Pregnant With My Obsessive Ex-Boyfriend’s Child
Pregnant With My Obsessive Ex-Boyfriend’s Child Chapter 2

Author: Yan Ling

As Chi Yan approached, someone finally noticed him from the corner of their eye. The person’s gaze revealed clear admiration upon seeing Chi Yan.

“Hey, Chi Yan, you made it!” The round-faced male classmate with glasses called out, and others at the table turned to look at Chi Yan.

Their expressions were similar to the round-faced classmate’s, their eyes lighting up as they saw Chi Yan.

“Sorry, traffic was a bit heavy, so I’m late.” After sitting down, Chi Yan noticed a glass of poured wine in front of him.

He picked up the glass, raised his hand, and said, “I’ll drink this as my apology!”

Chi Yan smiled, a small dimple appearing on his left cheek, but none on his right.

With a smooth motion, he tilted his head back and downed the wine in one gulp.

“Impressive! Your apology is accepted. If you’d come any later, we might have had to make you drink three glasses,” joked Xiang Yang, the vice class leader and organizer of the reunion.

“Three glasses? I can handle that, but it wouldn’t be fair if I was the only one drinking while everyone else just watched. Let’s all drink together.” After graduating from college, everyone went their separate ways—some continued their studies, others joined the workforce, while a few took over family businesses.

Initially, they stayed in touch, but over time, those connections gradually faded.

Though the reunion started off with some awkwardness, after a few conversations and friendly smiles, the distance between them quickly dissipated.

Chi Yan filled his empty glass again and raised it toward everyone. When his eyes met his ex-boyfriend Feng Min’s, Chi Yan maintained his smile as if nothing had changed.

At the sight of Chi Yan, Feng Min’s pupils briefly contracted, but over the years, he had learned how to control his emotions.

When Chi Yan looked his way, Feng Min remained calm and composed.

Chi Yan drank his second glass and urged everyone to join in. Feng Min scanned the group, noticing that several female classmates were looking at Chi Yan with admiration.

Three years—over a thousand days—had passed, and it felt both like a long time and no time at all.

Chi Yan still looked the same, as if he hadn’t changed much at all.

He still smiled like a breath of spring air.

But this time, the way Chi Yan looked at Feng Min was different from three years ago.

Feng Min’s left hand clenched slightly, his fingernails digging into his palm. The familiar sting helped him suppress the violent emotions brewing inside.

He had to stay calm. Absolutely calm.

Once Chi Yan arrived, a male classmate sitting near the door got up to call the waiter, signaling that it was time for the food to be served.

The dishes had already been pre-ordered, with the cold appetizers prepared in advance and quickly served.

Since everyone was close in age and had been college classmates, there were no formalities, and they dove right into the meal.

Two boxes of beer were placed at the foot of the table, and nearly everyone had a bottle of beer next to them.

Some preferred not to drink beer, so they ordered white wine and red wine as well.

Among the girls, some drank beer, while others opted for red wine.

As they chatted, the conversation naturally turned to their careers and families.

Each person shared a bit about their current job, and everyone seemed to be doing well. They had all graduated from a prestigious 985 university, so finding jobs hadn’t been an issue.

When it was Chi Yan’s turn, he said he was working as a gaming livestreamer.

“A gaming livestreamer?” someone exclaimed in surprise.

“I remember you didn’t seem that into gaming back in college, but I know Feng Min liked it,” remarked another classmate, a man with dyed blond hair.

As soon as he spoke, the two individuals named glanced at each other again.

At the table, everyone’s eyes darted between Chi Yan’s elegant face and Feng Min’s handsome features.

“I have to say, has anyone noticed that Chi Yan and Feng Min look exactly the same as they did in the past? Especially Chi Yan—if he wore a lighter-colored outfit, I bet no one would question if he was still in high school,” the blond-haired classmate added, with a final remark: “Some high schoolers nowadays sure look older than they should.”

“You’re right! By the way, Chi Yan, do you show your face when you livestream?” asked Xiang Yang, the organizer, squinting as he looked at Chi Yan.

Chi Yan had just been staring at Feng Min. Only the two of them knew about their college relationship, having kept it secret from everyone else.

Back then, it wouldn’t have occurred to anyone that they might have been together. Even standing side by side, neither Chi Yan nor Feng Min’s appearances would have suggested they were involved.

People believed Chi Yan had an off-campus girlfriend, who even visited once. Those who saw them together envied the attractive couple.

Now, Chi Yan and Feng Min sat across from each other, with others between them, leaving no room for suspicion.

“No, I don’t show my face,” Chi Yan responded, shaking his head.

“Why not? Honestly, with your looks, you’d do great in the entertainment industry. You wouldn’t believe how some of today’s popular stars look off-camera. Without lighting and Photoshop, they’re barely recognizable,” said the blond-haired classmate, who wasn’t in the entertainment industry but had connections to it. He studied Chi Yan’s face carefully, noting how attractive he was from every angle.

“Oh, that’s right—two words: absolutely gorgeous.”

“The entertainment industry? I’m not interested. Too much hassle. Occasionally livestreaming games is enough for me,” Chi Yan rejected the suggestion.

“So you don’t rely on livestreaming as your main job? You probably don’t make much money from it,” another classmate, a girl with shoulder-length hair, asked curiously.

Chi Yan’s gaze softened, and he smiled faintly. His left-side dimple appeared again.

The girl blushed slightly.

“A couple of years ago, my family went through a relocation and, luckily, we got a few apartments. After some basic renovations, I rent them out, and the rental income covers my expenses.”


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