Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 11

Early the next morning, Yu Mian woke up and opened her eyes. She could hear the sound of fine rain, rustling like silkworms nibbling on leaves.

Surrounded by a peaceful and quiet atmosphere, she lazily stretched under the warm quilt and rubbed against the soft pillow before sitting up slowly.

A cool breeze blew over her cheek, bringing a cool and earthy scent.

Yu Mian tilted her head and looked over with sleepy eyes. It turned out that the window wasn’t closed tightly, leaving a small gap. The wind and rain from outside lifted the curtains and blew into the room.

The thin strands of rain hit the windowpanes, leaving mottled water marks.

It rained all night long and the pattering continued as if it would never stop.

There was a cold spell of autumn. Yu Mian sat on the bed and the fresh water vapor mixed with the fragrance of grass and wood hit her face. She took a deep breath and the air filled with moisture went straight into her lungs, bringing with it a refreshing coldness.

Rainy days always make people feel depressed for no reason. Yu Mian sat quietly for a while, listening to the small sounds that seemed noisy and yet peaceful in her ears. The relaxed look on her face when she first woke up gradually faded away.

She seemed to be deep in thought. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly against the wind. After a few minutes of silence, she suddenly reached out and took the mobile phone from the bedside table.

Tapping the screen, there was another period of contemplation. It wasn’t until the illuminated screen automatically turned dark that she finally made up her mind, pursed her lips and clicked on WeChat.

After entering, she directly switched accounts and chose her original account to log in. The interface was quiet yesterday, but now many new messages suddenly appeared.

At first glance, there were all very familiar names, most of which were former classmates.

【Gao Jingjing: I didn’t expect that the first time I contacted you, it would be in such a situation. Yu Mian, have a good journey.】

【Wu Weiqi: Yu Mian, I hope you can live happily in the next life and not suffer as hard as this life.】

【Xu Huiyan: I think I will always remember you. Thanks for the help you once gave me. Yu Mian, goodbye.】

Many messages popped up and she clicked on them one by one, before finally closing them all.

She couldn’t reply to any messages. She was now a different person and her old life was gone.

These people were all Yu Mian’s high school classmates. They must have learned about her passing and came to express their condolences.

Yu Mian stumbled upon an online news link posted by a classmate in her high school class group. The title was 《Female College Student Died in Car Accident While Bravely Trying to Save Others》. She clicked on it and saw the report on her car accident.

If she hadn’t seen the news, Yu Mian would still be unable to recall that she had saved someone.

She vaguely remembered that when the car rushed over, there seemed to be a passerby beside her and she instinctively pushed him to the side.

It was just a subconscious action on her part but it seemed that the passerby was fine, so her death wasn’t worthless.

Compared to the uproar in the high school group, the university group was as quiet as a chicken[1]not speaking when they should and not shutting up when they should.

The university class structure was relatively loose and Yu Mian’s personality was introverted. What’s more, she did not choose to live on campus. So in addition to attending classes, she only usually works part-time or stayed home, and didn’t have much interaction with her classmates.

The group was quiet and Yu Mian guessed that they didn’t know she had an accident yet.

Just as she was scrolling through the messages, someone in the high school group suddenly posted in the chat.

【Hu Bingxin: Is anyone free today? Let’s go and see Yu Mian?】

Someone responded right away.

【Wu Xinyang: How? Do you know where her home is? I wanna go.】

【Zhou Zhou: I remember Bingxin and Yu Mian live in the same community. Yu Mian has no one at home, who will handle her funeral?】

【Hu Bingxin: Yu Mian’s previous neighbor took care of it for her, that’s why I’m asking who’s going.】

【Tan Jiaxi: Everyone who has time and convenience to do so, go and see off our class president.】

As soon as this was said, everyone responded one after another. They decided on a time and agreed to go together to bid Yu Mian farewell.

Yu Mian herself read their discussion silently, and her mood, which was still a little depressed at first, unknowingly improved a lot.

Sitting on the bed with her phone in hand, she looked at these friendly names and the sadness in her heart was replaced with warmth. Yu Mian’s eyes couldn’t help but bend up.

After getting up and going downstairs, she happened to bump with Yu Xing, who had just come out of the dining room. He was dressed in a black suit tailored according to his stature, which enhanced his height, long legs, and sharp profile.

Seeing Yu Mian, his steps paused and he spoke in a cold voice, “I’ve already contacted a tutor for you. He will be here at three o’clock this afternoon. I will give you his contact information later. You can decide what specific content you want to learn.”

The man spoke at a fast face, calm and resounding, seemingly accustomed to making decisions. He appeared decisive in his speech.

Yu Mian answered blankly, “Okay.”

Sweeping her a glance one last time, the coldness in his eyes faded slightly. Yu Xing nodded at her and turned towards the door.

Auntie Chen, the househelp, handed him an umbrella and sent him out. When she came back, she saw Yu Mian still standing by the stairs and couldn’t help but smile. “Miss, what do you want for breakfast? The kitchen has prepared porridge and steamed dumplings. If you want something else, I can make it for you.”

Yu Mian waved her hand, indicating that those were enough. After dwelling on it for a while, she couldn’t help but frown and raised a question.

“Auntie Chen, is brother going out so early?” She had just checked the time, and it seemed to be only half past six in the morning. The Yu parents hadn’t gotten up yet, and if she hadn’t been woken up by the wind, she wouldn’t normally get up this early.

Auntie Chen answered, “The young master always leaves early since the house is a bit far from the company. The young master has to leave early to go to work, otherwise he will be late.”

Yu Mian nodded in understanding. She also discovered that yesterday, the city center was indeed a considerable distance away from where the Yu family live.

No wonder Yu Xing doesn’t go home very often. It’s such a long distance and it’s troublesome to go to the company to work.

But yesterday, he went back without any trouble. Not only did he give her a bank card, but he also settled her tutoring matter in one night. Does that mean that he didn’t really dislike his sister as the other Yu Mian thought?

Maybe he was just cold and inexpressive by nature, but in fact he still cared about her in his heart.

Realizing this, Yu Mian secretly made a decision. She must work hard to find opportunities in the future to change her brother’s original view of her, hoping that she would be able to gain a good brother in her mind.

After eating breakfast in the dining room, Yu Mian returned to her room and opened her wardrobe to choose clothes for the day. These were all bought by Mother Yu and they basically followed Mother Yu’s aesthetics. The styles of the clothes were pure and sweet.

Among the piles of pink and blue clothes, Yu Mian managed to find a black coat. It was made of thick woolen fabric and was very good at resisting the coolness of late autumn.

Wearing a pair of black jeans and small brown leather boots, Yu Mian stood in front of the full-length mirror and examined her outfit to make sure there was nothing wrong, and then took her mobile phone and went out.

Auntie Chen was cleaning the living room. She usually gets up early in the morning to clean the house first before everyone got up.

Seeing that Yu Mian seemed to be going out, Auntie Chen brought her an umbrella while saying, “Miss, where are you going? It’s raining so let Old Liu take you there.”

Yu Mian shook her head. “No need, Auntie Chen, I’ll call just call for a cab. Tell Mom and Dad that I’m going out for a bit. I’ll be back for lunch.”

After saying that, she opened the umbrella and walked into the curtain of rain outside the house.

The jet-black umbrella cast a shadow that shrouded her thin body.

She wanted to take a look at her old home and bid goodbye to her old self.

Robbin: Advance chapter will start from here on. A chapter will be unlock with the same schedule as before, which is every Monday and Thursday. Thank you for reading the novel.


1 not speaking when they should and not shutting up when they should


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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