Peaceful Every Year
Peaceful Every Year Chapter 2

Chapter 2

In the leisurely farming season, after the men, women, young, and old of Taohuagou had finished breakfast, they gradually gathered towards the Tong family’s side, eagerly awaiting the lively scene of the Xiao family proposal.

In the past, during prosperous times, families hosting weddings or other celebrations would treat the villagers to feasts. However, after the wars, everyone was poor and couldn’t afford such extravagance. They cut costs wherever possible. The villagers came to watch the fun without bringing gifts, and the hosts didn’t waste money on lavish hospitality.

The Tong family prepared decently, with a large pot of sweet red date soup and a big bag of roasted melon seeds. Each guest scooped a bowl of soup and grabbed a handful of seeds, adding to the festive atmosphere. Of course, the bowls were brought by the villagers themselves.

It was simple, but the villagers were all in high spirits. The men helped with the heavy lifting, the wives went to the kitchen to help Zhou Qing prepare lunch, and the young girls excitedly gathered in the western room, teasing Tong Sui, who was about to be married.

“Sister Ah Man is so beautiful, the boys from the Xiao family will surely like you.”

“I heard the Xiao family is very rich. If sister marries over there, will we get to eat meat every day?”

Tong Sui sat in a red dress on the heated brick bed, looking at these girls aged twelve or thirteen, even as young as seven or eight. They were all thin, like cucumbers grown in the mountains without fertilizer, small and pitiful.

But they weren’t the most pitiful. The most unfortunate were girls of similar age who had been harmed by bandits and soldiers: some died directly, some went crazy, and some were abducted without a trace.

Not just unmarried girls, even younger wives and slightly attractive women in the village had experienced similar things. Tong Sui had narrowly escaped thanks to her swift legs and familiarity with Dongling. Her mother, Zhou Qing, relied on protection from her grandfather, father, and elder brother.

In this world, men had it tough, but women had it even harder. What mattered wasn’t love but survival.

An hour before noon, two flatbed mule carts appeared on the dirt road south of Taohuagou village, one after the other.

The first cart carried elders from the groom’s family: Grandfather Xiao Mu, Second Uncle Xiao Shouyi, and Second Aunt He.

The families were far apart, so it was customary for the elders to meet before the big wedding to show respect. The day of the proposal was the perfect time.

The second cart carried the prospective groom, Xiao Zhen, his younger brother Xiao Ye, along with the matchmaker and several betrothal gifts.

The villagers of Taohuagou, positioned advantageously on higher ground, looked down as the Xiao family assessed the village.

He frowned more and more, looked at his father sitting on the board, as if meditating, and whispered to his husband: “Such a small and poor village, can produce beautiful people? It’s really good for my nephew, I really don’t know how Dad thinks.”

Her voice was not small, and the Xiao family members all looked towards the Song family.

It was quite a coincidence that Mr. Song and his son also came out to watch because of the sudden noise on the street.

Mr.  Song Lan, was in his forties, and his scholarly demeanor was difficult to conceal even in plain clothes. He smiled as he looked towards the two approaching mule carts.

Song Zhishi was slender with a handsome face, but at this moment, he was full of frustration. He didn’t look at Old Master Xiao or the full cart of betrothal gifts. He just stared straight at the prospective groom in red robes.

The other villagers were not interested in a fellow villager. Only Xiao Zhen, who was stared at resentfully by Song Zhishi, instantly noticed the scholar’s resentment.

Xiao Zhen ignored it and turned his gaze to the Tong family’s group coming out to welcome them.

After the mule carts stopped, the matchmaker jumped down first and cheerfully said some auspicious words, then introduced the two families.

The villagers paid no attention to her noise, marveling at the Xiao family’s entourage. The first to praise was unexpectedly Old Master Xiao, who was already seventy years old. His physique was unexpectedly robust, his waist straight, and his plain clothes vaguely outlined a broad and sturdy back and arms. Besides his physique, Old Master Xiao still had black hair and firm facial features; one would not doubt he was fifty years old.

With such an Old Master, it was no wonder Xiao Shouyi, Xiao Zhen, and Xiao Ye had such erect figures.

At this time, everyone carefully examined the appearance of the prospective groom. They indeed saw that he was as handsome and majestic as the matchmaker had praised. They envied the Tong family for having such a good match.

