Newly Moved-In Neighbor

The Dream Guy I Dumped is Madly Chasing Me

Raw Title: 被我踹掉的男神疯狂倒追我

Total Chapters: 46 Chapters + 1 Extra (Completed)

Author: 时星草

Translator: Vyl

Update: 2 months ago

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Xu Zhilu has been deeply in love with Shen Siyan for many years, but she finally sees the light and breaks up with him upon graduating from university.


Unexpectedly, she has an accident and travels back to when she was seventeen years old.


Knowing the bitterness of her unrequited love in her previous life, Xu Zhilu swears not to obsess over Shen Siyan again.


What she didn’t expect is—


On the first day of her rebirth, Shen Siyan, who had been avoiding her, actively seeks her out.


Xu Zhilu: ?


During a break between classes,


Classmates tease Shen Siyan, asking why he suddenly treats Xu Zhilu so well.


Confident and arrogant, the young man replies proudly, “Because she likes me.”


Xu Zhilu: Hmph.


After the graduation dinner,


Shen Siyan gets drunk, and on the way home, he holds Xu Zhilu tightly in his arms, murmuring in a hoarse voice, “Xu Zhilu, can you marry me sooner in this life?”


Xu Zhilu: ???


Her pupils tremble, repeatedly experiencing reincarnation.


When did she ever marry Shen Siyan?!



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Usually unlocked by Saturday.


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