Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The car door opened, and Mo Yin was lifted directly from the car.

Without the aid of a wheelchair, Mo Yin could only allow himself to be completely manipulated, weakly leaning against Pei Qing’s chest, tightly grasping Pei Qing’s collar, and swaying with Pei Qing’s steps.

The Pei family mansion was very far from here.

The scenery along the way was all unfamiliar, like the outskirts, with pine forests everywhere, the sound of tires rolling over, and the constant sound of broken tree leaves.

It was a beautiful little house, only one floor, with no steps at the entrance. When the door was pushed open, a huge floor-to-ceiling window reflected the shimmering lake outside, the lake water was green, mixed with fragmented golden sunlight, stunningly beautiful.

There weren’t many furnishings in the house, nothing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and a moderately sized black leather sofa on the side.

Mo Yin was placed on the sofa, his hands hanging down. Because he had nothing to lean on, he leaned to one side, grabbing the armrest of the sofa to maintain balance.

He lowered his head deeply, his hair falling slightly from both sides, covering his ears, revealing his fragile nape.

All he could see was Pei Qing’s pitch-black leather shoes.

During this time, the Pei brothers disappeared from his world unintentionally.

On the one hand, they had to deal with their father’s funeral and the chaos in the company, which must have kept them extremely busy. On the other hand, it seemed that neither of them knew how to face him at the moment.

The air in the winter cabin was cold and fresh. When Pei Qing brought him out of the Pei mansion, Mo Yin was reading in the bedroom. The Pei mansion was warm, and he was only wearing a shirt. Pei Qing casually grabbed a coat to wrap him up and lifted him from the wheelchair. Mo Yin’s book fell to the floor, and he was only wearing a pair of soft and loose winter socks on his feet when he was brought out like this.

With the coat half-draped over him, Mo Yin reached out to tighten it.

His chin was suddenly lifted by two fingers.

Forced to look up.

Their gazes collided.

In those once intimate yet now completely unrevealing eyes, Mo Yin couldn’t discern any emotion.

Pei Qing was still dressed in black funeral attire. He was naturally a cold and aloof person, but now he seemed even more severe and unapproachable, especially his expression. Although he always wore a cold expression, even when Mo Yin first saw him, Pei Qing’s face didn’t have the same icy look as it did now.

Pei Qing said, “Do you like it?”

Mo Yin was stunned. “Like what?”

Pei Qing said, “Here.”

Mo Yin was startled again.

Pei Qing said, “I haven’t bought much furniture, I want you to choose for yourself.”

Mo Yin’s pupils trembled slightly. He glanced around again. Although it was spacious here, it looked warm and simple, just like his bedroom in the Pei mansion. Space was reserved for wheelchair access. From the decoration, it was evident that a lot of thought had gone into it for quite some time. Mo Yin turned his head to look at Pei Qing, his lips trembling slightly. “Pei Qing…”

Pei Qing withdrew his fingers, put his hands back in his pockets, and paced a few steps in place. When he turned back, his gaze was still cold, and his expression was the same, as if he had put on an impenetrable mask. He calmly said, “You called me to pick you up, just to let me see you with Pei Mingshu?”

The blood drained from Mo Yin’s face in an instant. He didn’t defend himself but instead trembled slightly and said softly, “I’m sorry.”

It was a response that was both embarrassed and powerless.

A silence as long as death ensued.

During this time, Pei Qing had almost never closed his eyes.

He couldn’t close his eyes.

As soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was filled with the scene of everything collapsing.

His elder brother and his lover embracing and kissing so recklessly, even a blind man could see the powerful attraction and deep entanglement between them…

Of course, Pei Jingyou saw it too.

Pei Jingyou’s favoritism towards Pei Mingshu had reached its peak. He probably couldn’t even dream that he would be driven to death by this most cherished son in the end.

Everything was so absurd and cruel.

Pei Qing’s gaze swept inch by inch over Mo Yin.

He was still thin, wrapped in a thin coat, his hand holding the coat looked slender and fair, like thin leaves, his legs hung uncontrollably due to disability, light-colored winter socks wrapped around his ankles, revealing a pale piece of skin.

He looked so pitiful, weak, and gentle, bringing him so much affection, yet also bringing him so much pain.

“You’ve been using me all along, haven’t you?” Pei Qing leaned down, speaking softly.

Mo Yin finally lifted his face, his eyes red and already filled with tears.

