Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The chaos of this shareholder meeting exceeded the imaginations of everyone present. In less than an hour, it instantly made headlines. Compared to the news that the investors were concerned about regarding Youcheng being acquired by Heda, the ordinary bystanders were more interested in aristocratic gossip.

The bystanders couldn’t help but laugh when they saw it, thinking, “Why is it Youcheng again? It seems like it’s going to trend again after a while.”

Clicking on it, they found out that this time it was the second young master of the You Cheng family who was under investigation.

“Wow, do the rich kids from wealthy families all love to test the limits of the law?”

“The second young master is also very handsome. The Pei family’s genes are really good. The second young master looks really cool.”

“Is this a fight among aristocratic families? It’s ruthless. They’re literally trying to ruin each other.”

“When the second young master was taken away, his expression clearly indicated that he was looking at the big young master on the opposite side. Needless to say, he must have been set up by the big young master.”

“Don’t argue, don’t argue. Only children make choices. Adults naturally want everything.”

The netizens just commented on the gossip, but Mo Yin was watching Pei Qing being taken away.

Pei Qing didn’t say anything. He just looked deeply at Pei Mingshu, who seemed to be resting his eyes, before turning to look at Mo Yin. His eyes were incredibly deep, while Mo Yin pressed his hands on the wheelchair, seemingly trying hard to stand up. He reached out to grab Pei Qing’s sleeve but grabbed nothing. “Pei Qing…”

His low voice was drowned out by the huge discussion.

Pei Qing was taken away.

The shareholder meeting also ended hastily.

Pei Mingshu was surrounded by the shareholders and directors, and his advisory team quickly surrounded him to shield him from the crowd. Amidst the intense questioning, Pei Mingshu stood up without saying a word, walked around the conference table, and went to Mo Yin’s side amidst the crowd. Mo Yin lowered his head, seemingly still at a loss.

Pei Mingshu pushed Mo Yin’s wheelchair out of the meeting room, escorted by his advisors.

As the elevator descended, there was a sense of weightlessness.

Pei Mingshu’s hand was grabbed, and Mo Yin turned to look at him, his lips trembling. “Pei Qing, he…”

Pei Mingshu put his hand on his shoulder. “Let’s go home first.”

The Pei residence was still the same, but it felt much emptier. The servants were still there, and it was still adorned with flowers, but an air of decay lingered.

Mo Yin’s room hadn’t changed at all, almost exactly as it was when he left.

Pei Mingshu kneeled in front of his wheelchair, speaking softly. “Don’t worry, Pei Qing will be fine.”

Mo Yin stared at him blankly.

Pei Mingshu looked at him and gently stroked his hair. “You’ve lost weight.”

Mo Yin blinked his eyes, staring at him without blinking, then suddenly threw his arms around Pei Mingshu’s shoulders. Pei Mingshu lifted his hands as if prepared and hugged him tightly. In an instant, the distance between them disappeared, as if they had never embraced each other so closely before.

“It’s okay now, it’s okay.”

Mo Yin didn’t speak, just held him tightly.

Pei Mingshu patted his back gently with his palm. “Don’t be afraid, it’s over now, it’s all over.”

“I’m sorry…”

Mo Yin whispered softly, “That day I…”

“Don’t mention that day again.”

Pei Mingshu interrupted him in a light tone, pulling away from him. He looked at Mo Yin with a gaze full of strength. “It’s not your fault, don’t say it again.”

Mo Yin seemed completely stunned, staring at Pei Mingshu quietly, his expression frozen.

Pei Mingshu’s palm touched his face. “Are you tired? Rest for a while.” As he spoke, he lifted Mo Yin from the wheelchair, supported his knees, and gently laid him down under the covers, untying the laces of Mo Yin’s shoes. “Don’t think about anything. These things have nothing to do with you.”

As he covered him with the blanket, Mo Yin grabbed Pei Mingshu’s sleeve, his voice trembling, “Don’t leave.”

They had been apart for over a month.

Not too long.

But the scene of their separation was so profound that every day of that month was agonizing for Pei Mingshu.

Every time before, when he felt even a hint of affection for Mo Yin, he would actively distance himself from Mo Yin, thinking that by doing so, he could control his emotions that shouldn’t exist. However, it always ended up contrary to his wishes, like two magnets irresistibly drawn to each other. No matter how much force was used to separate them, the vibrations unleashed upon contact were proportional.

