Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 25

Chapter 25

“Since you’re so busy, you don’t have to drive me here every day,” Mo Yin looked at Pei Qing in the driver’s seat with a subtle and concerned expression.

Pei Qing had lost weight, and his facial features appeared even more stern, as if he had matured a lot in just a few months.

“The company’s affairs are important,” Pei Qing said, “but you are important too.”

Mo Yin lowered his head, a faintly satisfied and affectionate smile appearing on his face.

The exposure of financial fraud was indeed a heavy blow to Youcheng. However, it was precisely because of this gap that while Pei Mingshu was busy dealing with external attacks, many important matters in the company fell into Pei Qing’s hands, allowing him to truly wield power.

This was the foreseeable result, but Pei Qing’s mood was not as cheerful as he had imagined.

What did he really want? To teach his biased father and arrogant elder brother a lesson? But they were oblivious, and Pei Mingshu even intended to delegate more authority to him to handle internal company affairs.

Pei Qing felt like he was punching cotton, feeling like a child throwing a tantrum in front of adults because he wasn’t being taken seriously, but nobody cared.

He could have such thoughts because he was rapidly maturing and beginning to reflect on his own actions.

Mo Yin could sense this change.

As the car stopped, Mo Yin took Pei Qing’s hand and whispered softly, “Pei Qing, are you unhappy?”

Pei Qing remained silent.

Mo Yin continued, “Are we still moving out?”

Pei Qing remained silent for a long time. Then, he squeezed Mo Yin’s hand back and looked into his clear eyes. “Let’s talk about it after the New Year.”

Mo Yin smiled gently and obediently. “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

As Mo Yin watched Pei Qing leave, his smile gradually faded.

Indeed, Pei Qing was one of the protagonists. Despite being tempted and stimulated for a moment, he ultimately returned to the “right path.” After all, the father and sons were the true family.

Mo Yin propped his chin with one hand and looked up at the sky.

The sky was clear like a well-stretched curtain, and the winter sun was warm but lacked intensity.

The New Year was approaching.

Unknowingly, he had been in this world for more than five hundred days.

Perhaps because everything here was so real, he didn’t feel that the days were difficult. The false world where he used to dominate everything was torturous even for a second longer.

This world was so real and interesting. Should he stay a little longer? What if after leaving, the Alliance sent him on missions to those laughably fake worlds again? That would be utterly boring.

After thinking for about three seconds, Mo Yin gave up on this idea.

He preferred seizing the present over the unknown future.

Taking one step at a time and eating his fill were enough.

Moreover, in this world, he could eat two bites in one go, enough to satisfy him for a while.

The tug-of-war between Youcheng and Heda continued, even as the New Year approached. Despite the holiday season, both sides remained highly confrontational. Currently, Youcheng was undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

Financial fraud, plummeting stock prices, frozen funds, customer withdrawals… Trouble came knocking at the door, but just as Heda expected, although Youcheng seemed like a crumbling door that would collapse with one kick, it was actually made of solid iron and didn’t fall even after being heavily hammered.

To solve the company’s financial problems, Pei Mingshu decided to go abroad.

When his maternal grandfather passed away two years ago, he left behind a considerable inheritance, including some overseas real estate and stocks. Pei Mingshu wanted to liquidate those assets and inject cash into the company.

Upon learning of his decision, Pei Jingyou couldn’t help but shed tears again.

He was now able to get out of bed, but like Mo Yin, he had to use a wheelchair to get around. This made him feel much weaker and older than his actual age. Moreover, his company would eventually need to rely on the assets left by his father-in-law to save itself. This made him feel even more regretful and nostalgic towards Yue Xiyun. As a result, he felt a bit ashamed and unable to face Pei Mingshu and Pei Qing.

“Let’s wait until after the New Year,” Pei Jingyou placed his hand on the back of Pei Mingshu’s hand warmly and kindly, “No matter how rough the external situation is, we should spend the New Year together as a family, united and harmonious.”

Pei Mingshu patted his father’s hand with his other hand, his face lowered. “That’s what I intend to do.”

Pei Jingyou sighed again. “Sometimes, when I think about it, even if one’s career is successful, it’s not as good as being together as a family.”

Pei Mingshu smiled. “Dad, don’t worry too much. It will pass. I already have some clues about that matter.”

Pei Jingyou’s eyes brightened again, and he lowered his voice anxiously. “Who is it?!”

Pei Mingshu still smiled. “Just some clues, nothing confirmed yet.”

