Rebellious Game
Rebellious Game Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“How did things turn out this way? Tong Jia tried to recall.

At first, she thought Yun Xin was young, naive, and foolish, just like Zhao Zechen.

Later, she realized that she was the naive one, she was the foolish one, and she was the one being played around, unable to do anything but rage helplessly.

Tong Jia couldn’t understand why her with extensive experience in the workplace was easily manipulated by a younger girl.

‘After the car accident, I asked if you noticed anything unusual. You clearly have the ability to foresee danger, but you said there was nothing special, just the same as usual,’ Tong Jia brought up old grievances.

‘Yes, there was no obvious change before and after the car accident,’ Yun Xin explained. ‘I discovered that my sixth sense could warn me a long time ago.’

Tong Jia asked again, ‘Why did you keep it a secret? If I hadn’t noticed, would you have never told me?’

‘Not long after the car accident, you discovered that your physical abilities had significantly improved, and you didn’t want to tell anyone either, right?’ Yun Xin replied casually while sipping her milk tea and swinging her feet. ‘The only reason you told me was to find someone to discuss it with. I didn’t want to discuss it with anyone, so I didn’t mention it.’

After several rounds of back-and-forth, Tong Jia was surprised to find that the problems were like boomerangs, always coming back to her.

She was tired and finally asked, ‘What are your plans for the future?’

Yun Xin thought for a moment and answered, ‘Find a job, live a good life, and live an ordinary life.'”

“How about you come work at the new company with me?” Tong Jia casually suggested.

“No, thanks,” Yun Xin stood up and warned seriously, “You’d better pray that you never meet me again; you’ll be happier that way.”

What was she saying? Without Yun Xin, she would have died in that car accident. Meeting Yun Xin was definitely not a bad thing for her.

Tong Jia took a big gulp of coffee, not wanting to speak.

“Although I deceived you, I made you wealthy, successful in your career, and kept you alive. Overall, I think I’m a good liar,” Yun Xin summarized, then smiled at Tong Jia. “By the way, I forgot to mention, you looked really cool when you made that false police report to save those people.”

“I’m just a tool,” Tong Jia turned her face away. “Even if I hadn’t stepped in, you would have found a way to save them.”

“You’re wrong,” Yun Xin admitted. “I could never be as reckless as you. Thinking of making a false report is one thing, doing it is another.”

“Strange person,” Tong Jia mumbled. “No matter how you look at it, you’re really strange.”

Yun Xin laughed, “Maybe so.”

Tong Jia didn’t say anything more, but she felt much better than she had before.

The boss went to prison and ended up working in a sewing shop, so Yun Xin had to find another job.

Generally speaking, she changed jobs quite frequently. Sometimes she switched jobs every half month, and sometimes every one or two months.

It wasn’t because she was picky or couldn’t endure hardship; rather, it was because the companies and bosses always suddenly disappeared.

On the third day of widely sending out her resume, Yun Xin received an email: “We are pleased to inform you that your resume has passed our initial screening. Please come for an interview tomorrow at 9 a.m.”

The sender—Kangfu Nursing Home.

The next day at 9 a.m., Yun Xin arrived on time at the entrance of Kangfu Nursing Home.

A staff member guided her to the office for the interview.

Through a friendly conversation, Yun Xin learned that the position being hired for was a caregiver at the nursing home. The main responsibilities included accompanying the elderly, providing them with care and attention, and helping elderly patients build confidence in overcoming their illnesses.

As for the benefits and compensation—the monthly salary was 10,000 yuan, with additional bonuses; meals were provided at the work canteen for free; and there was an employee dormitory with moderately decorated single rooms.

The only downside was the working hours: she had to be on call 24/7 and live in the nursing home to take care of the patients, with only two fixed days off per month.

Yun Xin wasn’t picky about jobs, so she readily agreed and accepted to start the next day.

On the first day of work, a senior caregiver took Yun Xin and the another new employee around to familiarize them with the environment and introduce the daily routines. “Although it’s called Kangfu Nursing Home, it actually operates more like a convalescent home. Many of the residents are patients, with dedicated doctors and nurses responsible for their treatment.”

“What we need to do is very simple: just simply have a conversation with the elderly, keep them company, and occasionally remind them when it’s time to take their medication.”

“Working hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the day shift, and from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. for the night shift. If you get hungry, you can go to the canteen, which is open 24 hours. By the way, our canteen chef was specially hired from outside, and his cooking skills are top-notch. You’ll know once you’ve tried the food.” the senior caregiver said.

While the senior guide us, there’s a man caught my eye he is also a new hire. he look like he was in his early twenties name “Caregiver: Wu Peng.”

Wu Peng POV:

Upon hearing about the chef’s cooking skills, Wu Peng immediately got excited. “I suffered terribly from bad food during my four years of college! When I heard about the meal and lodging provision during the interview, I was worried about the food quality. Now I can finally relax.”

______________ .

Third Person POV

As the three of them walked, they came to the garden area, not far away.some elderly people were sitting in wheelchairs, enjoying the fresh air. 

And others were sitting in wicker chairs, gathered in groups, chatting and basking in the sun, looking very content.

The senior caregiver led Yun Xin and Wu Peng over to greet the elderly. “Grandpa Xu, Grandma Liu, Grandma He, these are our new caregivers—Yun Xin and Wu Peng.”

