Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 10

No one knows whether Yu Mian’s account has been hacked, but anyone who had a little understanding of her knows that just as Red Cotton Tree was famous for her loyalty, she was equally famous for her poverty.

Generally speaking, most fans of celebrities were well-off. They were those who have both money and leisure time, and they spend it a lot on whichever celebrity they like. The other Yu Mian was a typical example.

Their fanaticism for their idols was reflected in their extravagant and generous spending. They also have a competitive mentality. They believe that how much money they spend on their idols represents their love for them to a certain extent.

So when Yu Mian first became a head fan of Lin Jianshen and led others, no one noticed that she was actually struggling financially and wasn’t at all the baifumei[1]refers to fair-skinned females with wealthy families and good looks everyone subconsciously thought she was.

It wasn’t until later that people discovered that whether Lin Jianshen participated in events, endorsements, or new movie releases, Yu Mian seldom participated in everyone’s conversations. When other fans were discussing how to help their idols win the box office and make statistics, she mostly remained silent.

Red Cotton Tree, this username, was quite famous. As Lin Jianshen’s first fan, when he first became popular and was excluded by other celebrities, she was the one who organized several powerful counterattacks and she had also been ‘clocking in’ for several years. In fact, she had a certain degree of popularity in Lin Jianshen’s fan circle and had been surrounded by many fans.

But after it was discovered that apart from companionship and loyalty, she could not provide any more substantial help to their idol, it’s as if she had lost her halo. Many fans under her was suddenly no longer convinced and thought she wasn’t qualified to sit in a management position.

Unfortunately, Lin Jianshen’s fan club wasn’t just a scattered organization. It was actually privately managed by Lin Jianshen’s assistant.

Even though the other fans signed a petition to remove Red Cotton Tree as a group leader, for some reason, the assistant didn’t agree. Yu Mian was still a group leader to this day, but there were also two, three, and four other groups that sprung up later……

Yu Mian had never paid much attention to how many fan groups there were. As Li Jianshen’s popularity rose, the number of his fans grew faster and faster. At first, there was only one group, and then it split into two, and now there were dozens of them.

Yu Mian manages a group of fans. Those who were dissatisfied with her have all basically left and the rest were old people who have experienced the early days with her.

On ordinary days, the atmosphere in the groups was quite good. After all, not many people dare to come provoke Lin Jianshen now, and even if some really did, their large number of ‘forest fans[2]from the ‘lin’ in Lin Jianshe’s name meaning forest; Lin Jianshen’s fandom name’ weren’t vegetarians [3]someone not easy to deal with; not weak either. Gradually, Red Cotton Tree had become quiet and most of the fans from recent years didn’t know her, and only the first and second group still remember her.

The first group remember her regularly, and so was the second group. Deep Sea[4]Shen Hai, the founder of the second group, took away a large number of people to set up her own because she was dissatisfied with Red Cotton Tree and felt that she wasn’t worthy of being a head fan.

The daily routine of the second group was to diss Yu Mian. The leader of the second group, Deep Sea, was an extravagant baifumei. She often held lottery draws on Weibo, or buy Lin Jianshen’s merch and his endorsement products to the benefit of her group members, which was why she was very popular.

Red Cotton Tree wasn’t pleasing to Deep Sea’s eyes, so it was normal for her group members to try to support their wealthy leader by trying to suppress Red Cotton Tree.

From time to time, Yu Mian would receive screenshots of the second group talking about her and slander against her was commonplace. Although she didn’t care, she sometimes gets frustrated and blamed herself for not supporting her idol enough.

After typing a Weibo post and looking at its content, she thought about the 50,000 yuan that was about to leave her. Yu Mian, an average citizen, still felt a bit conflicted.

It’s the first time she’d spent so much money and felt a little distressed. QAQ

But on second thought, Lin Jianshen had supported her with much more money than this over the years. A drop of water should be repaid by a gushing spring. If the other party’s support over the years was compared to a drop of water, then her 50,000 yuan was just a drizzle. Thinking so instantly made her feel less distressed.