“Alright,” Pei Jingyou regained his spirits. After his surgery, he had lost a lot of weight, and his refined features now showed a kind of aged fierceness. His eyes emitted a sharp light, and his grip on Pei Mingshu’s hand was strong. “Don’t alert the enemy. Make sure to catch the person.”

Pei Mingshu nodded. “Dad, don’t worry. After the New Year, everything will become clear.”

Pei Jingyou had full confidence in Pei Mingshu’s abilities. His face relaxed a bit, and he asked, “And Qing? He must be busy during this time. I haven’t seen him come up here much lately.”

Pei Mingshu’s expression remained indifferent. “There’s a lot going on in the company. He’s working harder than I am.”

Pei Jingyou sighed. “I’m getting old and useless.”

The father and son talked for a while longer. When Pei Mingshu saw that Pei Jingtyou looked tired, he asked him to rest a little longer while he went downstairs. As the acting head of the Pei family, he had matters to attend to both upstairs and downstairs.

Downstairs, the servants were tidying up the courtyard. New Year, new atmosphere. Several lush green plants were placed in the living room, each representing auspicious signs.

Mo Yin was tying a red rope on a tree. He was wearing a light blue cashmere sweater today, with the collar of a beige shirt peeking out from underneath. His newly trimmed hair was short and neat. With a few flicks of his fingers, he tied a beautiful knot on the dark branches, looking festive and cute.

The surrounding servants couldn’t help but praise him, marveling at his skillfulness. Mo Yin smiled at them, his smile gentle and shy. His handsome face blushed slightly. After a while, he seemed to sense something and shifted his gaze away from the surrounding servants, meeting Pei Mingshu’s eyes not far away.

Almost instantly, Mo Yin averted his gaze, seeming hesitant under the public eye, and made as if to leave without a word. However, Pei Mingshu called out to him, “The clothes fit you well.”

Mo Yin looked at Pei Mingshu, his lips moved slightly but then he pressed them together firmly. After a moment, he calmly replied, “Thank you.”

“You look good in it.”

Pei Mingshu’s attitude towards him seemed more relaxed than before, as if he was gradually no longer suppressing something.

Mo Yin appeared a bit confused by his actions. His gaze shifted back and forth for a moment before he started to push the wheelchair to leave.

Pei Mingshu said, “Pei Qing, how about him?”

Mo Yin’s expression showed a moment of embarrassment, but it quickly returned to normal. “He went to the company. The company is still very busy today.”

“There are quite a few things to deal with this year.”

Pei Mingshu’s tone was casual, indicating that even though Youcheng had suffered a major blow, its impact on him personally was not too profound.

It had been a long time since the two of them had spoken like this in broad daylight. Mo Yin’s face quickly showed a hint of unease, especially when Pei Mingshu mentioned Pei Qing. Mo Yin’s expression turned slightly awkward, but he quickly regained his composure.

Pei Mingshu noticed this and let him go. “Go on, it’s getting late. If we don’t leave now, we won’t make it back in time for the reunion dinner.”

Mo Yin’s eyelashes drooped slightly, covering his eyes like a breeze blowing over. “Um, I’ll call a car to take me back.”

“You can’t get a car here.”

“…I’ll go find Uncle Zhang.”

“I’m here. Why do you need to find Uncle Zhang?” Pei Mingshu rubbed his head, but Mo Yin quickly dodged. Pei Mingshu withdrew his hand, smiling at Mo Yin’s surprised expression as if he found it amusing.

“I remember you went home on New Year’s Eve last year. Are you going home this year?”

Mo Yin’s expression was somewhat incredulous. His eyes widened, and then he quickly looked away. Pei Mingshu smiled gently, “Let’s go. It’s late. We won’t make it back in time for the reunion dinner if we delay any longer.”

On the thirtieth day of the twelfth lunar month, the rusty copper door beneath the Chinese New Year was also adorned with bright red couplets.

It seemed that someone had cleaned the corridor, it was very clean. At each turn a window, sunlight streamed in, glaringly shining on the ground. With each step up, a glint of desolation flashed across Mo Yin’s face.

Mo Yin reached into his pocket for the keys, inserted them into the lock, and opened the door, releasing a musty smell.

“I’ll escort you downstairs first, and pick you up after cleaning.”

“No need.”

Mo Yin’s palm pressed on Pei Mingshu’s shoulder, softly refusing.

Pei Mingshu turned his face, Mo Yin’s face lowered. “I’ll just stay for a while, wait for me downstairs.”