Pei Mingshu held Mo Yin face to face, Mo Yin leaned against his chest, both hands folded in front of his chest, gradually falling asleep. His sleeping posture was very obedient, his eyelashes smoothly drooping, and only his brows slightly furrowed, as if having a nightmare.

In fact, Pei Mingshu was also very exhausted, both physically and mentally stretched to the limit.

Youcheng, he let go.

Mo Yin, he brought back.

Pei Mingshu lowered his head and touched Mo Yin’s forehead with his nose, but this tiny movement immediately startled Mo Yin awake. When Mo Yin opened his eyes, he was very panicked, pushing his palm against Pei Mingshu’s chest forcefully, “Don’t—”

Their breaths intertwined disorderly, echoing in the silent bedroom. Mo Yin looked panicked as he met Pei Mingshu’s eyes. He blinked as if just realizing who was holding him now. He opened his mouth, “Pei Mingshu…”

“It’s me.”

Mo Yin slowly lowered his hand, looking somewhat lost, “Oh, it’s you.”

He lowered his head, black hair falling over his forehead, his hand no longer touching Pei Mingshu’s body. He seemed to be fully awake now. After a moment of daze, he looked up at Pei Mingshu and said, “You can go, I want to be alone for a while.”

Pei Mingshu looked at him, his cheek muscles slightly tense. “Alright, then get some more sleep.”

Mo Yin nodded, looking somewhat unsettled as he pulled the blanket up, covering his eyes.

Pei Mingshu left Mo Yin’s room, his expression extremely tense. The servants instinctively avoided him. Ding Mohai was waiting for him outside. “Young Master, about Second Young Master…”

Pei Mingshu raised his hand, silencing Ding Mohai, and Ding Mohai followed him quietly.

Pei Mingshu agreed to the acquisition proposed by Heda, and at the same time, obtained all the evidence of Pei Qing’s leaked financial reports from Heda. The most crucial parts were suppressed by him, while the remaining ambiguous parts were handed over to Ding Mohai to deal with, probably just to subject Pei Qing to a temporary investigation.

He had already angered his own father. How could he be so ruthless toward his own brother?

Ding Mohai followed him into the study and saw Pei Mingshu pacing inside. Suddenly, Pei Mingshu grabbed a book from the table and slammed it hard on the ground. Ding Mohai was startled, “Young Master…”


Ding Mohai dared not speak.

Pei Mingshu took a few deep breaths, his heaving chest gradually calming down. He looked up, his gaze sending chills down Ding Mohai’s spine. “What is it?”

“As for Second Young Master, should we send our family lawyer over…”

“Let him reflect on it for a few more days.”


Ding Mohai’s palms were sweaty as he stood by, occasionally glancing at Pei Mingshu, who had already sat down behind the desk, his face terribly grim.

Ding Mohai picked up the book from the ground. “Young Master, are we really going to let He Da acquire Youcheng?”

Pei Mingshu looked outside at the rare sunshine, his expression dark. He said lightly, “Our grandfather started from scratch. His situation was much more difficult than ours.”

Ding Mohai exclaimed softly. He knew that with Pei Mingshu’s temperament, no matter how big the setback, he would overcome it. He hoped that through this incident, Pei Qing could mature a bit. Pei Mingshu intended to punish Pei Qing. Though Ding Mohai didn’t dare to go against Pei Mingshu’s wishes, he still felt the need to check on things.

Ding Mohai went downstairs and saw Mo Yin in the hall. He was still in a suit, and when he saw Ding Mohai, he wheeled his wheelchair over, “Uncle Ding, my phone card is broken.”

Ding Mohai quickly replied, “I’ll have someone bring a new one immediately.”

“And Pei Qing…how is he?” Mo Yin asked.

“There won’t be any major issues,” Ding Mo Hai reassured, “Pei Qing…”

He wanted to ask why Pei Qing left with Mo Yin, but before he could finish his sentence, he heard a deep voice behind him, “Lao Ding.”

Ding Mohai turned around, seeing that Pei Mingshu had also come down at some point. Ding Mohai quickly said, “I’ll take my leave.”

Turning away, Ding Mohai left, and Pei Mingshu walked up behind Mo Yin’s wheelchair, lightly placing his hand on Mo Yin’s shoulder. “Why are you up? Didn’t I tell you to sleep a bit more?”

“I can’t sleep,” Mo Yin replied, turning his face away, “Will Pei Qing be okay?”

