We’re Not Familiar (Love at First Sight, 1v1 h)
Raw Title: 我们不熟(一见钟情 1v1 h)
Total Chapters: 65
Author: 于夏
Translator: ms. rizz
Update: 3 weeks ago
Translated Chapters: 36
Setting: Love at first sight.
Xu Jingqian × Qi Yu
“I feel nothing when I sleep with you,” Qi Yu said.
“Feel nothing?” Xu Jingqian held her tighter, thrusting deeper, “Then why are you trembling?”
1v1, HE.
A short, sweet story where the female lead runs away after sleeping with the male lead, and they meet again for some sweet, romantic moments.A little bedtime sweet treat for everyone to enjoy.
Tags: 1V1 / H / BG /Sweet Story