“Hello, Grandpa and Grandma!  how have ypu been?” Wu Peng took a step forward enthusiastically while smiling.

Wu Peng quickly struck up a friendly conversation, “Grandma, did you get your hair done? It looks so stylish and beautiful.”

The Grandma couldn’t stop smiling, praising the young man’s sweet and clever words, saying he would have no trouble finding a girlfriend in the future.

Grandma Liu, meanwhile, was looking at Yun Xin, growing fonder of her the more she looked. 

“You’re such a beautiful girl. Do you have a boyfriend?”

Yun Xin’s expression darkened for a moment, but she quickly put on a smile. 

“No, I don’t.”

“No worries, Grandma will introduce you to someone,” Grandma Liu said enthusiastically. 

“My grandson graduated from a top university, he is good at sports, has great grades, and he is very handsome. You two would be perfect together!”

“No need grandma, I already have someone in my heart” Yun Xin replied with a smile.

“Oh…” Grandma Liu was disappointed but quickly recovered. 

“Dear, if you ever change your mind and want to find a boyfriend, let Grandma know. I know many handsome young men!” grandma liu said

“Alright, I will,” Yun Xin agreed with a smile.

After chatting with Grandma Liu, Grandpa Xu talk to Yun Xin “Caregivers need to live in the nursing home and can only go out once every half month. Aren’t your parents worried about you, a young girl, living here?”

Yun Xin stiffened momentarily, then smiled and said, “My parents was very supportive and respect my decision and let me do whatever I want.”

“That’s very open-minded,” Grandpa Xu remarked.

 “Such parents are rare. Most are very controlling and worry about everything. But grandchildren have their own fortunes; there’s no need to manage everything for them.”

After chatting for about fifteen minutes, the senior caregiver said goodbye to the grandparents, ready to take the newcomers to see the other areas.

Yun Xin realized something while they’re heading to next area and said

“I won’t go,” Yun Xin stopped in her tracks. 

“I’ve just realized that I’m not quite suited for this job. It’s better if I resign.” she said in her mind and with that, she turned and headed towards the director’s office.

“You want to resign?” The director looked at Yun Xin in surprise.

“Yes,” Yun Xin replied with a very affirmative tone.

“If I remember correctly, you mentioned during the interview that you have extensive work experience, are not afraid of hardship or fatigue, and can handle any job?” The director’s feelings were very mixed at that moment.

“That’s true,” Yun Xin replied without a hint of guilt. “But until today, I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to chat with the elderly.”

The director was puzzled. “Our nursing home residents are just ordinary elderly people. As long as you have experience interacting with your own elders, it shouldn’t be difficult.”

Yun Xin fell silent. She knew that if she didn’t explain, others wouldn’t understand, so she decided to be straightforward. “I have never met my grandparents or my grandfather, and I only lived with my grandmother.”

“My parents passed away when I was ten, and my grandmother passed away when I was eighteen. I prefer not to bring these things up with others,” Yun Xin explained calmly.

“But my grandparents love to have a conversation about family matters. It’s difficult for me to keep pretending to be cheerful during conversations, so resigning would be better for me,” she added.

The director was taken aback, silent for a long moment. Eventually, he said, “If you have nothing else to add, I’ll consider this your agreement.”

Since it was only her first day on the job and the contract hadn’t even been signed yet, resigning didn’t require complicated procedures. Yun Xin finished speaking and turned to leave.

“Wait,” the director called after her. “If caregiving isn’t suitable, how about switching to another position?”

Yun Xin stopped and turned slowly.

“We’ve just opened this nursing home, and we have many positions to fill. We need kitchen assistants, canteen servers, gardeners for trimming lawns and trees, medical assistants… These roles don’t require specialized knowledge, just documenting patient conditions and organizing files,” the director explained.

“Even if you’re not happy inside, if you can keep a smile on your face and chat with the elderly, I personally appreciate that work ethic,” he continued. “I hope you’ll consider staying.”

Yun Xin thought for a moment. “I’ve worked as a kitchen assistant before, so I should be able to handle that.”

In Yun Xin’s understanding, “kitchen assistant” meant washing vegetables, cutting them, and preparing dishes.

In reality, the job of “kitchen assistant” meant: “The elderly lady in Room 203 is too ill to go to the cafeteria. You, as the newcomer, go and deliver her meal.”

Yun Xin was taken aback. Shouldn’t this job be renamed to something like “errand runner”? Well, running errands was better than chatting with the elderly, and she was no stranger to odd jobs and hard work.

Yun Xin packed the meal boxes into plastic bags one by one, then effortlessly carried the meal of rice, two dishes, and soup towards Room 203.

As she hadn’t yet reached the residential apartment building where the elderly lived, Yun Xin glanced up. She saw someone  from the top floor. A few seconds later, they collided with another elderly person who was slowly walking with a cane, intending to return to their room for a nap.

Ultimately, both of them collapsed in a pool of blood.

Yun Xin froze in her tracks.

While Wu Peng shouted “Oh no! Someone jumped from the building!”

Upon hearing the commotion, the security guard rushed to the scene immediately.

Due to the gruesome scene of the suicide by jumping, and fearing it would disturb and cause nightmares for other elderly residents, the security guards quickly fetched white sheets to cover the bodies.

However, no matter how fast they acted, some elderly residents were already nearby. One person peeked over, shouted out loud, “Isn’t that Old Yang?”

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