Rebirth in 1979: Conquering the World
Rebirth in 1979: Conquering the World Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Who knew that the respectful driver also had a fiery temper? Upon hearing Song Haowen’s words, he not only had no intention of slowing down but instead stepped on the gas, causing the two women in the car to scream in fear.

Song Haowen couldn’t help but furrow his brow. However, with the steering wheel in the hands of the driver, it was difficult for him to intervene. Moreover, there was a sharp bend ahead, and any slight mistake could lead to the car falling off the cliff, resulting in a disastrous outcome. He could only remind, “There’s a sharp turn ahead, be careful, Master Gong!”

The driver, Gong, appeared unfazed. His eyes were fixed on the convex mirror at the edge of the cliff, calmly observing the oncoming traffic. Simultaneously, he used the corner of his eye to constantly scan the rearview mirror, keeping an eye on the taxi rapidly approaching from behind.

With a cold smile, he muttered, “Damn, seeking death? I’ll grant your wish!” Then, with a skillful drift, the car elegantly maneuvered around the upcoming hairpin turn, narrowly passing by a small truck coming from the opposite direction.

Gong’s driving skills were no less than that of a professional racer, leaving the two women in the car too frightened to utter a word. When they finally reacted, the car had safely navigated through the dangerous area, and the speed had noticeably decreased.

Seeing Gong’s actions, Song Haowen thought he had realized the risk he took and wanted to slow down to ease the tension. However, at that moment, a loud “boom” echoed from behind.

Startled, Song turned around to see the taxi that had been tailing them. Due to excessive speed during the turn, it collided with a small truck, sending both vehicles off the road and tumbling into a deep cliff, creating a thunderous sound that reverberated in the valley.

In the split second the taxi was thrown into the air, the passenger side door swung open, and a passenger was thrown out, screaming as they fell into the abyss.

Song Haowen’s eyes widened as he recognized the passenger with a severed arm—wasn’t that Ma San? No wonder the taxi was relentlessly chasing them; it was an attempt to harm them. If Gong had listened to his advice and stopped the car, Ma San and the others might have collided with them, causing a major accident.

Gong parked the car on the side of the road, leaving the two terrified girls behind as he and Song Haowen walked towards the accident site. The front of the small truck was crumpled one-third of its size, but fortunately, the driver seemed unharmed, sitting dazedly in front of the vehicle, staring blankly in the direction of the cliff, lost in thought.

Feeling that he might have gone too far, Gong took the initiative to console the small truck driver, explaining the accident and assuring him that the taxi was entirely at fault. Song Haowen, despite his dislike for Gong’s actions, couldn’t deny that he might not be a criminal, though morally questionable.

After returning to the car, Song Haowen, along with Zhong Lizhi and Jenny, was asked if there had been an accident and if anyone was injured. To avoid causing them psychological trauma, he only mentioned it was a car accident and assured them that everyone was fine.

Since getting into the car, Master Gong remained expressionless and silent. Even when they reached their destination and the three got out of the car, he still didn’t say a word. Song Haowen thought that he might be traumatized, merely trying to show off, but it resulted in harming several lives, possibly leaving a lasting shadow.

Back at the guesthouse, it was only a little past two in the afternoon, too early for dinner. Coupled with the shock from the car incident, they were all exhausted and went back to their respective dorms to rest. Lying on his bed, Song Haowen reflected on everything that happened today, feeling a mix of emotions.

For most of the crew members, Spending the Lunar New Year away from home due to film shooting was a first-time experience. To prevent everyone from feeling melancholic, the production arranged a lavish New Year’s Eve dinner and organized a celebration.

With the stimulation of alcohol, the mood gradually heightened, and the men, adopting a ‘drink until you drop’ attitude, soon found themselves in a drunken stupor before the feast was over.

Song Haowen, having regretted drinking excessively with Zhong Lizhi last time, and given the complicated events of the day, wasn’t in the mood to drink. Despite continuous persuasions, he remained unaffected until the end, staying sober.

Zhong Lizhi noticed the change in Song Haowen’s behavior, seeing him abstain from alcohol. Though unclear about the reason, she felt happy inside. She didn’t want to see such a talented person end up succumbing to alcohol.

That night, when Song Haowen returned to his room, he couldn’t sleep. Hearing the constant firecracker sounds, he thought about how, in his previous life, this was the time when WeChat and text messages were flooding in for New Year’s greetings.

Now, with nothing to do, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. Braving the chilly wind, he spent over ten minutes in the courtyard, looking at the night scenery of the mountains, thinking about distant relatives and friends, including Tian Yuxi across the ocean.

He believed they were also thinking about him. Later, fearing being misunderstood, he returned to his room. However, as soon as he lay down, the horrifying image of Ma San plummeting into the abyss flashed in his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

To dispel the unease, Song Haowen tried to shift his thoughts to other matters. He considered that with Ma San’s death, at least one major troublemaker was removed from the car city.

