Reincarnated as a Troublemaker Mob, but Nothing Happens Because the Protagonist is Too Competent
Reincarnated as a Troublemaker Mob, but Nothing Happens Because the Protagonist is Too Competent Chapter 17

Extra: Life After Becoming Engaged

Warning: This chapter contains spice 🌶️ [R-18]

After officially getting engaged, our lives didn’t change 180 degrees, but there were still many small changes.

“Good morning, Rei.”

I wake up to Gil’s voice in the morning. Even after becoming engaged, we still slept in separate rooms. We had been repeatedly told by Onii-sama to “maintain proper conduct in our relationship,” but Gil and I had discussed and decided to cherish each other and not to go all the way until our wedding night. (The incident with the aphr*disiac was, well… an accident.)

I finish changing and head to the living room as usual.

“Today, we’re having an omelet.”


We enjoyed the delicious meal together, just like any other morning.

“Okay, I’m off, Rei.”

Gil bent down and closed his eyes. One of the “small changes” is this.

Before, we would hug each other goodbye, but at Gil’s request, it changed to a kiss. We made a promise to always kiss each other goodbye, so most of the time, I have to initiate it.

I’ve done it many times, but I still feel nervous. I place my hand on Gil’s shoulder and lean in, my face getting closer to his.

His long eyelashes cast a shadow on his smooth cheeks. Gil’s face, seen up close, is always beautiful and handsome.

After admiring it for a moment, I closed my eyes slightly.


I manage to touch his lips without misjudging the distance. At first, I used to close my eyes and kiss him quickly, but I seem to have gotten the hang of it now.

As I tried to pull away, my head was held back, and I couldn’t move.

“Mmm!? …Fuh…ah…”

Through the gap between my surprised and open lips, a hot lump invaded. My mouth was ravaged, and my tongue was strongly sucked, sending a shiver down to my spine.

When he finally bit my lower lip and pulled away, I was already out of breath and just standing there was all I could do.

“…Well then, I’ll be going now.”

“H-Haa, take care…”

Trying to calm my heart which was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to explode, I waved goodbye to Gil. It’s not always the case, but sometimes Gil initiates a deep kiss like this.

“Lately, it’s been every day…”

Unconsciously, I traced my lips with my finger. When I receive such a passionate kiss that arouses my senses from the morning, my body throbs and it’s troublesome. But even I am quite contradictory, thinking that if I don’t receive them, it might feel unsatisfying.

After cleaning up the dishes, I headed to work as usual. My first job of the day was delivering to the adventurer’s guild.

“Good morning, Rei-san.”

In front of the guild, Johann-san was standing, holding the door open for me with both hands.

Since the day I come is always the same, he usually waits for me like this.

“Good morning, Johann-san.”

“You’re really beautiful today too!”

After me, Johann-san entered the guild and was about to say something when he suddenly fell to his knees.


“Oh, don’t worry about him. Rei, please proceed with the delivery procedures,”

The guild master said, placing his hand on my shoulder and urging me toward the back of the guild.

Although I was worried, Johann-san, who met my gaze, smiled and nodded, so I headed toward the counter.

“You really never learn, do you? That ring has a magic spell that shocks anyone who touches it with impure intentions toward Rei,”

“Ugh… Rei-san…”

“Rei Rei, good morning!”

After finishing the procedures at the counter, Natalie approached me. She seemed to have recently received a long-term request, and it was the first time we met since I got engaged.

“I heard you got engaged. Is it with your Boyfriend?”

“W-wait, boyfriend…? Huh?”

My face turned bright red, but then I suddenly realized something strange. Natalie and Gil met before I started dating Gil, and we haven’t met since we started dating.

“That knight who was hunting monsters… was his name Gil? You introduced him to me as your boyfriend before, right?”

“Huh!? No… that’s not… well, yeah, but…”

“What are you so embarrassed about? You were bragging about how strong and cool your boyfriend was back then!” Natalie teased, patting my back.

I felt even more embarrassed as my face heated up. I never thought she would think of it that way.

After being teased enough, I returned to the laboratory. In the afternoon, I locked myself in the lab and focused on my experiments. I am currently working on improving the healing potion for wounds. If successful, it will surely benefit many people. I am also striving every day to become more suitable for Gil, not just in terms of my family background.

“Rei~! Your husband is here to pick you up!”

When my senior called for me, I finally realized that it was past closing time. I quickly tidied up my desk and rushed down to the entrance.

“Sorry for making you wait, Gil!”

“It’s okay, I wasn’t waiting that long. Was work okay?”

“If you hadn’t come to pick me up, I wouldn’t have noticed it was closing time. You actually helped me out.”

We held hands and left the laboratory. This was also one of the “small changes”.

Since we got engaged, Gil has been picking me up almost every day. We stroll around the city while discussing dinner plans.

“What do you feel like eating today?”

“Hmm, we had hamburgers yesterday, so…”

Even though we’re just having a casual conversation, my heart feels warm and fuzzy. When I smile at him, Gil smiles back at me.

After finishing our shopping and savoring our happiness, we cooked dinner together. Although to be honest, Gil mainly does the cooking while my job is to set the table and prepare the utensils and tea.

