Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 26

Chapter 26

The emergency room lit up with dangerous red lights.

Two tall figures stood on either side, facing the tightly closed door of the emergency room.

Ding Mohai stood on Pei Mingshu’s side, sweat dripping down his forehead. He didn’t have time to wipe it off as he spoke softly.

“When my husband was wearing his tie, he suddenly received a phone call.”

“We don’t know who called, it was an unknown number.”

“As soon as the news broke, so we speculated it might be someone from Heda who called.”

“The gentleman’s expression changed immediately. He called you, but you didn’t answer, so he asked the housekeeper.”

“When he met the second young master downstairs, Mr. Xi didn’t let me go with…”

Ding Mohai had originally been anxiously waiting downstairs.

No one expected Heda to pull such a sinister trick on New Year’s Eve, actually releasing Mo Honghai on medical parole.

The headlines were suddenly filled with Pei Mingshu’s name.

#Mo Honghai#

#829 incident directly implicates relatives released on medical parole#

#Pei Mingshu’s friend#


Pei Jingyou’s face immediately changed when he saw it. Ding Mohai wanted to stop him, even the medicine was taken out, but Pei Jingyou knocked it over with one hand, clutching his chest and asking, “Where’s Mingshu?!”

After learning that Pei Mingshu had taken Mo Yin back to the old house, Pei Jingyou immediately ordered the driver to drive over in a hurry and met Pei Qing downstairs.

When the father and son met, Pei Qing was a bit surprised.

“Uncle Qing?” Pei Jingyou said.

After a moment of surprise, Pei Qing recovered his usual expression. “Father.”

“What are you doing here?” Pei Jingyou asked.

Pei Qing remained calm for a moment, then said frankly, “To pick up Mo Yin.”

Pei Jingyou felt his heart tighten a bit, not knowing what to say for a moment. Waving his hand, he gestured for Pei Qing to help him out of the car, his face pale with anger.

Pei Qing nonchalantly carried his father, not asking why his father was there.

He wasn’t just talking; he really didn’t care if his relationship with Mo Yin was discovered.

Perhaps it was because his father’s health was not as good as before, or perhaps it was because he easily dealt a blow to the company that made him realize that his father and older brother were not as invincible as he had imagined, or perhaps it was because his control over company affairs made him feel more powerful than before…

Anyway, he had already planned to wait until after the New Year. Even if he didn’t move out, he would find an appropriate opportunity to confront Pei Jingyou.

It was daytime, and the hallway was quiet. Perhaps everyone had gone out to buy New Year goods or visit relatives.

Pei Qing remembered a long time ago when he also lived in such a dilapidated building, walking slowly hand in hand with his mother.

Turning up the stairs, the door was not closed, and the cold wind blew in from the open window and door, stirring up the coat on the ground, as well as the two people kissing passionately.

The light dimmed.

The door of the emergency room opened, and two similarly handsome faces looked towards the open door.

The first to come out was the doctor, who looked at the two brothers with difficulty, and then shook his head slowly.

The first to react was Ding Mohai. He stepped forward and said, “Doctor, Mr. Pei…?”

The doctor, wearing a mask, frowned slightly. “We did our best…”

Ding Mohai took a half step back, his face pale as he covered his chest, his feet weak, his hand on the wall, shaking his head and choking, “Mr. Pei…”

The two brothers had no reaction, just quietly watching the open door.

Then, without warning, Pei Qing strode over, grabbed Pei Mingshu’s collar expressionlessly, and raised his hand—landing a heavy punch!

Pei Mingshu turned his face aside, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. Before he could wipe it a second time, Pei Qing caught up and punched him again!

As Pei Qing raised his hand for a third punch, Ding Mohai grabbed him from behind, “Second Young Master, what are you doing!”

“Get out of the way.”

Pei Qing said coldly.

Pei Mingshu wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and looked up at Pei Qing, whose eyes were overflowing with coldness. If Pei Qing had a knife in his hand right now, Pei Mingshu believed he would not hesitate to stab him.

There was the sound of wheels rolling from the operating room. Pei Mingshu turned his head, and Pei Jingyou’s body was pushed out.

Ding Mohai also saw it. Pei Jingyou’s face was grayish-purple, and he subconsciously loosened his grip on Pei Qing’s hand.

The next moment, Pei Mingshu was knocked down to the ground by a punch from Pei Qing.

“Second Young Master!” Ding Mohai hurried to stop the fight.

