My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 33
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“You insolent grandson!”

The voice of Old Lin echoed in the room, and everyone looked inside.

Old Lin, pushing his wheelchair with both hands, slowly emerged from the room. Judging solely by his complexion, he seemed much healthier than before.

It appeared that Lin Feng’s acupuncture had some positive effects.

However, it couldn’t cure Old Lin’s legs.

Seeing his grandfather coming out in a wheelchair, Lin Hao rushed to his side, pushing the wheelchair. At the same time, he angrily pointed at Lin Feng, saying, “Lin Feng, you couldn’t heal my grandfather. If anything happens to him, I’ll make you pay!”

“How will you make me pay?” Lin Feng responded calmly.

He already knew that Lin Hao was up to no good, so he decided to play along.

“I don’t care about your compensation. Do you think you’re impressive just because you have money?” Lin Hao roared in anger.

Lin Feng: “…”

“Lin Feng, let me tell you! You don’t have a medical license. If something happens to my grandfather because you treated him recklessly, I won’t spare you. Now, my father and I are taking my grandfather to the county hospital. During this time, we’ll need you to compensate for our medical expenses, hospital fees, lost wages, and food expenses…”

“All these costs need to be fully compensated, and I’ll also sue you for practicing medicine without a license. Your whole family are quacks, causing harm to others!”

Lin Hao became more agitated as he spoke, and sirens could be heard outside the village. The three women, Murong Mengxi and the others, looked at Lin Hao. It seemed he had planned this carefully and had already contacted someone in advance.

Maple Leaf Village was far from the town, and it would take at least half an hour for the nearest police station to reach here. Lin Hao had undoubtedly made the call well in advance.

However, Lin Feng remained calm.

Half a year ago, Lin Hao had bullied Lin Feng’s family with his influence, but now, with Murong Mengxi and Zhao Jing, both Special Operations Bureau leaders, supporting him, Lin Feng had no reason to fear.

Outside Old Lin’s house,

A police car stopped outside, and two officers got out.

“Who is Lin Hao?” the leading officer, Zhang Feiming, asked knowingly.

“Officer, I am Lin Hao. I’m the one who called the police. I want to report Lin Feng for practicing medicine illegally. He ruined my grandfather’s legs, and I want to take my grandfather to the hospital,” Lin Hao said, sniffing and wiping away tears.

Zhang Fei looked at Lin Feng and asked, “Young man, do you have a medical license?”

“Tell him you have,” Mu Rong Mengxi secretly transmitted her voice to Lin Feng.

With the help of Captain Mu Rong, Lin Feng’s eyes brightened, and he replied seriously, “Yes.”

“Show it to me.”

“I didn’t bring it.”

Zhang Fei was puzzled, and Lin Hao on the side grumbled, “Nonsense, Lin Feng, you don’t have a medical license at all. You’re lying.”

Zhang Fei looked sternly at Lin Feng, “Lin Feng, we have body cameras. Every word you say can be used as evidence in the future.”

“Officer, you can rest assured; I haven’t lied to you,” Lin Feng smiled slightly.

“Check it on the website.” Zhang Fei didn’t waste words and directly asked Lin Feng to log in to the website to display his medical license.

Lin Feng looked towards Mu Rong Mengxi for help. He knew whether he had a medical license or not. He was still studying chemical formulas and hadn’t even passed the test. Where would he get a medical license?

“Don’t worry, just log in and take a look. If needed, you can always claim to have forgotten the password later,” Mu Rong Mengxi consoled Lin Feng through telepathy.

Lin Feng nodded and, in front of Zhang Fei, opened the website on his phone.

As he logged in, Lin Feng’s face changed abruptly, and he looked extremely distressed.

“Why do I need a password for this?” Lin Feng almost cried, “This page directly inputs the name and details to check if the other person has a medical license. There’s no need to log in with a password at all.”

Lin Feng looked at Murong Mengxi with a touch of complaint.

She awkwardly looked away.

Seeing Lin Feng hesitate, Lin Hao, as if catching him in a moment of weakness, mocked, “Haha, Lin Feng, can’t provide evidence now, can you? I knew you were lying. Show us your medical license if you’re capable.”

Lin Feng ignored Lin Hao’s taunts.

“Let’s go all out. Even if I have to claim a system error that prevents finding information,” Lin Feng gritted his teeth and, with a forced smile, entered the correct details and clicked on the search button.

The page refreshed, showing “No Such Person.”

“Haha, Lin Feng, you deceived the officer. You really have nerves of steel,” Lin Hao couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Zhang Fei also looked sternly at Lin Feng. “Lin Feng, how do you explain this?”

“Well… it seems I entered the wrong name,” Lin Feng apologized, realizing he had mistakenly entered “Lin Lin” instead of his actual name.

Everyone was speechless.

Lin Hao couldn’t resist mocking, “Entered the wrong name? Hehe, this is just you stalling for time. Even if you answered correctly, so what? The fact remains that you don’t have a medical license!”

Lin Feng, immune to Lin Hao’s barking, opened the search box and re-entered his correct name.

As soon as the result appeared, everyone was stunned.

Surprisingly, Lin Feng’s name was indeed there.

Even Lin Feng himself looked bewildered, not knowing what was happening.

“Impossible, it must be fake. Look at Lin Feng’s expression; he himself doesn’t believe it. It must be a case of identical names,” Lin Hao couldn’t believe it.

“Give me your phone,” Zhang Fei asked for Lin Feng’s phone. After confirming that the person on the screen was indeed Lin Feng, he said sternly, “The documents are in order, Lin Feng is not practicing medicine illegally.”

Hearing this, Lin Hao’s face darkened.

“Lin Feng, even if your license is genuine, and we will go to the hospital for an examination. You’ll have to cover the medical expenses!” Lin Hao insisted.

“Whatever you say,” Lin Feng replied with three simple words.

Now that he had a valid medical license, any claims Lin Hao made against him in court were baseless. Lin Feng was a doctor; if he couldn’t cure Lin Hao’s grandfather, it merely indicated his lack of medical skill, nothing more.=

“Lin Feng, I need…”

“Shut up, you scoundrel!” Old Lin couldn’t bear it any longer, his face turning iron blue. “Lin Feng, fetch me a stick.”

Lin Hao’s face turned pale.

“Grandpa, you can’t hit me! Are you still trying to discipline me with your outdated ideas?” Lin Hao shouted.

Old Lin remained silent but took the stick Lin Feng handed over. Holding the stick, he looked at his grandson, Lin Hao, and said, “Kneel down!”

Lin Hao, unwilling but resentful, knelt down.

He knelt on the ground, his eyes staring at Lin Feng with endless hatred. If it weren’t for Lin Feng, he wouldn’t have been beaten.

“Old man, it’s not right to hit people…” Officer Zhang Fei also stepped forward. As a policeman, he couldn’t just stand by.

“Comrade officer, this is our family affair,” Old Lin snorted.

“Even for a family affair, you can’t resort to violence!”

Old Lin didn’t speak but looked at Zhang Fei. The latter suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and instinctively, Zhang Fei looked to the other side.

Old Lin lifted the stick, and just when everyone thought he was going to discipline his grandson, he instead supported himself on the ground and stood up.

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