and the white python disappeared. Even the emerald deep pool vanished. Captain Murong saw you faint on the ground and asked me to bring you back.”

“Thanks, Captain Zhao,” Lin Feng said apologetically.

Zhao Jing gave him a disdainful look. “Lin Feng, I suspect you did it on purpose. Do you know how long you’ve been lying on the bed?”

Lin Feng suddenly had a bad feeling and hurriedly asked, “Captain Zhao, how long have I been lying in bed?”

“Less than a minute.”

Lin Feng: “…”

He finally understood why Zhao Jing was cold towards him. Apparently, she had carried him all night, and just after laying him on the bed, he woke up.

“Lin Guochang! Come out!”

Suddenly, a loud voice came from outside the door.

Lin Feng’s expression darkened, and Zhao Jing asked quickly, “Who is shouting at the door?”

“Lin Laotou’s grandson, Lin Hao.”

“Lin Laotou?” Zhao Jing furrowed her brows, recalling that Lin Feng had mentioned Lin Lao Tou before.

Six months ago, Lin Feng and his grandfather went into the mountains. The third person with them was the old hunter Lin Lao Tou. After encountering the saber-toothed tiger in Death Valley, Lin Laotou was injured, and despite efforts from Lin Feng and his grandfather, they couldn’t heal him.

Lin Laotou became paralyzed in both legs. His children sued Lin Feng’s grandfather for practicing medicine without a license, and since they lost the case, Lin Feng’s family was ordered to compensate Lin Lao Tou tens of thousands of dollars.

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