Not a minute after the post was sent out, a small red dot appeared beside the message icon.

【Deer: Hacked?】

Yu Mian was a bit dumbfounded. How did she become a hacker? Before she could figure it out, her QQ notifications also sounded one after another. When she clicked in and took a look, the group somehow exploded, and there were many people chatting about her.

【Mengmeng Is Picking Up Shenshen Today: Woc[5]wocao – holy sh*t! Group Leader is so rich! Did she win the lottery?!】

【Shenshen’s 78th Wife, Fang: I’m also thinking how Group Leader suddenly become so rich. If she really won the lottery, she has to give out red envelopes!】

【Lin Jianshen Is My Husband: Maybe Group Leader is just keeping a low profile? She never said she’s poor.】

【A Woman Deeply[6]shenshen In Love: Stop discussing and quickly share it! I won a thousand yuan!】

It turned out that someone from the group saw her Weibo post and shared it there. She understood the whole story after looking through the chat history. Seeing everyone talking about her sudden move, Yu Mian felt a bit embarrassed in her heart.

It must be that her poverty was so deeply rooted in people’s minds that it caused such a stir now.

Even those who weren’t close to her asked if her account had been hacked.

Yu Mian laughed and replied to Deer, 【No, I won the lottery.】

This was the inspiration given to her by her group members. Yu Mian felt that this reason was very good as it could perfectly explain her sudden wealth, and was still justifiable.

This time Deer responded quickly, as if the other party had been waiting for her reply.

【Deer: ……If you win the lottery, you should keep it for yourself. For Lin Jianshen, the best support is companionship. Money isn’t important.】

Yu Mian felt warm in her heart. Not only did Deer believe her words without hesitation, the other party was also worried that she would give all her money to their idol and would have nothing left. Deer was indeed a good person.

【Red Cotton Tree: Thank you, I know my limit.】

Pondering for a moment, she added, 【I won quite a lot of money this time. It should be enough to support Shenshen.】


The man’s drooping eyelashes trembled slightly and the corners of his lips rose up subtly, before quickly disappearing. The slender fingertips with a cold white hue rubbed against the lit screen a few times. The gentle movement seemed to be caressing something precious.

The bright white light hit the side of his face, and his long eyelashes were like a small fan, casting a shadow that concealed the faint smile flowing from his eyes.

Not far away came a short and fat middle-aged man, with a look of lingering anger on his face. He gave Lin Jianshen a slightly apologetic smile. “Jianshen, it’s your turn.”

Lin Jianshen raised his eyes, his gaze calm as water. He said in a low voice, “Okay, Director.”

Handing the water bottle and mobile phone to Dai Zhong, he returned in front of the screen again. The eyes of the actress who was acting with him were red and even her touched-up makeup couldn’t cover it up entirely. She bowed to him and said with a forced smile, “Sorry for the trouble, Teacher Lin.”

“Let’s continue.”

Even though he was dragged to repeat a scene and was still working when he was supposed to be resting, Lin Jianshen’s expression remained unchanged. He was calm and composed, with no sign of dissatisfaction or slackness. In every scene, his expression was so serious that it was almost prudent.

It was almost late at night and the lighting inside the studio was bright. The camera was aimed at a man and a woman in front of the monitor, and the director’s instructions could be heard from time to time. Along with the sound of rain outside the studio, it created a bustling scene.


Not receiving any more reply from the other party, Yu Mian logged out of Weibo.

It was almost time to go to bed but she probably slept for too long in the afternoon, and so now she was lying in bed not feeling sleepy at all.

QQ had been dinging for quite a while. People who haven’t chatted with her for half a year suddenly sent her private chats, asking her about the Weibo lottery.

Yu Mian always replied that she had won the lottery and didn’t say much else.

Although this reason was a bit outrageous, it was indeed plausible. Few people doubted the authenticity of her words. Probably because she was so obviously poor before, suddenly making such a big move, no one could think of a more reasonable argument than this.

