Reborn with the Ultimate Genius System
Reborn with the Ultimate Genius System Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Everyone’s Shock

At the village entrance, numerous elders were basking in the sun.

They couldn’t help but whisper among themselves as they saw Tang Long and the others, sparking a buzz of conversation.

Witnessing this scene, Tang Feng couldn’t help but reflect. It seemed every village had such an information hub.

Every family’s affairs were known in detail, clear as day.

Soon, they arrived at the residence of Tang Feng’s grandparents, consisting of two houses.

One was an old house covered in thatch, and the other a new house built with bricks and tiles.

Standing side by side, the two houses presented a stark contrast.

The old house was where the grandparents lived in their youth, while the new house was originally intended as a wedding home for the little uncle.

However, since the little uncle settled in the Daocheng District, leaving the new house empty seemed wasteful.

Thus, it became his grandparents’ residence.

Knowing their children were coming back, the elderly couple had started preparations early in the morning.

Tang Feng had never dreamed he would see his grandparents again, and his eyes slightly reddened with emotion.

He couldn’t help but go forward and give them a big hug.

“Husband, what’s gotten into Little Feng?” Tang Feng’s Mother was surprised by this scene.

“Probably because it’s been a while since he saw them. After all, he’s been busy preparing for the college entrance exams recently and didn’t have time to come back,” Tang Long responded.

The grandparents were overjoyed to see their beloved grandson.

Tang Long and his wife put down their belongings and helped prepare the meal.

“Mom, have my big brother and his family not arrived yet?” his little uncle asked, looking around with a smile.

“Not yet. Your sister-in-law is making steamed buns at home; they’ll probably come over later,” Tang Feng’s grandmother replied.

“What about my second and third sisters?” his little uncle continued to inquire.

“They should be on their way.”

Just as his grandmother finished speaking, Tang Feng’s second aunt’s family walked in, followed by the third aunt’s family.

The courtyard became bustling and lively in no time, with Tang Feng greeting everyone enthusiastically.

“Little Feng, did you take the college entrance exams this year?” his second aunt asked with a smile.

“Yes!” Tang Feng nodded.

“How did it go? Are you confident about getting into a second-tier university?” his second aunt continued to ask.

“No need to mention second-tier universities; even first-tier universities are within reach,” Tang Feng replied.

“Really? Brother, when did you become so good at studying?” his cousin, the second aunt’s daughter, was visibly surprised.

After all, they were relatives and visited each other often, so they had a general understanding of each other’s situations.

“Of course, it’s true! I’ve always kept a low profile on purpose, aiming to make a splash during the college entrance exams!” Tang Feng replied with a slight smile, making up a believable reason.

He couldn’t tell them about his rebirth or the system, so he had to fabricate a plausible story.

“That so? I had no idea you were hiding your capabilities so deeply! Now that the exams are over, have you estimated your score?” his cousin asked, still somewhat skeptical.

“I estimated my score to be around 749 or 750,” Tang Feng answered.

“How much?” His cousin thought she had misheard.

“749 or 750,” Tang Feng repeated.

“Brother, are you feverish? I feel like you’re talking nonsense,” she said, reaching out to touch Tang Feng’s forehead.

“I’m telling the truth. If my essay scores full marks, I’m confident I can score 750,” he insisted.

For a moment, his cousin didn’t know what to say.

“Little Feng, if I’m not mistaken, the total score for the college entrance exam is 750 points, right?” the little uncle asked from the side.

“Correct!” Tang Feng nodded.

“So, you’re saying your college entrance exam score might be perfect?” the little uncle asked, his tone filled with shock.

“Exactly,” Tang Feng affirmed.

“I suggest you guys take Little Feng to the hospital for a check-up. I think the pressure from studying might have caused him to have delusions,” the little uncle suggested, concerned for his nephew’s well-being.

“Second brother, what are you talking about? My Little Feng is perfectly fine!” Tang Feng’s Mother couldn’t help but scold him.

“Big sister, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean anything by it,” the little uncle quickly clarified, seeing her reaction, “I’m just thinking of the kid’s well-being. There were perfect scorers when the total was 900 points, but since it changed to 750, I haven’t heard of anyone scoring full marks.”

“Second brother, you might not be aware, but Little Feng scored full marks in many subjects during school tests. His class teacher and the principal have visited our home. They believe that if Little Feng performs normally, he might even get into the best university in China,” Tang Long said, pride evident in his tone.

The little uncle and the others were silent for a long time, clearly shocked by Tang Long’s words.

They never imagined the seemingly average Tang Feng could possess such formidable abilities.

“Little Feng, with your excellent academic performance, could you tutor Little Juan?” the second aunt suggested, thinking of her daughter, who was about to enter her third year of junior high.

“Sure!” Tang Feng readily agreed.

“That’s great! Let her stay at your place for a few days for tutoring. Don’t worry, we won’t shortchange you,” the second aunt was thrilled.

“Second aunt, there’s no need for that. We’re family. But little Juan doesn’t need to come over. After we eat, I’ll teach her some study methods. If she follows them, she’s sure to do well,” Tang Feng said with a smile.

“Brother, don’t worry! I’ll study hard!” his cousin quickly promised.

“What are you guys talking about?” his big uncle entered.

“We were discussing Little Feng,” his second aunt replied.

“Let’s talk more over dinner. The buns are steaming, and your sister-in-law will bring them over soon. How’s the food preparation going here?” the big uncle asked.

“We just arrived and haven’t started yet. Big sister, let’s get cooking,” his second aunt called out to Tang Feng’s Mother.

“I’ll do it,” Tang Feng volunteered.

He hadn’t been back in a while, and once school started in Jingcheng, he would only be able to return once every six months.

He wanted to take this opportunity to cook a meal for everyone, letting his grandparents taste his cooking.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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