Pei Qing looked at him very calmly, as if he hadn’t noticed the tears in Mo Yin’s eyes at all, his gaze terrifyingly still.

“From beginning to end, you’ve just been using me to provoke him, haven’t you?” Mo Yin shook his head forcefully, finally beginning to explain, “No, it’s not like that. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t expect your father to come, I just wanted to call you to come and pick me up quickly, I didn’t want to stay with him anymore…”

“If that’s the case, why did you go with him in the first place?” Mo Yin fell silent.

In Pei Qing’s eyes, his expression seemed so pale and powerless, so there was nothing more to ask or say, the facts were right in front of them.

Pei Qing stood up straight, looking down at Mo Yin.

Mo Yin clutched his coat tightly, looking up at him with pleading eyes, “Forgive me, Pei Qing, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…”

Pei Qing turned his face away, his tense profile facing Mo Yin, indifferent, “Do you know? I hate it the most when people say sorry to me.”

Mo Yin’s voice abruptly stopped.

The atmosphere froze, two people who were once so good together had reached a point where they had nothing to say to each other.

Pei Qing finally turned his face again, his eyes icy cold, his gaze like a knife, lightly grazing Mo Yin’s cheek and landing on his lips.

“How many times?” “What?” “You with him.” Mo Yin seemed to feel a bit insulted and bit his lip, “Pei Qing, it was just an accident, because you were busy at the company, I didn’t want to disturb you, he didn’t let me find a driver, so I had to let him take me home to see, I, I felt something was wrong with the atmosphere, so I texted you to come and pick me up quickly, I swear I really didn’t mean to…”

Pei Qing listened quietly, still showing no reaction to Mo Yin’s long string of explanations. “So, that was the first time.”

Mo Yin felt embarrassed, lowering his eyelashes.

“I’ve always respected you,” Pei Qing said lightly, “because of your disability, I was afraid you would feel uncomfortable, but it seems that you were very passionate with him, maybe if we had come a little later, we wouldn’t know what scene we would see.”

“Pei Qing—” Mo Yin cried out uncontrollably.

Pei Qing acted as if he hadn’t heard, continuing, “Anyway, the result is the same, Dad would still have a heart attack.”

Mo Yin’s breathing suddenly became rapid, especially conspicuous in the quiet cabin.

“But actually, I’m also implicated,” Pei Qing said to himself, “if it weren’t for me leaking the company’s financial report, he would have been stimulated first that time, maybe he could have held on this time.”

Mo Yin’s eyes widened, looking extremely surprised. “It was you…”

Pei Qing’s lips curved slightly, meeting Mo Yin’s eyes, “So, the three of us are accomplices.”

Mo Yin looked dumbfounded, his tears dried up, facing Pei Qing’s expression from guilt to a slight fear.

Pei Qing bent down and grabbed Mo Yin’s hand, saying, “Your hands are very cold.”

Mo Yin didn’t speak, his palm trembling slightly.

Pei Qing let go of his hand.

The loose coat lost its grip, slipping off due to inertia, revealing Mo Yin’s slender figure.

Mo Yin’s pupils stagnated slightly, knowing that he probably couldn’t escape this beating.

It didn’t matter.

If you’re going to be a villain, you have to be prepared to be one.

Superficially at a loss, Mo Yin calmly waited for Pei Qing to make his move.

Pei Qing stared at his panicked eyes, turned his face, and lightly kissed his lips, “They’re cold here too.”

Mo Yin didn’t react, his eyes somewhat dull as he looked at Pei Qing, but Pei Qing kissed him again.

His lips were forcibly pried open, Mo Yin instinctively closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembling, his tongue unconsciously dodging, but nowhere to hide, he could only let Pei Qing kiss him until he was almost suffocated.

Pei Qing’s kiss, although passionate as always, had always been very pure in its enthusiasm. But this time, it seemed to carry a strong sense of aggression.

Mo Yin felt that a part of Pei Qing’s body was collapsing.

Strange, his affection for him should be rapidly declining by now, so why was Pei Qing still kissing him? Shouldn’t he be choking him and beating him up? This was different from their last confrontation, Pei Qing should be hating him.

Mo Yin, in his confusion, was infected by Pei Qing’s emotions. He suppressed his excitement and desire to laugh, pretending to resist.

The more he resisted, the more Pei Qing’s emotions collapsed.

Because in Pei Qing’s arms, he was so passionate, so devoted, completely unlike the silent acceptance he showed in front of him.