Since she couldn’t sleep, she simply went back to check Weibo and clicked into the interface. Her post had been forwarded many times and there were constant notification of new reposts.

Yu Mian had a good number of followers. Most of them were old fans of Lin Jianshen like her, and together, they have witnessed the rise of their idol, as well as Yu Mian’s unchanging loyalty over the years.

The characteristics of old fans were that they were Buddhists. They didn’t like to act like monsters and they didn’t clamor to give birth to monkeys for their idol every day. They usually just follow drama quietly. If they have money, they would buy products endorsed by Lin Jianshen, and then imitate Yu Mian in clocking-in and be a content fan.

In the past, Yu Mian’s clock-in post also received replies and forwards, but not many. However, within half an hour of her posting this time, it had already been forwarded nearly a thousand times, and the replies included acquaintances and passersby who were completely attracted by money.

【Drunken Writing at Xiaoxiang: Lin Jianshen is in 《Long Ting》? Congratulations, I will definitely watch it when it comes out. The quality of Movie King Lin’s movie is guaranteed.】

【Ms. Wang Who Loves Mr. Lin: Forest fan news report! Celebrating Shenshen’s new movie! Sister Cotton didn’t include Shenshen’s photo, bad review!】

【Under the Holly Tree: 《Long Ting》 has started filming. Is Lin Jianshen playing the male lead? His image is very suitable for the male lead character. Looking forward to it!】

【Four Seasons Breeze: Are Lin Jianshen’s fans so rich? There’s a Deep Sea before, and this time a Red Cotton Tree. I want to climb the wall[7]change fandom.】

Yu Mian scrolled through the comments casually. Most of them were positive, after all, Lin Jianshen himself had good acting skills and character, and outside comments have always been good. Moreover, as the saying goes, the hand that has received doesn’t reach[8]one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted, so since she’s giving them money, they wouldn’t dare say anything excessive.

After scrolling for a while, sleepiness slowly crept up. Yu Mian yawned and was about to put down the phone and go to sleep.

But then a new update suddenly appeared on her following list, indicating a post from someone she followed.

【Deep Sea: Some people need to rely on luck and win the lottery to make money, but I am different. I already have money. A 100 people who forward and reply to this post will win a red envelope worth 1,000 yuan. The reply should be as follows: Warmly congratulating Lin Jianshen for winning the Golden Laurel Award for Best Actor for the second time. Shenshen can fly with a peace of mind. Forest will always be with you.】

Yu Mian was dumbstruck and couldn’t help but sigh. So, so childish.

Yu Mian had always known that Deep Sea had been displeased with her since a long time ago. When the two of them were still in the same group, she often goes against her. Later, Deep Sea left and started another group, and would occasionally diss Yu Mian on Weibo.

However, Yu Mian rarely paid her any attention. In her opinion, Deep Sea was just a fanatical star-chasing girl with immature thoughts. She usually doesn’t bother to argue with her.

This time, she had just posted on Weibo, and Deep Sea also posted something of the same nature to suppress her. Others might feel that they had lost face, but Yu Mian wouldn’t.

Because both she and Deep Sea were fans of Lin Jianshen. Whether Deep Sea wanted to wrangle or compete with her, the ultimate beneficiary was still Lin Jianshen. Both of them essentially have the same goal in mind.

Yu Mian looked at Deep Sea’s post and was once again shock by rich people’s wilfulness.

Then, like a thief, she quietly left a comment according to the format in Deep Sea’s post.

“Everyone is leaving the same comment, so I won’t be discovered, right?”

She thought before going to bed.


1 refers to fair-skinned females with wealthy families and good looks
2 from the ‘lin’ in Lin Jianshe’s name meaning forest; Lin Jianshen’s fandom name
3 someone not easy to deal with; not weak
4 Shen Hai
5 wocao – holy sh*t
6 shenshen
7 change fandom
8 one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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