The nurses and doctors looked at each other, and a young nurse

Here’s the translation:

Originally, Pei Mingshu had been holding back and hadn’t retaliated. After enduring countless blows, he suddenly exploded and threw a punch back.

One-sided beating turned into mutual fighting.

The two brothers, as if harboring deep-seated enmity, silently fought in front of their father’s body.

Ding Mohai couldn’t pull them apart at all. It wasn’t until several hospital security guards arrived that they managed to separate the two.

The originally well-dressed brothers both had bruises on their faces, covered in bloodstains. Their clothes were in disarray. Pei Qing was supported by several people, panting heavily in the direction of Pei Mingshu, his eyes cold and fierce. Pei Mingshu, on the other hand, seemed much calmer. He was more severely injured than Pei Qing, blood trickling down his face. He turned to Ding Mohai, who was holding him, and said, “Go and inform the public relations department to come for a meeting.”


Inside the Pei residence, the servants heard about the incident and saw the news. They had been preparing for the New Year, decorating the entire Pei residence with festive colors, but now they were all in a state of confusion, unsure of what to do.

A servant brought Mo Yin a cup of hot drink. “Xiao Yin, what exactly happened?”

The two brothers, accompanied by the unconscious Pei Jingyou, got into the car and went to the hospital. Pei Mingshu instructed the driver to take Mo Yin home first. Mo Yin, “terrified,” pulled on Pei Mingshu’s sleeve. Pei Mingshu touched the back of his head and whispered, “Don’t be afraid. Wait at home.”

As Mo Yin’s gaze crossed Pei Mingshu’s shoulder, he met Pei Qing’s eyes. Mo Yin couldn’t quite describe the look in Pei Qing’s eyes, but at that moment, he felt as though the world was trembling.

“I don’t know either.”

Mo Yin pressed his palm against the cup, furrowing his brows slightly, and said with his head lowered, “I don’t know anything.”

The servant could only offer a few words of consolation before leaving quietly.

As the door closed, Mo Yin’s lips slowly curled up into a smile. He laughed so hard that he trembled all over, and the spoon clinked against the cup, making a tapping sound.


Fortunately, this time he timed it right and finally saw the expressions of the two protagonists firsthand. It was truly…

Mo Yin couldn’t help but put down the cup of hot chocolate. He propped his face up with one hand, part of his palm covering his lips, hiding his laughter.

He had never interacted with other naturals before, so he didn’t know if other naturals were like him, lacking interest in almost everything.

As for doing tasks in the small world, he still couldn’t muster any enthusiasm.

Working for the Alliance?


He didn’t have that kind of dedication.

As a villain, he was supposed to be defeated after causing trouble, but he played with the protagonist according to his own will, causing the entire small world to collapse when the protagonist broke down. The energy poured out, disintegrating and collapsing, mixed with despair and howls…

Mo Yin suddenly froze.

He felt an unfamiliar excitement in his body, a faint tingling rising from his bones, and sparks of pleasure flashed all the way to his brain cortex.

That was the first time Mo Yin had smiled since he became an adult.

When he heard his own laughter, he was almost surprised.

So, this is what “happy” feels like?

He finally found a way to please himself…

Mo Yin laughed for a while, took a sip of hot chocolate, and the slightly bitter taste mixed with sweetness smoothly entered his throat. Mo Yin murmured to himself, “Hmm,” feeling that his appetite seemed to have improved.


This was the most chaotic and desolate New Year the Pei family had ever experienced.

Pei Jingyou’s sudden death was a huge shock, both to the two brothers of the Pei family and to the entire Youcheng Company. Mo Honghai’s accusations made matters worse.

Pei Mingshu had to deal with the investigation and public relations while also arranging Pei Jingyou’s funeral. His energy was almost drained. After fighting with Pei Qing, they seemed to calm down. The two brothers tacitly avoided certain matters and went their separate ways—neither of them returned to the Pei residence.

During those days, Mo Yin lived a very quiet life. Many of the Pei family servants were sent out to handle the funeral arrangements, reportedly at a garden near Miansha Lake where Mrs. Pei’s funeral had taken place.

Mo Yin was alone in the Pei residence, spending both the New Year and the winter vacation.

Ding Mohai returned to the Pei residence to fetch something, while Mo Yin watered the flowers in the garden.

What exactly happened at the Mo residence that day to cause such a shock to Pei Jingyou, Ding Mohai didn’t follow, so he didn’t know the specifics.

