Reborn with the Ultimate Genius System
Reborn with the Ultimate Genius System Chapter 72

Chapter 72: The Fastest Examinee

When he woke up in the morning, he found that his parents were not around.

He stretched and prepared to make breakfast.

He had agreed with Su Xiaoli the day before that they would no longer help out at the restaurant starting today.

He had asked his parents to hire two waiters.

He and Su Xiaoli were going to take the theoretical exam organized by the Vehicle Management Office.

Only by passing the theoretical exam could they proceed to learn driving with the instructor.

While he was preparing breakfast, Su Xiaoli arrived.

She was holding fried dough sticks and tofu pudding.

“Are you cooking?” Su Xiaoli asked with a hint of surprise on her face.

“Yes!” Tang Feng nodded.

“I just sent you a message saying I would bring breakfast over. Didn’t you receive it?”

“Maybe I slept too soundly and didn’t hear the message tone.” Tang Feng finished speaking and went into the bedroom to get his phone.

Sure enough, the phone screen showed an unread message.

“What time did you go to bed last night?” Su Xiaoli asked while placing the breakfast on the dining table.

“About twelve, maybe a bit later,” Tang Feng replied.

“What did you come back for? Why did you sleep so late?” Su Xiaoli asked as she sized him up.

Tang Feng felt a bit uneasy under her scrutiny.

Su Xiaoli didn’t say anything and went straight to his room.

Just as she walked in, she let out a scream!

“What’s wrong?” Tang Feng hurried in upon hearing her.

He saw that Su Xiaoli was holding the characters he had written the night before.

“Tang Feng, did you write these?” Su Xiaoli asked, staring intently.

“Yes,” Tang Feng nodded and asked, “How are they?”

“They’re really beautiful! I didn’t expect you to write such good handwriting!” Su Xiaoli couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration.

Tang Feng didn’t say anything, just smiled.

“Why are all these characters my name?” Su Xiaoli wondered.

“What do you think?” Tang Feng countered.

Su Xiaoli’s face turned red.

“Tang Feng, I want to discuss something with you,” Su Xiaoli brought up proactively.

“Go ahead.”

“Since your handwriting is so good, could you teach me? I’ve always wanted to learn calligraphy, but I was too busy preparing for the college entrance exam before,” Su Xiaoli requested.

“No problem!” Tang Feng agreed readily.

For him, as long as it was a request from Su Xiaoli, even if it meant going through fire and water, he would agree.

“Really? That’s great! When do we start?” Su Xiaoli was already eager.

“You’re too impatient,” Tang Feng said, seeing her like this and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Can’t help it! Your handwriting is so beautiful! I also want to write as well as you!” Su Xiaoli looked at Tang Feng like a little fan.

“How about after the exam? Otherwise, we’ll definitely be delayed,” Tang Feng negotiated.

“Okay! After the exam, we’ll come back right away! I want to learn from you properly!” Su Xiaoli agreed.

“You!” Tang Feng looked at her and said, “You’re such a cute little sprite!”

Su Xiaoli giggled and stuck her tongue out at him.

Tang Feng couldn’t help but reach out and gently flick her nose.

Then they went to have breakfast.

After breakfast, they set off for the Vehicle Management Office.

They stopped by the restaurant to greet Tang Long and his wife.

The hired waiters had also arrived.

Soon, they reached the examination center set up by the Vehicle Management Office.

There were already many candidates waiting.

As soon as Tang Feng and Su Xiaoli appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of most people.

“Isn’t that this year’s provincial top scorer from Dongshan Province?” one of the candidates holding a copy of “Daocheng District Newspaper” exclaimed.

The front Part headline of today’s “Daocheng District Newspaper” featured an interview with Tang Feng.

After all, Tang Feng, having scored full marks, became the science top scorer of Dongshan Province, which was a matter of pride for Daocheng District, overseeing Binjiang District.

As the newspaper with the highest circulation in Daocheng District, “Daocheng District Newspaper” unhesitatingly took it upon itself to report extensively.

“Indeed! No wonder he looked familiar! My goodness! I never thought I’d be taking an exam with the top scorer!”

The candidates became excited.

Some even took out their digital cameras, wanting to take a photo with Tang Feng as a keepsake.

Tang Feng found the digital camera in their hands both familiar and strange.

Before his rebirth, he had also bought a Fujifilm digital camera.

Back then, phones couldn’t take pictures, and the resolution wasn’t good!

So many people bought a digital camera!

But as time passed and technology advanced, the camera function of mobile phones became increasingly powerful, and digital cameras were gradually phased out, becoming an item for a minority of professional photography enthusiasts.

However, since it was 2003, digital cameras were still a rare commodity for most people.

In Tang Feng’s memory, digital cameras became widespread after 2004.

Tang Feng took a photo with them.

Su Xiaoli was also surrounded by many female candidates.

Especially some whose children were in junior high.

They asked Su Xiaoli for study tips.

To pass on to their children.

Hoping their children could get into Binjiang No. 1 Middle School.

For a while, the entrance of the examination center became incredibly lively.

Fortunately, mobile phones couldn’t access the internet yet, with no Weibo or live streaming.

Otherwise, photos and videos of Tang Feng and Su Xiaoli would have been spread immediately.

Soon it was time for the exam.

Candidates entered the examination center one after another.

Tang Feng answered the questions very quickly!

In less than three minutes, he had finished all the questions and walked out of the examination center.

Su Xiaoli came out a little later than him.

The examiners, seeing this, couldn’t help but discuss quietly.

“As expected of the college entrance exam top scorer! Fast at answering questions! It seems that top students are strong no matter what they study.”

“He must be the fastest examinee I’ve ever seen! No one else comes close!”

“I just looked, about two minutes and fifty seconds. That’s really fast!”

“If it were me, it would take at least four minutes.”

Unfortunately, Tang Feng didn’t hear their conversation, or he would have felt overwhelmed.

After leaving the examination center, Tang Feng and Su Xiaoli took the bus home.

The passengers on the bus also greeted him.

He was very aware that this situation was mainly thanks to the “Daocheng District Newspaper.”

After all, the daily circulation of “Daocheng District Newspaper” was over a million copies.

Almost everyone, from shop owners to office workers, had a copy.

The fifty-cent price for dozens of pages was enough to keep readers entertained for a day.

It was considered a very affordable form of entertainment.

Of course, Tang Feng also knew that this was the peak moment of “Daocheng District Newspaper,” as well as the last glory.

To be precise, it was the last glory of all print media.

With the development of the internet industry, the way people accessed information fundamentally changed.

Because news, especially, has a very strong timeliness.

The same news, if reported online, would be published one to two hours after the event at most.

But if it’s through newspapers, it would take about a dozen hours, even a day.

No one wants to be half a step behind in learning about the latest news.

So it was obvious that newspapers would gradually decline.

But now, because of “Daocheng District Newspaper,” everyone recognized Tang Feng and Su Xiaoli.

He almost became an instantly famous figure in Daocheng District.

He felt a bit embarrassed.

But he was still quite happy inside.

After all, no one can refuse the joy brought by early fame!

He was no exception!

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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