Peaceful Every Year
Peaceful Every Year Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Outside was still dark, and Tong Sui woke up early.

The newlywed couple lay on the kang near the stove, Tong Sui lying inside, facing the wall. Behind her was the man’s long, steady breathing. Afraid to wake him, Tong Sui kept her body still, quietly gazing at the wall just within arm’s reach.

By the flickering wedding candles, Tong Sui could see that this side room was newly built. The walls were coated with a thin layer of fine mud paint mixed with crushed wheat straws, decorating the smooth surface like flat boats floating on a lake.

Anything new was pleasing, especially walls painted so beautifully and meticulously. As the mistress of the house, Tong Sui felt a wave of joy.

Just as she quietly extended a hand to touch the wall, her husband behind her suddenly leaned over.

Tong Sui initially thought it was an unconscious movement in his sleep. The next moment, his wandering hand caused her breath to quicken again.

Despite the spring warmth, the bedding was intentionally made thinner, yet when it became hottest, Xiao Zhen still pushed all the blankets to the side.

The wind swept through, fluttering flowers, wide open and closed.

Tong Sui never expected such a wedding night, such a newlywed morning.

Her strength was considerable, but she couldn’t shake Xiao Zhen in the slightest.

It wasn’t until the pillow was knocked to the ground, and half of her head dangled off the edge of the bed, that Xiao Zhen pulled her back.

Finally, Tong Sui saw his face clearly: sharp eyebrows, narrow phoenix eyes, and the upturned corners of his eyes carried a haughty and scrutinizing aura.

She immediately turned her head away, ending the brief eye contact.

Time passed unnoticed, until Xiao Zhen finally seemed satisfied. With one hand holding her, he lay back in the middle of the bed, pulling the blanket over them haphazardly.

Tong Sui was still breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed, sweat beads sliding down her forehead one by one.

Xiao Zhen’s chin rested against her disheveled hair, his breath brushing past her head.

He still held her hand, kneading it as if savoring the moment.

When her breathing finally calmed, Xiao Zhen asked, “You’ve seen and done it. Are you satisfied with me?”

In this blind wedding night, mute wedding morning, they had examined each other’s faces and bodies.

Tong Sui blushed deeply, paused for a moment, then nodded.

Xiao Zhen said, “Good, I see you’re satisfied too. Let’s live our lives steadily from now on.”

Tong Sui nodded again.

“Last night you met Second Aunt and Auntie, can you recognize them when you see them again later?” Tong Sui recalled briefly. Among the elders, He’s white-faced appeared disdainful and arrogant, while Aunt Xiao was straightforward and easy to distinguish. As for the three of the same generation, Eldest Sister-in-law Liu Chu looked kind, Third Sister-in-law Lin Ningfang was both beautiful and dignified, and the youngest sister in law Yu Chan was like a lively rose—vivid and assertive, leaving a deep impression on her.

She nodded, “I should be able to.”

Xiao Zhen nodded in agreement, “Good, I’ll introduce them to you again later. Eldest Sister-in-law has a daughter named Mian Mian, while on Yu Chan’s side, there’s a son named Qi Yao. The siblings are eight and four respectively, so you don’t have to worry about entertaining them; just knowing they exist is enough.”

Tong Sui silently repeated in her mind: Niece Mianmian, nephew Qi Yao.

Xiao Zhen continued, “Grandfather’s Second Uncle is quite old, so he’s easy to remember. It’s my three younger brothers below me that you might find confusing.”

“It’s alright,” Tong Sui replied confidently. “I traveled with them yesterday and can already distinguish their voices. Third Brother has a deep voice, Fourth Brother has a clear one, and Fifth Brother speaks with a bit of a hoarse tone. Also, Fourth Brother is your real brother, while Third and Fifth Brothers are your Second Uncle’s nephews.”

Odd and even numbers, the first and fourth are from one branch, and the third and fifth from another.

Xiao Zhen was somewhat surprised, “Your ears are quite sharp.”

Tong Sui smiled. “I grew up learning hunting from my grandfather and father, so my senses have been trained well.”

The crowing of a rooster could be heard from somewhere, and a faint light began to filter in from outside.

Tong Sui prompted, “Let’s get up. I need to tidy up the room.”