Pei Mingshu didn’t answer, carrying Mo Yin on his back into the room. He said to Mo Yin, “Hold on tight,” holding Mo Yin’s arm with one hand and putting it down gently. He supported Mo Yin’s entire buttocks with just one arm, his free hand reaching into the collar of his shirt to pull out a handkerchief, wiping a square stool clean, all the while saying “Be careful” as he turned around slowly to lower Mo Yin.

Mo Yin fell onto the chair, looking at Pei Mingshu with a complicated expression.

Pei Mingshu unbuttoned his coat, took it off, and draped it over Mo Yin. “Be careful not to catch a cold.”

Mo Yin didn’t move, wrapped like a doll in his coat. When he saw Pei Mingshu rolling up his sleeves, he intercepted, “I’ll just stay for a while, you don’t have to clean.”

“It’s okay.”

Pei Mingshu smiled at him. “It’s the New Year; we should clean up.”

Mo Yin frowned deeply, looking displeased. “I said not to clean.” His tone had become sharp and firm.

Pei Mingshu’s finger rested on the sleeve of his coat, looking quietly at Mo Yin. At first, Mo Yin could meet his gaze but soon turned his face away defeatedly.

“Why?” Pei Mingshu asked gently.

Mo Yin turned his face to the side, silent for a while before whispering, “You’re not the kind of person who does this.”

“Then what kind of person am I?”

Mo Yin didn’t answer, tightly pursing his lips. He didn’t need to say it, some things didn’t need to be said, and Pei Mingshu could understand.

His pride was shattered by him, yet he couldn’t help but care for him.

Just as he knew Mo Yin had chosen Pei Qing, he still wanted to love and take care of him.

The mutual attraction between them was so evident, yet they insisted on pretending as if nothing existed, choosing to evade and suppress these feelings because they both realized these feelings shouldn’t exist.

But is this really right?

Pei Mingshu opened the front door and the two windows together, letting the air circulate first. Then he lifted the coat draped over Mo Yin, covering his nose. He smiled at Mo Yin. “Behave and wait.”

Mo Yin’s eyes flickered, his gaze firmly fixed on Pei Mingshu.

The faucet ran with water, wetting the old mop. On the exposed forearm, there was an expensive watch. Everything about him was so incompatible with what he was doing now. He had the demeanor of a nobleman but was willing to roll up his sleeves to clean up a shabby room for him.

Mo Yin watched his back for a while, then turned his head and pulled up the coat draped over Pei Mingshu. He buried his face in it, and there was a faint warmth and the unique scent of Pei Mingshu’s body surrounded him instantly.

Pei Mingshu turned his head, seeing Mo Yin hiding in his coat, his expression slightly stunned, his gaze deeply fixed on the thin figure enveloped in the coat.

He thought: Is he crying inside again?

If he knew Pei Qing wasn’t as good as he thought, would he be even more upset?

Pei Mingshu didn’t go over, pretending not to see, and turned his face away again.

But in the place where he couldn’t see, Mo Yin’s face showed a faint smile as he successively pressed the send button for two messages.


The person hiding in the coat trembled, slowly poking his face out from the coat, his cheeks looking rosy, his eyes misty as he looked at Pei Mingshu, wanting to cry but not crying.

Pei Mingshu’s heart squeezed slightly, whispering, “Shall we pay respects?”

Mo Yin shook his head slightly.

He looked at Pei Mingshu, his voice hoarse, “Why?”

Pei Mingshu asked, “Why what?”

“Why are you so good to me?”

Mo Yin looked at him with complex eyes. “I told you, I don’t need your pity.”

“Do you think I’m just pitying you?” Pei Mingshu asked softly in return.

Mo Yin fell silent, his expression hesitant and pained. He turned his face away, avoiding eye contact with Pei Mingshu, muttering to himself, “I don’t know, I don’t want to know, I’m tired…”

Pei Mingshu remained silent for a while. He squatted slightly, one knee bent to support his weight, his arms on either side of Mo Yin’s arms. He whispered, “I’m sorry for making you tired.”

Mo Yin twisted his face further away, as if trying to keep some distance from Pei Mingshu.

“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” Pei Mingshu’s voice was calm, neither high nor low. His tone sounded gentle. “I was just afraid that Pei Qing would hurt you. I was afraid he couldn’t protect you.”

Mo Yin’s eyelashes trembled slightly.

“Later, I thought, maybe I was too arrogant. I didn’t consider that you’re also a very strong boy, not just someone who needs protection.”