Since Gil is better at cooking and also enjoys doing it, I take advantage of that. But when I occasionally cook, Gil gets overly excited and enjoys it, so lately I’ve been secretly studying cooking books. I plan to treat him on our next day off.

After finishing dinner and washing the dishes, I headed to the living room where Gil was.

As usual, he was sitting on the sofa reading a book. I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder, closing the distance between us.


Gil closed his book and pulled me closer, hugging my shoulder.

“Did I interrupt your reading?”

“No, not at all.”

When Gil said that there was nothing more important than Rei, my face turned red with embarrassment. Trying to hide my embarrassment, I pressed my head against him and he gently stroked my hair.

This was one of the “small changes” that had happened between us after dinner, where we started to touch each other more.

“Rei, I love you. I really do,”

“I…I love you too,”

As we stared at each other, I closed my eyes as he kissed me gently. But that wasn’t enough for me, so I licked his lips and he grabbed my chin, deepening the kiss. I tried to match his tongue’s movements with my own, and the w*t sounds of our kissing filled my ears, making my head feel fuzzy.


I moaned as he finally released me with a pop. Gil smiled at me and licked his lips in a deliberate, almost predatory way. The flames of desire flickered in his eyes like a carnivorous predator hunting its prey, and my body trembled with anticipation.

Gil is so cool. I love him.

Driven by the heat rising from deep within my body, I unbuckled my belt and straddled Gil’s lap. I whispered in his ear, our noses almost touching, as I showed my neck and also rubbed against his thing.

“Can you do this here too?”

Gil swallowed hard and hugged me tightly.

“Ah, you’re so cute…”

He groaned softly and sucked on my neck.


I couldn’t help but let out a hot breath, but before the heat could dissipate, Gil’s hand touched me at my center.

“Ah, ah…mmm…more…”

The stimulation through our clothes was both pleasurable and frustrating. Moving my h*ps to seek stronger pl*asure, Gil put his hand on my pants and pulled them down along with my underwe@r.


My erect m*mber sprang out and Gil wrapped his hand around it.

“It’s already this hard.”

“Ah, wait…”

As he rubbed the tip with his thumb, I felt like I was about to come. I quickly got off Gil and took off my pants and underwe@r before straddling him again.

“Let’s do it together?”

I took Gil’s p*nis, which had been building up since earlier, out of his pants. It sprang out with a sound that seemed like it could tear the fabric, wt with pre-cm and shining with a lewd luster. I overlapped mine with his beloved erect*on and moved my h*ps to rub against it. The sensation of his hot and hard flesh made me squint my eyes in ecstasy.

“Jeez, Rei, you’re too erotic.”

“Was it bad?”

“It’s very much welcome.”

Gil’s big hand rubbed our things together, following my movements. The sensation of our frenulums rubbing against each other was unbearably pleasurable.

“Ah…mmm…feels good…”

“Me too…”

I hugged Gil’s neck and entwined our tongues. As his hand movements became more intense, I also shook my h*ps in a trance, gradually ascending to a higher state of pl*asure.

“Ah, Gil, let’s come together…”

“Let’s come together…!!”


Our white flids scattered onto each other’s stomachs. Even though our bodies were shaking, I felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction from reaching cl*max at the same time.

After the big waves subsided, I collapsed onto Gil’s body. My heart was still pounding, and my center was so hot that it felt like it could be easily stimulated. I could feel Gil’s thing pulsing powerfully in his lower abdomen.

I already knew how this thing feels even deeper inside my body. As I recalled that sensation, my rear entrance throbbed.

Perhaps noticing my thoughts, Gil laid me down on the sofa and lifted up my knees, touching that area.

“Shall we do this here too?”

Gil smiled at my small nod and coated his fingers with both of our fl*ids before pressing them against my rear entrance.

We haven’t had penetrative s*x since that day, but to avoid any mishaps on our first night, Gil has been using his fingers to loosen me up every day. I had gotten used to his fingers, so they slipped in easily without any resistance.

“Ah, there…!”

Just by curling his fingers and pressing against a certain spot, my center tightened just as much as before. Usually, he would continue to rub me until I came, but today he wasn’t doing it as much.

“Touch me…there too!”

“I think you’re used to it now. Can you try to come just from the back?”

“Hurry! Do it!”

He persistently played with that spot, making the sensation of cl*max build up, but it wasn’t enough to push me over the edge. The frustration of not being able to release grew stronger.

“It’s not impossible. Look, it’s getting harder here.”

“No, stop it! You’re only focusing on that spot!”

“It’s okay, leave it to me.”

Gil’s gentle voice melted my thoughts away. Before I knew it, I was indulging in pl*asure with my eyes tightly shut.

“Ah, ah! I’m going to come!”

As soon as he pressed harder against that spot, my body convulsed and I reached cl*max.

My vision flickered as if sparks were flying in front of me. At the same time, I tightened around the finger buried inside me and felt the shape of Gil’s finger. It was embarrassing but also pleasurable. I basked in the afterglow while breathing heavily.

“You came well.”

Gil gave me a congratulatory kiss. I smiled happily at his praise, and he smiled back at me.

“Good job. You can sleep here tonight.”

Gil’s words made me feel exhausted all at once. I immersed myself in the pleasant feeling of fatigue and happiness and fell asleep.

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