Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 28

Chapter 28

When Pei Mingshu returned to the Pei residence, both Pei Qing and Mo Yin were nowhere to be found.

The servants were a bit confused. “Second Young Master came back and left with Xiao Yin.”

Pei Mingshu’s face turned unusually grim. As he walked out, he dialed Mo Yin’s number. The call went through, but no one answered. He tried Pei Qing’s number as well, with the same result.

Ding Mohai followed him, asking, “Young Master, did something happen to Second Young Master and Xiao Yin?”

Pei Mingshu didn’t answer. The cold winter air hit him, and he suddenly felt a stabbing sensation in his temples. He stopped abruptly, waiting for the dizziness to pass. Ding Mohai noticed something was wrong and hurried over to support him. “Young Master, are you okay?”

Pei Mingshu waved his hand. “I’m fine.”

Ding Mohai asked, “Young Master, is there a conflict between the Second Young Master and Xiao Yin? Why are you so worried?”

Pei Mingshu couldn’t explain to him, simply saying, “Searching.”

They searched the company, the school, and even Mohai’s old house, but there was no trace of them anywhere.

After this round of searching, Ding Mohe became anxious as well. He couldn’t help but think, Could Pei Qing’s death be related to Mo Yin? Is Pei Qing seeking ‘revenge’ on Mo Yin?

At this point, Pei Mingshu realized he had paid very little attention to his brother. Besides a few places, he had no idea where Pei Qing might have taken Mo Yin. All he could do was send people out to search aimlessly.

During this time, Pei Mingshu hardly rested at all. Both his body and mind were under considerable strain. He sat in the hall with his eyes closed, his forehead feeling warm.

Every hour, they received updates from outside. However, every time the phone rang, it was always the same three words – “They’re not found.”

After a night of searching, they still hadn’t found them. Pei Mingshu sat motionless in the hall until dawn.

Around 7 a.m., they finally got a lead.

“Second Young Master’s car was seen heading towards East Lake Highway. There’s no surveillance after it left the road.”

Pei Mingshu rubbed his temples.

Ding Mohai, who had been busy all night and hardly slept, said, “Young Master, should we call the police?”

Pei Mingshu raised his hand, gesturing to stop, his voice slightly hoarse. “Family matters.”

Ding Mohai said, “But Second Young Master and Xiao Yin have always been close. Maybe they just went out for a break.”

Pei Mingshu remained silent, his face dark.

Ding Mohai continued, “Young Master, you haven’t rested in a long time. Why don’t you go upstairs and take a rest? Nothing serious should have happened.”

Pei Mingshu shook his head slightly. After a moment, he lowered his hand. “You’re right. I do need to rest now.”

He slowly stood up, feeling the stabbing sensation in his temples subside, replaced by a dull ache.

“Let them continue the search. Check the area near the East Lake Highway exit for any private properties, and keep an eye on the entrance and exit of the road. If you see Pei Qing’s car, follow it.”

“Yes, Young Master.”


Mo Yin had received comprehensive emotional and sexual education at the Alliance, though he found it redundant for a natural person like himself.

Various texts, images, and videos failed to evoke any emotions in him. However, his mental abilities were naturally superior, and he learned very well. He understood that when people who hadn’t fully evolved desired reproduction, and affection, or experienced sexual impulses, they would engage in relationships.

In Mo Yin’s anticipation, Pei Qing would be furious, his liking for him would plummet, and with a little more provocation, Pei Qing would naturally go crazy and lose his reason. Perhaps he would break off their relationship like last time, choke him, beat him, and then abandon him. Mo Yin would then seek refuge in Pei Mingshu’s arms, persuading Pei Mingshu to fight back…

The plan seemed perfect.

But there was a slight problem.

There was always a gap between theory and practice.

He didn’t expect Pei Qing not only to not abandon him but also to keep him by his side, engaging in a relationship with him every day.

Pei Qing should know that his ‘true affection’ was for Pei Mingshu.

Why would he still do this?

Didn’t he hate him?

Afterward, Mo Yin seriously pondered. Was Pei Qing venting his anger at him through this method?

But why didn’t Pei Qing seem to derive any pleasure from revenge?

His stern face would momentarily lose control, kissing him passionately, their bodies intimately entwined. However, when he withdrew, Mo Yin couldn’t sense any joy from his face.

Pei Qing was still in anguish.

Mo Yin quickly completed a new learning experience in his mind and finally came to a reasonable conclusion.

Pei Qing hated him.

But at the same time, he still loved him.

This exceeded the knowledge Mo Yin had learned from textbooks.

