Release the Female Lead, Leave Her to Me
Raw Title: 放开女主让我来
Total Chapters: 2111
Author: 白迟
Translator: D
Update: 3 days ago
Translated Chapters: 847
Demon Lord Gu Qingcheng’s disciples all ran away for a woman named Fengya. Unable to defeat Fengya, Demon Lord Gu Qingcheng finally came up with the best solution.
Demon Lord’s ideal state: Since she can’t win, just seduce everyone around her away!
Demon Lord’s reality: Making trouble was fun at first, but then she realized her harem was getting a bit crowded. And then, she had an epiphany…
Friendly reminder: This is a pure harem story~~
TL note: To new readers, author used a lot of flowery descriptions or alternate terms to censor r18 content. Like “wrestling” instead of “s*x”. If you’re not used to that, keep this in mind.
Current views (updates every weekday): 417,334
No locked chapter update today.
Update schedule for locked and unlocked chapters: 3 chapters per weekday (Asia), or Sunday to Thursday (IND, EU, US).
Current unlocked chapters: 1 – 765
Newest locked chapter: 844
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Wow, this is a Yuri Harem novel and the author is a girl? And Chinese also?
Yep. She has three series in SFACG. This one is the most popular at 15mil view, completed. Second popular one is a yuri school harem with a system story at 3mil, still ongoing at 2600+ chapters. Third one is a fantasy with villainess mc (I think), also ongoing. This is judging from the titles and tags, tho.
Hello, translator, I’m from Brazil and I wanted to thank you for your hard work. If possible, could you clear up a doubt for me? I saw your conversation with the user ‘Iris’ about the other GL harem story by the author ‘无敌从收割姬开始. However, I checked the official site page and the story doesn’t have any GL or harem tags. I looked at the first chapters, and the MC says she’s straight, so I wanted to know, to avoid being disappointed after many chapters, if this story is actually a GL harem? Anyway, thank you!
Well, I thank you for appreciating my hard work. Let’s see… mc of release the female lead also said she’s straight at first and turns out she isn’t. But it took her over 300 chapters to realize. Now, I haven’t read the one you’re asking about at all bcs my gosh, look at how long it is! But. I’m pretty sure Ms. Bai Chi (author) writes only yuri harem. Release the female lead is one, the other fantasy story is one (at least tht’s what the synopsis suggests anyways). The school harem’s synopsis also said mc is pursuing girls. If you really want to read this tho, I would suggest googling for aggregate version first. Even if you buy VIP, you can’t copy/screenshot the VIP chapters on sfacg. They’re all watermarked images instead of text. So you can’t google translate/page translate them.
Got it, thanks for the answer!
I absolutely love this novel! I have a question, though: will Fairy Fengya eventually join the main character’s harem? She seems to have a limited understanding of human emotions, so I’m curious about how her relationship with the MC might develop in the future.
You can gg translate to see the title of the chapters, she will fall for MC eventually (but very late)
Glad to know you enjoy the story. About Fairy Fengya, I don’t have time to read ahead on the raws, so I’ve only read what I’ve translated so far. Up to the latest chapter, c577, Fairy Fengya remains an enigma. We get snippets of her pov, but not much exploration on her feelings or thoughts beyond conversations with her passenger. She’s holding back on ascending for MC, which still doesn’t tell much.
So yeah, she’s not in the harem yet. Given she has the highest difficulty, she and MC is gonna be a slow, slow burn.
Do you think you can finish this novel? I estimate that at the current rate of chapter uploads, it will take another 2 years for the story to end.
Do I think I can finish? Yes. And my estimate is the same as yours, so I’m well aware of how long it’s gonna take.
So does this series have a sequel series that you plan to translate after this story is done?
I checked author’s profile in the original site. She only has 2 other series (one of which is longer than this one, sheesh). Both are different genre, different stories, and don’t seem connected to RtFL, so no sequel. RtFL is the complete package.
Thanks for all the hard work! Your pacing is great! I just started reading this. I’ll support your chapters once I’m caught up since it’s so reasonably priced! I really hope the stars align, and you’ll be able to finish translating this to the end~
I really hope I can finish this series too. 2026 is my optimistic estimate. And I’m glad to know you like the story.
We are already so much in it.
I have been following it since day 1.
when it will end, I am gonna miss it.
Mr/Miss Translator, do you have any other projects in mind?
I don’t want this to be your last project🥲🥲
(sorry it got posted twice on two different pages)
It’s Miss. I’m releasing a new gl series this Sunday. Tht one won’t be as regular as this one. Probs 3 – 5 chapters per week, every Sunday. RtFL is already like 4 – 5 series in length (4mil Chinese characters/around 2mil English words). This is all I can manage now.
Miss, don’t worry you are doing more than enough. 😍.
I didn’t want to end this journey of us readers with you so fast😅
If you have one or two to three projects in mind, after this, you can give a notice about it in your profile. ☺
Oh Thank you
I hope to see more projects from you in the future. 🥰🥰
you are doing great. 😍
no need to force yourself ☺
MTL’d up to ch. 1537. Payed for vip on SFACG, but it’s terrible to mtl on that website. oh well, thanks for translating! I guess i will wait until you catch up with the translation haha
I admire your patience. Glad to see another reader who enjoys this series!
Wow, so this novel had 2k chapters. Wow 😳 I thought its a glitch on NU pr something 😂 Oh dear, good luck translator translating this! 💪 Fighting ~