
My Legend Spreads All Over The Animal World

Raw Title: 动物世界四处流传我的传说

Author: 夕朝南歌

Translator: Dreamy Land

Update: 6 days ago

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The giant panda Yunian is a wild sub-adult male panda rescued by the  Hetaoping Base. Due to his exceptionally handsome appearance, he gained some fame after being rescued.


After careful consideration, the base decided to release Yunian back into the wild once he had recovered. However, to everyone’s surprise, the very next morning, the panda that had been set free the day before appeared again at the base’s gate, banging loudly on the iron door.


The researchers were both amused and exasperated.


Netizens burst out laughing: “Yunian knows what’s up—he’s aiming for a stable government job!”


Unfortunately for Yunian, the base refused his request for a permanent position. On the third day of his return, Yunian was once again released into the wild.


Months passed without any news of Yunian, and netizens started to believe he wouldn’t come back this time.


But one evening, the familiar sound of Yunian’s call and rhythmic knocking echoed outside the base’s gate once more.


Netizens sighed: “Looks like Yunian really can’t stay away from the base!”


The staff: “…”


Who could argue with that?


What shocked them even more this time was that Yunian didn’t come back alone—he brought along another male panda with an injured abdomen!


Netizens: “???”


Is he trying to bring in a friend to help secure a job?


Yunian’s name once again went viral, and the injured panda he brought back was soon given a new name: Songyi (as in “picked up one by Yunian and delivered another, hence Songyi”).


Netizens flooded the base’s official account, pleading for them not to release the two panda cubs back into the wild again.


But the base, firm in its principles, showed no favoritism. After Songyi recovered, both pandas were once again released.


This time, Yunian and Songyi disappeared from the public eye for two full years.


It wasn’t until three years later that their images were captured again by infrared cameras. By then, Yunian had grown into a mature five-year-old male panda. Coincidentally, the researchers even managed to capture footage of Yunian mating with another “female” panda.




The researchers and countless panda fans stared in disbelief.


Why was Yunian being pinned down by the “female” panda?


Wait a minute…


Wasn’t that “female” panda actually Songyi, the one Yunian brought back three years ago for treatment?!


Yunian’s name once again caused a nationwide sensation, with countless panda fans flocking to social media, demanding a reasonable explanation from the experts.


The experts: “…”


An explanation?


Could it be that we need one too?



After the unexpected death of the famous celebrity Ye Yunian, he found himself reincarnated as the national treasure—the giant panda. After living out his life as a panda, he continued to be reborn as other animals such as a Siberian wolf, a leopard, and an orca…


As one of the most famous celebrities of his time, Ye Yunian always captured the spotlight no matter where he went. Even in his animal reincarnations, he remained a sensation.


From “Panda Seeking Permanent Government Position,” to “Freeloading Internet Sensation Siberian Wolf King,” to “Savvy King of Opportunists on the Prairie”…


All these legendary animals shared the same name—Yunian.


Over the years, whenever people heard rumors of some strange animal, they would instinctively ask, “Is it called Yunian and… acting kind of weird?”


And when the answer was yes, they would laugh, “Well, that explains everything.”


In both the human and animal worlds, the legend of Yunian continues.

“Protecting nature is everyone’s responsibility.”


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