Mo Yin turned his face slightly, looking at Pei Qing’s muscular back with a somewhat probing expression.

The emotions of the people in these small worlds were surprisingly complex, allowing them to simultaneously harbor two completely opposite feelings toward one person.

Was such emotional capacity considered low-level or high-level?

There was no entertainment in the small room, and Mo Yin had plenty of time to ponder. But whenever he fell into silent contemplation, Pei Qing would seem to drag him back into the chaotic whirlpool, as if annoyed by his silence.

Outside the window, a piercing winter rain was falling.

Mo Yin leaned on the sofa, wrapped in a thick blanket. The fireplace was burning brightly, and he had broken out in a bit of sweat at his temples. His absent-minded eyes gradually focused, watching Pei Qing answer the phone while buttoning his shirt.

Pei Qing didn’t avoid him at all.

Well, Pei Qing’s only knowledge of his “betrayal” was emotional at this point. Moreover, he couldn’t go anywhere now, and whatever he did required Pei Qing’s assistance. He was completely dependent on him, a complete wreck, and Pei Qing had no reason to be on guard against him.

One thing he hadn’t miscalculated was that Pei Qing indeed intended to retaliate against Pei Mingshu, just as crazy and reckless as he had imagined.

“What are you thinking?” 

Mo Yin raised his face.

Pei Qing leaned down and pulled the blanket covering Mo Yin, “Feeling cold?”

Mo Yin only replied to his second question softly, “Not cold.”

Pei Qing stared at him for a moment.

The firelight danced on the glass. Mo Yin’s face was flushed, and he was a handsome boy. After being injured, he appeared much thinner than before. His facial features were soft, half buried in the blanket, looking lost.

Pei Qing gently touched his face with the back of his hand, but Mo Yin remained indifferent, turning his face away. Pei Qing’s warm hand rubbed against his cheek. Suddenly, Mo Yin turned his face and stared directly at Pei Qing. “Pei Qing, do you have to do this?”

Pei Qing looked at him quietly, his pupils very calm. There was no sign of how difficult it had been for him to control himself just now as he repeatedly tossed Mo Yin on the sofa.

“Are you reluctant?”

Mo Yin shook his head, furrowing his brows. “You are each other’s only relatives.”

Pei Qing’s finger rested on the side of his face, his eyelashes drooping. He still exuded a cold aura, but now there seemed to be a hint of darkness mixed in, which used to make people feel uncomfortable being around him, but now it made people dare not get close to him.

Pei Qing said lightly, “We have never been relatives.”

He raised his eyelashes, his gaze sharp. “I thought you knew that.”

Mo Yin’s lips trembled slightly, his eyes gradually welling up with tears again.

Pei Qing’s fingers, which had been resting on the side of his face, now pinched his cheeks. “Are you going to be like Pei Jingyou, pretending to be ignorant while hiding your inner favoritism behind some grand excuses?”

There was nothing to say.

These four words were the only way to describe Mo Yin’s expression at the moment.

Sometimes, Pei Qing couldn’t understand why everyone and everything in the world seemed to favor Pei Mingshu. Was it that some people were born lucky? And he was born unlucky?

Pei Qing didn’t want to explain his life with such a negative fatalism. He wanted to hold the direction of his fate in his own hands, to be in control.

Pei Qing lifted Mo Yin along with the blanket.

“When will you let me go?” Mo Yin murmured softly, “Do you have to wait until you have Pei Jingyou in your hands?”

Pei Qing supported him with both arms as they walked, saying, “Didn’t you ask me to take care of you for the rest of your life?” He turned his face to Mo Yin, his lips curling slightly in sarcasm. “Are you tired of it so soon?”

Mo Yin looked at him somewhat sadly and helplessly, his eyebrows furrowed, as if pleading with him not to say anything cruel anymore.

Pei Qing continued, “Actually, you’ve always been like this.”

“No choice but to choose me. Whenever he beckons you, you can’t wait to throw yourself into his arms. Don’t you think you’ll appear very cheap in his eyes?”

Mo Yin cried.

Tears streamed down his face, falling onto Pei Qing’s shirt.

But Pei Qing’s smile remained. He seemed no longer to be softened by Mo Yin’s tears. But when he placed Mo Yin into the bathtub, his movements were still so careful. Mo Yin slipped down into the tub without support, and it was Pei Qing who firmly held him, his right arm stretched across Mo Yin’s chest to keep him in place.

Mo Yin stopped his tears and spoke, very softly, “I’m sorry.”

Pei Qing expressionlessly wrung out the towel to wipe his face.

Mo Yin grabbed the towel on his face and muttered again, “I’m sorry.”