Xiao Zhen acknowledged with a grunt.

However, neither of them moved.

Tong Sui nudged him with her elbow, “You go ahead and get dressed first.”

Only then did Xiao Zhen sit up. Tong Sui discreetly tilted her head, catching sight of his exposed strong back. She couldn’t help but notice the muscular lines that stretched and contracted with his movements.

Quickly averting her gaze, Tong Sui bit her lip. She had married him for his martial skills, intending for his strength to protect her, but she hadn’t expected it to be used on her so immediately.

Xiao Zhen dressed swiftly, stood up, and addressed the still tightly wrapped bride under the covers, “I’ll go tidy up the courtyard. I’ll be outside; take your time coming out. Call me if you need anything.”

Tong Sui replied, “Okay.”

Xiao Zhen unlatched the door and strode out in big steps. Tong Sui listened to his footsteps until they reached the courtyard. Then, she hugged the blanket, sat up straight, and scanned around, locating her clothes. She dressed slowly and methodically, feeling a bit weak in her arms and legs. Tong Sui took her time folding the bedding.

One side of the kang held the neatly arranged bedding, while the other side displayed the dowry she had brought. Tong Sui placed two large camphor wood chests against the wall in a row. One chest was filled with two thick winter quilts, and she supported it while glancing at the closed window. She swiftly retrieved a money pouch hidden within the quilt.

Inside was a jade bracelet gifted by her maternal grandfather, five taels of broken silver, and a blue pouch containing over 120 bronze coins. She placed the broken silver and winter quilts inside the chest, and the key was hung separately in the small pouch. Another chest contained spring and summer quilts, floral fabrics, and several new sets of clothes. Tong Sui locked this chest as well to prevent anyone from rummaging through.

The kang was neatly arranged with a wooden basin, comb, mirror, and other items. Tong Sui descended and wiped the new cabinet clean of dust, then carefully arranged everything in its place. The new room came equipped with two floor cabinets and a wardrobe. The cabinets had been somewhat empty before, but now they were full, giving the room an instant homely feel.

Xiao Zhen entered carrying a bucket of water and saw his young wife standing before the open wardrobe, examining his several sets of clothes. When she noticed him, she hastily closed the wardrobe door and explained with a flushed face, “I was just looking around.”

Xiao Zhen said, “From now on, this is your home. Feel free to look around. Put your clothes in there too.”

Tong Sui left out the clothes she would wear in the next few days on the kang. After Xiao Zhen set down the water, he picked up the clothes and helped her hang them in the wardrobe. Tong Sui hid her small money pouch in a corner of the wardrobe and explained to her husband, who was watching the scene, “There are some copper coins inside. The box holds new clothes and quilts that I won’t be wearing soon. I’m worried that guests might rummage through them, so I’ve hung the key around my neck.”

Xiao Zhen noticed the red string around her neck. He whispered, “We haven’t separated the family, and I handed over all the silver I earned to Grandfather to manage.”

Tong Sui understood that with more family members, there might be concerns about separating family assets. However, in difficult times, focusing on survival as a family increased their chances. After explaining her apparent dowry, Tong Sui was about to close the wardrobe when Xiao Zhen suddenly stopped her. Tong Sui watched as he bent down and pulled out a dusty money pouch from his old clothes pocket.

Tong Sui looked up in surprise.

Xiao Zhen said to her, “This is my private savings, totaling about two taels of silver. Let’s keep it together with yours.”

Feeling uneasy, Tong Sui avoided his gaze. Although they were now married and their relationship had been consummated, she still didn’t know Xiao Zhen well. She didn’t know if he was greedy, a gambler, or a drinker, nor was she certain about the integrity of his family. If any serious discrepancies arose, she was determined to leave the Xiao family. Therefore, Tong Sui decided to keep her true dowry hidden for now and reveal it to her husband at a more opportune time.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhen had already revealed his two taels of private savings.

“So much, I’m afraid it might get stolen if we keep it in the wardrobe,” Tong Sui said instinctively, then added, “I don’t doubt your family, but I’m cautious about outsiders.”

Xiao Zhen replied, “Understood. Keep the silver in the chest and the coins outside. Let me know if you need to use it someday.”