Mo Yin looked at him from a distance and greeted him calmly, “Uncle Ding.”

Ding Mohai approached him, “How are you? Are you okay at home?”

Mo Yin nodded, “And them?”

Ding Mohai replied, “They’re busy and don’t have time to rest.”

Mo Yin’s expression seemed somewhat gloomy. He lowered his head and whispered, “Things happened too suddenly.”

Ding Mohai sighed, “Indeed, just when the surgery was finally underway…”

The doctor had also advised against getting too emotional. Actually, the phone call had already made Pei Jingyou somewhat agitated at the time. Ding Mohai wanted him to take medication, but Pei Jingyou knocked over the medicine, insisting it was not important. He had taken medicine in the morning, so Ding Mohai didn’t insist further.

Perhaps if he had persuaded him at that time, or if he had followed… Pei Jingyou wouldn’t have died suddenly of a heart attack…

Ding Mohai had been with Pei Jingyou for almost twenty years, feeling deeply saddened. Then he thought of the two young masters of the Pei family suddenly losing their father, and becoming complete orphans. Wouldn’t they be a hundred times sadder than him? Ding Mohai glanced at Mo Yin, who had his head bowed, suddenly realizing that all three children were now orphans…

“You rest well at home,” Ding Mohai comforted, “In a few days, when everything is settled, they’ll all come back.”

Mo Yin murmured in agreement, then furrowed his brow again, “What about my uncle…”

“You don’t have to worry about that. It’s just groundless speculation. Young Master wouldn’t do anything illegal or irregular.”

Mo Yin still wore a troubled expression. He whispered, “He lied to me, saying my uncle went on a business trip.”

Ding Mohai didn’t know about this, so he advised, “Young Master definitely didn’t want to upset you. Don’t think too much about it.” He reached out and patted Mo Yin’s shoulder, sighing, “In the future, you three brothers will rely on each other. Don’t worry about other people or things.”

Mo Yin nodded and then asked, “When is Mr. Pei’s funeral? Can I attend?”

Ding Mohai replied, “Tomorrow. As for whether you can go… I’ll ask Young Master.”


Miansha Lake hadn’t frozen in winter. The garden was draped in white gauze and black cloth. Ding Mohai conveyed Mo Yin’s message to Pei Mingshu. Pei Mingshu remained silent for a long time before saying, “Let him rest at home.”

Ding Mohai agreed, wanting to ask what had happened that day, but he understood it wasn’t his place to ask.

“How is he?” Pei Mingshu asked in a low voice.

Ding Mohai hesitated for a moment before saying, “He should be fine.”

Pei Mingshu fell silent again and then said, “That’s good.”

After Ding Mohai left, Pei Mingshu turned his face slightly. He clasped his hands behind his back, his whole demeanor tense and solemn.

These past few days, he had been avoiding recalling that moment of that day.

How could Mo Honghai suddenly be granted medical parole? And just then the news broke. Everything was so coincidental, one thing after another, leaving people breathless, as if there were some kind of divine will at work.

Pei Mingshu never believed in those elusive things, but he directly felt the cruelty of fate.

These two days, every time he closed his eyes, he saw the look of shock, disappointment, and anger in Pei Jingyou’s eyes—a gaze that was his father’s last look at him.

With his palms tightly clenched, Pei Mingshu’s face was as solemn as water as he looked at the quiet lake outside the window, his thoughts sinking into it, gradually being submerged…

The funeral was low-key. The two brothers, along with the elders of Youcheng, kept the entire funeral unusually quiet. According to Pei Jingyou’s long-standing will, he was buried next to Yue Xiyun, and white lilies were placed in front of the tombstone.

Pei Qing remained expressionless throughout, not uttering a word, and Pei Mingshu basically presided over the entire process.

After the funeral, Pei Mingshu escorted a few elders. The elders were very worried about the current chaos in Youcheng and talked with Pei Mingshu for a long time. After seeing off the elders, Pei Mingshu realized that Pei Qing had disappeared at some point. Behind him, there was only Ding Mohai and a group of bodyguards.

Pei Mingshu looked at Ding Mohai, “Where’s Pei Qing?”

Ding Mohai hadn’t noticed and said Pei Qing had left early.

Pei Mingshu’s temples throbbed suddenly, and his face changed drastically. He turned around immediately, leaving Ding Mohai astonished, and hurriedly followed, “Young Master—”

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