Quick transmigration: I’m your mother!
Quick Transmigration: I’m Your Mother! Chapter 10.1

Chapter 10: The Fallen Child Star (10) part 1

A streak of fish-belly white appeared on the horizon.

Golden sunlight spilled across the sky.

Xu Weiheng rubbed his brow, only then realizing dawn had arrived.

“Are you sleepy?”

“Are you sleepy?”

Xu Weiheng and Yao Rong asked at the same time.

They both paused, then couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, a little,” Xu Weiheng stood up, stretching his stiff shoulders from sitting so long.

He had been so engrossed, his mind completely immersed in that palm-sized phone screen, that he hadn’t noticed how quickly time had slipped away.

“I’ll go buy some breakfast outside. We can sleep after eating.”

Usually, Yao Rong prepared all three meals for him—both nutritious and delicious. But after keeping him company all night, Xu Weiheng didn’t want her to drag her tired body to the kitchen.

While buying breakfast, Xu Weiheng made sure to get a portion for Zhang Qingyi too.

After eating, Xu Weiheng went to his room.

He changed into comfortable pajamas and was about to lie down when he suddenly remembered something. He rummaged through drawers for a while before finally finding a metal key.

Using the key to open a box, Xu Weiheng took out a locked phone and began charging it.

After about half a minute, when the phone battery reached 2%, Xu Weiheng pressed the power button.

The screen gradually lit up, casting a faint blue light on Xu Weiheng’s face as countless notifications appeared.

He had Xu Yiyuan as a WeChat friend.

Since adding each other, they hadn’t exchanged a single message.

But from last night until now, he had 32 unread notifications from Xu Yiyuan and 44 from Xu Ji.

Seeing their urgency made Xu Weiheng’s mood even better.

He didn’t bother checking their messages.

He could imagine how unpleasant they’d be.

Softening him up, threats, angry curses—these were their usual tactics.

He played the song “Today I’m Really Happy” and hummed along to the melody:

🎶 “We common folks, tonight we’re really, really happy~


Heh heh heh~”🎶

After singing it twice, Xu Weiheng realized for the first time that he sang so well.

He was truly an ordinary little singing genius.

He couldn’t help but hug his phone and roll around on the bed several times.

However, while Xu Weiheng could rest easy, the Xu family was still on tenterhooks.

They too hadn’t slept all night.

Unlike Xu Weiheng and Yao Rong quietly watching comments unfold, Xu Yiyuan had been so anxious all night his throat felt like it was on fire.

He now hated the “Entertainment New World” production team.

If not for their meddling behind the scenes, how could he have ended up in such a predicament?

Initially, he agreed to record “Entertainment New World” wanting to use Xu Weiheng as a stepping stone, to elevate himself.

Who would have thought that now he’d become the one being sacrificed?

But the show’s production team was too large and powerful. No matter how much he hated them, how could he retaliate?

Thinking this way, all his resentment towards the production team shifted onto Xu Weiheng.

Besides hatred, Xu Yiyuan felt some regret.

His debut persona was that of the boy-next-door, the little sunshine. Given his age, he could have used this persona for at least another seven or eight years.

If he’d known earlier, he wouldn’t have listened to his mother and heavily promoted the father-son relationship.

For the promotion, his mother had even transferred 2 million yuan to the manager to hire a water army[1]internet trolls to boost the buzz.

With its involvement, the topic certainly heated up, and the attention was all genuine—nothing fake about it.

But in the end, it all backfired on him.

Xu Yiyuan now fully understood the meaning of reaping what you sow and paying to bring trouble upon yourself.

His heart ached as if bleeding.

But at this point, regret was useless.

After a night of fermentation online, the Sherlock Holmes-like netizens had only dug deeper and deeper.

Many netizens even recalled what Xu Weiheng had said on the plane when confronting the cheating scumbag.

[Watching the video, I felt Xu Weiheng was a bit too emotional. Now thinking about it, could he have been relating it to himself?]

[It must be]

[Sigh, suddenly feel sorry for him]

[Why haven’t Xu Ji and Xu Yiyuan responded yet? A few days ago when flaunting their father-son bond, they practically lived on Weibo. Now they’re playing hide-and-seek?]

Reading these comments, Xu Ji was furious.

If possible, he also wanted to immediately “clarify”, but after so many hours, he had exhausted all means and still couldn’t contact Yao Rong and Xu Weiheng.

After yet another failed phone call, Xu Yiyuan asked, “Dad, how’s the situation?”

Xu Ji replied coldly, “Still no luck.”

Xu Yiyuan was both angry and anxious: “My fan support groups are all waiting for my response, and my manager keeps urging me. We can’t delay any longer.”

After a night of anxiety, Xu Yiyuan’s mother, on the other hand, had calmed down.

She looked up and asked a crucial question: “What evidence do you think Yao Rong and Xu Weiheng might have?”

Xu Ji thought along her line of questioning: “A paternity test, perhaps?”

Xu Yiyuan’s mother spoke clearly: “Then before they produce a paternity test, we should post on Weibo saying that you and Yiyuan will get a paternity test.”

It just so happened that she had a friend in that line of work, and as long as everything was arranged properly, faking a paternity report shouldn’t be difficult.


1 internet trolls


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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