My Legend Spreads All Over The Animal World
My Legend Spreads All Over The Animal World Chapter 8: The Best Sleep Ye Yunian Ever Had

In the wild, there are instances of animals sharing food, but typically only within the same species or among family members. There has never been a documented case of wild pandas sharing food with each other.

Perhaps Apple Bear just really loved eating apples!

After all, finding crisp, sweet apples in the wild wasn’t easy. Whatever the reason, the fact that Apple Bear allowed Ye Yunian to share his food was truly astonishing.

Feeling touched, Ye Yunian’s guard against Apple Bear dropped even further.

Apple Bear continued munching on his bamboo while Ye Yunian found a spot on a lower slope, at a safe distance, to enjoy his own meal.

It had to be said—Apple Bear was an expert in surviving the wild. The bamboo he picked, although thick, was surprisingly tender. Even the bamboo stalks, which Ye Yunian was usually picky about, tasted much better today. Perhaps it was because he was starving.

After finishing his bamboo, Ye Yunian noticed that Apple Bear had also finished his own and was now eating the two apples Ye Yunian had left for him.

Ye Yunian had been so focused on eating that he hadn’t even noticed when Apple Bear started on the apples.

Apple Bear devoured the apples quickly, gulping them down in just a few bites. Afterward, he didn’t leave right away. Instead, he began grooming his fur, and that’s when Ye Yunian noticed something else—Apple Bear’s fur was remarkably clean, especially his white patches, which were pure and spotless!

It seemed that not only was Apple Bear a seasoned wild panda, but he also took great pride in his cleanliness. His fur looked so soft—imagine how nice it would be to cuddle with him!

Ye Yunian entertained the thought but knew better than to risk his life by trying to pet Apple Bear.

Once Apple Bear was done grooming, he slowly stood up and glanced at Ye Yunian.

Ye Yunian held his breath. Even though Apple Bear looked cute, the underlying tension of facing a stronger peer made him nervous.

Thankfully, Apple Bear merely glanced at him briefly before turning and walking off into the forest.

Is he leaving?

Watching Apple Bear walk away, Ye Yunian hesitated. This could be his perfect chance to escape, but the problem was that he still hadn’t had enough to eat. One bamboo stalk wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy a giant panda. The bamboo that Apple Bear had found was so delicious—maybe if he followed him, he could find more?

Ye Yunian was tempted.

After a brief internal struggle, he decided to follow. He carefully grabbed his bag of apples and started trailing Apple Bear from a safe distance.

Apple Bear immediately sensed Ye Yunian following him but didn’t seem to mind. He paused briefly to sniff the air and then continued walking.

Is this his way of allowing me to tag along?

Ye Yunian felt a flicker of joy but kept a cautious distance of 20 to 30 meters between them.

Not long after, they arrived at a dense bamboo grove.

Ye Yunian sniffed the air. It was the same kind of bamboo he had eaten earlier!

By now, Apple Bear had already wandered into the grove.

Though he felt more comfortable around Apple Bear, Ye Yunian decided not to follow him deep into the grove. He left his bag of apples at the entrance and set about picking some bamboo for himself.

Pandas usually pick bamboo by judging its color and scent, but Ye Yunian hadn’t mastered that skill yet. He had to rely on trial and error—biting into each one to test its quality.

To his surprise, all the bamboo in this grove was incredibly tender, no matter which one he tried!

This Apple Bear sure had an eye for good bamboo.

Ye Yunian happily gnawed through five or six stalks before settling down to eat in a pile of his own bamboo.

Not far away, on a hill, Apple Bear had found a spot to sit and was also eating his bamboo.

The two pandas ate in peaceful coexistence.

Ye Yunian didn’t know how much he ate, but by the time he felt full, the sun was already high in the sky.

The bamboo grove was dense, blocking out much of the sunlight.

Stuffed and satisfied, Ye Yunian glanced over at Apple Bear, who was still eating.

Ye Yunian burped.

Just then, Apple Bear finished his bamboo and, noticing Ye Yunian’s gaze, looked back at him. Then, to Ye Yunian’s surprise, Apple Bear stood up.

Alarmed, Ye Yunian shot to his feet, thinking Apple Bear might finally be planning to attack.

But Apple Bear didn’t approach. Instead, he wandered toward a small hill and began sniffing the ground.

What is he doing?

Ye Yunian was curious but kept his distance. After a moment, he heard a distinct crack, like something breaking.

Wait, a crack?

Ye Yunian’s eyes widened.

Was Apple Bear digging for bamboo shoots?

Indeed, a moment later, Apple Bear unearthed a tender bamboo shoot and placed it on the ground.

Ye Yunian was amazed.

So that’s why all the shoots had dirt on them—they were being dug up from underground!

No wonder he hadn’t been able to find any shoots on his own.

