My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 40
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Song Family Villa.

Lin Feng went to his room early to sleep, while Song Xueyan, after finishing her meal, sat on the sofa watching TV and discussed with her father about the future development of the Song family.

All of the Song family’s real estate and construction businesses had been swallowed up by the Chu family. Now, only a small, foundation-less business related to painting and calligraphy in Jiangzhou remained, causing distress for Song Tianqing and Song Xueyan.

At eleven o’clock in the night.

Song Tianqing, unable to resist his fatigue, went back to his room to sleep.

Song Xueyan, who had already reached the state of Spiritual Perception Realm, had no problem staying awake for several days. Feeling bored, she logged into the special operations bureau’s forum using her phone.

As soon as she entered, Song Xueyan saw several notifications.

The contents all mentioned that Lin Feng, the son-in-law of the Song family, possessed a fragment of the Celestial Diagram. The special operations bureau was instructed to ensure Lin Feng’s safety and prevent the Celestial Sect from snatching it. At the same time, Lin Feng was urged to hand over the fragment to the special operations bureau.

Upon seeing this message, Song Xueyan was stunned.

She recalled the words of Daoist Qinghong. The Celestial Chart was hidden in a wooden box with a protective array. Ordinary people couldn’t open it, so they wouldn’t be aware of the existence of the Celestial Chart However, the news of Lin Feng obtaining the fragment had spread so quickly.

In a soft voice, Song Xueyan said, “Not many people know about the Celestial Chart. Besides Lin Feng and me, only Daoist Qinghong is aware.”

Thinking, another figure appeared in Song Xueyan’s mind — Murong Mengxi. Perhaps Murong Mengxi also knew about Lin Feng acquiring the diagram.

Song Xueyan couldn’t figure out who leaked the information. However, she knew one thing for sure—Lin Feng was now in the spotlight, and members of the Celestial Sect would undoubtedly come to seize the Celestial Chart fragment in his possession.

After careful consideration, Song Xueyan decided to talk to Lin Feng. So, she got up and headed towards Lin Feng’s room.

At the same time, in another space, Lin Feng found himself in the Death Valley. After figuring out the connection between the luminous tree and himself, he focused on how to escape.

As Lin Feng touched the luminous tree with his fingers, it unexpectedly dodged, seemingly resistant to Lin Feng’s touch, leaving him puzzled.

Frustrated, Lin Feng wondered, “How can I get out of here?”

As he spoke, Lin Feng felt his surroundings go dark, and he found himself back in his room. Before he could recover from the shock, he heard footsteps outside the door. Judging by the footsteps, Lin Feng concluded that the person approaching was his fiancée, Song Xueyan. He went to open the door.

Sure enough, it was Song Xueyan. She had a solemn expression, clearly burdened with worries. Lin Feng instinctively asked, “Yan Yan, what’s wrong?”

“Lin Feng, I just logged into the special warfare bureau’s forum, and news about you obtaining the Celestial Diagram fragment has been leaked. I’m worried that members of the Celestial Sect will come after you.”

Lin Feng was momentarily stunned, not expecting Murong Mengxi to act so quickly.

“Lin Feng, did you tell anyone else about the Celestial Chart fragment?” Song Xueyan asked.

“No,” Lin Feng shook his head, unsure why Song Xueyan was asking this.

Upon receiving Lin Feng’s answer, Song Xueyan frowned and said in a deep voice, “Lin Feng, we might have been betrayed. The only ones who knew about the Celestial Chart fragment were Daoist Qinghong and… Captain Murong.”

When she mentioned Captain Murong, Song Xueyan’s tone paused slightly. Evidently, she was reluctant to believe that Murong Mengxi leaked the information, as she held Murong Mengxi in high regard, considering her an idol.

“So, what should we do?” Lin Feng asked.

Song Xueyan shook her head, unsure of what to do either.

“Lin Feng, tomorrow stay close to me. If the Celestial Sect makes a move, I can protect you. As for the inquiries from the special warfare bureau, just insist that you don’t have it.”

“Why?” Lin Feng asked, puzzled.

He had expected that, given Song Xueyan’s current stance, she would advise him to hand over the Celestial Chart fragment. Unexpectedly, she suggested the opposite, leaving Lin Feng confused.

“Let’s observe the situation for now,” Song Xueyan said.

Lin Feng nodded.

Song Xueyan didn’t offer further explanation. She felt that things were not simple, and she needed to figure out who spread this information.

“Alright, it’s getting late. Let’s go back and sleep,” Song Xueyan said.

Lin Feng nodded.

Lying on the bed, Lin Feng rested his head and unknowingly fell asleep…

In the early morning, as a ray of sunlight penetrated the window and illuminated the room, Lin Feng’s door was knocked. It was his mother-in-law Su Yue calling him to have breakfast.

Lin Feng immediately got up and freshened up.

The Song family villa was lively in the morning.

The family was having breakfast.

Zhao Jing, dressed in a tight-fitting outfit, entered the Song family villa and said to Lin Feng, who was eating breakfast, “Lin Feng, come out, the captain wants to see you.”

Lin Feng nodded.

Song Tianqing and Su Yue looked at the two with confusion.

Song Tianqing didn’t know Zhao Jing’s identity, didn’t understand why she came to find Lin Feng, and didn’t know who the captain she mentioned was.

Lin Feng quickly reassured, “Uncle Song, Aunt Su, I need to go out to handle something. I’ll be back soon.”

“Then, take care of yourself,” Song Tianqing nodded.

Later on, Lin Feng followed Zhao Jing out of the Song family villa. Walking behind, he lowered his voice and asked, “Captain Zhao, has something happened?”

Zhao Jing’s expression remained unchanged.

“Lin Feng, I’m acting impartially now, and I don’t know the rest.” Though they had experienced the journey through the Death Valley together, for Zhao Jing, there was a distinction between personal and professional matters.

Lin Feng nodded and didn’t press for more information.

In his mind, he recalled Murong Mengxi’s words from the previous night. When Lin Feng chose to reveal that he possessed the Celestial Diagram fragment, Murong Mengxi would become his adversary.

Lin Feng was prepared for that now.

Outside the Song family villa, two cars were parked.

One was the car Lin Feng had used yesterday, and the other, judging by the license plate, came from the Jiangnan district.

Beside the cars, Murong Mengxi stood with a man. Judging from their subtle expressions, Murong Mengxi seemed somewhat disdainful of the man who shamelessly approached her.

Lin Feng immediately felt a dislike for the man.

“A person whom Aunt Mengxi dislikes is definitely not a good character.”

Behind the man, there were two serious-looking individuals, one male and one female. Lin Feng guessed they were the subordinates brought by the man.

Lin Feng approached Murong Mengxi.

“Lin Feng, let me introduce you. This is Liu Siming, the leader of the Special Warfare Bureau in Jiangnan City,” Murong Mengxi introduced.

“Lin Feng, we came here today mainly to ensure your safety,” Murong Mengxi said with a faint smile.

“My safety? Is it because the Chu family wants to trouble me?” Lin Feng asked casually.

Liu Siming snorted, “Lin Feng, spare us the nonsense. Hand over the Celestial Chart fragment, and neither the Celestial Sect nor the Special Warfare Bureau will bother you. We don’t need to expend resources protecting you.”

“Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about…” Lin Feng replied.

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