Love and unrequited love, starkly clear, leaving no room for self-comfort.

Mo Yin was forcibly “lifted” by his shoulders.

Just like countless times they had embraced each other, Mo Yin’s entire weight leaned on Pei Qing, without any other support.

The sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a strange shadow, one clinging to another, one imprisoning another, like twisted parasites.

In the midst of the twisting, there seemed to be love and desire, but also seemed to be filled with pain.

Too many emotions, unclear and indistinct, unable to distinguish right from wrong, better off unsaid.

Let the body communicate all the subtleties.

They were pressed tightly together, their bodily reactions evident.

Pei Qing firmly held onto Mo Yin, their hips grinding together, Mo Yin shook his head to dodge, but he couldn’t escape Pei Qing’s lips, emitting a muffled “uh-uh” of refusal from his throat, but sounding like a willing surrender.

Pei Qing’s palm easily slid into the loose casual pants, and Mo Yin’s throat immediately changed its tone.

The overly inexperienced area had never experienced such caresses before. Pei Qing’s palm was large and hot, playing mercilessly through the thin fabric.

A difficult-to-describe numbness spread from the spine, and Mo Yin immediately softened, but with Pei Qing’s support, he just collapsed into Pei Qing’s arms.

For the first time, a non-natural person’s body experienced what a natural person had never felt before, and surrendered in just a few moves.

In that moment, as the unfamiliar pleasure surged, Mo Yin’s nose wrinkled, his elegant eyebrows furrowing tightly, but his lips unconsciously parted, his tongue forgetting to resist, allowing Pei Qing to kiss him deeply, even reaching the root of his tongue.

There was a moment of blank consciousness, and his body followed suit, leaning back. This time, Pei Qing didn’t hold him up but laid him down on the sofa.

Mo Yin came to his senses amidst his first experience, his half-closed eyelashes opening, only to see Pei Qing unfastening his black belt directly in front of him.

“Pei Qing…” Mo Yin called out, but his voice was very low.

Pei Qing looked at him, his expression still icy, but his eyes exceptionally scorching.

He didn’t respond to Mo Yin’s call, but bent down and directly removed all of Mo Yin’s lower body’s coverings.

Mo Yin leaned against the sofa, unable to control his own body, so when Pei Qing bent down, he couldn’t see anything, only feeling certain parts exposed to the coolness and stickiness of the air.

Pei Qing grabbed him again.

With no fabric covering them, the stimulation was more direct. Mo Yin’s upper body convulsed, reaching out to grab something, but only futilely flailing in the air. In the end, he could only use his arms to cover his face.

The climax of the second time came slower than the first and lasted longer than the first. Mo Yin’s gaze became distracted, biting his own arm absentmindedly.

Lost amidst the unfamiliar peak.

Soon, Mo Yin felt something unusual again.

The only sensitive part in his numb lower body was being vigorously rubbed. Mo Yin tried to raise his head, finally seeing Pei Qing’s head, but only now did he realize that one of his legs had been lifted and supported by Pei Qing’s arm, soft and limp, broken and lifted without his knowledge.

Mo Yin didn’t feel panic or fear, but he was indeed a bit nervous.

He hadn’t expected the pleasure of this to be so strong.

Didn’t they say that during evolution, they retained all the advantages? Why would such a pleasant thing be excluded from evolution? And when the pleasure came, why couldn’t he control himself? Was this the reason why this thing was eliminated?

“Pei Qing…”

Mo Yin’s voice trembled. “That’s enough…”

Pei Qing didn’t raise his head, nonchalantly inserting a finger.

His hand was smeared with Mo Yin’s things, smoothly adding another finger, making it three.

In the process, Mo Yin had already collapsed onto the sofa.

The narrow black sofa only supported half of Mo Yin’s body, his legs hanging down, appearing pale and powerless. The scars on them showed a faint pink, as if aware of what was happening. The parts that truly felt, like facing Pei Qing, also blushed faintly, unlike his legs, which remained motionless. They were sensitive, trembling.

“It’s quite hot here,” Pei Qing said coldly.

Mo Yin’s eyes widened. Though he was adept at wickedness as a naturally born person, he was inexperienced in this matter. All doubts in his mind were temporarily suppressed. All he could feel now was this entirely unfamiliar yet thrilling intrusion.

Everything was so silent and resolute.