Mo Yin finally turned his face back, his eyes slightly widened, and the walls he had built on his face showed signs of crumbling.

Pei Mingshu’s gaze softened. “I’m sorry, I really underestimated you.”

Mo Yin’s eyes began to overflow with tears. He blinked hard, trying to stop the tears. His attempt looked pitiful, and Pei Mingshu gently lifted Mo Yin’s chin, lightly caressing his face. He whispered, “Is it too late? If I tell you now that I like you.”

Mo Yin’s expression froze.

“You… you like me?”

Pei Mingshu’s palm against his face felt unusually warm, and his gaze was more focused and profound than usual. “Yes, Xiao Yin, I like you.”

Mo Yin lowered his head, his eyes filled with confusion. He murmured, “You like me… you…” He raised his head again, panic and doubt flickering in his eyes. “You like me?”

Perhaps even he himself hadn’t noticed, tears were falling uncontrollably from his eyes, dripping onto Pei Mingshu’s palm. Pei Mingshu lowered his head, gently touching foreheads with Mo Yin. “Yes, I’ve fallen for you.”

Seeing Mo Yin’s trembling eyelashes, the slow flush on his nose, and his lips bitten tightly, a drop of bright red blood seeping from the cracks, his whole body trembling, unable to answer, not knowing if it was too aggrieved or too happy, Pei Mingshu’s thumb touched his lips, wiping away a faint trace of blood. Their eyes met, and Mo Yin’s eyes were filled with tears, almost engulfing Pei Mingshu.

“I’m sorry about the plan… I also made a plan, I wanted to help you perfect it… but I was afraid I couldn’t do it well, I dared not show it to you. I don’t know how Pei Qing… I don’t know…”

Though so stubborn, why did he always cry in front of him?

Pei Mingshu’s heart twisted. He sighed heavily in his heart, turned his face, and lightly pressed his lips against Mo Yin’s. He immediately tasted a hint of salty sweetness mixed with the faint metallic taste of blood, perhaps mixed with Mo Yin’s tears.

Pei Mingshu felt the long-held restraint in his body slowly collapsing.

Pei Qing could be despicable, using Mo Yin’s emotions to hurt him and lure him into his embrace. He could ignore the interests of the company and betray company secrets to fight for family property.

But he always had to be the upright and honest Pei Mingshu.

Step by step, he retreated until, in the end, he couldn’t even protect the person he truly cared about.

What’s the point of all this?

The coat draped over them slipped off unnoticed. At some point, it turned into Pei Mingshu deeply kissing Mo Yin, their kisses so passionate, restrained for too long, the suppressed attraction bursting out instantly. Mo Yin’s palm pressed against Pei Mingshu’s shoulder, turning his face, continuously changing angles to deeply kiss Pei Mingshu.

The temperature around them seemed to rise, the sound of the wind blowing through the window became distant, only their fervent and urgent breaths remained.

Pei Mingshu’s hand firmly grasped Mo Yin’s waist, sliding upward along his waistline. Mo Yin’s cheeks were flushed, his hand sliding up Pei Mingshu’s shoulder, fingers randomly slipping into Pei Mingshu’s hair.

In confusion and passion, the world seemed to collapse.

In the dilapidated apartment building, with the wind blowing through the door, they couldn’t see or hear anything. Their eyes and ears were filled only with each other.

Until a suppressed cry of pain.


Pei Mingshu and Mo Yin both turned their heads at the same time, still tightly embracing each other, their cheeks still pressed together.

At the doorway.

Pei Qing stood expressionless, carrying Pei Jingyou on his back.

Pei Jingyou’s face was dreadful, his fingers trembling as he pointed at the embracing couple.

Pei Mingshu instinctively jolted, abruptly getting up. Mo Yin, who had been leaning against him, began to slump downwards. Pei Mingshu quickly turned back to support and hold Mo Yin, while Mo Yin’s arms frantically grabbed onto his collar, seeking refuge in his embrace as if afraid.

Feeling the tremble of the person in his arms, Pei Mingshu calmed down. He faced Pei Jingyou steadily. “Father…”

Pei Jingyou’s fingers trembled twice as he looked at the scene before him, something he never could have imagined. A strong palpitation surged like a landslide, pressing against his heart like a boulder. His breath caught in his throat, and a profound sense of suffocation instantly overwhelmed him. His body weakened and he staggered backward. His emaciated fingers followed the force upwards. The last thing Pei Jingyou saw was on the yellowed wall—

Two silently smiling black-and-white photographs.

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