She immediately divided the broken silver and had Xiao Zhen consolidate the copper coins. Climbing onto the kang, Tong Sui opened the outer camphor wood chest and stuffed Xiao Zhen’s money pouch inside. After locking it, she tucked the key into her neckline and glanced over, noticing that Xiao Zhen was still maintaining his previous posture, looking at her with an inscrutable expression.

Tong Sui pinched the red string in her hand and lowered her eyes. “Or, should I hold onto the key for you?”

Xiao Zhen replied softly, “I haven’t seen the key.”

Tong Sui lifted her head in confusion. Xiao Zhen had turned away to put away the bronze coins. With the room now tidied up, the weather being fine, Tong Sui propped open the upper window. As she opened the second one, a tall figure emerged from the west wing opposite. Their eyes met, and the person greeted her warmly, waving, “Second sister-in-law, you’re up! I’m Xiao Ye, the fourth son!”

He was her real brother, bearing a resemblance in facial features, though Xiao Zhen appeared more steady while Xiao Ye seemed more animated. Tong Sui returned his smile and said, “Good morning, Fourth Brother.”

After exchanging greetings, Xiao Ye scratched his head, looked around, and asked, “Where’s my second brother?”

Tong Sui pointed behind her and continued propping open the window. After finishing, she noticed Xiao Ye standing there, staring at her with a puzzled expression. Not sure what he was looking at, Tong Sui smiled again, turned around, and walked away.

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhen was admiring the stationery on top of the cabinet. “Do you use these often?” he asked.

Tong Sui replied, “No, my cousin gave them to me as an addition to my dowry, saying we might need them at home, so I shouldn’t have to borrow from others.”

Xiao Zhen said, “Grandfather has a study. Anyone who wants to read can go there. If you’re interested, I’ll take you there after dinner.”

Tong Sui knew the Xiao family had once been hereditary nobles, and even though that had ended with Grandfather Xiao’s youth, they had certainly accumulated wealth over generations. Money could be spent, but the books were likely untouched. Xiao Zhen had casually recited a line from the Book of Songs yesterday while welcoming the bride, indicating he had been well-educated in his youth.

At this moment, Tong Sui wasn’t interested in reading. She was more concerned about something else. “Where do we cook? Should I go help now?” she asked.

Xiao Zhen explained, “The kitchen is also in Grandfather’s courtyard. Both of our wings take turns. Today it’s Second Aunt’s turn, and Yu Chan assists her. Tomorrow it’ll be Eldest Sister-in-law’s turn, and you’ll prepare with her. Ah Fu doesn’t cook, only sweeps the courtyard and washes our clothes.”

Tong Sui inquired further, “Apart from cooking, what else do I need to do?”

Xiao Zhen thought for a moment and replied, “Learn from Eldest Sister-in-law. There’s not much else to do. There are plenty of men in the house to handle the field work. Come over and wash your face.”

One basin of clear water was used first by Tong Sui, then taken over by Xiao Zhen. Tong Sui took the opportunity to stand in front of the cabinet and comb her hair, tying up all her long hair that had been hanging down behind her with a wooden hairpin.

It was the first time she had styled her hair this way, and Tong Sui felt a bit unfamiliar seeing herself in the mirror.

“What are you thinking?” Xiao Zhen asked, hanging up his towel.

Tong Sui snapped out of her thoughts, shook her head, and opened a delicate box of peach blossom scented face powder. She carefully scooped out a pea-sized amount and applied it evenly on her face.

Xiao Zhen glanced at the palm-sized delicate box on the cabinet and guessed it was something valuable. He reminded her, “Put it away after using it. There will be many female guests around these days.”

Men with thick skins were fond of other people’s wine, and naturally, there would be female guests who coveted her good rouge.

Xiao Zhen could think of this point. Tong Sui was more cautious. She immediately put the face powder box into the lower cabinet.

Xiao Zhen then pointed to a small wicker basket behind the door, saying, “Put the clothes here. Ah Fu will come to collect them later.”

Tong Sui looked at the quilt on the kang, and the cotton mattress was placed on the bed.

Tong Sui followed him outside.

Xiao Ye and Liu Chu were already in the courtyard, chatting as they waited, accompanied by a young girl who bore a striking resemblance to Liu Chu.

Tong Sui called out to Eldest Sister-in-law first.