“Ah Man, that child, has long seen that he is a blessed one.”

“It’s her mother who’s good at naming, Sui mean Man, growing full and plump like ears of grain, very auspicious.”

“Hey, hasn’t the younger brother of the groom official been married yet? He’s also a good catch.”

Amidst these intermittent expressions of admiration, Xiao Shouyi, Xiao Zhen, and Xiao Ye took down the betrothal gifts one by one.

At this time, the geese had not yet flown north for the season, so the Xiao family prepared a pair of fat geese instead.

Next was a deerskin, two adult mountain goats, four jars of wine, and eight types of tea and fruits.

Except for the tea and fruits, anything else was a rare and valuable betrothal gift between villages nowadays. Unexpectedly, the Xiao family had prepared so many at once!

The villagers’ eyes were almost straightened.

Aunt Xiao He touched the deerskin with pretty spots, a hint of reluctance flashed in her eyes, and then she smiled at Tong Youyu and his wife, “This was hunted by our second son last year. Look at this intact and magnificent fur. Old Master Xiao said at the time, ‘Don’t sell it, keep it for marrying a daughter-in-law as a betrothal gift.’ Look, it’s really sent to the in-laws!”

At the end of her words, there was still a bit of gritted teeth.

The Tong family were hunters, and Zhou Qing also knew the market. This deerskin was in excellent condition and could fetch ten taels of silver in the county town, which was just a cheap price after the war!

Therefore, she could understand Xiao Ye greed. However, the deer was hunted by the prospective son-in-law, and Old Master Xiao decided to send it as a betrothal gift, indicating that the Xiao family valued their daughter very much. Xiao Ye, a second aunt, had no qualifications to be disrespectful.

Ignoring Xiao Ye, Zhou Qing sincerely said to Old Master Xiao, “You’re too polite. We’re just a small family. We don’t really need such good fur. Why don’t…”

Xiao Mu waved his hand to interrupt her words and smiled, “In difficult times, ceremonies must not be neglected. Whenever we have the means, we must conduct marriages meticulously and decently. Moreover, raising a daughter to adulthood is not easy. How can we easily let her marry? From now on, we’re all one family, so there’s no need to be polite.”

Old Master Xiao was burly and brave-looking, but his words made people feel comfortable both physically and mentally. He looked like an easy-going person.

Zhou Qing no longer declined, and directed her nephew Tong Gui to help move the betrothal gifts. She and her husband led the others to the east room.

Xiao Ye carried four jars of wine behind his elder brother, occasionally glancing at the laughter coming from the west room, quietly bumping his brother’s shoulder.

Xiao Zhen turned around.

Xiao Ye gestured towards the west room window.

Xiao Zhen took a look, and the wooden window only opened up to the top layer for light, so how could you see the people inside.

The west room.

Several girls squeezed in front of the door, peeking through the crack in the door to see the Xiao family men entering the living room and then turning to the east room.

Tong Youyu helplessly looked at this scene.

Only if she did it herself, she would surely peep at the appearance of her fiancé. There are so many people now, if she really squeezes, she will definitely be laughed at.

There is no way, Tong Youyu can only hold back the itchy heart to sit steady.

“Ah Man sister, Xiao brother looks really handsome!”

“Yes, yes, even more handsome than Mr. Song. The matchmaker didn’t lie this time!”

With these two sentences, Tong Sui curiosity was satisfied half of the time. The ability to save life in the husband’s family has been determined, the man is not ugly, as long as the temperament is not too bad, she has no other requirements.

After about a quarter of an hour, as a family member of the groom’s side, He came to the west room with Zhou Qing. Apart from recognizing the face, she also checked whether the matchmaker had deceived them.

“Go, you go out and play first.” Zhou Qing smiled and persuaded a roomful of girls.

He glanced casually and looked at the couch.

The prospective bride only needed to sit on the couch and be surrounded by guests, no need to go down and entertain. Seeing the strange lady on the ground, Tong Sui face was slightly hot, and he smiled shyly.

She usually wears old clothes for convenience, and today she specially changed into a red fine cloth dress and sat in the warm sun through the window, so she became a jade-like person, with white cheeks and bright white.

It’s just like being born beautiful, because of poverty and dressing to reduce two points, the halo actually made up for the loss.