The two pandas were about ten meters apart. Apple Bear watched as Ye Yunian slowly caught on to what he was doing. Excited, Ye Yunian began sniffing around for bamboo shoots, just like Apple Bear had done.

Before long, his sharp sense of smell led him to a spot with a hidden bamboo shoot.

Ye Yunian was thrilled. He mimicked Apple Bear’s movements and began digging. However, what had seemed easy for Apple Bear turned out to be more difficult for him. In his enthusiasm, he accidentally snapped the bamboo shoot in half.

But it was still tender and delicious!

Pleased with his effort, Ye Yunian happily devoured his prize.

Apple Bear, watching from a distance, seemed satisfied that the little panda had learned the skill. He returned to his own meal of bamboo shoots.

For a while, the two pandas dug for and ate bamboo shoots in harmony.

Apple Bear finished first, as indicated by his routine of grooming himself after eating. Ye Yunian, still excited by his newfound skill, continued to dig, managing to gather seven or eight more shoots, which he stuffed into his apple bag.

When he finally stopped to rest, Ye Yunian looked around for Apple Bear, only to find that he was gone.

Confused, Ye Yunian sniffed the air.

Apple Bear’s scent was growing faint—he must have left.

Ye Yunian felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment.

Even though they weren’t from the same background, Apple Bear had been the first fellow panda he had really bonded with. Not only had Apple Bear not harmed him, but he had also taught him something valuable.

Apple Bear really is a good panda, Ye Yunian thought fondly.

However, knowing they were on different paths, Ye Yunian decided not to follow Apple Bear. He had to focus on getting back to the base.

Tired from the day’s events, Ye Yunian found a tree and climbed up to rest. This time, he was so tired that he didn’t even bother bringing his apple bag with him. He simply lay down on the branch and fell asleep.

The afternoon sun was warm, and for the first time in days, Ye Yunian slept deeply, his belly full and his mind at ease.

When he woke up, it was nearly dusk. Ye Yunian was surprised to realize he had slept the entire afternoon.

It seemed like his journey back to the base would have to wait.

After the previous night’s experience, Ye Yunian had come to terms with the fact that getting back would take time. Rushing wasn’t an option in such dangerous terrain.

Satisfied that there was no immediate threat, he slowly climbed down, ate the bamboo shoots he had gathered earlier, and had two more apples. Then, as the last rays of sunlight faded, he returned to the bamboo grove to forage one last time.

After another hearty meal, Ye Yunian climbed back up his tree and settled in for the night.

The day had passed quietly, and despite being in the wilderness, he had a sense of peace.

That night, however, he couldn’t sleep as soundly, staying awake for most of the night until the early morning.

When he awoke the next day, he noticed a familiar scent in the air.

Apple Bear was back.

Having spent enough time with Apple Bear, Ye Yunian no longer feared him. In fact, he felt a bit excited about the reunion.

Sliding down the tree with his apple bag in tow, Ye Yunian ran toward the scent.

It wasn’t long before the two pandas met again on a hillside.

Happy to see Apple Bear, Ye Yunian dropped his bag and chirped a greeting.

Apple Bear stopped, set down a few bamboo shoots, and then retreated a little, allowing Ye Yunian to approach.

Ye Yunian’s eyes lit up.

Apple Bear really is a polite and generous panda!

Without hesitation, Ye Yunian enjoyed the bamboo shoots, and when he was done, he left a few apples in return before walking away.

After Ye Yuenian was out of sight, Apple Bear approached and happily ate the apples left behind.

For the next two or three days, this became their routine.

Apple Bear would visit Ye Yunian, bringing bamboo shoots, while Ye Yunian would share his apples in return.

With each interaction, Ye Yunian felt they grew closer. Today, for the first time, he even dared to sit directly next to Apple Bear while they both ate bamboo together.

It was a cloudy day, and the overcast sky cast a gloomy light over the forest, reducing visibility. After finishing his meal, Ye Yunian felt drowsy. He couldn’t help but glance at Apple Bear, who was sitting right beside him.

Apple Bear’s size was imposing, and his thick fur looked incredibly soft.

What would it feel like to sleep next to him? It must be really warm, right?

With that thought lingering in his mind, Ye Yunian mustered up some courage and scooted a little closer to Apple Bear.

Apple Bear didn’t seem to mind—he continued eating his bamboo, not even pausing to glance at Ye Yunian.

Encouraged by Apple Bear’s indifference, Ye Yunian leaned further in, letting his fluffy body brush up against Apple Bear’s warm, thick fur.

Ah, so soft!

Feeling enveloped in warmth and comfort, Ye Yunian’s eyes grew heavier and heavier until he couldn’t keep them open any longer. Before he knew it, he had completely leaned into Apple Bear, his entire body nestled against his larger companion.

And for the first time since being released into the wild, Ye Yunian fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

It was the most peaceful sleep he’d had in days, and for once, he didn’t feel any fear.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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