Rebellious Game
Rebellious Game Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The middle-aged man attempted suicide for insurance fraud, and the driver tried to avoid it, but instead triggered a more serious traffic accident. The whole incident was too bizarre and convoluted, sparking a wave of condemnation online.

“No education, really scary.”

“Those who wanted to die didn’t die, and those who didn’t want to die died in a car accident. The heavens are really blind.”

“This is wicked!”

Amidst the condemnation, Yun Xin gradually adapted to the rhythm of her new job.

One day, just as she arrived at the hotel and changed into her work uniform, Tong Jia suddenly appeared and pulled her towards the staircase.

Yun Xin obediently followed, and only asked when they reached an empty spot, “What’s wrong?”

Tong Jia seemed somewhat nervous. After looking around to ensure they were alone, she lowered her voice and asked, “Did you feel anything strange after we finished the paperwork at the police station and returned home that day?”

“No, not really,” Yun Xin shook her head.

Disappointed by her response, Tong Jia persisted, “Are you sure? Think about it carefully.”

“Everything seemed normal to me,” Yun Xin affirmed.

“Hah,” Tong Jia’s expression changed, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

“Are you okay?” Yun Xin asked with concern.

Tong Jia mumbled, “I encountered something… a bit strange.”

“What’s strange?” Yun Xin inquired.

Tong Jia really wanted to discuss it with someone, so she continued.

The middle-aged man attempted suicide for insurance fraud, but the driver’s efforts to avoid him instead resulted in a more serious traffic accident. The entire incident was so bizarre and convoluted that it sparked a wave of condemnation online.

“Being uneducated is really terrifying.”

“The one who wanted to die didn’t die, and the ones who didn’t want to die died in a car accident. The heavens are truly blind.”

“What a sin!”

Amidst the outcry, Yun Xin gradually adapted to the rhythm of her new job.

One day, just as she arrived at the hotel and changed into her work uniform, Tong Jia suddenly appeared and pulled her towards the staircase.

Yun Xin obediently followed, and only asked when they reached a secluded spot, “What’s wrong?”

Tong Jia seemed somewhat nervous. After looking around to ensure they were alone, she lowered her voice and asked, “Did you feel anything strange after we finished the paperwork at the police station and returned home that day?”

“No, not really,” Yun Xin shook her head.

Disappointed by her response, Tong Jia persisted, “Are you sure? Think about it carefully.”

“Everything seemed normal to me,” Yun Xin affirmed.

“Hah,” Tong Jia’s expression changed, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

“Are you okay?” Yun Xin asked with concern.

Tong Jia mumbled, “I encountered something… a bit strange.”

“What’s strange?” Yun Xin inquired.

Tong Jia really wanted to discuss it with someone, so she continued.

Choosing her words carefully, Tong Jia began, “Last weekend, my friend went to run a marathon and invited me to join her.”

“She said it wasn’t necessary to finish; it was all about participating.”

“I thought, since the weather was nice, it wouldn’t hurt to get some exercise. Besides, if something ever happens, it’s better to be able to run fast than not at all.”

“But then, I ran the entire marathon! I finished at the same time as my friend!”

Tong Jia had a look of disbelief. “This is so strange. My friend loves sports and regularly exercises outdoors. On my days off, I hardly go out and have never beaten her before. How did my physical endurance suddenly match hers?”

“Maybe she was running slower than usual?” Yun Xin suggested a plausible explanation.

“Impossible,” Tong Jia said firmly. “Marathons are timed. Because I was right behind her, she actually ran her best time ever!”

There were some details Tong Jia didn’t disclose. Not only did she run faster and longer than usual, but she also felt more energized than she ever had when she gave up halfway. The fact that they finished at the same time clearly indicated something was off with her.

Yun Xin then asked, “Have you encountered anything unusual lately?”

Tong Jia rubbed her forehead. “The most unusual thing I’ve experienced recently was nearly getting hit by a car.”

“Surviving a near-death experience and suddenly having enhanced physical abilities?” Yun Xin pondered. “I’ve never heard of that happening before.”

“I’ve only heard of people tapping into hidden potential during emergencies, becoming exceptionally strong or fast.”

“But once the danger passes, they can’t do it anymore.”

“Yet this morning, when I went out for a run, I was still incredibly fast,” Tong Jia said in frustration. “The accident happened days ago. Why haven’t I returned to normal yet?!”

Instead of being thrilled about her increased running speed, Tong Jia was starting to worry. Everything she was experiencing was beyond her comprehension. Enhanced physical abilities were the last thing she wanted; she just wanted things to go back to normal.