Liu Chu smiled and responded, gently nudging her daughter to greet Tong Sui. Mian Mian seemed a bit shy but her voice was soft and sweet, “Second Aunt.”

Tong Sui was fond of her and gave Mian Mian a red hairband she had prepared in advance.

In the bright morning light, Liu Chu inspected Tong Sui again and smiled at Xiao Zhen, “Brother-in-law is so fortunate to have such a beautiful younger sister. Second Brother is really blessed.”

Xiao Ye couldn’t help but nod. Previously, he had worried that his second brother, being too particular, might miss out on someone as beautiful as Third Sister-in-law, thus inadvertently benefiting Third Brother. But now that he had seen Second Sister-in-law, Xiao Ye’s worries were finally put to rest. While Second Sister-in-law may not come from as high a background as Third Sister-in-law, her natural beauty surpassed that of Third Sister-in-law in every way.

Tong Sui lowered her eyes and softly replied, “Eldest Sister-in-law is too kind.”

Xiao Zhen added, “We’re family, no need to be so polite. Let’s go see Grandfather.”

The group of four adults and one child passed through the passage between the two courtyards and arrived at Grandfather Xiao’s residence in the central courtyard.

The members of the second branch, Uncle and Aunt Xiao, and Tong Gui, who had stayed overnight, were already there, chatting with Grandfather Xiao.

Tong Sui called everyone to attention one by one and then knelt before Grandfather Xiao with Xiao Zhen to serve tea.

Grandfather Xiao Mu, was seeing his second daughter-in-law’s face for the first time. He had expected a rough appearance from a niece who loved to run around, but Tong Sui not only had fair skin but also a beauty that was truly outstanding.

“Good, I can see that you are a likable child. It’s fitting for you to marry into our Xiao family.”

Grandfather Xiao took out a jade hairpin and handed it to Tong Sui, expressing his sentiments, “Your grandmother saved up some jewelry before she passed. I kept it but now I’m passing it on to you, my daughters-in-law. I hope you and your husband can live in peace and harmony in these troubled times, growing old together.”

The jade hairpin was smooth and lustrous, even more precious-looking than the jade bracelet her grandfather had given her. Tong Sui felt overwhelmed, but Xiao Zhen gestured to her not to be too polite, so she accepted it with sincere thanks.

“Please rise. Live well with Second Brother. If you have any grievances, you can always tell Grandfather.”

Xiao Zhen helped Tong Sui to stand up straight and then smoothly inserted the jade hairpin into her thick, black hair bun.

Tong Gui, standing nearby, looked on with a smile. His gaze shifted and he noticed Xiao Family’s youngest sister pursing her lips, looking at Grandfather Xiao with a hint of resentment.

Tong Gui snorted inwardly. The prosperity of the Xiao family was due to their large numbers, but with more people came more troubles. He wondered if his sister could handle it.

But no more worries. After breakfast, Tong Gui was ready to leave.

Tong Sui stood at the gate of the Xiao family’s house, watching her brother drive the donkey cart further and further away.

“All right, you’ll see him again when he comes back. Come, let’s go inside and talk.”

He affectionately took Tong Sui’s arm and led her to the newlyweds’ room, leaving Xiao Zhen behind as he accompanied Grandfather Xiao back to the main hall.

As they walked away, Grandfather Xiao dismissed the other grandsons, then stroked his beard and asked his second grandson in a low voice, “Your mother entrusted you with a few pieces of jewelry before she left. Have you given them all to Ah Man? Ah Man is still young. You must instruct her to hide them well.”

His late wife had enjoyed a life of wealth and luxury and had accumulated a batch of jewelry. She was also generous, having distributed about seventy to eighty percent of them to her daughter, the eldest daughter-in-law, and the second daughter-in-law. The eldest daughter-in-law’s portion was split into two, part awarded to the eldest daughter-in-law, and part given to the second grandson for safekeeping in times of illness.

Xiao Zhen had not yet handed them over. He had to figure out her personality first.

Xiao Mu looked at his grandson, shook his head, and chuckled, “You’re cautious, unlike the third son, who melts at the sight of a beautiful woman.”

Xiao Zhen glanced out the window. The times were tough. Money could change lives. He wouldn’t easily give away the beautiful woman who had just married. He would

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