Pei Mingshu’s jaw tightened slightly. “He will be.”

Mo Yin lowered his gaze, “That’s good.”

The two fell into a silent conversation. After a while, Mo Yin whispered, “It’s my fault…for what happened to him…”

“Don’t say anymore,” Pei Mingshu interrupted him directly, turning to face the wheelchair, and squatting down to meet Mo Yin’s eyes. “I’ve told you, it’s not your fault. Don’t dwell on it anymore.”

Mo Yin’s expression remained faint, indeed, he didn’t say anything more, but Pei Mingshu knew he was still thinking about it.

Pei Mingshu didn’t want to ask what Pei Qing did to Mo Yin during the time he was taken away, but just as Mo Yin’s silence didn’t mean he wasn’t thinking about it, Pei Mingshu’s lack of inquiry didn’t stop himself from thinking about it.

He regretted not beating Pei Qing as soon as he saw him.

Mo Yin was a physically weak and fragile boy, paralyzed from the waist down. Such a patient would inevitably be unable to resist and could only be manipulated…

Pei Mingshu tried hard to make his breathing steady and calm. He felt the anger almost overwhelming the guilt he felt towards Pei Qing. His fingers stretched and curled, repeating this fist-like motion continuously. After about half a minute, he calmly said, “Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?”

Mo Yin shook his head.

Pei Mingshu fell silent.

He didn’t know how to make it up to Mo Yin.

How could one compensate for such a thing? Pei Mingshu didn’t know.

In the evening, someone brought a phone card. Servants had to report whenever they received something from outside. Pei Mingshu’s face darkened again. “Take it to him.”

The servant handed the phone card to Mo Yin, who inserted it into his phone.

The phone immediately displayed many missed calls, with Pei Mingshu’s name appearing repeatedly.

The servant said, “Why are you still wearing your clothes from outside? Do you want me to help you change into pajamas?”

“No need,” Mo Yin replied.

The servant nodded, “If you need anything, want to eat something, or want to go somewhere, just say it. Don’t hesitate to trouble us.”

Mo Yin looked up at the servant, who appeared much more respectful now. Mo Yin smiled and said, “Okay.”

That night, Mo Yin didn’t come out for dinner. The servants brought the food to his room, and after an hour, they went to collect the dishes, almost untouched.

“He said he doesn’t have an appetite,” the servant said. “And, he’s still wearing the suit he wore during the day. I offered to help him change into pajamas, but he said he didn’t need to, and he’s been wearing it like that the whole time.”

“I see,” Pei Mingshu replied.

Light shone through the crack under the bedroom door. Pei Mingshu knocked on the door. “Xiao Yin.”

After a moment, came the response, “Please come in.”

Pei Mingshu pushed the door open. Mo Yin was sitting in front of the French window with his back to the door. From Pei Mingshu’s angle, he could see Mo Yin’s two slender arms tucked into his black suit sleeves, resting on the wheelchair armrests.

Indeed, he hadn’t changed his clothes.

Pei Mingshu hadn’t changed either. He was used to it.

But Mo Yin rarely did this.

Pei Mingshu walked up. “Dinner wasn’t to your liking?”

“No, I’m just not hungry.”

Pei Mingshu remained silent for a moment before saying gently, “Then, do you want to sleep?”

“I’m not sleepy.”

Pei Mingshu turned around and sat on the nearby sofa, his gaze soft as it enveloped Mo Yin. “I’ll stay with you, alright?”

Mo Yin turned his head, his eyes and expression somewhat complicated. “No.”

“Why not?” Pei Mingshu asked softly.

“There’s no reason.”

Pei Mingshu lowered his head, then stood up and, without a word, suddenly picked Mo Yin up as he passed by the wheelchair. Mo Yin’s hands flailed in the air, grabbing onto Pei Mingshu’s collar.

Silently, Pei Mingshu carried him to the bed, and after setting him down, he swiftly undid the tie around Mo Yin’s neck. Mo Yin reached out to grab Pei Mingshu’s hand, his fingernails deeply embedded into Pei Mingshu’s hand, leaving blood marks. But Pei Mingshu disregarded it and moved to unbutton Mo Yin’s suit jacket. Mo Yin seemed incredibly tense, trembling incessantly, his facial features all contorted in effort. When Pei Mingshu went to unbutton his second shirt button, Mo Yin finally started crying, “Don’t…please…”

“Please don’t…”

Pei Mingshu kept his head bowed, his fingers resting on the cool shell buttons. He bent down to tightly embrace Mo Yin, “It’s okay, crying is okay.”