“You’re asking me, but I have no idea,” Yun Xin said.

Tong Jia pressed on. “Are you sure you haven’t noticed anything unusual?”

“No,” Yun Xin replied confidently.

Thinking for a moment, Tong Jia speculated, “The manager said you’re strong. Could it be that you were already strong, but after the accident, you became even stronger without realizing it?”

Yun Xin paused.

Tong Jia continued, “Or maybe you were already a fast runner, so the improvement isn’t as noticeable?”

Hearing this, Tong Jia looked at Yun Xin expectantly, “Have you tried running a marathon since the accident? Maybe you should give it a try?”

Before Yun Xin could respond, they heard male voices and approaching footsteps nearby.

“I told you not to mess with it, but you wouldn’t listen.”

“How was I supposed to know it was so fierce?”

“Now look, we’ve got scratches and need to get rabies shots.”

“Forget the shots! It’s just a minor injury. Just wash it and put on some ointment.”

Hearing someone approach, Tong Jia stopped talking. She quickly composed herself, adopting a professional demeanor, and calmly asked, “What’s going on?”

The two men were waiters, Wang Ze and Zhao Zechen.

Seeing Tong Jia, Wang Ze’s heart skipped a beat. He tried to brush it off, “It’s nothing. We went to throw out the trash and saw a cat lying in the corner of the parking lot, looking dead. I just went over to check.”

“Check?” Zhao Zechen exposed him, “You kicked it. The cat was in pain and bit your ankle.”

“I told you to leave the stray cat alone, but you insisted on catching it to teach it a lesson. After all that, you didn’t catch the cat and got me scratched too!”

Zhao Zechen was exasperated, “Do you know how expensive rabies shots are?!”

For Zhao Zechen, it was a disaster out of nowhere. His colleague, Wang Ze, insisted on provoking a cat despite warnings, resulting in both of them getting injured.

Wang Ze tried to brush off the incident, but being called out in front of others made him feel humiliated. He retorted coldly, “Alright, we’re grown men. Man up. It’s just a cat scratch, nothing serious. You don’t need to go and get a shot. Just wash it off with water.”

“Do you know why doctors recommend rabies shots when you’re scratched or bitten by a stray cat?” Zhao Zechen asked rhetorically, answering himself, “Because people have died from rabies after being scratched or bitten by cats and not taking it seriously.”

“Stop scaring me!” Wang Ze was displeased. “It’s dogs that have a higher chance of carrying rabies. The chance of getting rabies from a cat is like winning the lottery.”

“Who’s willing to bet their life on it?” Zhao Zechen was furious. “If I die, can you afford to take responsibility?”

“It has nothing to do with me that the cat scratched you,” Wang Ze shrugged off any responsibility.

“If you hadn’t kicked the cat and tried to catch it, would the cat have seen me as part of your gang and attacked me too?” Zhao Zechen didn’t initially intend to hold Wang Ze responsible for the medical costs, but seeing Wang Ze’s attitude made him angry.

“Then you should blame the cat,” Wang Ze refused to admit any fault.

After hearing the whole story, Tong Jia stated, “You should still get the rabies shots.”

Seeing that Wang Ze was about to argue, she looked up and added, “Or I could ask the boss if they want to keep an employee who got bitten by a cat but didn’t get a rabies shot?”

Wang Ze’s face changed immediately. He quickly changed his tune, “I’ll go get the shot after work!”

To avoid further arguments, he hurriedly left.

“This is ridiculous,” Zhao Zechen muttered, feeling increasingly exasperated. “I just graduated. My monthly salary barely covers rent and student loans. There’s hardly enough left for food, and now I have to find money for rabies shots.”

Yun Xin offered some comfort, “Money can always be earned back, but you shouldn’t try to save on something like this.”

“I know,” Zhao Zechen replied with a bitter smile.

Watching from the side, Tong Jia suddenly had a new thought—could it be that Yun Xin hadn’t experienced a physical boost, but instead had gained some kind of sixth sense?

“Table 3, braised goose in an iron pot!” the head chef shouted from the kitchen.

“Coming,” Yun Xin responded, then picked up the heavy pot and headed to table 3. She moved with remarkable steadiness and speed.

“Look at her, and then look at yourselves,” the head chef said, admiration clear in his voice as he watched Yun Xin. Then he turned to his apprentices with a look of disappointment. “A young woman can handle that pot with ease, but you lot start complaining about fatigue after a few minutes. Is that acceptable?”