He came over with a picky little mind, but was suddenly shocked by this unexpected beauty, staring at Tong Youyublankly, without speaking for a while.

Zhou Qing didn’t remind her either, smiling and watching.

After He came back to her senses, she praised Tong Sui first, and then asked Tong Sui which books she had read and what she usually did.

Tong Sui answered truthfully.

He took the girl’s hand, found a callus left by holding a bow and arrow in her hand, smiled, and used the tone of an elder to remind her: “The most important thing for girls is to be gentle and virtuous, to be a good wife and mother. After you get married in the future, you should touch these bows and arrows less. There are men for hunting.”

Tong Sui twitched the corners of her mouth and pulled her hand out of the other’s hand.

Zhou Qing could see that He was not a good fighter, found an excuse to take people away, and left. As soon as they left, the little girls who were guarding outside flocked in, but they were saved from thinking wildly.

He returned, and Xiao Ye first looked over.

He glanced at Xiao Zhen and smiled: “The second second is so lucky. Ah Man is more beautiful than the matchmaker said.”

Xiao Zhen lowered his eyes.

Matchmaker: “Oh, the second master is shy!”

Xiao Ye sneered, shy? The second brother obviously didn’t want to talk to you guys.


At noon, the Tong family set up four tables, inviting several respected elders in the village and friends to accompany the guests.

The women ate in the west room, coming and going, which made Tong Sui still have no chance to peek at Xiao Zhen, and occasionally could hear a clear and steady voice. Whenever this voice came, the women in the room would look at her with smiles, which proved that the person who spoke was the prospective husband.

After the banquet, only their own people were left in the west room.

Tong Sui quietly approached the door slit.

The two families were discussing the wedding day in the east room.

Xiao Mu: “Spring plowing is coming next month, and it will be hot after spring plowing. The dishes and meat for the banquet are not easy to keep. If the parents-in-law don’t mind, shall we set the wedding date for the fifth day of March? I checked the almanac before, and that’s a good day.”

“Yes, yes, a day of great fortune, suitable for marriage and travel.” Fang Meipo the matchmaker brought the almanac and unfolded it for Tong sui and her husband to see.

In fact, all the major events in the family were decided by Zhou Qing

Zhou Qing forced a smile, “Isn’t that a bit rushed?”

In these times, it wasn’t considered rushed, but Zhou Qing, as the bride’s family, couldn’t just give in to the groom’s family’s wishes too easily. She also worried if the Xiao family was in a hurry to marry their daughter off to use her as a maid.

Xiao Mu chuckled, “It is indeed a bit rushed, mainly because I want to concentrate on organizing the celebration before the busy farming season starts. Once the big event is done, our second son and his brothers can focus on farming, and their wives can handle cooking and washing at home. By the way, does the father-in-law have a lot of land? If so, I’ll have my second son and Ah Man  come back early to help. Anyway, we have plenty of hands in our family.”

Tong Youyu blushed and hurriedly said, “No need, no need. We only have two acres of thin fields. Agui, and Xiaoshan are enough.”

Xiao Mu said, “One son-in-law is half a son, you don’t have to be polite with our second son. Everyone must do what they should.”

Xiao Zhen also expressed his intention to return during the spring plowing season.

The meaning of the grandfather and grandson was that the Xiao family would not treat the bride they brought back as cattle and horses, but would instead return a share of their son’s labor to the Tong family.

Zhou Qing immediately felt relieved and agreed to the wedding date of March 5th.

The matchmaker Fang said, “It’s settled, it’s settled. Oh, it’s time, we have to go back. It’s only an hour and a half to walk home, and it’ll be dark when we get back.”

The east room rang out with the sound of people standing up and moving chairs.

Tong Sui heart thumped, afraid that the door crack was too big for the person opposite to find that she was spying on him. She turned and hid on the kang.

The window on the south side is divided into two layers, with the upper layer open, but Tong Sui dared not stick her head out, so she reluctantly poked a peanut-sized hole in the half-new window paper and pasted an eye to look inside.

A total of four men came from the Xiao family, only Xiao Zhen was wearing red.

Tong Sui stared closely at the tall and straight figure, but unfortunately, until her prospective husband completely left her sight, she didn’t see his face.

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