Mo Yin cried breathlessly, his chest heaving, his throat choked and hoarse. He begged and apologized incoherently between sobs.

“I’m sorry, Pei Qing, I was wrong, I’m sorry…”

“Forgive me, it wasn’t intentional.”

“Please, I was wrong, I really was wrong.”

“I won’t see him again in the future…”

Pei Mingshu held him tightly, his eyes burning with pain. “It’s alright now, be good, Xiao Yin, it’s alright now, you’re safe now.”

Mo Yin cried for an unknown amount of time before his voice gradually lowered. He was exhausted, unable to cry anymore.

Pei Mingshu slowly let go of him, seeing his scattered gaze and swollen eyelids, feeling like his heart was being torn apart. The mistakes they both made and the burden Mo Yin carried compared to his, were completely different.

He had thought that Pei Qing had at least some genuine feelings for Mo Yin, and even if he lost control, he shouldn’t have hurt Mo Yin.

Pei Mingshu’s palm caressed his cheek, his face unable to hide the pain.

Mo Yin, through tears, tilted his head slightly, looking at him with a dazed and painful expression. He grabbed Pei Mingshu’s collar and leaned up, kissing him on the lips.

The last time they kissed, it led to such terrifying consequences, a shadow that lingered in both their hearts. But as their lips touched, the deliberate suppression of attraction erupted.

Their tongues intertwined almost without hesitation.

Perhaps it was because of too many shouldn’ts, impossibles, and incorrects… that their desire for each other became uncontrollable. Pei Mingshu held Mo Yin’s face in his hands, lowering his head to kiss him deeply. Mo Yin’s breathing grew heavy, emitting a captivating moan, and he released his grip on Pei Mingshu’s collar, sliding his hand up Pei Mingshu’s neck to his sharp jawline.

This intimate kiss reconnected them with the memories of that time.

Unconsciously, the kiss stopped.

They looked at each other, their breaths heavy, their eyes red, watery, and filled with infinite tenderness and acceptance. They stared at each other for a long time, neither speaking nor moving, neither advancing nor retreating, as if time had frozen.

Slowly, their gazes intertwined, as if an invisible thread bound them together, unable to separate. Even though they knew it might be wrong, they couldn’t resist this attraction.

Pei Mingshu lowered his head slightly, planting a gentle kiss on Mo Yin’s lips.

Mo Yin closed his eyes. Pei Mingshu’s kisses fell on his nose, his brow, and his forehead, deeply kissing his forehead before returning to his lips.

This time, their kiss became more intense, as if it was beyond redemption.

At some point, all the buttons on Mo Yin’s shirt had been undone.

The room’s overhead light was glaringly bright, clearly illuminating the layers of kisses on Mo Yin’s body.

These kiss marks varied in intensity, some faint and some deep, with old ones imprinted around the edges. One could imagine how eagerly the person kissing him wanted to leave their mark on every inch of his body.

Mo Yin crossed his arms to shield himself, lightly turning his face away, his once-dried eyes seemingly about to shed tears again.

Pei Mingshu breathed heavily, whispering, “I’m sorry.”

Mo Yin closed his eyes, his arms trembling.

Pei Mingshu kissed his forehead. “Xiao Yin, I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.” Pei Mingshu’s voice was gentle and steady. “I love you. Will you be with me?”

Mo Yin tightly hugged himself, unable to open his eyes, tears still flowing endlessly. Pei Mingshu lowered his head to kiss his eyes. “Don’t cry, it’s alright, it’s alright…”

Mo Yin suddenly let go of himself, hooking his arms around Pei Mingshu’s neck, his voice trembling. “Can you turn off the lights?”

It was pitch black, and they finally met each other sincerely. Pei Mingshu’s body was hot, and as he covered Mo Yin, Mo Yin trembled almost imperceptibly, even his lower body seemed to spasm slightly.

Pei Mingshu held Mo Yin’s soft legs with both arms and as he leaned down for a gentle kiss, Mo Yin exclaimed, “Ah…” urgently, “Don’t…”

“It’s me.”

Pei Mingshu’s steady voice came through. He lowered his head and gently kissed Mo Yin’s lips again. Mo Yin trembled, grabbing onto the bedsheet beneath him, “Pei Mingshu…”

“Yes, it’s me.” 