The apprentices protested in unison, “That pot is really heavy.”

“The pot itself is heavy, and with the fat goose, the extra ingredients, and the broth, it gets even heavier. If we carry it for too long, our arms will give out,” one of them explained.

“It’s not that we can’t do it, it’s just that Yun Xin makes it look so easy. I’ve watched her several times. She picks up the pot, walks out, places it on the table, and she’s done. How are we supposed to match that?” another apprentice added.

The head chef glared fiercely, “You can’t match her talent, but you’re not willing to work harder. She has natural strength, but you can go to the gym and train to catch up, can’t you?”

The apprentices groaned in protest, “We’re so busy that we’re exhausted by the end of the day. When we get home, all we want to do is collapse into bed. Who has time for the gym?”

“Excuse me, excuse me” the head chef grumbled, hitting each of them on the head with a ladle. The apprentices scattered, clutching their heads.

Meanwhile, Tong Jia was on her way to report to the boss when she ran into Wang Ze. Casually, she asked, “Did you get the rabies shot?”

Wang Ze cursed under his breath but put on a smile, “Yes, yes, I got it. Don’t worry.”

Satisfied, Tong Jia nodded and went on her way.

Wang Ze hurried to the empty rooftop, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, and took a deep drag. “Damn it, a procurement officer acting all high and mighty.”

“Why does she care if I get the rabies shot or not? Who does she think she is, the boss’s wife?”

“I’m not getting the shot, and there’s nothing she can do about it.”

He glanced down at the bite mark on his ankle. The wound was already starting to heal, looking perfectly normal, and he felt fine.

“Rabies shots cost over a thousand, and each vaccine dose is a few hundred. Only a fool would spend that kind of money!” Wang Ze chuckled to himself, feeling much better.


Unknowingly, three weeks had passed.

One day, Zhao Zechen was taking out the trash alone. On his way back, he saw Wang Ze wearing a mask, which made him frown. “What are you up to?”

Since the incident with the cat, Zhao Zechen’s impression of Wang Ze had worsened significantly, and the two hadn’t spoken for a while. To Zhao Zechen, Wang Ze sneaky behavior, especially wearing a mask, was a sign he was up to no good.

“I have a headache and a slight fever. I just went to the pharmacy to buy some medicine,” Wang Ze replied weakly, coughing twice as he spoke.

Seeing this, Zhao Zechen didn’t press further.

After Wang Ze finished speaking, he bowed his head and hurried away.

In the employee dormitory, Wang Ze roughly opened the medicine box, swallowed the pills, and drank some water. “It’s nothing. I just have a slight fever. These are all just symptoms of a fever,” he muttered repeatedly, as if trying to comfort and convince himself.

Despite his words, Wang Ze couldn’t help but recall his conversation with the pharmacy clerk.

At that time, he had casually asked, “If bitten by a stray cat and didn’t get vaccinated, what would be the symptoms of rabies?”

The clerk told him, “There’s an asymptomatic incubation period, usually about 20 days before symptoms appear. Early symptoms include low-grade fever, headache, lethargy, irritability, anxiety, and insomnia. In the middle stage, the bite site may itch and tingle. In the final, excitatory stage, there are hydrophobia, aerophobia, and photophobia.”

Wang Ze’s hand trembled as he took the medicine. “How can you tell the difference between a normal low-grade fever and rabies?”

The clerk explained, “It depends on whether you’ve been bitten or scratched by a stray animal recently. If you have been bitten or scratched, you should be cautious. No need to worry if the skin isn’t broken, but if there’s bleeding, it’s generally advised to get a rabies vaccine.”

“What happens if you don’t get vaccinated in time?” Wang Ze asked urgently.

Sensing something, the clerk replied cautiously, “If you haven’t been infected, then you’re fine. But if you have been infected, the fatality rate for rabies is 100%.”

Hearing this, Wang Ze felt a jolt of fear.

“But in recent years, the government has been actively controlling rabies, and the transmission rate has been steadily decreasing,” the clerk tried to reassure him. “As long as the animal isn’t carrying the rabies virus, even a dog bite won’t necessarily lead to rabies.”

“Getting bitten by a dog doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get rabies, so it’s even less likely with a cat. I can’t be that unlucky,” Wang Ze thought to himself, feeling a strange sense of confidence returning. “It’s just a low-grade fever from not being careful. It’ll go away after taking the medicine.”

Back in the dormitory, Wang Ze reassured himself with these thoughts.

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