To dispel the unease, Song Haowen shifted his thoughts. He considered that with Ma San’s demise, at least one major troublemaker was eliminated from the city.

Additionally, the cashier girl and the hotel manager, having survived the incident, might become even closer, eventually getting marriage. As for the “Tai Chi Profound Skill” he acquired a few days ago, even though the immediate effects of practicing were not apparent, he didn’t rush to achieve perfection.

After all, becoming a martial arts master was not his ultimate goal; it was merely a hobby for fitness and well-being.

The next morning, a group of young men and women dressed in new clothes arrived outside the guesthouse. Since it was the first day of the Lunar New Year, these youngsters sought excitement and knew that the Hong Kong film crew filming martial arts scenes was staying here.

They gathered outside the guesthouse, wanting to witness the prowess of martial arts stars. Despite repeated warnings from the staff, they remained undeterred, forcing the crew to close the courtyard gate and let them make noise outside.

Director Wang Bolong felt uneasy seeing the situation. It was a rare two-day break for the crew, especially on the first day of the Lunar New Year. He couldn’t bear the thought of everyone spending the day idly at the guesthouse.

He, along with the production team, approached the chief martial arts instructor Miao Chong and the local cultural station head to discuss how to meet the demands of these movie fans.

In the end, they decided that the cultural station team would arrange an open-air stage, and national team athletes would perform martial arts live. This not only enriched the festive life of the local people but also showcased the responsibility of the national team.

Since the local fans were unaware of the main actor of this martial arts film, no one suggested that Song Haowen should perform. Additionally, Director Wang Bolong was determined to let Song Haowen rest well for his major scenes the next day.

He did not recommend Song Haowen’s participation in the performance. However, Miao Chong believed that martial artists should always be ready, and going on stage for a brief demonstration would only bring benefits. He insisted on Song Haowen’s appearance.

Reluctant to go against Miao Chong’s wishes, Wang Bolong sought Song Haowen’s opinion. Feeling bored in his dorm, Song Haowen, upon hearing about the performance, impulsively agreed without much thought.

This left Wang Bolong feeling helpless. He repeatedly reminded Miao Chong that the martial arts demonstration should be brief and not too serious. Safety was the top priority.

Later on, Wang Bolong still felt uneasy. In addition to instructing all production staff to maintain order on-site, the cultural station promptly contacted the local police station, requesting officers to ensure order and the safety of the attendees.

Upon hearing about the event, the police station took it seriously. Many officers also saw it as an opportunity to witness the skills of the national team. Apart from leaving essential staff on duty, the rest of the officers quickly assembled, fully armed, and rushed to the stage square.

The martial arts performance was scheduled from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, lasting for an hour. Before the performance, the production team and cultural station staff made some simple modifications to the small stage, adding sound equipment and microphones.

The live host and commentator for the event were led by Chief Martial Arts Instructor Miao Chong of the national team. Apart from Song Haowen, there were eight other members from the national team, including He Hu and Zhao Meng.

The news of the national martial arts team’s performance spread rapidly in all directions, and the small town that originally had only three or four thousand people suddenly overflowed with tens of thousands.

Everywhere was packed with crowds, and the air was filled with excitement. Many local elders mentioned that, in all their years, it was the first time they had seen so many people in the town, making the festivities of this year particularly meaningful.

Influenced by the heightened enthusiasm of the crowd, many actors who initially wanted to keep a low profile also dressed up and joined the joyful crowd, soaking in the happiness of the holiday.

 At this moment, people’s excitement was not solely because they were about to witness a performance, but because they had found another topic of conversation and a source of joy during the festival. This joy would linger in their hearts for a long time to come.

At 10:00 AM, the martial arts team officially began their performance. The national team members were mostly champions in their respective disciplines, showcasing high-level skills.

Despite the local town’s rich martial arts background, the performance brought immense shock and excitement. The various martial arts, including swordplay, spear techniques, and stick fighting, were eye-catching, earning thunderous applause.

When Song Haowen took the stage, his demonstration of Tai Chi and Kung Fu boxing was spectacular. The audience, especially those who considered themselves familiar with the origins of these two styles, were amazed and filled with pride.

Suddenly, some spectators recognized Song Haowen as the popular singer. The audience erupted into thunderous applause and unanimous cheers, demanding that he sing some of his famous songs.

To satisfy the almost fanatic fans, Song Haowen used to back tracks and performed live on stage, turning what was supposed to be a national team martial arts performance into his personal solo music concert.

Eventually, after multiple requests from Song Haowen and persuasion from Miao Chong, the event concluded. It was already past 1:00 PM, nearly two hours later than the estimated time. As a result, many family gatherings had to be postponed.

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