Mo Yin couldn’t help but moan. He felt the loss of control once again, the feeling of being filled was terrifying and strange. Only one part of his body retained sensation, as if he had only one organ left, being continuously pushed in and in.

His legs were weak, but the remaining parts of his body were extraordinarily sensitive. His chest trembled, breaths shallow, as if he was about to faint.

Pei Qing leaned over him, lips hovering over Mo Yin’s. One arm supported Mo Yin’s legs, the other wrapped around his upper body. He saw Mo Yin’s bewildered and panicked eyes.

The first thrust.

Mo Yin hummed.

Another thrust, Mo Yin grabbed his shoulders. It seemed like he was coming to his senses, yet also completely losing them. He shook his head gently, the scars on his legs twisting vividly in Pei Qing’s strong embrace. “Don’t…”

He continued to refuse, his pitiful pleas only arousing more dreadful desires.

Pei Qing exerted force, pulling him closer.

Mo Yin gasped urgently, before he could regain his senses, he was met with a fierce onslaught.

The silent room was filled with the dull and rapid sound of impact, mixed with Pei Qing’s hot breath and Mo Yin’s continuous moans…

Tears gradually streamed down his face.

Mo Yin once again felt the sensation of nearing death as if entering the world for the first time.

No, it was even more unfamiliar and terrifying.


His shirt was pushed up at some point, his chest pressed heavily, his soft and firm abdomen undulating. The scars on his abdomen also rolled along, with a tragic and charming beauty, showing that the owner of this body couldn’t bear the intense pleasure.

Mo Yin clutched Pei Qing’s arms tightly, his body tensing in agony and sobbing.

Pei Qing leaned in to kiss him again, deeply, his tongue almost diving into his throat. Mo Yin struggled to breathe, emitting choking sobs from his nose.

He had never experienced such a thing, yet the echo of “it’s coming…” pervaded his mind.

Where was it coming to?

Mo Yin’s arms wrapped around Pei Qing’s shoulders, feeling the muscles on his back rapidly moving and the relentless force of each thrust. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes, his brain spinning uncontrollably.

In the suffocating pleasure, he ascended to heaven and then embraced hell together.

From the sofa to the bedroom.

The bedroom was equally empty, the sounds echoing through the room as if amplified, making it seem sentimental and shameful.

Mo Yin lay on his side, still reliant on this posture. He now leaned against Pei Qing, Pei Qing’s arm tightly embracing him from behind.

A very long silence.

Only the slow or fast breaths of the two echoed in the empty room.

Mo Yin felt warmth on his cheeks as Pei Qing kissed him. Pei Qing’s lips moist and strong, gliding over his cheeks, kissing his eyes, brows. Mo Yin couldn’t move his body, only closing his eyes, waiting for Pei Qing to kiss his lips again. When he did, Mo Yin silently turned his face away.

Pei Qing’s lips landed beside his.

Mo Yin’s cheeks flushed, his eyelashes wet, eyes unfocused.

Pei Qing stood up abruptly, causing Mo Yin to fall back.

As his body met the cold air, he shivered and was lifted by Pei Qing.

The bathroom remained silent, filled with steam. Mo Yin suddenly covered his face with his palm, causing Pei Qing’s hand, which was cupping water, to pause in mid-air.

Mo Yin’s hand and face trembled together, hot water or tears seeping through his fingers.

The water rippled in his palm, flowing down his fingertips. Pei Qing looked on indifferently, reaching out to remove Mo Yin’s hand, running his palm over Mo Yin’s face, taking away the warmth.

The wardrobe was neatly filled with clothes, and drawers stocked with socks and underwear.

Mo Yin sat on the velvet sofa, watching Pei Qing half-kneeling as he helped him put on soft fabric, carefully folding socks in his palms before delicately dressing Mo Yin like a doll. Finally, he fetched Mo Yin’s phone from the side table and presented it to Mo Yin.

Mo Yin noticed several missed calls on the screen.

Note: From Pei Mingshu.

Mo Yin pursed his lips, gazing at Pei Qing with a complex expression.

The SIM card was ejected and landed lightly in Pei Qing’s palm, his finger-snapping it in half.

Pei Qing took Mo Yin’s hand, placing the phone back in it.

“There’s no network here. Don’t bother trying to contact him.”

Mo Yin looked at him, voice trembling. “Pei Qing, are you trying to imprison me here?”

Pei Qing patted his head lightly, his expression indifferent. “Just enjoy your winter break.”

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