Mo Yin kept calling his name repeatedly, unable to form complete sentences as he bit his lip.

Mo Yin had never experienced this feeling with Pei Qing. His stomach tightened, weak yet desperately arching upwards, falling back into ecstasy, as if floating in mid-air…

Vaguely, he heard Pei Mingshu asking him in his ear, “Can you, Xiao Yin?” Pei Mingshu’s lips were warm and moist, making the fluff on his ears all damp.

Mo Yin murmured softly, “Mm.”

What followed was just like what Pei Qing had done to him.

As soon as Pei Mingshu entered, he felt Mo Yin biting him sensitively. It contracted skillfully inside, causing him a slight pain. He murmured, “Does it hurt?”

In the darkness, Mo Yin shook his head, his hair swaying along.

Pei Mingshu was very gentle. Slowly, perhaps to soothe Mo Yin’s feelings, Mo Yin was used to Pei Qing’s stormy rhythm, occasional slowness from Pei Qing was just to prepare for the next acceleration, but Pei Mingshu seemed extremely patient, moving steadily without haste.

The pleasure was still rising, but it was exceptionally tantalizing.

Pei Mingshu’s palm gently stroked down his thigh, sometimes touching the sensitive areas, and sometimes not. This elusive sensation made it even more unbearable.

Mo Yin originally intended to endure it with his natural willpower, but he had no mental strength in this world. The difference between the willpower and physical endurance of non-natural persons was astonishing. He couldn’t help but let out a low sob.

Pei Mingshu stopped and asked him, “What’s wrong, uncomfortable?”

Mo Yin gritted his teeth without answering. Pei Mingshu leaned down, his hot breath spraying on his face, along with the faint scent of perfume emanating from him, “Tell me, where does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?”

Mo Yin still didn’t answer. This static state was simply maddening, but he was powerless to control his body, and could only whisper, “Faster.”



Mo Yin released his grip on the sheets, his arms entwining around Pei Mingshu’s neck, his lips against his neck, urgently saying, “Faster, I, I want…”

While the stillness continued, Mo Yin was on the verge of tears, Pei Mingshu moved again. A heavy and deep thrust.

Mo Yin cried out in pain.

Then, he bit down on Pei Mingshu’s shoulder.

While Pei Mingshu was slow as if uninterested at other times, this time it was deep and fierce. His hands tightly gripped Mo Yin’s slender waist. Mo Yin forcefully bit his shoulder, but he seemed oblivious, the muscles of his thighs striking against Mo Yin’s soft buttocks, making a smacking sound, echoing in the unusually empty room, causing embarrassment.

Unconsciously, the two kissed again. Pei Mingshu tasted a faint bloody taste in Mo Yin’s mouth.

It was consistent with that day.

While guilt surged within Pei Mingshu, he couldn’t help but kiss deeper.

The attraction between them couldn’t be severed even by death…

Pei Mingshu twisted the small lamp on the bedside table, and Mo Yin fell asleep completely. His fair side face pressed against the brown pillow, his face still reddish, even when asleep, he seemed somewhat uneasy.

Pei Mingshu lightly traced his side face with his fingers, his gaze filled with tenderness. He leaned over, arms around Mo Yin, gently kissing his forehead.

Strong arms holding the frail and weak teenager, a protective embrace.

A long-lost sense of relaxation came over him. Pei Mingshu held Mo Yin and gradually closed his eyes.

After he fell asleep, someone who seemed to be asleep already quietly opened his eyes.

Although the reasons and timing for crying out after being beaten were somewhat different from what he had expected, it seemed to have a similar effect.

Pei Qing… Pei Mingshu…

Mo Yin’s eyes shimmered slightly.

During training, there was a common task for antagonists – if the clueless protagonist couldn’t figure out what wrongdoing he had done, he had to confess it himself, commonly known as the “self-exploding truck” section.

At first, Mo Yin thought this part was stupid, but gradually, he grew to like it.

Doing bad things without leaving a trace is just too boring.

Counting one by one in front of the protagonist the evils he had done to them, and then watching the protagonist’s face change and collapse, that kind of pleasure… it gets the blood boiling.

It’s as if he holds countless sharp blades in his hands, he can stab wherever he wants, however, he wants, but they can’t defend against it, nor do they have the power to defend against it, and in the end, they can only die painfully under his blades…

Thanks to Pei Mingshu’s “creativity,” he found the perfect opportunity.

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