No matter how cold Pei Qing was to him, no matter how harsh his words were, no matter how tirelessly he tortured him, Mo Yin always accepted it passively. Even though he was the one who had lost his freedom and was forced to stay here, he kept apologizing.

However, the more he apologized, the colder Pei Qing’s anger became.

“I’m sorry.”

Because he couldn’t give him anything else, all that was left was apology.

Pei Qing pulled away the towel from his face. Mo Yin’s eyelashes were stuck together by tears. He swallowed hard and said, “Can’t you sit down and talk properly?”

Pei Qing replied, “No.”

Mo Yin’s lips moved up and down, his breath paused, and then he slowly lowered his eyes, saying nothing more.

As Pei Qing said, he and Pei Mingshu had never been relatives.

What was blood relationship? Between them, there was only a struggle to the death.

Mo Yin had also assessed Pei Qing and Pei Mingshu’s overall capabilities in his mind.

Pei Mingshu had mature experience, a steady personality, and a strong self. These were all things Pei Qing couldn’t compare to. But Pei Qing’s advantage lay in the fact that he had nothing left to lose.

Pei Mingshu had too many responsibilities to bear.

The Pei family, Yuncheng, and even Mo Yin he felt responsible for them all, burdened by chains.

But Pei Qing was different.

He had nothing left, and he didn’t want anything anymore. All that was left was hatred.

This was the strength that Mo Yin had stimulated and bestowed upon him step by step, allowing him to grow rapidly, strong enough to confront his powerful elder brother.

They slept and embraced each other at night. In the darkness, Mo Yin observed Pei Qing. It was the same face, but he felt that Pei Qing was completely different from before.

Mo Yin was somewhat fascinated by his creation.

With a puzzled look in his eyes, he gazed at Pei Qing’s face, which was barely visible in the darkness. Mo Yin couldn’t help but wonder, would the destruction of such a beautiful creation be even more beautiful? Would the pleasure of that moment be comparable to the joy Pei Qing brought him in bed? No, it should be several times stronger. How could physical pleasure compare to spiritual satisfaction?

For natural humans, the spirit was the ultimate supreme.

But why was the physical pleasure so strong? Was it because only non-natural humans could feel such sensations?

The fatigue from excessive indulgence gradually came over him. Mo Yin slowly closed his eyes, and his mind blurred again: Was this pleasure, or pleasure was fatigue, a side effect? But with his physical endurance as a natural human, even if he didn’t eat or drink, he could do it for a whole month without feeling tired. Why was such behavior gradually eliminated in evolution?

He fell asleep, breathing lightly and evenly.

Pei Qing opened his eyes and returned Mo Yin’s gaze in the darkness, his eyes complex.

If Mo Yin had never truly liked him and was just settling, why did he secretly gaze at him in the dark?

He gently kissed his eyelashes.

Pei Qing’s palm lightly stroked Mo Yin’s numb thighs, his expression dark and indescribable.


Pei Mingshu’s life had never been so tense.

He didn’t slow down his attacks just because Pei Jingyou suddenly passed away. Taking advantage of the chaos, he used every means possible.

The day after the funeral, Pei Mingshu immediately went abroad to deal with all the overseas assets and transferred them back to the country. Then, he flew back to deal with the broken financial chain. Yuncheng’s stock price fluctuated like a roller coaster every day, and with Yuncheng in such a mess, many of the newly acquired markets in the South demanded contract termination due to financial fraud allegations. Inside the company, people were in a state of panic, with many planning to jump ship.

Pei Mingshu dealt with all the internal and external affairs of the company while also expending his energy to find Pei Qing and Mo Yin’s whereabouts. He spent more time abroad, and when he returned to the country, although he was adept at handling things, his limited connections and the need for manpower at Yuncheng meant that he still hadn’t found Pei Qing and Mo Yin after several days.

Pei Mingshu’s body and mind were extremely exhausted, but he still didn’t collapse. He slept in his office for several days in a row, almost sleepless, dealing with all the problems and tirelessly supporting the tottering Yuncheng.

“Second Young Master—”

The office door was forcefully pushed open, and Pei Mingshu raised his face, his brows tightly furrowed.

Ding Mohai knew that barging in like this was very rude, but he had no choice, “Second Young Master, there’s news!”

Pei Mingshu pressed down on his pen and stood up, two sharp lights shooting out from beneath his noble brows, “Where is he? Is Xiao Yin back too?”

He urgently asked three questions in a row, but Ding Mohai shook his head abruptly with a grim expression, “The Second Young Master is currently acquiring Youcheng’s shares at a price exceeding the market value. Several shareholders have already sold out!”

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